Chapter 30 - Aria

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Jace was slightly better in the following week. He was still depressed and quieter than usual, but was more alert and not so glum. Ash was relieved. He had played Orc Wars like crazy just to level up and get the familiar. If he was eligible to get one, maybe Jace would relent and choose one too. He had read on Simtrixx's web page that they were loyal companions, just what Jace needed right now. A loyal Familiar would be good for him. It was a good plan.

Ash smiled. Tania was a joy to be with. He had tried dungeoning with her. She needed a little training but overall, she instinctively knew what to do and how to protect him. His golden wolf was fast and deadly, especially if he was in danger. She had risked her life for him on more than one occasion, saving him from dangerous situations. He had used his health potion on her to restore her afterward. He couldn't bear to see her in pain.

Tania also has a wicked sense of humour. If Anya was anything like Tania, Jace wouldn't stand a chance at staying depressed. If he did, Ash was certain Anya would find a way to forcibly drag him away from his misery. The familiars were unwaveringly loyal, sincere, naughty balls of furs. He counted on her. It seemed to be working.

In the real world, Chloe and Aria too had started hanging out with them whenever they had class. Aria had gradually formed an attachment to Jace, as Ash and Chloe were always joking with each other, unwittingly leaving her out. She would steal glances at Jace, studying his serious face, wondering if the rumours were true. Was he really broken hearted? Who in their right mind would break up with him? Whoever she was, she must be mad to have let him go.

She herself was content to sit quietly with them, sipping her drink and listening to Ash and Chloe while watching Jace. At least she didn't have to talk about herself. She had noticed that Jace didn't like to be touched. She understood how he felt whole-heartedly, she didn't like to be touched either. She shuddered at the thought.

A sudden thought came to her and she scrutinised the handsome youth sitting across her. He was staring into space again, lost in his thoughts. Did he hate being touched because he had been beaten like her? She had never known a soft touch, a hug or a gentle kiss. She had only known slaps, knocks on the head, punches and kicks.

Moving to a new place and coming to this school to start a new life had been a desperate gamble on her part. She had finally made the decision to leave her abusive alcoholic parents when she had been beaten senseless again. That time was different though, not only did Dad hit her with his fists and kicked her about as usual, but he had broken an empty beer bottle over her head. Mum had not notice her begging and screaming, finally collapsing onto the kitchen floor in a pool of blood. Mum had been in a drunken stupor of her own.

When Aria regained consciousness, she had been covered in cuts and bruises. She had been lucky not to have any broken bones. She had crawled from the kitchen floor to the living room, only to find both parents passed-out drunk on the sofa. She had cleaned herself up as best she could, gathered up her few possessions and savings, then fled cross-country, hitch-hiking to her grandfather's last known address. She remembered him to be a kindly old man, always with wonderful stories to cheer her up with. It had been some time since she saw him. He had stopped visiting after the big blow-up with Dad two years ago.

Grandfather Jared had no other family so he kept busy with his businesses. He was successful in his various businesses but was lonely living alone in his big mansion. He only had maids and servants to keep the place clean and cater to his minimal whims. He had taken her in, providing food and shelter to the daughter of his prodigal son. In return, she kept him company in the evenings when he was around. He seemed genuinely interested in what she did.

When he had learned she played Orc Wars, he had not condemned the game as a waste of time like her parents did. Instead, he had asked her questions about it, nodding to himself thoughtfully and following up with more questions. She was surprised at his knowledge of the game, not that he played himself. That would be laughable indeed!

He only asked and talked about topics she wanted to talk about. After the initial questions about her parents, he did not mention them again, much to her relief. She felt he understood her and she could talk openly to him. He seemed glad for her presence and she was happy she could ease his loneliness a little.

After a week in the house, grandfather Jared had enrolled her in the best local school in the area. A young mind should not go to waste, he had said gruffly when he handed her a new knapsack and some school supplies. All he asked was that she continued with her studies. Then he had patted her awkwardly on her shoulder before returning to his study. It was the first kind gesture she had received in a long time. She had stared after him vowing to make him proud.

Aria shook herself. Snap out of it Aria, you are in a new school with new friends and you have grandfather. These people here were so normal and fun, it made her feel almost human. And she had Orc Wars. The game couldn't have been launched at a more appropriate time. She had scraped up all her money to get it after watching the variety show. It was an alternate reality where she could reinvent herself and live freely. No abusive parents, no bullying and no worries. She was a high ranking ghost lord there, respected by the other players, with a prosperous city of her own. She loved Orc Wars and the freedom it allowed her.

In fact, she was getting better. She had Orc Wars, grandfather and now, new cool friends. Real friends like the bubbly Chloe, cheeky boisterous Ash and the reserved mysterious Jace. She had been amazed when they had accepted her.

She looked across the table at Jace again, she hoped he did not have such a horrible past like she did. She still had nightmares of getting beaten black and blue. She wondered what had happened to him and if he had managed to get away from it.

The four of them hung out and ate lunch together whenever they had class, often discussing assignments and random stuff. However, the conversation always steered towards the game at the end.

"Oh my God, did you know Valentine just got a familiar? I want one so badly but I'll have to level up all the way to level 76 and I'm so far away!" Chloe groaned.

Aria nodded in agreement. "Yes! Only those three have them, Constantine, Lazarus and Valentine."

"What does Constantine have?" Ash asked curiously.

"Oh my God, I love Constantine! He is so cool. He has a red falcon. It's huge and really magnificent! You should see it. Wait a minute, I'll show you."

Chloe tapped on her hand phone. She took a few minutes before she found what she was looking for. "Here, see? Isn't it awesome?" She handed her phone to Ash.

"Wow, it sure is." Ash studied the familiar. It really suited the Red Warlock. The falcon was huge and very regal. It had soft pale yellow plumage and fiery red feathers. It's claws and hooked beak was sharp and dangerous.

He handed Chloe's phone to Jace. "Impressive." Then Jace continued, "Constantine is already level 81."

"Really? He can cross the portal then."

"No he can't. He hasn't collected the Orbs."

"Hmm, that's true I guess, unless ..." there was the glaring loophole again. Ash looked thoughtfully at Jace. Constantine could cross over if he followed Lazarus. Once Lazarus had gathered all the orbs, anyone above level 80 could join him. He had already collected four. It was just like their orb trials, one person would request their trial but the Hero could either solo it or try to complete it with a team, as long as members of the team were also eligible (level 50).Those not eligible were automatically excluded.

"What does Lazarus and Valentine have?"

"Ohh, they both have wolves. Lazarus has a beautiful white one and Valentine has a yellow one."

"Golden," Ash corrected Aria. "She is golden not yellow."

"Umm, yes I suppose so but Lazarus's white wolf is so cool. Anya is absolutely lovely."

Jace's head jerked up at Anya's name. He was looking at Aria with narrowed eyes and renewed interest. Ash caught the movement and asked, "How do you know his familiar's name?"

Aria smiled delightedly and hugged herself. "I've met her."

"You have? Where? When?" Chloe asked excitedly. "Oh my god! Tell me! Tell me!!"

"Yesterday, when I played Orc Wars. I happened upon Lazarus and got to meet Anya. She was so friendly."

The two boys exchanged looks, Ash signalling his friend. Jace thought for a second his expression changing as realisation dawned on him, then gave a slight nod confirming Ash's silent questions.

Yes, she was telling the truth.

Yes, Jace now knew who she was.

A half-smile formed on his lips as he listened to the two girls talking. She was telling Chloe about Lazarus and Anya.

Aria was Nyx, the crazy stalker assassin.

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