QueenGlory2016 2nd part contest

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I was stepping in the thick, wet, leaf, grass moss, mixed mud in the swamp. I could feel wet leaves from willow trees, brush against my scales as I walked. I had no single clue why I was here. I only knew that I was absolutely, no doubt, completely,


I could only barely see my talons in the thick, heavy, fog. And to just make it worse, it was night. My night vision wasn't helping me at all.

"Why don't you just fly up and find your way away from this swamp?" You may ask. Well, my wings are kinda all jacked up and torn from an...... Incident. *Long story* Anyway, I had absolutely no way where I was going, and the swamp never showed any signs of ending. So, I kept going forward, and I listened to the crickets and other insects sing as I walked.

I looked up at the sky, and I could just barely make out 2 shiny blurs, obviously the two moons in the night sky. All I had was just me myself and I walking, alone, in a damp, foggy, muddy, Swamp. So I started to think to myself. I was alone (Covered that), I was wounded, (Covered that too), and I was lost. (Covered that also).

I wonder how Plasma is running the kingdom without me. He's probably got it covered, being the general and all. He's just probably ordering everyone about, being his bossy self.

I wonder how Garnet is doing. Oh my dear, dear garnet. She must be worried sick about me. Agh I miss her too, I miss her so so much. I wish I were there, with her, alone. I need to get to her fast. I need to know if she's ok and safe from harm.

Whaaaaattttt. Where did that come from. Of COURSE she's safe. she's in the most secure, guarded, place in Pyrrhia!!!! What am I to worry about her.... She's tough. She can handle herself. And plus she has Plasma to keep her up and going.

Thinking of Garnet, made me think about our egg. It should be hatching very soon. Soon as in about 1 or 2 weeks the royal healers say. I've got to get to the Kingdom before The egg hatches. We haven't even NAMED the egg yet. But so far Garnet and I have made up, Orb, Strike, And Energy. I'm kinda leaning towards Orb. But whatever Garnet wants is all I will ever need.

But how am I going to get back without my wings? SWIM all the way there? Well, actually that wouldn't be half bad. I am half Seawing. I need to find the ocean. Butttttttt, but but but. I need to find where I am for firsts. I wonder if there are any dragons that live around this hunk a junk Swamp. Highly doubt it though. Why would anyone want to live HERE instead with people to socialize with. How do you find any food or place to find shelter around here?

As all of these thoughts swirled around in my head, I wasn't paying any close attention to anything that was going around me. And I ran straight into a tree. Leaves and sticks fell on me as I rubbed my head, a small goose egg swelling up. "Where did that come from?" I said out loud quietly.

"It came from in front of you. You IDIOT!" A voice responded.

"What the..." I said. It sounded like it came from all over and around me. Psychotic giggles echoed as I swerved my head to place to place in the fog, trying to locate the owner of the voice.

"Oh dear darling. What's wrong?" the voice asked, " You seem a little startled. you look awfully hungry, here. Come. Join me for dinner."

I gasped. I was suddenly in the Lightwing castle's dining pavilion. Dragons hustling and bustling around minding their own business. I looked at myself. I was completely unscratched. No wounds on me to be seen. And my wings were completely ok. No rips or tears, no blood. No nothing. Just perfect. Just my normal self.

I was sitting in a large chair, glittered and bedazzled in jewels and gems. I looked at the table in front of me. It was overflowed with food.

Fish, octopus, sushi wrapped in hot seaweed, fish kabobs, tuna on silver platters, roasted pigs with apples in their mouths, cow meat, fruits, vegetables. And in great huge goblets and chalices, juice and wine and water. My mouth watered with crave.

"Well?" the voice said.

I jerked my head straight in front of me. And sitting was a very deformed Icewing, with some Skywing features. She had scars on her face, stretched from her eye down to her chin. Some gashes on her chin, right by the horn.

Long skinny scars stretched from her side to her underbelly. Her horns, were the most interesting feature about her. They were in little straight pointy triangular sections that got smaller as they went. She had a light pink beak, with a pinkish blueish forehead, her face was white except for a little tint of light blue. She had a long ear, that was ripped at the top.

She had round, black, cat like eyes. That were staring straight at me, staring into my soul. Which was, you know. Incredibly creepy. At the back of her head, was a forest of spikes, colored with blue and pink. Then running along her spine, were long, blue and pink, spikes that were going one by one in a line.

Her long neck and body scales were white, with just a tint of blue. Her long, muscular arms had big, sharp, pink and blue scales running from the top of her arm to her hand. She had short, sharp talons that were pure dark blue.

And I forgot to mention she was huge.

"Who ARE you?!?!" I half asked, half yelled at her. " How are we back here!?!!?"

She giggled, which then turned into a laugh. "Honey dear! Don't you want to be here? I was pretty sure you did."

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Why, you haven't heard of me? Ah of course you haven't. I'm sorry, excuse my terrible manners. Most old dragons know me by The Banished One. But of course that is my nickname. My name, is Hail!"

"Nice name." I told her.

"Thank you! I quite like it myself. But I LOVE your name. Thunder. It fits you well quite nicely."

my eyes widened, and my mouth gaped. " How do you know my name!?!"

"Don't mind that darling. You have the nice life here, don't you. You have your own Kingdom, own islands, own tribe, a beautiful wife, a brother, friends, family, a throne. More than anybody else can even dream of. So what if I take that all away from you. Eh?"

A bright light flashed and blinded me for a second. When my vision cleared up, everything was in flames. My castle was in rubble. All of the walls were down. There were smells of smoke, and burning flesh in the air.

I could hear screams of agony everywhere. Dragons calling for help. The table and food was gone, and so was everyone else.

* Skip this part if you don't like to read gory stuff. *

Something grabbed my arm. I jerked my arm away and looked down. It was Garnet. She was laying on the stone floor. She had a cracked egg in her arms, drooling membrane out of it. Garnet had wounds all over her.

One of her wings were torn off, and there was dark red, thick, blood spilling out of the socket. And her other one was sprawled across the floor torn and ragged. Her tail was torn and the tip of her tail was ripped off.

Her face was torn in pieces, teeth knocked out, and her lower jaw was just barely attached to her head. Just hanging on by a couple pieces of skin. One of her horns was broken off in small fragments. Her throat was slashed, dripping blood.

There was a broken rib down under her underbelly that was sticking out.

And right laying beside Garnet was my brother, Plasma. And he looked just as bad as Garnet.

Bile came up in the bottom of my throat, seeing this horrific sight of my family.

"GARNET!!! PLASMA!!! NOOOO!!!!" I screamed. I ran up to them tears streaming down from my eyes onto the floor mixing with the pool of blood.

"Where were you.... When we really needing you." Plasma asked quietly.

I was crying harder. " Plasma! You know I had to go on that mission! I did it for the tribe! For everyone!"

" We missed you.... You.... Were gone.... To long.... The egg...... It was destroyed." It was Garnet's turn to speak. But right after she said that, the life drained from her eyes. " I love y-......" And she was dead.

I cradled Garnet in my arms. " I love you," I sobbed. Blood was getting all over my arms, but I didn't care.

" We were attacked Thunder. You weren't here.... To..... protect...." Plasma said.

" Who?!? Who attacked!?" I Screamed.

"The... Night-" And he died.

I looked back at Garnet. Bouncing her head slightly in my arms while cradling, Sobbing my eyes off.

"See what it feels like? Thunder? To have everything stripped away from you? Everything taken away that makes you YOU?" Hail said.

I slowly turned my head behind me where Hail was standing. Swiftly and quick as lightning I got up and reached my bloody talons to Hail's neck. My talons caught hold of her neck. I squeezed tighter and tighter, drawing blood.

Another flash of blinding white light took us back to the swamp. And pain came back to me overwhelmingly. My wounds cam back to me. But amazingly I still held my grasp on Hail's throat. Blood was streaming down Hail's neck.

I looked into her eyes. And pure fear glowed in her eyes. "Pl-ple- please. Le-let go o-of me." She pleaded. " Your ANIMUS! You're too dangerous to be kept ALIVE!!!!!" I screamed.

Tears streamed out of Hail's eyes. "StttooppppPPPP!!!" Hail screamed at the top of her lungs. How was she scared this easily?

Hail snapped a talon, and a tree came crashing down right towards us. I let go of Hail and I scooted back, dodging the tree. I looked back in front of me and Hail was gone. Nowhere to be seen. I growled in my throat looking frantically around for her.

creepy giggles echoed around me. The fog was clearing up a bit, and I could see just a bit better. More creepy giggles echoed, followed by Hail saying, "What if I could show you what I can do for you. What if I could show you, I cou- I could give you tremendous power. Unlimited power." She laughed again like it was the funniest thing she's ever heard. "I could give you power over all of Pyrrhia. KING of all Pyrrhia.... HAHA just let me , show-show you?" Someone tapped my back. I turned my head around to see Hail crying with a crazy grin on her face. She extended her arm.

"NO!" I yelled. "No more visions! I don't need ANY more power!"

Hail shrugged. "You fault then." She laughed again. "You're mad." I said. She didn't respond.

"Enough of this!" I readied my fangs at Hail. And Spit venom aimed at her heart. Hail's body dissolved into nothingness. And it wasn't my venom that did that, it was her.

Suddenly, her body appeared 3 meters from where she just was. She was absolutely sobbing. "Ju-Just, Stay, AWAY FROM ME!!!!!" She screamed.

"Gladly." I replied. I tore my eyes away from her and I started to run. I ran harder than I ever had in my entire life. "Bye bye." Hail said as I left. She then giggled crazily and then vanished. But before she left she extended her arm and snapped her talon. A sharp spear made of wood appeared in mid air, and she pointed at me. I ran faster. but the spear started towards me with tremendous speeds.

The speer met where my heart was located. Pain shot through me. I fell, and I saw Hail standing right in front of me with crazy eyes. The pain was unbearable. I blacked out from it. And all I could hear was laughter.

A/N Ok, well. That took longer than I thought it would. I guess I got carried away. But wow 2124 words! Thank you for reading this! And here you go QueenGlory2016 !!!!!

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