Chapter 111 - Frost Trolls Part Two

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The still cold air was deceptively serene. Nothing could be heard except the ragged breathing of the survivors.

Alerted by the wolf, everyone stopped to listen for more approaching trolls. Which direction would they come from? They did not have to wait long. Suddenly, the ground trembled. Something was shaking up the earth.

Lazarus head jerked up. "West."

Constantine nodded confirmation. He had taken a quick look at the global map. Red dots were fast closing in onto their cluster of green dots.

"So soon?"

"We better move as fast as possible across then," Lazarus said. "We fight as close as we can to the border of the Bello's next ring."

"Right. Let's go."

"Which way is the Bello?"

Lazarus threw the Witch a glance noting her subtle posture change when the question had been asked. She had unconsciously turned towards the Bello. "South!" the Assassin said without hesitation.

"You heard him." Kalthu signalled his warriors. "Move out!"

The odd group moved trying to cover as much ground as possible. However, the terrain was rough. Huge blocks of ice boulders and random sharp shards of ice jagged out at odd angles from the permafrost hindering the way.

"Anya, we need the shortest path to the next challenge. We will collect hearts on the way," Lazarus instructed his familiar.

"This way, Chosen."

"Follow Anya," the Assassin called to the others.

The white wolf took the lead, finding the best path for speed.

"Hurry! They are getting closer!"

Too late, the rumblings of the shaking ground broke into ear splitting cracks as ice broke free of the frozen ground. Snakes of ice shards appeared heading towards them.


The Warlord took charge. "I want three groups! You two with me and Valentine. Captain you take those four! You three with Constantine and Lazarus!"

"But Sir, there are more than three coming this way!" An orc cried nervously pointing at the incoming streaks. At least seven were nearing them with more on the way.

"We take care of whichever reaches us first!"

"New strategy! Constantine!" Lazarus yelled urgently. "Enchant everyone's weapons!! We are going to need more than brute strength if we are going to take them down!!"

"YESSS!! Everyone hold out your weapons! I will make them hot, yes? We shall slice through them like butter!!"

With that the Red Warlock waved his hands summoning up the magical fire. The next instant, he flung out his hands casting his spell onto the assortment of weapons. Just in time, the first of the trolls burst out of the ground.

"Gwarrr!!" the Captain attacked it trusting his warriors to follow suit. The four assigned to him lifted their enchanted weapons and rushed in.

Two more trolls appeared. Kalthu immediately charged the nearest one with his flaming battle axe.

"We got this!" Valentine yelled. "Go get the other one!"

Constantine and Lazarus did not have to be told twice. Lazarus waited for the Red Warlock to complete a new spell which he hurled into the troll's face. The monster's horns and face melted away to leave a horrible hole in its huge head. It fell flailing wildly.

"Back! Back!!" Lazarus shouted at the two warriors as the troll's deadly claws swept in deadly arcs. One did not move fast enough and was caught in a swipe. Black orc blood sprayed into the air as the poor orc was cut into pieces. Grey body parts flew into the air and exploded into pixels.

Lazarus winced at the loss. Now the orcs numbered only eight excluding the Captain and the Warlord. Constantine gestured trying a paralysing spell on the monster and shouted at the remaining warrior to help cut it down. Focusing at the job on hand, the Assassin darted in with his enchanted hunting knife. He jumped onto the fallen troll, neatly avoiding the dangerous claws and plunged his flaming knife into the broad frozen chest. It jerked as another hole appeared. Lazarus reached in to grab the blue rock and jumped off immediately.

"Done!! Let's go!"

LifeStone Group Quest Phase Two : Frost Trolls

6/30 Complete.

The others were busy too. None had time to talk as more trolls broke out of the permafrost. They were coming at an increasing rate now and kept the Heroes engaged. Constantine commanded this challenge as he stood centre sending blast after blast of heat waves, lightning bolts and scorchers outward. Blistering balls of fire and boiling liquids were thrown onto the frost trolls melting various parts of their bodies and sometimes even whole appendages.

Orcs and Heroes attacked the trolls in frenzy. Flaming swords, war hammers and battle axes met with solid ice, claws and ice spikes. Thick black ichor sprayed into the air together with red blood and chunks of ice. Both sides were hurting.

LifeStone Group Quest Phase Two : Frost Trolls

8/30 Complete.

11/30 Complete.

12/30 Complete.

Constantine took a quick glance at the status. "C'mon!! Only eighteen more to go!" he yelled encouragingly.

"Eighteen more? I thought I killed dozens already!" countered Valentine puffing as he sliced off another clawed hand and dodged nimbly aside. He slammed his solid blade onto the ground initiating a wave of heat to roll out forcefully. Valentine smiled in satisfaction as two trolls got caught in the blast and melted partially. Now it was just a matter of finishing them off.

"Me too! I killed dozens too," Kalthu agreed. "Do you know how to count, Warlock?"

The great and powerful Red Warlock stuck out his tongue and made a face at his comrades. "Of course I know how to count!!" he said affronted.

Lazarus looked at the pile of rough sapphires on the ground as he stored yet another 'blue heart' in his Inventory and frowned puzzled. The growing pile definitely had more than ten. They had been frantically chopping, hacking and smashing ice for the past forty minutes. Those in the pile were collected by the orcs and humans, tossed conveniently onto the ground as they worked for more. It was easier and faster than opening the Inventory pouch every so often in mid battle.

LifeStone Group Quest Phase Two : Frost Trolls

13/30 Complete.

"Lady?" the Assassin questioned the waiting Witch. She watched without interfering with the quest.


"Are those not counted?" he asked pointing at the pile of still pulsing hearts.

She smiled amused. "Of courssse not, dark one. They are only counted when posssesssed by a Hero. You are after all the onesss named in the Group Quesst," she said reasonably.

Ughhh! Lazarus mentally face palmed himself. "Constantine!! Put those into your Inventory! Take any hearts the orcs collect. Only then will they be counted."

"Aiyayaiyayaii!! Seriously!! Simtrixx is so nitpicky!!" he grumbled as he gathered the jumble into his Inventory.

LifeStone Group Quest Phase Two : Frost Trolls

24/30 Complete.

"Ahhh!! That's more like it!!" Constantine exclaimed. "We need only six more!!"

"Val!! Look out!!" Lazarus shouted as two trolls aimed at the Thief with their open mouths. Gusts of cold misty clouds enveloped the ghost lord. For a moment the handsome blond gatekeeper vanished from sight. When the chilly vapour cleared, Valentine was frozen in place. Frost and rime covered his still body. Lazarus waited a few tensed seconds but relaxed when his friend did not 'die'.

Status check.

Valentine, Health 36 per cent

Thank the Gods Val was not going to die ... yet.

"Protect Val!!" he alerted the orcs. He would thaw the frozen Hero later. Right now, he had to kill those two before they made minced meat out of Val.

"Constantine!! Cover me!" Trusting the Red Warlock, he shot a few flaming arrows at the two trolls before launching himself onto the nearest one. His well-placed arrows liquefied vital joints of the trolls. Holes appeared in icy knees, elbows and necks. The troll went down as a ball of fire hit it from behind. Constantine flashed a winning smile before he turned his attention to the other Troll. Quickly, Lazarus dispatched the Troll under him. He gouged a hole in its back to get at the glowing blue blob.

LifeStone Group Quest Phase Two : Frost Trolls

25/30 Complete.

Just then the other Troll crashed to the ground. The spectacular sight of colourful magical flames eating into raw ice met Lazarus' sight. Thanks, Constantine! Without wasting any time, the Assassin leapt onto the melting monster for its heart.

LifeStone Group Quest Phase Two : Frost Trolls

26/30 Complete.

"Arghhh!!" Constantine yelled in sudden anguish as he crumpled to the ground clutching his bleeding stomach. An icy shaft had embedded itself into the Red Warlock. Another troll had sneaked up on him, snapped of its horn and thrown it at the unsuspecting Hero.


Lazarus whirled around to see his friend grab hold of the ice stake with both hands and yank. He winced reflexively as Constantine groaned pain. Red blood splattered onto the snow.

"Urgghhh, stupid Simtrixx!"

Constantine, Health 29 per cent.

"Quick! Drink a potion, I'll cover you!" urged Lazarus.

He would defend Constantine while the Red Warlock recovered. Lazarus looked around for help but the Warlord and the Captain were busy smashing trolls and protecting Valentine. He gestured at the two warriors near him. Guard Constantine, he would go after the frost troll that had injured the Red Warlock.

The vengeful Assassin aimed and fired shot after shot. Fiery arrows rained down onto the troll. It growled soundlessly, bellowing clouds of frigid air out of its gaping maw which extinguished some arrows. The troll swung its arms wildly, knocking more out of the air but there were too many for it to avoid. Lazarus had continued loosing arrows even as he ran towards his target.

Oh-uh, he had to dispatch this one quickly, another frost troll was approaching. The Assassin leapt onto the monster, climbing it effortlessly whilst avoiding its lethal swiping claws. Trying to shred the fast moving morsel on its body, the troll accidentally chipped off parts of its torso but failed to skewer the annoying human. The gatekeeper was too quick and agile. Lazarus made it to the monsters back and clung to a frozen ridge as he exchanged his silver bow for his hunting knife. Flames licked the sharp blade before the Assassin carved the troll. Its blue pulsing heart fell neatly into the ghost lord's hands. Moments later it started glowing in death.

LifeStone Group Quest Phase Two : Frost Trolls

27/30 Complete.

Lazarus jumped off and landed neatly in a half crouch. Constantine should have recovered by now ... and yes!! He spied a few more hearts on the ground. Kalthu and his warriors' work. Now all they had to do to complete the group quest was for Constantine to save them into his Inventory. Before he could check on his friend, he heard Anya's terrified howl.


The white predator pounced onto her startled Chosen, knocking him off his feet. They crashed onto the permafrost, Anya landing heavily onto Lazarus. He felt her jerking in pain as she whined-growled fiercely in his head.

"You will not kill MY Chosen, furless white one!! You will not!! I will not allow it!!"

The oncoming frost troll had stopped about twenty meters away and slanted its jaggered back towards the busy Assassin. When the human jumped off its dying kin, it had grunted and hunched down forcing the sharp spikes along its spine to fly outwards at top speed. The whole area around the downed gatekeeper was showered with deadly heavy spikes. Sharp glistening ice shards speared Anya's white hide causing her howl. The great familiar spasm in agony as Lazarus clutched at her helplessly.

"You are safe Chosen ..." Anya's last words trailed off as her brilliant blue eyes dulled and her great white head lolled to one side.

"No! NO! ANYA!!"

Too late, Lazarus half pushed his beloved wolf before she exploded forcing him to turn his face and squeeze his eyes shut. Her combusting body scorched him due to their proximity but the Assassin hardly felt the burning sensation; the pain in his heart was worse.

Lazarus, Health 9 per cent

It's a Game, it's a GAME. Keep your emotions in check and your head in the Game!! Lazarus slapped himself mentally. But he still couldn't help the tears streaking down his pale cheeks as he lifted his half burnt body. Narrowing his silver eyes, he let loose flaming arrows towards the troll's glacial body aiming at its joints. Showing no mercy, the Assassin sped around the monster easily avoiding its attempts to decimate him. Each round, his blazing hunting knife cut into ice, fracturing a calf and hamstringing its legs. Holes appeared in its thighs and lower body unbalancing it. The frost troll swiped at the gatekeeper, missed and crashed to the ground.

Lazarus was sobbing openly when he hacked the frigid body, cutting into solid ice for the heart. He collapsed to the ground holding the rough sapphire when the monster brightened blindingly.

"Aiyayaiyayai! Laz put it into your Inventory to make it count. I will get the three over there that the orcs have gathered." When there was no answer, Constantine rushed to Lazarus. He seemed to be in shock. "C'mon Laz. I'm sorry about Anya but she will re-spawn. Xico did. We have to get out of here!"

Lazarus jerked out of his reverie and grabbed Constantine's arms. "You are right. She will re-spawn." Resolutely he stored the troll heart.

LifeStone Group Quest Phase Two : Frost Trolls

28/30 Complete.

"Thanks, Constantine."

His heart ached for his familiar. The Assassin already missed her presence. She did not talk much but she was always by his side; his beautiful fierce wolf. She had been a reminder why he was doing this. Well, if you want her back next to you, you had better get a move on, finish this mission and go back to the human realm, he told himself savagely.

LifeStone Group Quest Phase Two : Frost Trolls

31/30 Complete.

The sky flashed a message.

LifeStone Group Quest Phase Two : Frost Trolls


Path to LifeStone Group Quest Phase Three : Floating Path is now open.

The Assassin squared his shoulders and took a deep breath. They may have completed phase two of the quest but it was not over yet. As long as they stayed here, they were in danger. He didn't need Anya to tell him more were on the way. He could feel the trembling under his feet of frost trolls tunnelling their way towards them.

Ughh, Lazarus could feel the pain of his open wounds now that the excitement and urgency of the moment had passed. He dragged himself to the frozen Thief and poured a vial of red liquid into his lips. While waiting for Valentine to thaw, he downed his own potion. Like a miracle, his stinging burnt flesh closed and became whole.

In the brief interlude, Kalthu had rounded up the remains of his squad now only numbering five weary warriors to stand beside Constantine. He had lost eight loyal comrades in this frozen hell.

"Did we get enough or do we continue fighting?" asked the Warlord. Everyone was catching their breath.

Valentine shivered violently recovering, "E-e-enuff. Let's g-get out of here."

Constantine nodded waiting on Lazarus. When he did not move, the Red Warlock took charge. "Stay alert, we run for the border, yes? Avoid any contact if possible. Speed is of the essence now."

The Red Warlock glanced worriedly at Lazarus and frowned. The Assassin's response was a bit slower than normal. Usually, Lazarus would have taken the lead and given instructions. He nudged Valentine, jerking his head towards Lazarus. The Thief had recovered fully.

"You o'kay?" Valentine asked the Assassin. "Can you go on?"

Lazarus shivered. The internal cold had come back full force. He swayed where he stood for a moment, lethargy threatening his well-being. Not now! Hastily he gulped down another two bottles of potions. It was overkill but he could not afford to collapse at this crucial time. They had to get away.

"Yeah, I have to." He thumped the Thief reassuringly on the back and signalled wearily to the orcs.

Valentine's eyes narrowed at the blatant lie but let it slide. Didn't he just gobble up two bottles of purple?

The underground rumblings were more evident now. Soon, the familiar tell-tale spikey trails would break the permafrost and rain frozen earth on them.

"Let's go!"

The three human and seven orcs hefted their still flaming weapons and made a run for it. The Witch followed the fast pace, keeping her eyes on the dark one. This challenge was not helping his condition. His time here must have been very painful, it was a wonder he could still fight. The biting cold from within and without must have been torture. The only time he could have been warm was when he held his dying wolf. Even as he ran now, the dark one left a trail of blue-black miasma trailing behind him, unseen to the normal eye.

She wondered if he really could last through all the challenges. This one had taken a lot from him. She tilted her head, the next one won't do him any favours either, she mused.

The group ran for their lives. They could hear the next wave of tunnelling frost trolls, their ice trails wreaking havoc aboveground. The loud shattering of thick ice and frozen earth deafened everyone before it became eerily still again. The trolls had burst out and were sniffing the air trying to locate the warm ones. Their grunts carried over in the still cold air.

Lazarus had exchanged his weapon for his Quest Master Staff and was leaning heavily on it. The Witch smiled. Smart, she applauded. He was using the magic healing runes to help sustain himself. She recognised the runes and symbols carved painstakingly on it. The powerful symbols were a tad crude but would still work. It would work better if properly inscribed. Her slited eyes widened in realisation, he must have carved it himself! He who was not schooled in the arts! How desperate he must be indeed! She had no time to ponder further when they set off again.

At last the border was in sight. Snow covered lands ended abruptly morphing into a rocky marble plateau.

"Hurry! We are almost there!"

But the trolls were almost on them. If they fought, more would perish with no guarantee the ghost lords would all make it.

"Gwar!!" the brave Captain roared swinging his war hammer. "Go on! I will stall them!!"

"Captain!!" his warriors shouted at the same time.

"Go! We have no time!" the Captain waved them on.

"No, I will stay! Captain you go on. They need you!"

Kalthu, the Warlord stepped in. "Xakks will stay," he commanded. The Warlord patted the said warrior on his muscled shoulder. The young warrior was eager to prove his worth and besides, he knew that he was more expandable compared to his Captain or his Warlord.

"Honour to your clan and your family. They will know of your sacrifice."

The whole exchange took only a few moments. With the decision made, everyone turn for the last sprint.

Lazarus tossed the warrior a vial of potion and gave him a bow of respect. "Thanks friend. You will be remembered."

As they neared the clear boundary, they heard the lone warrior attack the trolls. His fierce battle cries rang out as he held his own. His battle axe cut into ice limbs indiscriminately. He knew he could not kill them alone but he had to at least gain his comrades some time. Xakks was no match for the four that attacked him. He roared his dying challenge as he died. Knowing he would burn, he ran to bear hug the nearest troll. The monster would melt in his bear hug and die with him! Maybe, just maybe he could kill one frost troll all by himself. He, the great Xakks would make a record!

Everyone crossed the border at that instant. Xakks had done it, he had bought them valuable time. They collapsed onto the granite marble breathing heavily, knowing they were now safe.

The Witch watched the group heave and look back at the frozen lands. Only three trolls were left sniffing the empty air. Xakks had managed to kill one all by himself like a true warrior.

No one noticed Lazarus clutch his head with both hands moaning and crumple to the rough whitish greyish marble. Dark sticky blood oozed from his nose and ears. His Quest Master Staff fell from his nerveless hands and rolled a few feet away just before the ghost lord vanished. 

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