Chapter 155 - Emails

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The rest of the day was uneventful.

Tuesday came and went.

Wednesday passed by quietly.

Thursday ...

... and still not a peep from Kirin Group. Head Office's deafening silence was driving Zen crazy. He couldn't concentrate on anything.

Finally, Friday came and with it emails galore.


To : [email protected]

From : [email protected]

Re : Disciplinary Action – Zen, Simtrixx Orc Wars Project

With regards to your actions of manipulating NPCs in the Orc Wars Game affecting the player 'Lazarus' which is a violation of the company's code of professional conduct, the Disciplinary Board has decided to issue you a 'Level 3 Warning'.

After much deliberation, we have concluded that your actions and instructions resulting in direct interference of three main NPCs namely, the 'Witch', 'Thalasis' and the 'Bello', and numerous other supporting NPCs was to 'level' the playing field for 'Lazarus'. We understand that your actions were in direct response to third party manipulations on said player's avatar. However, you should have reported the incident rather than take 'counter measures' yourself.

Please be warned that any reoccurrence of the incident or similar incidents in the future will result in more severe disciplinary action and may even be cause for dismissal.



Ethics Department, Kirin Group


Huh? That's it? Thought Zen incredulously. Was Suri serious? He had to make sure. What did she mean only a Level Three warning? That was just a slap on his wrist compared to the gross violation he did.


To : [email protected]

From : [email protected]

Re : Disciplinary Action – Zen, Simtrixx Orc Wars Project

Hi Suri,

I'm sorry, I don't quite understand. Only a "Level 3 Warning'?

What about the others? I stand by what I said. I accept ALL responsibility. It was wholly and solely my idea as I have confessed to you after the meeting.



Orc Wars Games Master, Simtrixx Corporation


To : [email protected]

From : [email protected]

Re : Disciplinary Action – Zen, Simtrixx Orc Wars Project

Off the record – Count yourself lucky Zen. You only messed with the NPCs not an actual Player. Players are our real customers. NPCs are technically still under the control of the company and are company assets. If you had done anything to any of the players involved, no one could have helped you.

The others, Damon (Simtrixx Creative), Adam (Simtrixx Editing) and those who followed their instructions were given Level Two warnings. Nothing too serious. You were the ringleader after all!

Oh, btw congrats! ;)



Ethics Department, Kirin Group


To : [email protected]

From : [email protected]

Re : Disciplinary Action – Zen, Simtrixx Orc Wars Project

Thanks. Appreciate the distinction between NPCs and players. I will keep it in mind at all times.

Also, congrats? For what?



Orc Wars Games Master, Simtrixx Corporation


From : [email protected]

To : [email protected]

Re : Disciplinary Action – Zen, Simtrixx Orc Wars Project

You'll see.

And don't forget I was the first to congratulate you.



Ethics Department, Kirin Group


To : [email protected]

From : [email protected]

Re : Virtual Reality Director

With regards to certain recent events, Kirin Group has appointed you, Zen Saito to the new position of Virtual Reality Director, Simtrixx Corporation effective immediately.

Your responsibility is to undertake, oversee and direct all the current Simtrixx virtual reality projects including but not limited to the overall gaming aspects of Orc Wars and its reality show.

However, pending the appointment of a new Games Master, you will continue in that capacity until further notice. We will notify you of any changes to that aspect.

Kindly provide us a list of internal candidates eligible for the vacant position of Games Master including their qualifications, experiences and relevant resumes.

Please also find attached your formal appointment letter. Please sign, scan and return a copy for our records.

If you have any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me.



Human Resources Department, Kirin Group



Zen's eyes bulged and his jaw dropped.

"Why? What's wrong boss?" asked Marco as he came running in. Zen's personal assistant was used to his boss's outbursts but this one sounded serious.

Zen motioned to his screen weakly. He couldn't believe his eyes.

Marco scanned the screen and a big smile spread on his face. His boss had just been promoted. Effective immediately!!

"Congratulations! You deserve it Zen," his personal assistant said. "After all you did for them and Orc Wars! You deserve it." His boss truly loved the game and all it stood for. There was no one better to take over Nadine's position.

He left Zen still frozen in front of his computer and went out the room to break the good news to everyone.

Nadine was out.

Zen was in.

Zen was the new Virtual Reality Director!


To : [email protected]

From : [email protected]

Cc : Disciplinary Board

Re : Disciplinary Action – Nadine, Simtrixx Orc Wars Project

The above matter refers.

With regards of your actions regarding the manipulation of the avatar 'Lazarus' and several NPCs in the game Orc Wars, the Disciplinary Board on behalf of Kirin Group have decided to dismiss you from your position of Virtual Reality Director of our IT subsidiary Simtrixx Corporation effective immediately.

After much deliberation on your arguments, evidence and the disciplinary meetings held, we have concluded that your actions and instructions resulting in the direct manipulation of the Player 'Lazarus' and several key NPCs unacceptable. This includes commands to your subordinates including the Games Master, other department heads and 'Helpers' of Orc Wars. You were clearly in violation of our company's ethical code of professional conduct. Your actions have tarnished the company's reputation and damaged the game's integrity.

Although we acknowledge your good intentions, your way of handing the situation was not exemplary. As pointed out, a haitus or understanding with the GateKeepers could have easily been reached. Simtrixx could have negotiated a delayed 'crossing' and gained time to complete the relevant maps, NPC logarithms en cetera.

If you were unable to solve such problems, the matter should have been escalated to Head Office for further instruction and decision.

Direct Player interference with full knowledge that our updated gaming gear and virtual software has sensitive sensory functions is unacceptable. Providing excitement in a story for gaming purposes is one thing but torturing a player is quite another. It amounts to abuse and considered a criminal offence.

Fortunately, an understanding has been reached between the Player and Kirin Group. Mr.Jonathan Carter has graciously agreed not to press charges against you, Simtrixx Corporation or Kirin Group.

Kindly return your company's key card and Employee ID card. Failure to do so would be deemed theft of company's property and may result in further legal action against you.

Kindly clear your office and remove all personal items by Monday.

Please find attached below a copy of your termination letter.

For and on behalf of the Disciplinary Board,


Ethics Department, Kirin Group


Nadine screamed in rage and frustration. Her curses echoed throughout her lavish empty apartment. Breakable items were thrown and smashed. After venting out her anger, she sat down and cried. She had only three days to clear out her things. How was she going to face everyone? It was going to be so humiliating.

She sat on the plush sofa, lost and in shock. How did everything turn out like this? It was not supposed to end like this! She was supposed to be applauded and appreciated for her efforts not punished! How ungrateful! She was not to blame. She was just trying her best to gain time, for the freaking game!

It was all Jace's / Lazarus' fault. No, it was Zen's and Adam's. No, it was the whole damn company's.

Nadine sat lost in bitter and spiteful schemes planning her revenge. Her uncontrollable shaking lessened to trembling and finally a calm settled over her as she regain control of her rage and reached a decision. She did not notice as the day waned.

When she finally shook herself from her miserable thoughts and self-pity, it was already dark out but she had formulated a plan. It was time to use her trump card, something she had been working on for a while as a hobby. Now, she had three days to perfect it.

She would remove her personal items and return Simtrixx's key card and employee tag during the weekend when there were fewer people around. She could not avoid Zen, he practically lived there, but she could ignore him.

She wondered who would take over her position.

Zen. Damon. Adam. Lazarus. Simtrixx.

Orc Wars was hers!! It had and always will be hers!

Nadine vowed to pay them all back.


To : [email protected], [email protected]

From : [email protected]

Cc : [email protected] (CEO Kirin Group), [email protected] (CEO Simtrixx Corporation), [email protected] (Simtrixx Virtual Reality Director & Acting Games Master)

Re : Executive Gaming Consultant

Dear Mr.Carter,

First and foremost, we would like to welcome and congratulate you, on behalf of Kirin Group to our IT subsidiary Simtrixx Corporation.

As a major shareholder of Simtrixx Corporation and an active participant in its main gaming product Orc Wars, we would like to extend you the position of 'Executive Gaming Consultant' in Simtrixx Corporation effective immediately upon your acceptance and return of our Letter of Offer.

Your positive interview yesterday displayed your wide experience and extensive knowledge covering numerous game genres, trends and market expectations. The weaknesses highlighted and solutions suggested were insightful. Your view and input will be highly beneficial to the developing and understanding of both today's gaming and players' market.

You will be working closely with our Virtual Reality Director, Game Masters (of the current and developing MMORPG games) and other departments' heads. Your suggestions will be greatly valued and appreciated to the product(s) continued development.

Your responsibility will be to survey, observe and suggest improvements to our Virtual Reality Director on all the current Simtrixx virtual reality projects including but not limited to the overall gaming aspects of Orc Wars and its reality show.

Please find attached your formal appointment letter.

If you have any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me.



Human Resources Department, Kirin Group


Jace blinked.


Interview? What interview? Yesterday? Oh!! His stormy green eyes widened then narrowed in sudden comprehension.

Aria! Jared!!

Aria had invited him over after class for lunch. She had made her famous delicious spaghetti which she had promised Jace when he had been in the hospital. Coincidentally, Jared had also been home. While waiting for Aria to make lunch (after she had chased both men out of the kitchen for making a mess) they had had a casual chat.

Conversation started with school, Aria and then expanded to Jared's businesses. Invariably, it soon turned to Simtrixxx and Orc Wars. Jace asked a few questions about the Inquiry and Jared had countered with questions about the game.

When Aria came to announce lunch was ready, both men had their heads together and were deep in conversation.

Although Jace had casually expressed an interest in working with Simtrixx and suggested a few minor changes to improve the game's quality and gaming experience, he had not expected Jared's offer to be serious.

Maybe it was because the billionaire had highlighted with gleeful delight Jace's latest increased shareholding in Simtrixx much to his chagrin. Jared was keeping tabs on him.

Since officially calling Jonathan Carter out and formally meeting him, Jared had kept an eye out on the young man's growing acquisitions. Mr.Tadashi (Jace's investment trader) was still working his magic and had managed to acquire a few more blocks before the close of the previous trading day. Jace was now the proud owner of 27 per cent (and counting) of Simtrixx Corporation, a rising and very lucrative IT company.

Jared approved wholeheartedly. If this passionate young man was so interested in his subsidiary's future, he would pave the way. After all, Jace's opinions and take on the current gaming interest and trends was exactly what Simtrixx's growth needed. Also, by investing in Jonathan Carter, he would have indirect access to all five GateKeepers' speculations, discussions and insights. Who knew how wide their network of gaming friends and fans were? So many active players, so many ideas from different angles, backgrounds and stand points. The huge potential excited him.

A whole wealth of information and ideas were there for the betterment of Simtrixx, Orc Wars and whatever future IT and gaming products of the company.

Whatever he was going to offer Jace was nothing compared to what Jace could bring to the table. Jared hoped Jace would accept his offer.

Jace clicked on the attached letter and gasped at the offer. Its terms and conditions were obviously tailored for him. They were very flexible with numerous perks and the offered monthly salary was more than generous. Additional benefits and incentives took up a whole page. He also got a nice title and a spacious corner office.

Jace rolled his eyes. Why would he want an office in Simtrixx? His office at GC Holdings was also unused most days. He shook his head, two spaces wasted on him when he spent most of his time in class or gaming at home.

One condition caught his eye. He was empowered to be able to enforce suggestions for the betterment of the Game (after discussion with the relevant parties of course). Wow! Imagine if he could fix some of the glitches he had come across in Orc Wars. For example, those poor orcs who came out of the Field of Corpses, he could think of better use for them to make the storyline more interesting. Instead of just sending them back to their interrupted lives he could ... Jace caught himself before he could go any further. Ideas rushed to him. Ahhh, so tempting.

That sly old fox, thought Jace.

Jared knew that he would not be able to reject such conditions.

He grinned and printed out the Offer Letter. After reading and re-reading the letter, he signed his name, screen shot the accepted offer and sent it back. He would report for duty to introduce himself on Monday.

Then he laughed out loud and speed dialed the 'Nutter'.

"Hey Ash!"


"You'll never guess what just happened!!"

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