Chapter 105 - Plans

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Zen could hardly contain his excitement. He clutched the phone tightly and spoke as calmly as he could to the Creative Team Director.

"Hello? Damon? Damon!"

"Zen? What is it?"

"She has done it ... Thalasis. She has told the Players about the monster and the antidote. Oh my God! Kyra did a great job in altering the Seer's algorithm."

"When did this happen?"

"About five minutes ago. The players have all logged out now. Keep Kyra updated and tell her to go to the next phase."

"Will do, but you do know it's not really the antidote."

"I know, I know but what's important is now they are pointed solidly in the right way. It's much better than wasting time bumbling around for clues. The player for Isis' avatar is a smart one. She will know what to do with Sharak's notes. Now, what about Lily ... did you talk to her? Is she in?"

A soft chuckle sounded over the line. "Calm down Zen. You are like a mother hen fussing over her new born chicks."

"They are my babies! All five of them," the Games Master countered fiercely. "The gate keepers are the first winners of Orc Wars! They are keeping interest in our main product sky high. The numerous MMORPG games that launched after Orc Wars can't even touch it and you know how many comes out every few weeks."

"I know, I know."

"But more than that, they are awesome gamers. I wish I was twenty years younger and could join them," the Games Master continued wistfully.

Damon laughed at his old friend. "You always were a nerd, even back in high school. Keep your pants on, I got Lily and Russ."

"Lily and Russ? Oh my God, however did you manage that? So did Russ say anything?"

"Well, as her Team Leader, he had some basic questions but you know him, he doesn't really like Nadine either, not since she put him down so publicly for some of his more radical ideas. They have some bad history together."

Zen heaved a sigh of relief. "So Kyra will update Thalasis and Lily has agreed to modify the Witch, with her Team Leader's blessing."

"In a nut shell, yes. Call Adam. I don't know how he is going to do it but he needs to edit out the modifications to make it seem like it was all their own ideas. Keep it clean, I promised to keep Kyra and Lily safe.They are not going to lose their jobs over this."

"No, they are not. I'm going to send Adam the raw footage now. He will know what to do." Zen gave a rueful laugh. "We are not going to get much sleep from now on. Adam will have to be on standby twenty-four seven. We don't know when the gate keepers will log in for their next move but it will have to be soon and for long hours."

"Why is that?"

"Lazarus' Health is down to twenty per cent max. If they can't solve it within the next two weeks, I'm afraid he will be just another pretty avatar with minimal playing power. The Assassin will be pretty useless. He will not be able to play properly with such an overwhelming disadvantage. No one can last long without any Health."

"I see," Damon said. "Guess I'll have to speak to Lily again. I've got a few ideas that can speed things up."


The Head of Creative Team chuckled. "I'll surprise you."


"Sooooo ..." Lorenzo said. "We go get the Bello's anazzosh, yes?"

"I guess that would be the next logical step."

Vera looked at Jace and tapped a slim finger at the printout she had laid on the table. It was a page from one of Sharak's journals. "We know where the Bello is. The monster is right here."

"The Bello's place doesn't look very inviting." Ash peered at the spot on the map. The whole area was encircled by several rings expanding from the Bello's location. "What does this say? It looks heavily defended," the blond youth frowned trying to read the upside down map.

"Firstly, according to Thalasis, we have to convince the Witch to help us. Only she can open the path to the Bello. The Witch is key to the monster, without her consent and guidance, no one can find the Boss. Thalasis will set up a meeting for us. After that it will be up to you guys."

Jace bend down for a closer look. "A Field of Corpses, Frost Trolls, Floating Path, Bello," he read aloud, "It's only three rings of defences until we reach the Boss."

"Only three? No problem for us mighty Heroes, yes?"

"It seems simple enough." Ash agreed. "Walk through some dead bodies, fight some smelly trolls and make our way on the floating path. We all have great balance. It should be a walk in the park, right Jace?"

No answer.


"I don't like it."

Jace ran a hand through his dark hair to get it out of his face. His slate green eyes were narrowed in concentration; slight creases marred his fair brow.

"What is it, my friend? It is easy is it not?"

"Something is off. It's too easy."

Chloe winked and nudged Aria playfully. "Easy, he says," the bubbly blonde girl rolled her eyes, "It sounds like a triple layer dungeon with a big bad over powered Boss waiting at the end to gobble you up when you are all tired and worn out."

"And Ash said it was simple," Aria reminded her. "I guess it would be to high level Heroes, still ..." she trailed off worriedly.

"But of course. Like I said, it should be no problem for us," Constantine said confidently.

Sophia shook her head slowly. "Lorenzo, I think Jace is right. Why don't we ask Thalasis, Kasakh or Kalthu. They would know more about their own lands and the creatures that live in it, yes?"

Jace nodded, "Yes that is a good idea, Sophia. We need all the information we can get."

"And we should also stock up on potions, Energy and Health." Suddenly Ash batted his eyes at Vera, "Isis does have the best potions. Hers are more potent and lasts longer, much, much better in every way."

"What are you getting at?" Vera pretend glared at the handsome blond youth but her mouth twitched from trying not to laugh openly.

"Maybe a little discount, your stuffs are all so expensive," he said mournfully.

"The best things always are. Besides, it's not like you can't afford them," she smiled winningly at Ash. "I got to make up for the materials and my time for making them."

"Awwww, no discount?" asked Ash trying to look cute. "Not even for me?"

"Nope," she said firmly as she patted him on his cheeks, much to Chloe's and Aria's amusement.

"She is right, you can afford it, you scrooge." Chloe teased.

"What about the 'water of eternal life'?" Where shall we look for it?" Sophia asked. She was excited to be able to help. It was boring ingame without the guys around.

"Yes. And what does it have to do with the Bello's anazzosh?"

"I don't know. I guess we will have to figure that out once we get the Items."

"We will do some research and preparations. The girls will search for the 'water of eternal life', yes? And we will get to the Bello and get the anazzosh," Lorenzo summed up their plans.

"We will also have to figure out what the 'pearl of life is', it is part of Sharak's recipe."

Jace frowned in concentration. "Why does that sound familiar?"

"What? The pearl?"

"Yeah, I'm sure I've heard of it somewhere."

"You have?" Ash smiled confidently. "No worries then. It always comes to you when you least expect it." He knew Jace would put it on the back burner. Sooner or later, he would remember, he always did. That was how his enigmatic friend's brain worked.

Everyone grew quiet for a while. Finally Vera spoke up. "Jace, I think I need to talk to Thalasis directly. I've got Sharak's translated works but some of his references do not make any sense to me. It might be an orc thing. Do you know how I can do that?"

"Hang on." Jace tapped on his ipad searching. Several minutes later he looked up. "Got it. I can link the both of you. Friend her, then you can chat her like I do Kalthu but there is a catch.


"Since she is in the orc realm and a Hero has to be level 80 to cross over ..."

"Yes? Go on."

"You will have to level up to at least level 80 to chat NPCs from there."

"What?! Ughhhh. I'm only one level away!!! I'm level 79," Vera groaned in frustration. "Wait a minute, how come you could talk to Kalthu when you had not reached level 80?"

"I guess it was because I befriended him when he was over in our place."

"Makes sense," Ash said.

"It's o'kay Vera. We will help Isis level up. We can all go dungeoning together while searching for the eternal water thingie," quipped Chloe.

"Sounds like a plan, meanwhile, we will start preparing for the triple dungeon Boss," Valentine said proudly, puffing out his chest. "I feel like a really powerful Hero."

Constantine grinned excitedly. "Yes, when do we go in? Tonight?"

"Sure, why not? It's the weekend. Trade Isis, stock up on potions and upgrade whatever gear you can and suit up. I have a feeling we are going to need it."


Jace sat cross legged on his mattress. He rubbed the nape of his neck, massaging his stiff muscles. He should seriously get some furniture, he reminded himself for the thousandth time.

"What have you got?"

Ash sighed, "Not much. I've searched all the dungeons and checked the Items littered in each. Also Items dropped by the various minions and Bosses. Did you know, there really is a werewolf dungeon."

"Really? Maybe we will run that when we get back to the human realm. What does it drop? Is there anything remotely resembling life giving water?"

"Umm ... Nope, not unless you count 'Werewolf saliva', but it's not life prolonging, it's for turning someone who consumes it, accidentally or otherwise."

"That's cool but useless in my case. Anything else?"

"There is 'dwarf's ale', several types of milk from different creatures, 'seawater' and some spring water. What do you think?"

"Spring water? Like the legendary Fountain of Youth? That would help. Do you think there is one hidden somewhere in Orc Wars?"

Ash's eyes lit up. "Fountain of Youth? That fits perfectly! I never thought of it. There might be ... I'll check right away."

"Thanks Ash. I'll continue researching the challenges surrounding the Bello's place."

"You know, we should get weapons for the Frost Trolls."

"No problem. Constantine has his spells and can easily enchant your sword. I'll use fire."


"The frost trolls are pretty straight forward. What I'm worries about is the Field of Corpses."

"Why? What is the big deal about dead bodies. At worst it will be zombies, right?"

"Yeah, but what type of zombies? Kasakh never mentioned what died out there, it might be a whole bunch of monsters."

"Oh, damn!! I didn't think of that. You are scaring me." Ash gulped then shook himself. "The three of us and Anya can handle it, right? And by the way, it's a 'Stumble of Zombies'. Monsters are not bunches," he said primly.

Jace grinned mischievously at his friend. "I said 'bunch' because I didn't want to alarm you. I thought it sounded better than, say, colony, swarm or cluster."

Ash blanched. "What are you trying to say, Jace?"

"It might be a colony of dead rats, a swarm ghostly giant insects or a cluster of zombie spiders," Jace said innocently. "I know how much you like bugs."

"I hate you."

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