Chapter 137 - Last Stand Part One

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"Remember! Cover the Overlord and Warlord!! Their lives are your lives!!" shouted Jarrakg.

He watched as the Overlord and Warlord took their positions about fifty meters from the main gates. The warriors accompanying them spread out strategically. From their positions, they could fight freely but also run to defend their lords if need be. His archers would thin out the enemy ranks before they could reach the waiting orcs below. Then the Overlord and his eager warriors would annihilate the remaining beasts.

"Archers!!" the Second-in command called out as he watched the incoming lava hounds. Were there more this time? These seemed bigger. There were gaps in between the attacking hounds in the previous waves. This one seemed more intense. This must be Mallarg's final attack. He was determined to finish it with this wave. It was all or nothing. The smoking hounds covered every inch of ground from here all the way back to the portal where they spawned from. It was going to be a long wave.


"For the Overlord!!" The warrior orcs yelled. All were ready for the assault. In fact they couldn't wait to kill the dogs. This time they had the Destroyers and the monster on their side.

Jarrakg spared a glance at the Bello. She was at her station waiting silently assessing the situation. Would she be alright? The human Lazarus did mention she was a water creature. Could she fight against the fire dogs? They would burn her up; he thought worriedly then shook himself. What are you thinking? He slapped himself mentally. The Ghost Lord also said she could fight and take care of herself. He had seen her in action didn't he? He should trust the human, the other Ghost Lords did. If anything happened to the monster, the Witch would help her. Lord Lazarus said so. The Holy Seer would help too.

Jarrakg shook his head trying to clear his thoughts. He should not worry about the Bello. Although her human torso was dainty and delicate, the monster had wreaked havoc on the lands once before she was confined did she not? He should focus on his job.


The orcs dipped their arrow tips in the pots placed along the walls before nocking the sturdy shafts. Jarrakg raised his fist and dropped it when the Overlord down below made the first Kill.

"FIRE AT WILL!!" he roared.

The lava hounds surged forward heedless of the arrows raining down upon them. Most arrows found their mark but some were burnt or knocked aside. Those that hit the hounds hissed loudly as they sank into molten lava blood. The hounds stopped in their tracks confused as parts of their bodies hit by the arrows froze their insides locking their muscles and hindering movement.

Upon the wall, a loud cheer rose among the orcs. The mysterious brew that Thalasis had prepared for the arrows were working. The Holy Seer said it was a parting gift from the healer Ghost Lord Isis to them. Jarrakg's huge maw split into a grin. Isis' timely present was going to turn the tide, he was sure of it.

"Again!! What are you waiting for? An invitation? Get to work!!"


"Gwar! Gwar!!"

"Yes Sir!!" his warriors roared back at their grinning Commander. Morale had lifted with the return of the Warlord. The presence of the Ghost Lords and Bello helped too. But now that the Holy Seer's mysterious brew was proving to be extremely hazarders to the hounds, morale soared. They would be more effective in killing now. They would not have to depend on the Ghost Lords to save them. There was a chance of overcoming the creatures, not just surviving their attacks.

With renewed enthusiasm, the orcs got down to serious business. Arrows were dipped, drawn and shot. The effort slowed down the enemy considerably. Killing them was easier and faster than before but the sea of hounds seemed endless. Behind the frantic archers, green orcs refilled the pots and quivers as fast as they were emptied.

"KHIFEGS!!" Hannak shouted to those under her command. "Khifegs! Alternate with the archers!!"

Immediately javelin wielding orcs exchanged places with the archers, giving them a break. The sharpen tips were dipped and expertly thrown. With the orcs' strength and training, the deadly spears flew far into the air. The heavier weapons pierced the enemy bodies stalling them even more. Some well-thrown spears even killing the hounds directly as it punctured vital organs. Archers and khifegs alternated in a lethal tag team.

Even then, the hounds reached the Stronghold and started stacking up against the walls. Higher and higher they piled up, allowing their pack mates leverage.

Potion covered arrows and javelins filled the sky, raining down mercilessly on the lava hounds below. The killing rate increased. Those that died exploded sending gusts of heavy black smog and waves of heat upwards. Several orcs backed away from the wall and blasts of pungent hot air. Some were choking on smog and the thick smell of sulphur. The hot dry air became too painful to breathe.

The air around the Stronghold began simmering in the heat. If this continued, even the solid stone wall might melt!

"Gah!! It is getting too hot! My eyeballs feel like they are boiling in my sockets!"


Immediately, more green orcs appeared with buckets of water. Some were splashed onto the walls and some onto the hot sweaty warriors to cool them down.

"Stand your ground! Protect the Overlord!!" Jarrakg looked desperately for Thalasis. It had not been this bad during the previous waves. These hounds must been maddened into a whole different level of frenzy.

"Holy Seer!! It's too hot! We can't even see properly to defend the walls."

Thalasis did not hear him, she was too far away at the other end.

"Let me assssist you," said the Witch who was keeping herself near the Bello. Without waiting for his permission, she muttered a spell in a sing song voice. She waved her arms in an intricate pattern, pulling and pushing unseen forces.

"Artharak mithosss, kagalak wituk, Artharak mithosss, hanalak pathusss!!"

A gust of cool air stirred but quickly died again. The fetid atmosphere remained hot and dry. It seemed like the simmering air itself was burning. The rapidly climbing hounds outside did not help matters. If nothing was done, they would be over the near defenceless walls soon.

"THALASSISSS!!" she raised her voice calling for his sister.

"ARTHARAK MITHOSSS, KAGALAK WITUK, ARTHARAK MITHOSSS, HANALAK PATHUSSS!!" she cried calling out to the winds. A stronger gust of cool air relieved the orcs for a brief moment but that too died down the next instant.

THALASSISSS! SSISSTER!! The Witch called mentally. Shouting aloud was useless. She could not compete with the loud hollering of frantic orcs giving military orders or the shouting of green orcs giving instructions for support. All the noise from the various weapons too added to the din.

SSISSTER!! We sspell together!!

After a brief pause, Thalasis answered mentally. "I hear you! Artharak Mithosss?"

"Yesss. Cool down the air for the warriorsss or we are all doomed. The wallsss!"

"I sshall sstart," said the older and more experienced Seer. "Back away from the wallsss. Find a ssafe place. Follow my lead."

"Yesss. I am ready."

"Artharak mithosss, kagalak wituk, Artharak mithosss, hanalak pathusss!!" Thalasis started the incantation. Although her sister the Witch was strong, she was older, stronger and had a better grasp of the controlling elements.

When the Witch felt the first stirring of a cool breeze, she smiled and added her powers to the spell.


A cool breeze stirred. The wind picked up to blow away the stink of sulphur and lower the intense heat.

"Water!! More water!!" yelled Jarrakg.

He too was feeling the brutal onslaught of the heat wave. His skin was blistering. Jarrakg glanced around noting his suffering warriors who were brave enough to withstand the terrible heat and stayed at their posts. Some were showing signs of first and second degree burns. However, they continued shooting at the enemy as they desperately defended their lords below. Jarrakg clenched his jaw grimacing; make that third degree burns, he could actually see some thick grey hides peeling. Black ichor dried up as soon as dry skin split. He took note of the hardy warriors; honours will be given to their clans for their loyalty and bravery.

Suddenly Jarrakg felt a gust of cool air. The veteran warrior's head whipped around looking for the miracle. Was he dreaming? Or was it just wishful thinking? Another stronger gust of wind blew at him, greatly refreshing and reviving him. It headed outwards, dispelling the dreadful smell and heat for an instant. He spotted the Witch in a corner, eyes staring ahead in concentration as her lips moved and scaly hands waved in intricate dance. The orc caught her attention. He gave her a brief grateful nod in acknowledgement before turning his attention back to his warriors.

"Back! Back to your posts!! The Holy Seer and Witch are casting their magics! They are helping us! BACK TO YOUR POSTS!!"

"Gwar! Gwar!"

"Yes Sir!! Back to killing the dogs!!"

"Protect the Overlord and Warlord!!

The orcs hefted their weapons rushing back to the walls but were smart enough not to touch the hot surfaces. Defence of the Stronghold resumed as arrows and javelins shot out again.

Below them, the Overlord was expertly swinging his battle axe. Lava hounds were sliced neatly into parts. They exploded around the battle crazed orc freeing up space for more of their pack mates. The veteran warrior was in his element, killing efficiently and with ease.

"Come and die you mangy dogs! I am just getting warmed up!!" he taunted. The Overlord laughed raucously at his own pun, warming up indeed!!

NPC hidden Skills activated

The veteran warrior suddenly spun his battle axe overhead, creating a whirlwind of power. He dashed into a pack of unsuspecting hounds, only to cut off their heads and limbs in his spinning frenzy. When the space was cleared around him, the Overlord jumped into the air with his blood drenched axe activating Bloodlust. Nearby hounds were pulled into the orc's whirlpool of death mercilessly.

His warrior son fought beside him. The proud Warlord had the honour this campaign to be the Overlord's personal battle guard. He would have the privilege to sacrifice his life for the Overlord if the situation warranted it. Kalthu re-gripped his war hammer after he bashed a few canine heads. The menacing growls were cut off abruptly and bodies dropped lifeless to the ground. A few seconds later, the carcases brightened disappearing into nothingness.

Roaring a battle cry, Kalthu smashed his war hammer into the ground. GroundThunder! The tremendous impact cracked the ground. Fissures snaked out catching the enemies unawares. The ground became unstable, opening up and closing again. Paws slipped into the temporary cracks only to become trapped when the earth sealed up again.

The orcs laughed and finished off the trapped hounds with gusto. Their Warlord was the best! But their Overlord was better!!

The twenty warriors who escorted the Overlord were all experienced fighters. The loyal volunteers had cast lots for the honour of fighting and possibly dying with their lord. They roared battle cries as they attacked the fiery enemies fearlessly.

The Overlord's Bloodlust and Kalthu's GroundThunder were only made possible by their direct association with the Ghost Lords. Without a minimum of twenty-four hours accumulated close proximity with any Player, the NPCs' hidden attacks would not have been unlocked. 

Thanks to the three Ghost Lords, they were now the most powerful NPC orcs in the realm.

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