Chapter 157 - Orc Wars Season Two

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The large oak doors closed sealing in the fresh batch of Orc Wars participants in the cold spacious auditorium. Season Two participants numbered almost double Season One's but the huge amphitheatre easily accommodated the large crowd.

Not all could clearly see the stage or the people on it but Simtrixx solved that problem simply with its technology. It was an IT company after all. Large LCD screens complete with surround sound systems were placed at strategic locations throughout the auditorium ensuring all potential Players could hear and see what was going on.

"That's quite a crowd."

Zen leaned over to Jace. "It is. Almost five thousand, can you believe it? Even after we had to raise the eligibility bar to eliminate hopefuls."

"I saw. Three rounds and how many challenges?"

"Three rounds and nine challenges. These are the finalists."

"Not all will play though," replied Jace. "The numbers will reduce when they read the contract."

"Ah yes, the contract. Well, the terms have also been revised. There is more stress on secrecy as everyone has watched Season One and know what to expect."

"More terms and conditions?" Jace shook his head. "Wait until they see the fine print. All those stipulations are a real put off."

"It didn't put you off," Zen countered.

Jace shrugged. "I was desperate; I would have taken any terms at that time."

Zen cast a startled side glance at Jace.

"Really?" he asked curiously.

What did his new colleague mean? He could not imagine someone like Jace to ever be in a desperate enough situation to compromise on anything. But then, he was still getting to know this enigmatic young man.

So far, Jace had been very accommodating, volunteering his critical observations on the current Orc Wars model and its proposed upgrades. He had given honest reviews on the good and the bad. Modifications and improvements were suggested in such tactful manner that those he spoke to did not take offense. Jace tried to stay low-key but everyone always had an excuse to approach him. He was a novelty in Simtrixx and people were still curious about him and his abilities.

Zen studied the young man next to him. Some sought to discredit Jace, jealous that he had obtained a position apparently specially created for him. Luckily, he was proving his worth. His expertise showed when he spoke or politely objected to certain far-fetched concepts. His professionalism when he discussed ideas intelligently, listened to others, argued logically and was not afraid to admit when he wrong or was unsure about some things.

But much to Zen's satisfaction, Jace always followed up on those (with Lynn's help) and got back to update his input. He also learned from others in their specialised fields, asking relevant questions to further his knowledge and understanding of the technical and creative issues. Jace was unwittingly winning everyone over with mutual respect, team work and a need / drive to improve Orc Wars and the other MMPRPGs that were in the pipeline.

"Yeah, really," Jace smiled. "How many do you think will actually play?"

Zen looked proudly at the waiting audience from the stage.

"Definitely more than Season One," he said confidently.

The huge crowd validated Zen's beliefs and hard work. The past weeks had been hell but it was all worth it. Orc Wars Season Two was about to begin. The cameras were already rolling.

The low rumblings and conversations died down when the doors shut. Now all looked expectantly at the stage where ten Simtrixx representatives were seated.

"It's starting, yes?"

"Shush, Renzo, I want to hear what he says," Sophia whispered back at her handsome twin.

"Who cares? Do you think Jace will get to speak? Do you think he will mention me?" asked Lorenzo craning his neck.

He and Sophia were seated about 20 rows back in the audience. The other GateKeepers were also scattered among the fresh batch of Players. They were supposed to mingle and get a feel of the general sentiment for Season Two. Simtrixx wanted uncensored gossip, concerns and feedback. People tend to be more truthful talking to each other when they thought they were not under surveillance.

"I see him, yes? He's on stage."

Sophia nodded and smiled appreciatively at the stage's direction. Jace was talking to an Asian man next to him looking as gorgeous as ever. A few locks of dark hair fell into his face adding to his charms. He brushed them away from his bright grey green eyes as he shrugged before replying the older man. She felt her heart fluttering. Aria was so lucky. She hoped to find a boyfriend soon but Jace had set such a high standard. Also, it was proving difficult to approach or be approached by anyone with an annoying twin around.

"Renzo, the last time only that man and that pretty Director spoke. They didn't have time for anyone else when the questions started. Even if Jace was invited to say a few words, why would he ever mention you?"

"Because I'm Const ..."

"SHUSH!! It's starting!" whispered Sophia authoritatively.

Lorenzo made a face but kept quiet. He too was excited to hear what was going to be said. The electrifying atmosphere was infectious.

A short portly man stood up from his seat in the centre to walk directly to the podium. A hush fell over the crowd in anticipation.

"Welcome Gamers! I am Mr.Lambert the Head of the Orc Wars Project," he said in greeting to the crowd. "Congratulations everyone on making it this far! You are the survivors of three gruelling rounds!"

He bowed in response to the applause he received.

"Thank you!" Mr.Lambert smiled broadly raising both his hands to clap. "Now give yourselves a big hand! You are among the top five per cent of more than one hundred thousand initial applicants! And are now eligible to compete and appear on television in Orc Wars Season Two!!"

"Wow, the numbers are crazy!" gasped Chloe. "I had no idea Orc Wars was so popular."

Ash edged closer to the cute girl.

"One hundred thousand gamers is nothing. Some games out there have millions of Players."

"I know but these people actually want to compete on television. I'd be too scared to show my face and let my friends laugh at me if I was eliminated too soon."

"That's part of the beauty of this reality show. No one will know who is behind which avater."

Chloe bit her lip. "Friends will know if I competed and came back after just one week away. I'm not that good."

Ash squeezed her hand affectionately. "No need to compete. We'll just play casually, o'kay?"

Around them, everyone yelled and clapped. Some even stomped their feet and whistled loud catcalls. Excitement was thick in the air. They couldn't wait to start gaming. They couldn't wait to be on television. They couldn't wait to be famous.

Meanwhile, the hidden cameras were silently recording everything. Some moved sweeping the crowd and stage in a general view. Others zoomed in to capture the contestants' faces. They had to record all and capture as many moments as possible. The winners of Season Two were in the audience somewhere, Simtrixx had to ensure they got footage of everyone so that it could be edited to show the winner's journey later.

When the noise subsided, Mr.Lambert turned slightly to invite a distinguished Asian man to the front.

"Everyone, it is my pleasure to introduce without further delay Mr.Zen, Director of the Virtual Reality Division and Games Master!!"

He stepped down respectfully to thunderous applause. This time it was for Zen. Who cares about a VR Director? Zen was the Orc Wars Games Master! Now that was a title the roomful of avid Gamers could appreciate and relate to.

"Hello and welcome everyone to the Orc Wars program," Zen begun when the noise lessened. "First of all, thank you all for joining us in this fantastic journey. I'm sure Season Two will be as awesome and exciting as Season One."

"As you all are aware, this is a Virtual Reality Reality show," he continued to the nodding audience, "where everything is recorded. Before we begin, it is my duty to formally inform you that the cameras have already started recording. They started filming your journey here the minute you walked into the Simtrixx building."

Everyone was rapt with attention. The Games Master was speaking! Zen's clear voice projected to every corner of the auditorium and he looked at every one of them from high-definition screens.

"Every single one of you is and will continue to be recorded until you choose to leave or are eliminated from the Game. Simtrixx will document your every move both in real life and in virtual for potential airtime. You will be filmed, edited and broadcasted to the public at our discretion."

Several people looked around, searching for the cameras but to no avail. They were expertly hidden everywhere by an experienced team. No problem. The Gamers here were all well versed with Season One. They knew what to expect. Attention shifted back to Zen.

"All of you are familiar with Orc Wars by playing our very enjoyable MMORPG. The only difference here is that you will all be able to experience it virtually! Our gear here is the best in the industry and I'm confident it will definitely surpass your every gaming expectation."

"Unfortunately, only our MMORPG version is available in stores and online. The Virtual Reality mode is exclusively catered for the Reality Show series. This VRMMORPG is what all of you will be experiencing."


"That's what I'm here for!"

"Me too!"

"Awesome! I can't wait."

Zen waited for the excited mutterings to subside before he continued. "Our version of virtual allows Players to experience everything, and by that, I mean everything. You will be able to feel the cool breezes and heat from the sun to the pain of being shot by an arrow or gored by a Boss."

"That's so cool."

"Yeah, for sure."

"... and painful."

Zen glanced at the direction of the last commenter.

"However, you will also have the option to switch off 'Sensor Mode' throughout the Game. Season One Players did not have that luxury. They could not turn off the "Sensor" function after a certain level, I forget which so they suffered in some instances." He half turned to a handsome dark-haired man behind him, "Jace do you remember?"

"Level 50."

"Thank you." Zen turned back to his audience unaware that he had inadvertently drawn attention to Simtrixx's newest employee, "It was level 50 last Season. Well, you won't have to go through that."

Behind him, Jace clenched his jaw unaware of interested Players taking note of him. He was remembering the pain and torture he had endured at Varbuk's hands. If he had had the option of switch off the sensors then, he would have.

"That's good to know ..." someone quipped to general laughter.

"You can thank Jace, our Gaming Consultant for that when you are experiencing the agony of dying and switch off the pain."

More eyes studied Jace with new interest. That was the Gaming Consultant? Cool.

The Games Master continued speaking.

"However, I fully encourage all participants to take advantage of our unparalleled virtual facilities and experience as much as possible of our carefully crafted virtual world. You will not another chance once you die and get eliminated," he reminded them brutally.

Zen drew in a deep breath and held it for a few seconds to calm himself. He did not really like being in front of a crowd. He preferred being behind the screens of the Control Room.

"We will feature mainly the characters you will create for the competition. Your real selves will only be shown minimally if at all. Do not be disillusioned, we will be using you, your gaming skills and your avatar's journey for the show. The public will be able to vote for you as they did in Season One."

Zen gestured, "The game is simple for experienced gamers such as yourselves. Choose a class, customise your avatar and get the audience to like and vote for your character. The longer you survive and the more votes you get the more rewards you will reap. Viewer votes dictate your weekly fate starting from week three and count for eighty per cent. The balance is controlled by Simtrixx."

"Fight to survive against both NPCs and your rivals."

"Find a home, raise your army and rise up against the evil Orc hordes which have somehow invaded your homeland again. I promise you; winners will be rewarded with fame and opportunities ... both ingame and in the real world."

A roar went up in the crowd. For a self-proclaimed nerd, the Games Master was pretty good at playing the crowd.

"However ..." he held up a hand, "there will be several strict terms you will have to adhere to when you are here..."

"Ahh, the memories are coming back," mumbled Vera as she surveyed the stage. Jace looked confident and relaxed, he looked like he belonged up there in the spotlight. She was sitting next to Aria in the front row with her grandfather, Jared Cruz and other distinguished guests."

Aria gave a small sigh. "I wish I had come here earlier. This is so fun. Maybe I should compete in the next Season ..."

"That wouldn't be fair, my dear. You'll have too many advantages," objected Jared gently before turning his attention back to Zen.

"I guess so."

Vera chuckled. "The special thing about the reality show is the awesome virtual experience. If you want that, just borrow Jace's gear."

"Oh yes! I really want to try that. I wonder if he'll let me ..."

"I'm sure he will," Vera said her gaze going back to her friend on stage. He had tensed up. "If not, I'll lend you mine."

Aria smiled her thanks but she was certain Jace would let her use his.

Onstage, the Games Master was stressing certain conditions of the competition.

"Your participation will require certain sacrifices on your part and agreement to a Non-Disclosure Agreement. You can still leave freely now if you do not agree with certain terms of the show's contract. We will not hold you back. There is no forfeit or repercussions at this point before you are allowed through to the gaming complex. However, if you leave after signing the contract you will then have a legal obligation not to disclose anything you have seen or heard here ... or else ..." he wagged a finger in warning.

"The contracts will be given to each of you in the hall where you will proceed after this. Read through it carefully and sighed only if you agree to our terms."

"I suggest you stay though, after getting this far, leaving would only lead to regret in missing this chance to be part of gaming history. Just look at the Gate Keepers of Season One!" he pointed above him.

On cue the lights dimmed and the Orc Wars theme song played. One by one the famed GateKeepers of Season One were shown with their familiars.

Constantine, Warlock, resplendent in red and gold held up his hand as his majestic falcon landed daintily on his out stretched arm. Xico looked directly at the camera and started preening.

Lazarus, Assassin, tilted his head and smiled. A soft mysterious blue glow emanated from him. Anya bounded to her Chosen and gently nudged her great white head under his hand demanding attention. He dropped to one knee to hug her.

Valentine, Thief, smiled cheekily running his hand through his artistically messy golden hair and struck a pose. His was one of the best-looking avatars and he knew it. Tania rushed him playfully from behind but he spun round and hopped nimbly out of the way laughing.

Kirana, Barbarian, stood tall and proud. Dressed in soft white furs and cured leathers, she climbed easily onto her polar bear. Ginggar wuffed happily before standing up on his hind legs. The Barbarian was ready for his tricks and laughed when he failed to dislodge her.

Isis, Priestess, petted her sling bag looking down fondly as two furry faces poked out. Vree and Kruk pushed open the flap with their heads and dooked excitedly. She smiled and rewarded them with meat treats.

Isis faded out and then the GateKeepers walked in one by one until finally all stood side by side. It made a grand picture.

"The GateKeepers of Orc Wars!!" shouted Zen to thunderous applause. "Top five winners of Season One!!" The electric atmosphere in the auditorium intensified.

The lights came back on but the GateKeepers remained on the screen. Simtrixx wanted to remind what stood in store for the Players.

The cheering went up as Zen bowed again before stepping down.

Mr. Lambert took his place.

"Thank you Mr.Zen! Please, give a hand to the Games Master who will in part be responsible for your coming joy, frustrations, rewards and danger ingame."

Laughter erupted amidst more clapping.

"Who among you will be this season's winner? What will be your chosen class?" asked Mr.Lambert. "The prize for the top winner of Season Two is One hundred thousand dollars and bragging rights. Top five will also receive monetary rewards as advertised on our site. Other survivors will receive consolidations prizes. Those who die ingame or get eliminated for other reasons (cheating, hacking, bullying, health reasons and etc.) will leave with the experience of a lifetime and awesome memories."

"Everyone, may I bring your attention to the front row?"

The screens immediately showed the important guests. With him sat his entourage, several more executives from Kirin Group and Simtrixx.

"Please give a big hand to our very important guest, Mr.Jared Cruz, CEO of Kirin Group and holding company of Simtrixx Corparation. Next to him, on his right is Mr. Benjamin Kessler, CEO of Simtrixx Corporation."

Mr.Lambert's voice dropped down as he whispered into the microphone, "I'll let you in on a secret. Seated among you are the GateKeepers themselves!!"

What?! Where?!!

Jace broke into a smile. Lambert was enjoying teasing the Contestants. The audience went wild craning their necks around every which way to see the people around them. Some looked up to scrutinise the multiple screens. The screens obligingly teasingly panned around, each showing close-ups of the Players from different sections of the hall. There was a low chance they would spot his friends. The real GateKeepers did not look anything like their perfect avatars. He himself looked nothing like Laz except for his general build and height.

He saw Vera freeze beside Aria who waved at him from her seat. He smiled back but did not wave conscious of the lights on him.

Elsewhere, Lorenzo grinned puffing up his chest whilst Sophia pinched her twin trying to contain him. She rolled her eyes. As if anyone would recognise him!

Ash blinked in surprised. He had not expected to be exposed so blatantly. Next to him, Chloe smiled openly and squeezed his hand. It was her turn to comfort him.

"As you can see, there are eight others behind me. All of them will be involved directly and indirectly with your gaming experience here. Please let me introduce them from left to right,

"Jenna, Head of Medic. She will be in charge of all your medical needs and will be monitoring both your physical and mental health."

"Adam, Head of Editing. He and his team will edit and produce the exciting clips and segments for viewership. Be nice to him, he can make you look good or bad."

Adam made a pooh-pooh gesture grinning. "I'm not like that."

"Damon, Head of Creative. The beautiful scenery and wonderful NPCs in there are a result of his departments' hard work. He will be on standby to address any ad-hoc issues."

"Jace, Gaming Consultant. Our newest addition to the Simtrixx family. He will be scrutinising all of you and your ingame choices for ideas to improve your overall gaming experiences."

"Zen, Director of Virtual Reality Division and Games Master. You know him. He will oversee the whole show. A really tough but fun job. I'm so jealous of him." Mr.Lambert poked fun at the Games Master.

Zen shook his head and waved him off laughing good-naturedly. Everyone laughed along.

"Me, that's my seat," he said pointing to his empty chair.

"Next is, Yu Liang who in charge of the data collection, result compilation and competition stats. He is Head of Statistics here and also a gamer like you. He's pretty good for a nerd."

"We are all nerds Lambert," Yu Liang retorted grinning. He waved and made a gesture. A gamer's move. The crowd's appreciative clapping increased and the crowd cheered the striking man.

"Sandra, Coordination Executive for Players Season Two. She is also in charge of group coordination, rotation and gameplay. In short, she will organise and be in charge of Players."

"Nadia, Head of Media," Mr.Lambert indicated an exotic looking Asian woman. Her trendy African braids accentuating her beautiful face and dark dusky skin. "You have all seen her on television before. She is the spokesperson for Orc Wars and Simtrixx."

"Ian, Head of Marketing. He will be working closely with the others to continue bringing Orc Wars to your fellow gamers."

"I play too!" he gestured to the others on stage," and so do some others. You might have met us ingame!"

Each nodded or waved in turn when their names were called.

"You will have a chance to meet all of them in the prepared welcome lounge if you sign the Player's contract. Talk to them and ask them any questions you may have."

"More will be disclosed in the next hall. You have until this evening to make up your minds. Cut off time is at six this evening. The actual Game will commence tomorrow after you have all settled in this evening as food and lodgings will be provided. No one else will be accepted for Season Two after that."

"Good Luck to all of you!!"

"Please adjourn to the next room. Thank you!!"

Mr.Lambert stayed to answer more questions as the rest of the team went to the designated Welcome longue. Slowly the crowd dissipated as potential players went over to the indicated room down a long hall.

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