More Tags!

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Why me? I know that I could just ignore the tags and all, but I have fun with them, so I'm going to continue doing them. Which means that more of you guys get tagged! Luna I'm looking at you.

I got tagged by TheRealDrakeRedwing and TheWarriorQueenGlory so I'm going to do only one tag just to save time and so I don't have to tag a bunch of people because I would feel bad.

1. Hair color? A color.

2. Eye color? Also a color.

3. Favorite book? The Land of Stories book one.

4. Favorite color? Admiral Blue.

5. Last song you heard? Never Gonna Give You Up.

6. OTP? Glorybringer!

7. Favorite animal? Giant Panda.

8. Favorite smell? Vanilla.

9. Favorite song? So What by P!NK.

10. Future job? Author and a patent attorney.

11. Favorite game? Sudoku. 

12. What would you do with a million dollars? Donate some to multiple charities and save some for college.

13. Crush? Nonexistent.

14. Anime or TV crush? Nonexistent.

15. Favorite food? Crab legs, but I only eat them like once a year.

16. What you got for Valentine's Day this year? I used to sit at lunch with the five boys in my class and one of them had a mini box of candy so I took that, but nothing was given to me.

17. Whoever you think could win a battle easily? I'm going to say Deathbringer.

18. Best friend? I've got three. A girl named Bev IRL, DragonsnNinjas and CosmicKestrel because they're awesome. Go check out their stories!

19. Are you ZE bus driver? I do not hold that kind of awesomeness.

20. Tag five people.

You guys do not have to do this.






There we go.

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