Chapter 143 - Constantine's Mega Spell Part Two

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The Alpha was huge. Heat waves rolled off its body as it pawed the ground aggressively. Red baleful eyes bored into Lazarus, the only living being blocking him from his target.

The Alpha knew instinctively that the Ghost Lord sitting on the ground behind this other one was more powerful. It was programmed to sense the highest power and eliminate it first working its way downwards. After all, the Alpha was a wild Boss and it should fight only the best leaving secondary powers to the lesser demons.

It strutted, moving around trying to find an opening to Constantine. Lazarus followed alertly, keeping himself in between the hunter and the hunted. Suddenly, the Alpha bunched its hind muscles to pounce. If he couldn't get around, he would simply jump over the small barrier to his target. The Assassin was ready; he attacked before the Alpha could leap. The demon hound had no choice but to abort and face the immediate menace. It seems that he would have to deal with this one first before he could get to the other.

No problem.

The Alpha refocused on the human before him. Growling in annoyance, he snapped his huge jaws splattering steaming slobber everywhere. Lazarus avoided the disgusting hot liquid and continued his assault. He leapt high somersaulting over the hound and slash at its back as he sailed past. Hot lava blood flowed out the wounds. The huge head turned to bite in retaliation but missed the agile human. Lazarus twisted his body mid-air when he saw the mouthful of teeth coming at him. Neatly avoiding the danger, he landed in a half crouch on the other side. In one fluid motion, he sprang up throwing an ice bomb at the hound maintaining continuous assault. He did not want the hound to ignore him and attack Constantine. He had to maintain the Alpha's attention. Constantine had to be protected at all costs. The Red Warlock's mega spell was not yet completed.

The Alpha jumped around to swipe at the human. Long smouldering ember claws scratched leather and cloth, burning and ripping through the tough armour.

"Whoa!!" cried the bleeding Assassin. "Aaarghhh."

Lazarus winced in pain for a second before steeling himself for another attack. He should finish this quickly. His Assassin class was not made for long drawn out fights. Twin blades flickered as the Assassin Sped around the demon hound.

A deep continuous growl emitted from the Alpha's throat as it tried to keep the human within sight. It lunged and pounced baring its deadly teeth. If only he could get a good hold, he would chomp the menace and break his bones in a second.

Wounds appeared all over the Alpha's body as it howled in frustration. The pest was fast but he had a few tricks of his own. Instinctively, the Alpha rolled over and over, his massive body crushing everything in its way. This time, it was Lazarus who was forced to dodge out of the way.


Lazarus was slammed onto the ground when the long heavy tail hit him from behind. It felt like he had been branded across his back with a red hot iron rod. The Assassin arched his back, squirming in pain. His agony was interrupted by a huge scorching weight pressing down on his chest. He felt his ribcage burn and crack doubling the pain. The Alpha had stepped on him crushing his lungs.

He couldn't breathe. Desperately, he slashed with all his might. His razor sharp blades crossed, cutting through flesh and bone severing the paw that held him down. Suddenly the unbearable weight lifted and he rolled onto his side gasping. His whole body shook in exertion.

Bright red blood spewed from his mouth as he clutched his damaged chest. Ughh!! The pain was incredible. He was sure some rib bones had punctured his lungs. He had to kill off the Alpha quickly if he was going to survive the rest of the siege.

The Alpha was also in tremendous pain, it too was bleeding heavily. It growled and snarled, snapping its huge maw and hopping on three legs. One paw had been completely severed. Lava dripped onto the ground creating random lumps of rock as it cooled. Licking its wound to cauterize it, it managed to stop the bleeding. The severed paw on the ground brightened and combusted.

Lazarus winced as a few sparks touched him.

He dug into his Inventory pouch he found his stash of serrated slivers. Using Speed Lazarus' hands blurred as he threw handful after handful, not stopping until one whole side of the monster was covered in deep cuts. The Alpha snarled as the deadly shards lodged into his body. He bit one trying to pull it out and howled in pain as the serrated edge slice flesh worsening the wound. The torture maddened the angry monster even more making it react instinctively. He jumped around wildly, trying to bite and shake off the slivers but to no avail. He only managed to aggravate his injuries.

The incapacitated Assassin tried to crawl away to safety from the leaping Alpha. Getting trampled by a crazed Boss was not going to help him. But the effort was almost too much, his chest was damaged and his whole body hurt too much. He could only hope the monster would bleed out and die soon.

The Alpha was so big that it died slowly. Death took its time as time seemed to slow down. Lazarus could see the intense heat building inside the Boss' monstrous body. Its body had started to smoulder; hot lava veins could clearly be seen pulsing, brightening and fading erratically. Its red eyes were glowing brighter and brighter in its skull, the twin holes were almost alight in flames. It was struggling on its remaining three legs and bleeding heavily.

The Alpha lifted its head and howled in challenging defiance. If it was going to die, it would kill the human with him.

With a last mighty effort, the Alpha leapt landing over the Assassin. Intense heat washed over the Hero almost roasting him alive. The demon chomped down, huge jaws snapped again and again, the mouthful of teeth biting down on thin air as it missed the gate keeper.

Lazarus crawled under the dog's belly. His skin was already dry and blistered. Some exposed skin had split open, oozing blood that dried up almost instantly.

"Owww!" Lazarus winced as hot slobber splashed him. He rolled desperately away from the huge maw as the Alpha bored down and pulled on leather clothing. Quickly, the Hero unbuckled his vest, letting the monster have the thick leather armour. "C'mon, c'mon!" he moaned. "Die already!"

Lazarus braced himself and turned onto his back. Using all his strength, he plunged his double blades into the Alfa's under belly. The long sharp knives sank deep into the hound's soft flesh.

"Aarrrgghhhhh!!" he yelled as a battle cry as he pulled the embedded weapons lengthwise. His last efforts worsened the open wounds on his damaged body. Lazarus lay panting, spent and unmoving. He hoped it was worth it.

Deep cuts opened from the Alpha's chest to its abdomen. Hot lava spurted out, some hitting Lazarus.

The next few moments happened very fast. The Alpha howled in pain and went berserk. It scrabbled and clawed desperately not quite understanding how a puny being could cause him so much pain. Then the dying NPC collapsed onto the vulnerable gatekeeper as its legs finally gave out. A few seconds later, the huge Alpha Boss exploded magnificently, searing and burning everything in its Area of Effect (AoE). Hot fiery flesh shot out in all directions hitting anything in its way. Intense heat washed over everything in the vicinity.

Valentine could not move from his position. There were still the lesser hounds to deal with. He had to protect Constantine from his side.

"Chosen!" Anya's mental howl rang out.

"Laz!!" Valentine yelled in shock while he dodged an attack. "Oh my God! Laz!!"

What was left of the huge Alpha male was disintegrating slowly. Flaming body parts broke into smaller and smaller pieces until it was small enough to be put out by the rising cold winds. As the ashes were blown away, a scorched body was uncovered underneath.

Lazarus, Assassin, Level 91

Health 7 per cent

Valentine gasped and choked. He could not believe his eyes. The still smoking body moaned, whimpered and ... moved? Laz was still alive? He had half expected his friend's crispy body to start the death process. He breathed out a sigh of relief. Then he blinked. How in hell did Laz survive? It was impossible!!

"I'm o'kay Anya ..."

"Stay still you idiot!"

The Assassin's unrecognizable burnt body started glowing faintly and healing before the Thief's panicked blue eyes. The Lifestone! It had saved Laz! In seconds the Hero had stopped bleeding.

Lazarus, Health 9 per cent

Lazarus' accelerated recovery reassured Valentine that his friend would not die. Not now anyway.

His shocked tone turned scolding.

"Just because you can heal like a Boss doesn't mean you can hurl yourself at the monsters! You still feel everything you nutcase!"

So much for silent communication, thought Valentine. It was more satisfying to scold the idiot verbally.

"Oh Gods ..." moaned the blackened Hero. "It was an emergency ..."

"Shut up and stay still. I'll keep the rest at bay until you recover."

Valentine flicked his sword getting over his fright and moved to place his body between his helpless friends and what was left of the ferocious canines. "I wish I can use Enrage again. Why is the cool down so long?" He complained but understood that is was a special over-powered Skill controlled by the Game and not to be over used.

"Come on now, who's a good puppy?" he asked aloud and attacked.

"Laz? Are you o'kay?" Constantine stared at the fallen Hero as blacken skin fell off to reveal raw flesh, and then after a few more moments, new soft pink skin. Stringy burnt hair fell out and was replaced by new hair which sprouted out and elongated from patchy lacerated scalp to its usual length, its dark ebony ends turning snowy white again. It must be a permanent feature, thought Constantine randomly.

Lazarus lay motionless on the scorched ground, black soot around him marking the size of the vanquished enemy.

"Ahhhh .... I will be in a bit," he croaked. "Look who's talking ..." He smiled at the exhausted Warlock but stopped immediately. It hurt too much to smile, the minute movement pulled at the burnt skin on his face.

"I'm o'kay Anya, really. I'm healing at an amazingly crazy rate."

"O'kay. Stay alive, Chosen. I love you." A wave of love and strength washed over him. His healing accelerated even more with his familiar's support. Wow, he was going to be more than a hundred per cent soon.

"Val is right. You are an idiot, yes?" Constantine surveyed the damage realising what had happened. The Alpha must have gotten past their defences and tried to pounce on him. Laz had no other option but to throw himself at the beast to throw it off course. Only his weight could redirect the heavy beast's trajectory from the entranced warlock. Then it was a one on one fight. "But thank you. You saved me again, yes?"

"No problem ..." The Assassin's faint voice was growing stronger. He was healing at a miraculous rate.

Constantine's eyes widened when Lazarus pushed himself onto his hands and knees. The Assassin rested on all fours for a bit before standing up unsteadily. Wow, thought Constantine, even he needed more time to heal in that condition. In fact, he was still recovering from his mega spell. The Lifestone was a force to be reckoned with indeed.

Lazarus, Assassin, Level 91

Health 37 per cent

"I have completed my spell. It's going to ... "


"... Val, watch out!!"

Lazarus was already in action before Constantine could finish his warning. The Assassin had caught the fearful expression on the Red Warlock's face when he glanced over his shoulder to check on Valentine.

Lazarus spun round. Long metal slivers were already in the air flying towards the monster that was holding Valentine down. The Thief was burning alive underneath the huge smouldering paws.

"Aaaaaaahhhh!! Aaahh, aaaaaah!"

Valentine, Thief, level 92

Health 27 per cent (and falling)

To Valentine's relief the heavy weight lifted from his chest as the hound whined. Lazarus' slivers had wounded the beast, piercing its vital spots. It backed off a moment before recalling the meal in front of him but it was too late. Valentine turned onto his front covering his eyes with a bleeding arm as the hound combusted.

"Hold on!!"

Lazarus sped to Valentine throwing more blades to the lava hounds around him. They were attacking in unison, overwhelming the lone Ghost Lord while his friends recovered. One had managed to bite Valentine's leg, dragging the helpless human several meters. The Thief had lost his weapon in his struggle to free himself. He knew he was as good as dead when another hound clamped down onto his sword arm and pulled him in the opposite direction. They were fighting over him. The others darted in at the human's exposed body for quick bites of vulnerable flesh trying to incite terror. Fear, that was the best meal of all.

Valentine's alarm and panic was deliciously addictive. Finally, they got to feed on a ghost lord's fear. It was like a drug to them. So much so that they ignored the other two humans for the downed one; he was a secured meal. Feed off him first, grow stronger and then feed on the other weak ones.

Hope blazed in Valentine's heart when he heard Lazarus' voice.

"Keep your eyes covered!!" Lazarus shouted. The Assassin threw melee bombs at the enemy as he leapt on top of Valentine covering his injured body with his own.

The melee bombs went off killing the NPCs around them. Their deaths resulted in a series of continuous detonations. Both Heroes squeezed their eyes shut. Valentine curled his body into a ball with Lazarus shielding him. They were blasted with hot pixels and a deafening commotion of explosions, howls, barks and whines.

Complete mayhem broke out.

"How many bombs did you throw at them?" Valentine asked in a ragged whisper. It was hard to talk. His health had fallen to only 17 per cent and it was still decreasing. He was bleeding out.

"Enough to keep them busy for a while ... here drink this." Lazarus uncorked a vial and poured the contents into Valentine's mouth.

The Thief gulped down the regenerative potion. His health stabilised and started to climb.

"What about you?"

Lazarus flinched and winced every time a hot spark or bits of molten lava sprayed on him but then, he had started glowing again. His Health had dropped, risen and now wavered erratically around 45 per cent.

"Getting better every second. This is nothing compared to the Alpha which roasted me alive."

"Show off ..."

Lazarus' mouth twitched. Valentine sounded so annoyed and jealous at his superior healing ability, it was funny.

"Oh hey ... what's happening?"

"It's Constantine."

A boyish grin lit up the Assassin's face as he looked upward in delight. Big fat splats of cold rain fell from the gloomy sky to hit him. The cold wet stings were welcomed.

The explosions of dying hounds ceased. In its place, howls of fear echoed throughout the surviving packs. Some were sniffing the air, but most had already recognised the unavoidable danger which would lead them to their death. It was something even they could not fight. One by one the lava hounds looked up, whining in horror and whimpering hopelessly. They hated the rain. It was an enemy they could not fight, bite or scratch. It was their number one enemy.

In contrast, the human Ghost Lords were all smiling broadly. They had won. The lava hounds were doomed.

"Now, you will all die," came Constantine's triumphant voice.

At his command, thunder boomed and lightning streaked across the sky. Cold rain started falling heavily soaking the now shivering gate keepers. Icy winds blew at them chilling them to the bone. It became worse. The thunderstorm turned to sleet. Twenty seconds later hails of ice started bombarding everything on the ground.

The lava hounds hissed and sizzled emitting clouds of steamed when the unnatural raindrops touched them. They howled in pain and discomfort. Their scorching bodies cooled in the snowy slush and ice. Molten blood froze and hardened turning the vicious canines into solid volcanic rock statues. Some imploded at the rapid cooling covering the ground with volcanic rocks and dust.

One by one the lava hounds cooled and died. They were no longer a threat to anyone in this realm. The war was over.

Still it continued to pour. The build-up and tension that the Red Warlock had built up was overdue. The clouds were bursting. It rained sleet, snow and hail. The chilly winds howled and blustered around them in manic frenzy. It battered anything and everything in its path raging like the unnatural disaster that it was.

Constantine, the all-powerful Red Warlock, top ranking Hero in Orc Wars came to stand with the other Ghost Lords. He looked at the carnage his mega spell was causing the doomed lava hounds. His pain-staking preparations had been so worth it.

"All the lava hounds are dying. Just like I promised, yes?"

Lazarus and Valentine stared at Constantine in awe. The Red Warlock truly was the greatest Hero in Orc Wars. No one else could have pulled off this brilliant feat.

"Sometimes I am so awesome, I scare myself."

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