Chapter 50 -Energy Play Part 2

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Lazarus lifted his weary head as he caught his breath. His silver grey eyes sparkled in contrast with his fatigued expression and tired stance. "I've got an idea."

Valentine grinned. He knew that look. Whatever Laz had in mind was going to be awesome.

"Isis can take from me and channel it right?" he asked Isis who nodded confirmation. Only Priests and Priestesses could manipulate and channel Energies from one person / creature to another, and only if they had achieved a certain level and Researched the appropriate tree.

Lazarus gave a crooked half-smile as he casually asked the Heroes surrounding him, "Does anyone here want some Energy?"

Isis, Valentine, Nyx and Jinx stared at him open-mouthed. Valentine burst out laughing wickedly. Brilliant!! Just brilliant!! Lazarus' outrageous plan was awesome. No one would have thought to do it as players generally do not share basic survival needs. No sane player would give away personal Energy. Sharing energy indeed!

Lazarus looked at Isis. "With the five of us against the four Warlocks out there, I think we can drain all their personal Energies. What do you think? Can you do it?"

"Hmmm, it's risky, but yes, it is possible." Suddenly, Isis went into action. "Okay, all of you, gather around and arrange yourselves in a circle."

Everyone did as they were told. Isis started immediately. They had no time to lose. Isis commenced with some intricate hand gestures and chanting. Then she reached out to the waiting Lazarus with her spiritual self and pulled.


She stopped, alarmed.

"No, go on. Do it," the assassin gasped.

She steeled herself and continued. She drained his Energies and looked at the others. "Get ready," she warned them.

She threw out an energy link to the Thief first. Valentine's blue eyes widened at the sudden inflow. "Do as I've told you. Take for yourself then channel to your City Shield. I will keep an eye on your status."

Next she linked Nyx and Jinx. She kept a watchful eye on the linked Heroes. She did not want to accidently kill any of her friends.

Lazarus, City Shield 100 per cent, Energy 90 per cent

Valentine, Energy 78 per cent

Nyx, Energy 85 per cent

Jinx, Energy 85 per cent

"Okay, channel to your city shields!" the Priestess instructed. "Let's drain those Warlocks!!"

Dimitri looked at the five glowing ghost lords, then he peered over the wall at the enemy. Sixteen were waiting to attack. They were expecting the Shield to crumble at any time. The other four ... well, the other four Warlocks were swaying on their feet. Sudden looks of panic and confusion appeared on their faces as they started shouting to each other.

The Battle Master's mouth split into a wide grin. Whatever his lord was doing with the other ghost lords was working.

"Okay, get ready! I'm going to pull at them!" Isis warned the Heroes around her.

Isis saw the Energy glowing strands with her Eye. She gave a mighty tug at the energy source. Resistance. She pulled again and the resistance broke. Energy flowed into her grasp. She pulled until there was nothing left to pull. Then she carefully controlled distribution.

The Energy flowed from the four Warlocks, then to the Shield. Maintain 100 per cent. The City Shield brightened then shimmered to normal invisibility. Now, to channel the excess energy to Lazarus. He was getting the brunt of it since it was a force from four players going into one body. She hoped he could withstand it, just a few moments until she could steer it to the others. She pulled the large force into the assassin, trusting him.

Lazarus groaned and swayed, struggling to remain upright, head bowed. His hands shook visibly with the effort as he reached for the stone wall to steady himself. He was burning from within. Anya immediately went over to him. She stood guard.

"Hang in there. It's almost over," she encouraged the shuddering assassin. His Energies were fluctuating wildly as she manipulated the flow.

Isis worked quickly to ease the terrible pressure. She wasted no time in channelling the extra into herself and onto the other three Heroes.

Lazarus, City Shield 100 per cent, Energy 100 per cent

Valentine, Energy 95 per cent

Nyx, Energy 95 per cent

Jinx, Energy 95 per cent


As the Energies were forcefully drained from the four poor souls outside, the Warlocks collapsed and 'died'. They exploded in unison, combusting into bright sparks.

"You did it! Those four Warlocks out there are dead!!" Dimitri crowed in glee.

The backlash was terrible. A sudden influx release by their deaths forced its way along the still open link to the Shield and the five ghost lords. The dome Shield suddenly glowed blindingly, Lazarus groaned again and collapsed to the ground. Isis staggered but managed to stay in control. The other three sagged against the wall.

Quickly, she collected the excess and channelled it to her own City's Shield. Too much, there was still too much excess Energy. She thought quickly. What else needed Energy? Her Orb Trial! It needed maintenance too. She manoeuvred more energy to her Trial, the magic flowers and golden rose tree used some energy for its special properties.

"Laz! Val! Channel to your Trials! Your Orb Trials!" she shouted. She wondered if they could hear her. She hoped they could. Val had only answered with a grunt, Laz didn't even bother to respond. He was in too much pain.

She stopped the flow and severed the links to Nyx and Jinx. If she didn't they would combust on the spot. It was up to the three gatekeepers to disperse and spread out the huge backlash.

Lazarus, Gatekeeper Trial 100 per cent, City Shield 100 per cent, Energy 100 per cent

Valentine, Gatekeeper Trial 100 per cent, City Shield 100 per cent, Energy 100 per cent

Isis, Gatekeeper Trial 100 per cent, City Shield 100 per cent, Energy 100 per cent

Lazarus, Gatekeeper Trial 100 per cent, City Shield 100 per cent, Energy 95 per cent

Valentine, Gatekeeper Trial 100 per cent, City Shield 100 per cent, Energy 95 per cent

Isis, Gatekeeper Trial 100 per cent, City Shield 100 per cent, Energy 95 per cent

... and stabilised.

She waited. When their Energy stats did not change, she relaxed. They must have heard her and sent some to their Orb Trials.

Lazarus looked up and blinked dazedly. Anya licked his face. Valentine was pale and sweating. Tania was by his side whining worriedly. Only Isis maintained her cool façade. Anxious faces greeted them.

"You all okay?" Nyx asked them. She herself was still feeling queasy at the internal play of energies within her. Jinx was sitting on the stone floor quietly recovering in a corner. It must have been worse for Isis, Valentine and Lazarus.

Death Blow Experience Points deducted from :-

Calypso, Warlock Level 60, minus 250,000 XP

Raven, Warlock Level 58, minus 250,000 XP

Belial, Warlock Level 58, minus 250,000 XP

Demetris, Warlock Level 55, minus 250,000 XP

Death Blow Experience Points awarded to :-

Isis, Priestess Level 72, plus 200,000 XP

Lazarus, Assassin Level 79, plus 200,000 XP

Valentine, Thief Level 77 (level up) , plus 200,000 XP

Nyx, Assassin Level 60, plus 200,000 XP

Jinx, Barbarian, Level 45, plus 200,000 XP

"We did it."

Lazarus stood up unsteadily and smiled. "We all did it. Thank you."

"Isis, my gratitude."

"It was fun," the beautiful Priestess said smiling broadly whilst wiping her damp forehead. "Things were getting boring around here."


The four Players stared at their respective blank screens, stunned. They had to wait out their mandatory cooling period before re-spawning.

Nadine glared at their backs.

"Oh my God, I'm dead."

"Me too."

"He took us all out at the same time," another player said in astonishment.

"I can't believe it."

"What happened? How the hell ...?"

Nadine had crossed her arms, her fingers tapping as she contemplated the scene. "Zen, bypass the re-spawn cooling period. Time is of the essence if we are to lower his level."

Zen took one look at Nadine's thunderous expression and immediately went into action. Silently, he applauded Lazarus and his team. Amazing play, to think his friends would risk themselves for him. He schooled his face and gave fresh instructions as he tapped on his keyboard. As Games Master, he had control of every aspect of gameplay. He called up the four warlocks, Calypso Level 60, Raven Level 58, Belial Level 58 and Demetris Level 55.

Bypass re-spawn cooling period.

The four characters immediately appeared at their respective graves. He tapped a few more keys and the four recovered instantaneously. All displayed 100 per cent Health and 100 per cent Energy.

"Get back in there. Re-spawn then port back to site at these coordinates. It's at the South wall of the Lazarus' city where they won't see you. Use your max Energies to hit him."

"Yes, sir!"


"The rest of you, get ready to attack. When the Shield goes down, attack immediately. We have to secure his grave site."

The large screen showed their target and friends recovering. Their energy link had been severed. This was the best time to counter-attack.

"We are there, Sir."


"On my mark. Pour all your Energies into the Shield, together, understand? One huge surge should get him." He glanced at Nadine. He heaved a sigh of relief. Her incessant tapping had stopped. She was almost smiling in anticipation. The Players got ready, building and gathering their energies.

"Three, two, one, MARK!!"

The four released their Energies, blasting at Lazarus' City Shield together.

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