Chapter 148 - Celebration

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The chamber burst into pandemonium. Loud cheers, shouts and wild stomping erupted from everyone.

Just like that, the potential crisis of war between the fearsome Bello Boss, the powerful Ghost Lords and the blood thirsty orc horde was averted.

The jaav ukon was healed and healthy again.

The lava hounds were defeated.

The evil conniving Mallarg was gone.

And they had not one but three new powerful allies, the legendary Ghost Lords.

Now they could celebrate with food and drink. They could put down their weapons for the night, rest and be with loved ones. It was time to recount their victories and boast of heroic deeds (real, embellished and imagined). And for some, it was time to heal. Fearsome wounds would heal into horrendous scars, the bigger and uglier the scars the better. They would be the proof for future drinking boasts.

"A toast to the Ghost Lords!!" roared the Overlord. "CHEERS!!"

Drunken orcs obligingly banged on tables, walls and any hard surfaces within reach.

Everyone who was not in the Infirmary or on duty were there celebrating. Flanking the Overlord were his two mighty sons, his heir the jaav ukon on his right and his trusted Warlord, Kalthu on his left.

On the honoured raised tables just below the Overlord's own esteemed one were the three Ghost Lords, Thalasis, the Witch, Jarrakg and Kasakh (the Banished One's sole spawn). The survivors of the dangerous mission to accompany the Ghost Lords in obtaining the precious Lifestone and subduing the Bello were also being honoured. Nark sat proudly next to Captain Vorrok. Hannak, his mate smiled at him from the lower tables. She had been promoted to Commander. She now officially reported to Jarrakg, the Second-in Command. He was so proud of his mate.

She made a crude insinuating motion at him. Don't get too drunk, we have our own celebration later. Captain Vorrok blushed furiously making her laugh raucously. He grinned and lifted his mug at her. If she wanted to affirm her love for him in public, so be it! Gods! What a mate! Silently he gave thanks to the Ghost Lord Isis again. Honours to your House human Priestess. Thank you for saving Hannak.

The Bello fussed at the end of the long table next to Lazarus who had chosen to sit at the edge for her. He was feeding her choice greens, nuts and strange shaped succulent fruits. They were not as tasty as Kivhs but still edible.

"CHEERS!! Rwar! Rwar!!"

"Cheers!" yelled Constantine, faking a sip from his cup. "Don't worry, I changed the ale into harmless bubbly water for us," whispered the Red Warlock. "We won't get drunk."

"I can't drink anymore," groaned Valentine. "I need to go to the bathroom again."

"This drink isn't real. How could it affect your bladder?" asked Constantine curiously.

Lazarus smiled. "Psychological effect."

"Shut up. You are not helping," said poor Valentine. "Let's get this over with and make our escape back home. Then we can logout."

"I think you've got to hold it," grinned Constantine evilly. "The Overlord wants to say something."

"Aarrrggghhhh, not again," groaned the Thief. "These long sessions with you guys are killing me."

The Overlord stood up raising his heavy war hammer high. Immediately the large hall full of a variety of creatures hushed.

"We are ... thankful to the human Ghost Lords for their help in exposing and ridding our lands from Mallarg," began the Overlord. "But more than that, I am grateful for their help in saving the jaav ukon, my beloved son and heir!"

"Gwar! Gwar!!" cheered his audience banging their fists noisily, fully agreeing with him.

"Because of them, the jaav ukon is alive and our lands are safe to all again. The toxic rivalry between the Warlord's warriors and the disbanded Imperial guards are no more. All military and security matters will be under Kalthu's authority now. I am so proud of you my son."

"Warlord! Warlord! WARLORD!!" yelled his loyal warriors jubilantly. The Overlord recognising their Warlord's achievements publicly was rare indeed. The Overlord did not praise anyone easily, but he seemed to have loosened up after association with the unpredictable humans. They were very emotional creatures.

"Father ..." whispered the jaav ukon loudly. The Overlord broke into a horrendous grin and patted his son who was waiting impatiently next to him.

"And now, I present the jaav ukon who has an announcement to make ..."

Everyone cheered and clapped as the orcling prince stood up.

Everyone ... except Valentine who groaned in misery. "Like father like son ..." he grumbled. "The orcs are killing me ... literally."

Now that he was the centre of attention, the jaav ukon's mind went blank. He had not realised how intimidating it was to speak to a large crowd. The orc prince cleared his throat nervously. The Overlord placed his hand on the young orc's shoulder, giving him encouragement and moral support. He was a prince, he could do this. The orcling took a deep breath and begun.

"I have spoken with my Father and he has agreed to my request in rewarding the Ghost Lords."

The Overlord nodded to the masses confirming his son's proclamation.

"To my new friends and allies, for their great deeds in saving the land ... and me," he said and laughed with the crowd, "I bestow upon them the title "Orc Saviour". Come take these tokens, Ghost Lords."

One by one the three humans got up to receive their reward from the orc prince. He handed them each a small black marble plaque inscribed with bold orc symbols. It looked like an official invitation to an important event.

Constantine bowed to the orcling who was the same height as he was. "Thank you Your Highness, it is an honour." The jaav ukon looked in awe at the great Red Warlock. This was the powerful Ghost Lord who had wielded the very elements to bring snow, sleet and hail killing the packs of lava hounds. Even the winds followed his command. He had been instrumental in saving the lands.

Next, Lazarus stepped up. His silver eyes caught the prince's black beady ones as he smiled warmly. "Jaav Ukon," he said in a clear voice, "... your continued good health is reward enough."

"But I want to give you all something!"

"Of course, My Lord," replied Lazarus as he bowed. "Thank you."

The jaav ukon felt a special bond with the Dark One. Up close, the human was truly ugly, just like Kalthu said. There were no warrior markings on him, not a blemish or scar in sight. But, he was the Dark One.

The orcling took in the human's pale flawless features and his long ebony black hair with snowy white tips. Marked by Life just like the Prophesy said ... This Ghost Lord had suffered just as he had and had risked his own life to save his. He had experienced the agony of the nauk dzi vras and had lived through it. Lazarus' Lifestone enhanced blood flowed in him ensuring his life.

"Thank you, Dark One."

Valentine stepped up last. "My thanks, jaav ukon. You make your father and brother proud."

The jaav ukon beamed with pride. From his brother's report, he knew Valentine to be the most loyal of friends. He had saved the other two Ghost Lords numerous times. In fact, if not for him, his two friends would have met their demise and not survive to perform any of their tasks. The Red Warlock would probably not have saved the land nor would the Dark One be able to save him. Their great feats were enabled by this Ghost Lord.

"You are a good warrior and a good friend. I would like to count you as one."

"No problem," winked Valentine. "Consider us besties."

Beside him, both Constantine and Lazarus cringed at his choice of words. The next instant, they grinned as Valentine winced. He was getting an earful from Tania.

"I'm your bestie NOT him. He is not even furry!!TELL HIM or I will bite you when you come home!!"

Valentine coughed apologetically. "Umm, jaav ukon? I can't be your bestie but I will be your friend," he said wondering if the orc prince would bite him in front of everyone for going back on his words.


"My jealous familiar claims 'Bestie' status. I'm afraid you can only be a friend to me."

"Wolfy?" he turned inquiringly to Kalthu. "Which one? The white one or the golden one?"

"The golden one, my prince," the Warlord confirmed with a smile. Kalthu had updated his little brother on some of his adventures with the Ghost Lords. He had not left out the awesome familiar's roles. They had been instrumental in helping the Ghost Lords, even dying in battle to ensure their humans' survival.

"The golden wolfy said that?"

"Yes," replied Valentine, "I'm sorry."

"O'kay. As long as she considers me a friend too. Then I will have a wolfy friend like Kalthu."

Valentine smiled and nodded affirmation. "She will be proud to call you friend."

The jaav ukon smiled happily. Now he had an extra friend and ally. One day, he hoped to meet the wolfy. Kalthu said the big wolfies were fierce fighting animals who could talk to the Ghost Lords. How cool was that?

Lords Constantine, Lazarus and Valentine have been awarded the title 'Orc Saviour'. The special 'Orc Saviour' token recognises the bearer as an honoured guest of the Orc Realm. It allows free travel between the human realm and the orc realm.

The three Players read the notification in awe.

"Awesome!" breathed Constantine.

"Wow! I didn't expect that," said Valentine his jaw dropping.

Lazarus gave a half-smile. "Neither did I. Simtrixx is full of surprises aren't they?"

So this was a hidden reward for Players who did the Jaav Ukon mission, thought the Assassin. They get free passes between the realms if ever they wanted to visit the orc realm again. Lazarus smiled. He knew that he would have to come here again if only to harvest kivhs to feed the Bello.

Lazarus tilted his head. Why would Simtrixx provide such a reward? Was it for Players to hunt for strange or unique items for upgrading potions, armour or weapons? More hidden missions and dungeons? What better way to level up? His silvers eyes brightened. He would have to look into any updates on the Game when he logged out.

Those Players who just did the Lifestone Quest and skirted the orc prince quest would have to go through the Gate Keepers Trials over and over again to come here again. How troublesome. The Passes were definitely a great incentive for Players to complete the Jaav Ukon Quest.

The Ghost Lords settled back down in their seats. They kept their Free Passes carefully in their Inventory pouches where it would be safe.

Now they were officially Heroes of two realms.

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