Chapter 16 - Dungeon 30 Minotaur

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"Jace! You gotta see this ... it's gone viral."

Ash pushed the screen under his friend's nose. Jace gaped at the display. It was Lazarus dying gruesomely ... again. He groaned .... Why was it always the embarrassing ones that go viral?

Hey wait a second ... why was it on the net? Who released it? It was not 2D images from playing the MMORPG, it was nice sharp high density videos of the actual fights, from different angles. And they had close-ups. Jace groaned as the camera showed Laz's face screwed up in pain as his body was hacked mercilessly to pieces by the crazy warrior. Each blow drawing more blood and gore. It had to be Simtrixx.

"Your first trial has gone viral too. It was released earlier."

Jace scrolled down the list. Both his Trials were there. There were three variations of the first and there were eight of the second. He cringed, Simtrixx had shown each time Lazarus died separately and then had them meshed up. One was of his final success. He didn't dare read the numerous comments.

He looked around fugitively, "Don't show this to anyone."

Ash grinned broadly. "Too late, everyone who plays the game has seen it. And a few who don't has too."

Jace groaned and tried to hide his face.

"Hehehe luckily no one knows its you."

"Everyone is talking about it. Lazarus' next big move, will he be able to gather the Orbs? And why would a Gatekeeper suddenly want to go through the portal, that's why he is collecting the Orbs isn't it?" Ash raised his eyebrows. "You have effectively stirred the masses, my friend."

"I was only doing what I needed to do."

"Sigh!" Ash sighed dramatically. "The rest of us pale in comparison to you. You make the rest of us Gatekeepers look sooooo boring."

Jace gave a half-smile. "You guys are boring."

"Oh, what can we do but play our part?" Ash continued lamenting. "We are but little pawns in a great game."

"You want action? You can help me run a few dungeons. I need to level back up."


"At my level, even if I managed to get all five Orbs, I can't get through the portal. Only Level 80 and above can go through, remember?"


"We haven't done any dungeons in Orc Wars but it should be similar to all the other MMORPG games we have played. Only thing is, we can do these in virtual. I think it would be much cooler."

Simtrixx had added dungeons to the Game. There were two dungeons for each Level, complete with minions and Bosses in them.

Ash's blue eyes returned his friend's intense slate green stare thoughtfully. Then he rubbed his hands together, "YES!! I need to level up too. Who said you need to go over to enemy territory alone?"

Jace looked at Ash startled, then his mouth turned up and he thumped Ash on his back. "Yeah, who said that?"


That night when Ash went online, he saw that Jace was already on and had sent him coordinates. Hmm, he must have gotten on immediately after getting back. He glanced at the time, the night was still young. Gleefully, he logged on.

"Why are we at this one? We can go straight to the higher level dungeons," Valentine asked in disgust. The two Gatekeepers were outside a Level Thirty dungeon.

"I need materials from this one. There is a chance of the Boss dropping minotaur hide and horns."

"Materials? What for?"

"I'll tell you later. C'mon lets go in."

"Seriously, only Level 30 ..." Valentine, Thief Level 72 shook his head resignedly. What Level was he again? They were slumming for some materials.

The two Heroes entered the minatour's labyrinth. The rough stone walls were clear in some places and had creepers covering it at some. The sandy floor was dry, skeletons were scattered through the dungeon. Valentine smiled.

"Nice decorations." Valentine kicked a skull with his foot. It rolled down the narrow path.


Suddenly there was a loud roar. The walls shook and dirt fell onto the two Heroes. Both instantly went into battle mode. Lazarus held a loaded crossbow and Valentine was armed with a sword. They moved cautiously forward, turning left then right. They came to a fork. Valentine lifted his eyebrows in inquiry. Lazarus jerked his head to the right indicating the path they would take. The Thief nodded.

When they reached a small clearing, little deformed bull-like creatures sprang out at them. Without hesitation, Lazarus shot at them with his crossbow. His sharp silver grey eyes searched for targets as his body angled automatically to shoot at the attacking monsters.

They were ugly little creatures. They were covered with mud coloured matted fur which stank. Little horns stuck out of their heads. Black beady eyes glared at the two Heroes as they snarled showing mouthfuls of sharp teeth.

Valentine was brandishing his sword too, moving his lithe body skilfully. Every stroke found a target. Triple slash, turn, jab and block.

3x combo

5x combo

8x combo

Valentine was on a roll. He leapt to get out of Lazarus's way and came down with his sword held out. He caught a monster with his sword and flung his dying body into his comrades. They all went down. Valentine killed them all before they could get up again.

Meanwhile, Lazarus had crouched down and aimed high to get the little monsters climbing down the creepers. They were throwing rocks. Arrow after arrow shot out from the crossbow. Each was not wasted. They fell as they were hit, exploding into dust along the way. Both Valentine's and Lazarus' skills had been levelled up along with their Heroes. This was child's play to them.

They cleared the place within minutes. Nothing. Lazarus looked around disappointed. The little monsters did not drop anything.

Valentine, Thief, Level 72, Health 97 per cent.

Lazarus, Assassin, Level 74, Health 92 per cent.

"What's up with your Health? You were not hit." Valentine asked curiously noting his friend's falling Health level.

"Poison," Lazarus replied curtly.

"Oh. That's bad. Sorry, I forgot."

"Let's go back. Left fork."


They back tracked and entered the left passage. When they exited into a dim cave, they were attacked by more shrieking little furry monsters. This time it took them a little longer to dispatch the enemy. There were more of them and they were attacking in a frenzy. They hurled themselves at the two Heroes, trying to bite with their sharp teeth and kick with their powerful hoofed hind legs.

Valentine and Lazarus made a good team. They fought back-to-back, rotating in sync. One shot non-stop at the incoming creatures and the other quickly finished off those who got past Lazarus' firing range.

Valentine, Thief, Level 72, Health 94 per cent.

Lazarus, Assassin, Level 74, Health 85 per cent.

"Let's go!"

There was one more group of monsters before the Boss. This time they were ambushed in a narrow passageway. The space was too narrow for a crossbow. Lazarus switched his weapon to the black cursed saber.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"Yeah, I want to test it out." Even as Lazarus answered, a strange expression crossed his face. He blinked several times and adjusted his grip on the weapon.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I think ..."

"Watch out. Here they come."

There was no more time to talk as the two Heroes fought. Swords cut into flesh and muscle, dark red blood splashed and the little monsters died shrieking. This group was armed. They threw spears and when they were close enough, started stabbing with daggers. The Thief and Assassin went to work. Monsters exploded around them bathing them in bright white light. There were many of them and more kept coming, their friends attracted by the sounds of fighting.

They were no match for the high level Heroes. The horde fell before the Ghost Lords' swords. They dropped several Items. A few mangy pelts and hooves were laying on the ground.

"Can you use these?" Valentine asked.

"You want any? These are not on my list."

"Nope, you can have them all."

Lazarus picked them all up. "I'll sell what I can't use and split the difference with you."

"Okay. Let's go. The Boss is ahead."

Valentine, Thief, Level 72, Health 91 per cent.

Lazarus, Assassin, Level 74, Health 95 per cent.

Ash was startled. "Hey, your Health! You've recovered."

Lazarus grinned. "I've never felt better. The cursed saber really works. Its boosts are amazing!"

A terrifying roar drowned out whatever Valentine said in reply. Both covered their ears in reflex. That sounded really close. They turned to the source of the angry bellowing. A large shadow emerged from clouds of dust. The huge shaggy Boss came out thundering and snorting little flames from his nostrils. He was powerfully built, his muscles rippled as he swung his battle axe menacingly.

"Whoa!!" Valentine yelled, stepping back involuntarily. "That guy is scary."

"C'mon! We got this," Lazarus shouted and attacked. He jumped to the minataur's blind spot and slashed. His hands moved in a blur as he attacked the monster inflicting as much damage as possible.

"Crazy idiot!" Valentine lifted his sword and ran forward into the fray.

The two bullied the Boss from both sides, taking turns. It's Health slowly declined under the relentless attacks.

Slash! Uppercut! Jab and stab! Backslash!

The Boss bellowed in frustration at the high levelled Heroes. It swung its huge battle axe and hid behind its shield. It was no use. The Thief and Assassin were too fast and nimble for this level 30 monster. In the end, it was cut down and its body started brightening for the final explosion.

"Careful! Get back or you will be caught in the backlash!"


Hastily, they both got out of range. The Boss exploded magnificently bathing the area in a bright blinding light. The two Heroes covered their eyes and turned their backs letting the light and heat wash over them.

Valentine, Thief, Level 72, Health 84 per cent.

Lazarus, Assassin, Level 74, Health 90 per cent.

On the ground lay several Items that the Boss had dropped. A pair of minatour horns, shaggy pelt, brass nose ring and a level 30 iron battle axe.

Yes! Minataur horns! It was just what he needed.

"I want the minataur horns. You can have the rest if you want." Lazarus said whilst picking up the Item.

Valentine shrugged. "I'll take the pelt and axe. I can't use them but I can sell them."

"Okay." Lazarus took the brass ring. Maybe it will come in handy.

The exited the dungeon, richer in Items and Experience points (XP). Each little monster that died had given the Hero who landed the killing blow some XP. The Boss had given XP with every hit it took. The killing blow rewarded Lazarus with 100,000 XP points. Not too bad. At least they didn't die. It would have been a setback if they did.

Simtrixx had not set any limits to the number of dungeon runs. A Player could do the dungeon as many times as he/she wanted. Items dropped depended on luck.

Valentine grinned. "Again?"

Lazarus laughed. They went in again, hopefully it would drop more useful Items.

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