Chapter 24- Kirana's Orb Trial Part 1

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"So, shall we walk in openly and pretend to do some trade or sneak in?"

The two Heroes were standing some distance from Kwan's city gates. His palace could be seen from where they were, it was lighted up like a Christmas tree in coloured lights.

Valentine looked pointedly at Lazarus and cleared his throat. "In case you have forgotten, I'm a Thief and you are an Assassin. I think I prefer sneaking in, don't you?"

Lazarus grinned. "Somehow, I knew you were going to say that."

"Then why bother asking?"

"I thought I'd pretend to be nice and give you a choice."

Valentine rolled his eyes. "C'mon. This is going to be fun."

They both quickly changed into simple garb, dark coloured tunics, pants and soft boots. They needed to blend in with the crowd. If they went in wearing their expensive clothes, they would stand out as Ghost Lords and would need a legitimate reason to be there. Failure would mean being caught and held hostage by Kwan.

Kwan had been known to hold caught Ghost Lords hostages to their cities, extorting them dry for gold and resources. The thug had held them captive in such a way that they couldn't die. Some players still held on hoping for rescue, others had abandoned their avatars, either quitting the game or making new avatars. Abandoned avatars who became empty useless shells were killed by Kwan, letting them re-spawn. By that time, the players would have moved onto their new avatars, not bothering to reclaim their old ones. Simtrixx would purge the lifeless avatars in time. Kwan did not bother keeping useless things around.

"Let's go."

The moon was bright that night. The two made their way to the city walls, keeping to the shadows. Guards were at the city gates.

"Two, three, four ... and another three or four in the guard house," Valentine counted. "Why does he need so many?"

"He is probably paranoid someone like you will pay him a visit and steal all his loot."

"You mean someone like you."

"Nope, you ... Shhh! Someone is coming."

Footsteps sounded, the gravel crunching under booted feet. Urgently, Lazarus signalled Valentine and they both scaled the wall. Pausing on top, they looked down to see a guard making his rounds. They moved again, jumping down the other side of the wall into the city, once the guard had rounded the corner.

They made their way stealthily to the gaudy grand oriental styled palace. It shone like a beacon, luring people and creatures desperate for precious goods, special services and elusive information. Soon they reached seat of Kwan's power.

Lazarus took out two big bags from his Inventory and handed one to the Thief. He had come prepared.

"Here. Follow my lead and let me do the talking."

They both covered their faces with dirty rags, hefted their bags. Then they stepped out boldly, mingling with the crowd until they reached the palace gates.

"Halt punks! What business do you have here?" A bored guard stopped them, waving his spear in their faces.

They both stopped, pretending irritation at the delay. Valentine hunched down hiding his covered face. Lazarus stepped forward and growled in hoarse voice, "This is a special delivery for Kwan. Mind your own business soldier boy."

"Lemme see what you've got there or you won't get inside in this lifetime! And pull down your masks, I wanna see your faces."

Lazarus dropped his sack onto the ground and opened it. He took out a small bag of pink powder and lobbed it to the guard who caught it deftly. "Okay, okay, I get it. I know what you want." The assassin grumbled in a loud voice. "But I need to keep my nose and mouth covered, you understand. Don't want to be breathing in this potent stuff the whole journey or I'll be too high to remember my own name. You can keep this bit. If we are any later in delivering this stuff, Kwan will pull out all our teeth and shave us bald."

The guard peered into the Ghost Lord's sack which was filled with many more similar little packages, a light sprinkling of pink dust covered them. He opened the pouch in his hand and sniffed, licking a finger to wet it, he dipped it lightly onto the pink powder. His mouth stretched into a wide smile as he tasted it.

"Gimme another two bags and you're through." He eyed the sack full of the latest hallucinatory drugs greedily.

"No way. If the weight doesn't add up, we are as good as dead ... and there will be no more goodies for you in the future."

The guard considered for a moment, "Okay, one more bag."

Lazarus tossed him another bag before quickly tying up his sack. The queue behind the Ghost Lords had lengthened during the brief exchange. The guard waved the two heroes through.

"Move along, move along! Next!!"

Valentine hid a smirk hunching under the weight of his bag and followed Lazarus through the gates into the palace proper. Once inside, Lazarus kept the two sacks back into his Inventory, freeing their hands. They went to the main hall where there seemed to be some festivities. They remained inconspicuous, mixing in with the crowd. Loud music blared at them, whilst dancers in flimsy glittering attire danced for Kwan's amusement near his raised table.

Despite his terrible reputation, Kwan's palace was crowded with people and creatures vying for his attention and good grace. They were at the edges of the open floor, some distance from the dancers. Once the food and entertainment were over, they would surge forward trying to get his attention to plead their petitions and offer their trades.

The trader's huge bulk could be seen at the high table which was set on a dais. Female creatures and scantily clad young luscious women were catering to his every whim. A few held morsels of food, ready to feed him whilst others cuddled him and kept his wine cup filled. Tables were lined to his left and right for his favoured cronies. They too had sexy females fawning all over them.

Kwan was in a good mood. He had made a killing in profits recently and he had just caught another Ghost Lord, a pretty and active one. He would play with her before selling her off. Her city did not have much to extort as she was a new one. She was beautiful, he was sure he would have no shortage of buyers. And besides, she was a Healer, who wouldn't want a personal Healer at their back and call?

She was shackled to the armrest of his heavy pseudo throne but was sitting as far from him as the iron chains allowed. Her auburn hair fell in soft waves around her shoulders as she glared defiantly around her. She was dressed in a long off shoulder leaf green gown. Her bodice was criss-crossed with gold inlay which ended as gold tassels hanging down her hips. She looked absolutely miserable.

Althea, Healer Level 14

Valentine drew in a sharp breath drawing Lazarus's attention. The assassin raised an eyebrow.

"You know her?"

Valentine's eyes narrowed. "Yeah."

Lazarus looked quizzically at his friend. "Someone important?"

"Yeah, you could say that." Valentine sighed, an odd expression on his face as he looked from the captive Healer to the Assassin. He clenched his jaw. "You have to rescue her."


"Uh, I mean 'We'. We have to rescue her," Valentine corrected his slip.

"Now? But we are in the middle of ..."

"Now, Laz."

"Seriously?" Lazarus asked with a grimace.

"Yeah, seriously, and you can thank me later."

"I doubt that," the assassin grumbled. "Okay, if she is that important to you. Oh, hang on. Look at that!" his irritated tone had completely changed growing excited. "A Familiar!"


"There in the crowd. That creature, she's glowing a light blue."

"There are too many people there and no one's glowing. Maybe I have to level up to see it?"

"Umm, maybe," Lazarus said thoughtfully. He started when the Familiar turned around startled to look straight at him. Her eyes widened as if she was surprised he could pick her out in the crowd, then she gave him a delighted feral smile.

He took note of her and looked away. He was on a mission right now and needed to focus on Kwan. After that, he would go find her.

The assassin looked around. Where they were standing was too public. His eyes searched the great hall, finally following the servants who were constantly moving in and out inconspicuously, with laden trays, replenishing food and drinks.

"I'll get Kwan, you go rescue the girl."

"Huh? No, no, you have to rescue her," Valentine protested.

"No time. I can't do both at the same time, I'm here for the trial. Anyways she knows you not me," Lazarus said, already planning his next move. "If worse comes to worst ... you know what to do. No getting caught and being held by Kwan. I can't afford the time hanging around being held captive. We can always try again."

"Me too," Valentine agreed. "Okay, I'll get the girl but believe me, she knows you too."

Lazarus shrugged, not thinking much of it. Many players know them. He signalled and they split up. If everything went as planned, they agreed to meet at the outer wall.

He moved away from Valentine and melted into the shadows, there were many nooks and crannies to hide in. Generally, people pay no attention to their surroundings, especially with such a display of twirling half-naked dancing girls going on.

The beautiful Healer had also caught the attention of more than one pair of curious eyes. Kwan was showing her off, indirectly advertising her beauty. Word would spread and when it was time to sell, her value would have leapt a thousand fold.

She had foolishly entered Kwan's domain, seeking for rare herbs and when he had offered to search for it for an exorbitant fee, she had demanded that he help her as her right being a Ghost Lord. Ghost Lord? So what? Pfffftt!! She was in his domain, his territory and she had to play by his rules. No trade, no problem but she didn't want to leave quietly, and had created a scene causing some destruction in his precious place. That was a capital offence in his books. Kwan had given her a chance. It was not his problem if she was a stubborn fool.

Lazarus crept until he was near the main table. He hid behind the many banners and colourful drapes hanging from the ceiling all the way to the floor. It made the place bright and gave it a festive atmosphere. Kwan's guards posted all around the room were focused on the trader and the dancers. He looked around for Valentine and saw him in position near the healer.

Okay. Here we go.

The assassin took a deep breath and nocked a strong heavy steel tip arrow, strong enough to break the chain if he put enough strength behind it. That would give Valentine enough time to get the girl before he killed Kwan. If he shot the trader first, the alarm raised and ensuring chaos might block his line of fire to the girl's shackles. Right now, he had a clear shot. The trader should be easy, he was a sitting duck on the raised dais.

He aimed at an exposed chain link, pulled the bow string taut and let loose. Before his first arrow hit the chain breaking it neatly, the assassin had already restrung his bow and fired another arrow, this one aimed at Kwan.

Just then a girl leaned provocatively over Kwan to dab sauce from his smeared lips. The arrow pierced her back slamming her screaming against Kwan's obese body. He immediately stood up, pushing away her dead body before it could explode in his face. Yelling for his guards, he reached for his sword.

"TO ME!!!" he roared.

His bodyguards rushed to him at once, surrounding and protecting the trader with their own bodies, weapons drawn facing outwards.

"Protect Kwan!!"

"Find the assassin!"

"Clear the area around Kwan!"

During the ruckus, Valentine had grabbed the dazed Healer and was leading her off. They did not get very far when a cry went up.

"The Healer! She's getting away!"

All eyes turned to Althea and Valentine.

"Stop them! They are getting away!"

"Get them! My Healer! I want them both alive!!"

Guards ran to the couple cutting them off. As Valentine drew his sword, ready to fight the guards, he looked up searching. Suddenly, he smiled and gave a slight nod. There were too many guards for him to fight alone. He couldn't kill all of them before getting caught.

"Brace yourself," he said to the Healer. "He is here. See you on the outside."

"What? Who?"

Althea, screamed when an arrow flew out of nowhere to hit her saviour squarely in the chest. Blood spurted out. A precise deadly shot.


Her eyes lifted to the direction where the shot came from and she saw Lazarus half-hidden. Laz!! Her whole face lit up with recognition and disbelief. Wait a minute, what did he just do? Did he just shoot Valentine?!! Wasn't he here to help save her? She didn't understand. How could he kill his best friend? However, almost immediately she turned back to Valentine who had crumpled to the ground, grunting in pain.

"Val! Val!"

Before the guards could make a move, another arrow came whizzing out to hit the Healer. She fell on Valentine's brightening body, stunned, too shocked to scream. What the hell? She was busy cursing Lazarus when she died with Valentine.

In the meantime, Lazarus was shooting arrows as fast as he could. Hit the chain. Hit Kwan. Damn, the girl got in the way. Again!! Kwan ducked, and he killed a guard this time. Everyone was screaming and scrambling. Guests, dancers, petitioners, traders and servants were running everywhere. Only the well trained guards were calm but they too were on edge, swords drawn and ready for action. They went after the escaping targets.

Oh-uh, Valentine and Althea were in trouble. The assassin felt dread overcome him as he saw Valentine giving the signal to shoot him. Gritting his teeth, he steeled himself and shot Valentine, then the girl, but not before she glared hatefully at him. It couldn't be helped, it was the only way of getting them out. If she was recaptured, it would be harder to rescue her the next time. His heart constricted when they died.

Death Blow Experience Points deducted from :-

Valentine, Thief Level 74, minus 250,000 XP

Althea, Healer Level 13, minus 250,000 XP (Level down from Level 14)

Death Blow Experience Points awarded to :-

Lazarus, Assassin Level 76, plus 500,000 XP

It was all over in minutes. Lazarus felt a sudden pain in his left shoulder as a sword ram was hurled at him. One of the guards had thrown it blindly at the curtains. A lucky hit. He staggered behind the cover of the draperies. Guards started swarming over to him. Quickly he kept his bow in his Inventory to free his hands. They would not get his favourite weapon, if he could help it.

Aaarrrgghhh!! His vision swam as he pulled out the sword from his body with a painful tug and flung it on the ground.

The guards arrived and surrounded the colourful drapes. The captain reached out and jerked back a handful of heavy cloth, revealing the space behind.

Nothing. Where was he?

They went into a frenzy, slashing the hanging curtains ripping it apart. If they failed to find the assassin who had attempted to kill Kwan and who had killed the escapees, they would all be punished. Kwan had just lost an enormous amount of profit because of the girl's death. He would be in a bad mood. Somebody would have to pay for it.

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