Chapter 113 - The Floating Path Part One

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The boys got their virtual gear and prepared to logon. They arranged themselves comfortably on the thin sleeping bags. It was going to be a long and exciting night. Lorenzo nudged Ash and jerked his head towards Jace with a quizzical expression on his face. What's wrong with him? Is he o'kay? He had a weird expression on his face.

"Jace?" Ash asked, keeping his voice down.

Jace's head jerked up, "Yeah?"

Ash raised his eyebrows in inquiry. Jace looked nervous and agitated. It was almost like he did not want to go back in. Was it that bad? He tried to think back to the last session earlier that day. They had managed to gather the required amount of Frost Troll Hearts and make their escape by crossing the second Challenge's boundary. Xakks the warrior orc had sacrificed his virtual life to gain them a few more crucial seconds to get away. Then, they had huddled on the edge of a rocky marbled cliff.

Ash frowned. What else? What could have made Jace so wired? Laz had disappeared when he had turned around, his Quest Master's staff lying on the edge. He had quickly checked the Assassin's status, thank God he was not dead, just offline. He had retrieved it for Laz before logging out. That's it. That was all he could recall.

"Sup? What's bothering you?"

Jace licked his lips nervously. Lorenzo leaned in closer to hear the conversation better. "Listen, guys, I think I will need both your help from this point on. Laz is in bad shape."

"How bad?" Lorenzo asked with raised eyebrows.

Jace shrugged. "He might not make it past the next challenge."


"Shhh!!" Jace said urgently as the girls paused in their conversation to look at them.

Ash plastered a fake smile on his face indicating all was o'kay and waved at them. They went back to their screen.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean he might not make it. I keep losing control of him, his body freezes up becoming unresponsive. So if he dies, you guys go on."

Before the Ash and Lorenzo could protest, Jace continued. "Laz will re-spawn back at his Keep but will be practically useless. You guys go on and get the anazzorsh. When we figure out the rest of the ingredients for Sharak's brew, Laz will be waiting in the human realm."

"I don't like this."

"We have come so far."

"I'm not giving up. I will still play for all I'm worth. It's just Plan B," Jace said smiling, trying to ease the building tension. "You guys can still complete the mission and help Laz. O'kay?"

Lorenzo made a face not liking he plan but acquiesced. "O'kay."

Ash stared at Jace suspiciously. "You are not giving up, right?" he asked making the question more of a dare.

"Right." When Ash continued glaring at him, he added hastily, "Seriously, Ash. I'm not giving up." Jace sighed internally keeping a straight face. He would have to endure and persevere for as long as possible. They didn't know how much pain Laz was in.

Jace glanced at Aria. Instinctively, she lifted her head to meet his gaze from across the room. Silent communication flowed as dark brown eyes met grey green ones.

Laz is in trouble. He might not make it.

Just do your best.

The constant pain is terrible. It's getting unbearable.

I will be watching you. I will be here. I promise.

Warm brown eyes reassured him. Aria nodded slightly and smiled, eyes flickering momentarily to his head gear indicating her promise. She will literally pull the plug if he showed signs like the last time even if she could not view the orc realm. Tension left his face as he relaxed to turn back to Lorenzo and Ash.

The exchange took only seconds. Jace didn't know why but he felt much better. He steeled himself mentally accepting the inevitable task ahead.

"O'kay, let's do this."


The human gatekeepers spawned at the edge of the third challenge. The resting orcs and the Witch looked up at the disturbance as the ghost lords materialised from thin air.

The Red Warlock appeared in mid-air and floated down until his booted feet touched the rocky ground. The skilled Thief dropped gracefully down in a half crouch gripping his sword ready for combat ... and the dark one, the Witch drew in a startled breath ... the dark one spawned on his hands and knees.

The blond Thief was immediately by his side, handing the dark one his special staff. Lazarus pulled himself up painfully using his quest master's staff for balance and took a few careful breaths. The mysterious symbols etched into the staff glowed briefly and seemed to revive the Assassin. He looked paler than the last time.

Doubts on the dark one completing the challenge rose as the Witch studied him. The bluish black miasma emanating from him was more pronounced now. His staff could only do so much she mused. He pulled his cloak around him and shivered violently.

Although this challenge was not covered with ice and snow, it was actually colder than the last. The calm air in the Frost Troll's lands kept the cool temperature steady there whereas the deceptively mild breezes were constant here. The chilly air allowed the cold to seep into everyone's bones. It was not noticeable at first but once they realised it, it would be too late. The Witch glanced at the humans, they would be stiff and half frozen making this challenge that much more difficult.

Kalthu was just about to open his mouth when the three Ghost Lords turn to look up at the cloudless sky. Not again, the Warlord lamented.

LifeStone Group Quest Phase Three activated: Floating Path

Gather ten Kivh per Hero to proceed to the next stage. Total thirty Kivhs required.

Heroes in the group Quest :

Constantine, Warlock, Level 91

Lazarus, Assassin, Level 89

Valentine, Thief, Level 88

The Warlord had learnt that every time the humans did that, bad news followed. He shut his mouth and gripped his battle axe. It usually took a few seconds.

"What the hell is a Kivh?" the Red Warlock asked aloud.

The grey warriors' eyes widened in superstition and they looked at each other uneasily. Kalthu closed his eyes in dismay, he knew it. Bad, bad news.

"What? What did I say?" Constantine asked. "What is it?"

"The Kivh is a mystical flower. We cannot gather it."

"Why not?" asked Lazarus. He was standing straighter, his posture better after leaning heavily onto his staff a bit.

"Because, it does not exist," said the Captain. "It only exists in tales told to us by our clan Shamans."

"Even if it exists, it is very rare with mystical powers. Only the great Shaman has seen it and then only once. He spent the rest of his life searching for it but never found another."

"What happened to the one he saw?"

"He tried to pick it and it vanished in his hands."

"Umm, a flower you say ... does it happen to be an orangey bulb with large red leaves nestled in black twigs or something like that? And does it glow and have golden spores floating from it?"

"How do you know that human?"

"Look! I just found one of your non-existent flowers." Valentine pointed excitedly at a lone lotus-like luminous flower sitting on a floating chunk of raw marble. It was indeed as described by Valentine. The challenge may not be impossible after all.

"How can such a plant grow on the raw marble? It's not possible, yes?"

"This is virtual ... anything goes," Lazarus reminded Constantine.

"Hmm, yes. So we get ten each?" Constantine asked. "Easy, yes?" He was eyeing the strange flower assessing the difficulty level of their next Challenge. It should be harder, why did it seem so easy?

The three gate keepers and six orcs stood on the edge of a high cliff. A deep chasm separated them from the other side. Pieces of raw uneven marble floated in the empty space, effectively forming a broken 'floor' of blocks about ten meters wide to jump on. Good judgement and agility was needed to navigate the irregular distance in between each suspended chunk. Failure would mean plummeting down to certain death to whatever silvery thing that was churning angrily down there.

The beautiful Kivhs grew randomly on the broad path. Only one bloom occupied any one piece. It looked like they would have to gather the luminous flowers one at a time, jumping from stone to stone.

"Hang on, if it vanishes when one tries to pick it, how do we get it then?"

Lazarus studied the Kivh intently; it was after all a type of plant. A magical plant which did not exist out of Orc Wars he reminded himself. Who knew what characteristics the diabolical Simtrixx creative team had attached to the bloom. He sighed and turned to the Witch. This was what the Witch was for ... to guide and give hints. Without her, the challenges would be impossible to figure out and complete. He had no choice but to ask her for guidance or the flowers would keep disappearing in their hands making this a never-ending challenge.


"Yesss?" She turned blinking innocently at the Assassin. She needed any trigger word to help. 'Guide' would do or 'please' or 'help'. The best would be if the handsome dark one got down onto his knees to beg her, that would do nicely too. He seemed desperate enough. She smiled in anticipation.

Kalthu growled impatiently. She was really getting under his skin. If only he could wipe that smug smile off her face with his fist and kick the irritating fake Witch over the cliff. He hated pretences of any kind. Who was she kidding? She knew they needed help but never offered any voluntarily. Every bit of help had to be extracted from her. If her job was to guide, then Guide!

Why did Lazarus not just throw her into the chasm and be done with her? The Assassin seemed to know something he did not. What was it? Kalthu tried to calm himself down and think rationally. Do not be goaded by that heartless wrench, he told himself even as he rolled his eyes at his own advice.

Kalthu slapped himself mentally. This is the Ghost Lord's mission. Discipline! He commanded himself. He was the Warlord, the great leader and example to his warriors. He must not crumble and give in to impatience and to his war like nature. Trust the humans. They are jauk and they are Ghost Lords.

The Assassin turned calmly to the sultry Witch to address her again. He understood the basics of programming. The Witch was after all an NPC, coded to react in a specific manner.

"Lady," Lazarus started again pointedly ignoring Kalthu's derisive snort, "How do we pick the Kivhs without damaging it? If there is a way, please tell us."

The Witch sighed in disappointment, the dark one had said 'please'. There would be no begging ... yet.

"There isss only one way to take the Kivh that isss by ripping it out whole. The long ago Sshaman orc tried only to harvesst the orange bud within thusss failing. The Kivh cannot ssurvive without itsss leavesss and nesst."

"Nest? It's not a plant but an animal?"

"It isss both dark one."

"Thirty Kivhs doesn't seem too hard." Valentine said confidently referring to his friends' abilities and the orcs' agility. "No problem."

Just then, a rush of ice cold wind rose up from the depths of the chasm. A few floating marble slabs wobbled unstably, moving randomly from their current spot. Some bumped into others, setting off a whole ripple effect. When the wind died down a few minutes later, the displaced rocks steadied and floated to a stop.

Valentine made a face, shoulders slumping. "I think we have a problem."

"Slow and steady, we can do it," Lazarus said spotting the scattered bright plants. They stood out against the grey marble slabs.

"Remember, the orcs will have to bring it and give it to any of us for it to count," reminded Valentine as he gave a sly look at the Witch. She nodded confirmation. The human learnt fast.

"That will be troublesome," grumbled Kalthu. "... and a waste of time." Going to and fro from each Kivh to a Ghost Lord on the dangerously unstable rock was very risky.

"We have no choice. It will not count otherwise, yes?"

Lazarus spoke up. "Kalthu has a point. You don't have to come to us. Just toss your flower to the nearest human. We will catch them."

"Awesome idea. That will cut down on the risk."

Constantine was eyeing the grey warriors sizing them up. His close scrutiny made Kalthu feel suddenly awkward and self-conscious. What the hell was the Red Warlock up to?

"What?" he growled uncomfortably.

"or maybe ... the orcs should just stay here? We three will go get the blossoms then we all cross, yes? They are too big and bulky."

"Grrr ... say that again puny human."

The captain quickly cut in before the grumpy Warlord lost his temper. Any slight to his hand-picked warriors was an insult to him. "We try first. If the path is too unstable we will wait."

He gestured to a warrior who nodded and leapt fearlessly onto the nearest slab. The floating piece of marble wobbled dangerously almost tilting over at the imbalance and floated off course.

"Gwarrr!!" he cried in panic. He was struggling to keep hold.

"Right yourself! Move to the middle!" Valentine yelled urgently.

"Aiyayayayai!! I can't watch. I'm so stressed right now!"

Lazarus frowned. It would not do to lose friends this way. "Constantine, stabilise it with your magic. Make a stable path for the orcs to cross. Val and I will collect the Kivhs and meet you on the other side."

"Yes, that is a better plan. No one should die needlessly here, yes?"

The Assassin signalled Kalthu as Constantine gathered his Energies for a spell. The Red Warlock held up his arms, gesturing and muttering to himself. He pointed at the still wobbling rock the orc was on and pulled at an invisible force. When the orc stabilised, he let out a relieved sigh. Experimentally, he stood up slowly. The rock leaned a little at his weight but otherwise remain firm.

"Make a straight path that will be the shortest route across."

Constantine nodded at Lazarus. The Red Warlock floated to the next rock and waved a hand. He was not going to hop from one piece to another in an undignified way when he could levitate. The first orc jumped forward making space for the next warrior to start on the path. Constantine needed to concentrate, he had to keep himself afloat and at least seven to eight marble chucks secure at the same time, moving the spell forward progressively. He was going to be busy. It was slow going but it was the best way to get everyone across safely.

With the orcs on the way, Lazarus and Valentine started on their task. Each scanned the area for the Kivh, then started moving.

Valentine hopped onto a slab near the edge, found his balance quickly and jumped onto another veering left. Soon the light footed Thief reached a Kivh. Up close, the mystical flower was even more beautiful. Its glowing red leaves and pulsing orange middle were like embers. The whole thing was about two feet in diameter and sat snugly in a nest of brittle black twigs. Valentine reached out to catch the ever rising yellow pollen-like speck. It pulsed when it made contact glowing brighter for a moment before winking out.

"Awww, I killed the dot," Valentine said in disappointment and made a face. Better get to work, he reminded himself. Now what did the Witch say? Get the whole thing, sticks and all not just the blossom? O'kay.

The Thief carefully reached under the plant and pulled. It did not budge. "Ooff, tough little plant or whatever you are, aren't you? I'll show you." He lifted the nest of black sticks chipping at the rock with a blade underneath until he felt something give way. "Now, I've got you." Valentine lifted the Kivh triumphantly grinning excitedly before stashing it in his Inventory.

LifeStone Group Quest Phase Three : Floating Path

2/30 Complete.


He looked at the status surprised. Wow, Laz was fast! He looked around for the Assassin. Lazarus was on his left and already making his way to his next Kivh, his face was a mask of concentration. Laz was not kidding around in this challenge and probably wanted to complete it as soon as possible.

Valentine started to wave but stopped immediately when the rock under him see-sawed. Back to work if he wanted to beat Laz. Now it was one all, he grinned at his little private competition. It was one way to complete this challenge faster.

Lazarus watched Valentine leap onto a rock and make his way to a Kivh. When he was sure Val was o'kay, he quickly looked for his own flower. The glowing blossoms were easy to spot. The Assassin surveyed the floating rocks, plotting his path to his target. Once happy with his path, he jumped nimbly onto the first one and Sped his way to the Kivh. Stopping, he crouched low for balance and worked on the bloom. It came away after a bit. Immediately, he kept it and move onto the next one.

He had to focus. He did not have time to waste. His hands had already started trembling when he lifted the first Kivh. He could not hold his staff and do this challenge at the same time. The Assassin clenched his jaw, he had to go on as fast as possible collecting as many as he could before his body gave up on him. He couldn't leave poor Val to collect all thirty.

Lazarus collected another two before he felt the raw marble under him shake and tilt. Automatically, he lowered his body, spreading his legs and pressing a palm onto the rough surface to regain balance. A sudden rush of cold air streamed upwards from the abyss. The smaller rocks flipped over, the larger ones see-sawed and bobbed unsteadily moving about randomly.

He closed his eyes as the chilly wind froze his already cold body seeping further into his bones. His long black hair whipped wildly at his face whilst his clothes flapped fiercely beating against his body. The insistent tug at his neck became unbearable. Swallowing hard, Lazarus unclasped his heavy cloak. There was no help to it; the cloak had to be sacrificed. He could get another one later. Right now, the fur cloak had become a hindrance in the constant breeze, almost pulling him off balance several times. It flew away immediately and flapped freely a few times as the wind played with it before it was borne away, never to be seen again.

Lazarus clung onto the cream coloured marble. He would ride out the blast of cold air. Valentine too had flattened himself, good. A quick glance confirmed the orcs hunched down and Constantine hanging onto a Kivh. It happened to be on the 'straight' path that he was working on, so he might as well get it, right?

Soon the wind died down and the group was able to continue.

LifeStone Group Quest Phase Three : Floating Path

6/30 Complete.

Lazarus smiled grimly to himself. Constantine had gotten one; only another twenty-four Kivhs to go.

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