Chapter 52 - Armies

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"This is just beautiful." Valentine sighed blissfully he watched the mayhem below. "Especially when it's not my city that's at stake."

"I want to fight!" Jinx announced.

"Not now. We must reduce their numbers or we won't stand a chance," Lazarus cautioned. "The NPCs can be replaced, we will lose XP if we die."

"I know but still I want to be part of it. It's so exciting. A real battle, not like the dungeons and small skirmishes I've done so far."

Isis smiled. "You will get your chance. Even with less four Heroes out there, their armies are still here. Wait for our armies to arrive, then we will join them."

"With or without armies, we are still at a disadvantage. Twenty armies against five?" Nyx said worriedly.

"Six armies, Adam is on his way."

"I forgot, you have two don't you?" Nyx remarked. "Well, I'm not waiting anymore. I want to join in the fun." She retrieved her crossbow and positioned herself beside an archer.

"She has a point." Isis joined her and raised her hands. Within seconds, green lightning formed and shot out at the enemy below joining the volley of arrows from Nyx. Immediately, more bodies flared and 'died' below.

"I'm surrounded by blood thirsty women ..." Lazarus muttered to himself.

Valentine clapped him on the shoulder and laughed, "Now you know how I feel! And by the way, it's bloodthirsty beautiful women." The Thief moved over to the outer wall, "C'mon let's join in the action."

"Go ahead. I've got to monitor my defence."

"O'kay." Valentine cracked his knuckles and took out his bow. "Now for some real fun."

Lazarus shook his head at the nut and returned his attention to his defence. There was more than enough time to get into the midst of battle.

Dimitri was clearly having the time of his life. He was in his element. The worse the odds, the more exhilarating the battle. Surely anyone could understand that. The trick was to stay alive to enjoy the fun. Anyways he had faith in his lord. The young lad had more than proven his worth.

"Calvary! Full Charge!!" the Battle Master hollered on top of his lungs as stragglers of the second battalion made it back through the gates. Those returning moved along the wall to the left, the wounded (Health bar not zerorised) to the Infirmary for a cooling down 'recovery period' and the still able back to the pool. They would be reassigned to new squads. A third group took up positions in the middle of the recently vacated court yard.

The enemy had recovered from the surprise attack. They had reformed ranks and were advancing towards the city. Their Ballistas and Trebuchets were firing continuously at and over the city walls. The walls shook with every impact.

"I hope it holds. I spent a lot of Resources on it," Lazarus grimaced as another boulder hit the outer wall. His eyes followed a few that were lobbed overhead and winced at it landed squarely on his waiting troops. His NPCs exploded in the court yard. The wounded were dragged to the Infirmary. There was nothing they could do for their dead, at least their bodies disappeared and did not clutter up the space.

"Get into positions! Swordsmen up and front! Pikemen to the centre!" Dimitri shouted. There were five hundred in the next batch. At the back Axemen assembled to the last man. The Outrider captain was busy forming ranks. The Raiders were exchanging their nets for spears.

Message from Adam : I'm here My Lord.

Lazarus : Good. Get into the forest North of the city and weed out the enemy there. Attack only those on the list I gave you. Friendly forces will be joining us soon. Don't get yourself killed.

Adam : Yes My Lord. My Lord?

Lazarus : Yes Adam?

Adam : I, umm don't know if we can clear them all. There are so many!

Lazarus smiled. Adam was still new at his job and lacked fighting experience. So far he had only trained and organised the growing army that Lazarus kept coming. This was his first real battle.

Lazarus : Just do your best.

Adam : Yes, My Lord!

Jinx suddenly jumped up excitedly. "They are here! My Battle Master is here! Can I go now?" she looked beseechingly at Lazarus. It was his city.

Lazarus tried to suppress his smile and failed. "Okay but you know you could die out there."

"No problem. I'm just playing for fun not like you guys and Miss Maniac over there," she jerked her head at the busy Nyx. "If I die I'll just re-spawn and port back here. I just want to play."

"Umm, you sure?" He didn't want her to blame him for her death and loss of XP.

"Yes! Don't worry. If I die, I die 2D. Now get out of my way and let me play!!" The Barbarian scampered off the wall to join her troops.

Although the enemy outside were dying by the dozens, there seemed no change to their numbers.

"Where's Allegra at?" Lazarus asked Valentine.

"Almost here. Then I'm going down there!" replied Valentine gleefully.

"Seriously, you are as bad as they are."

"This is the best part. This is what gaming is all about! I think my heart is going to explode!"


"Don't you agree?"

Lazarus laughed ruefully. "Yeah, it is isn't it?"

"Damien is here," Isis announced.


"My Battle Master. He is here with my seven thousand and five hundred fighting units," Isis replied calmly. She had taken a break from frying the enemy. "I will stay up here. I need to see the whole picture and cover you guys when you join the madness."

"What? Cover us?" Valentine asked.

"I'll heal you from up here. You'll last longer that way."

Valentine's eyes widened. "Oh wow! I had forgotten you are a Priestess!! Yes!!" He did a little jig.

"I will direct Damien to attack their Priests and Priestesses. I don't like those four."

"Nice, but four against one?"

"We won't take them on all on our own. They are fighting on all fronts now, but my main target will be them.

"Okay. Nyx?"

The sexy assassin looked at Lazarus. The excitement of being part of this select group and the way he was looking at her was making her heart beat wildly. He counted her as part of his defence and talked to her like an equal, not like a gatekeeper to a lower level player. She was one of his allies. He trusted her. Nyx loved being part of this, being part of his adventures, She had never felt like this before, she felt like she belonged.

"My army will be here in five minutes."

"Okay, good."

" ... but I will stay by your side."


"I will instruct my army to fight the assassins," she smiled at Isis taking her lead to attack her own class, "but I want to fight by your side."

He caught her eye, "It's better if you don't. The fighting will be crazy. I'm their target or they won't be here. I am almost guaranteed to die again."

"B-but ..."

"I don't want you to die needlessly."

She narrowed her golden amber eyes and squared her slim shoulders. "Then let's make it count," she said daring him to stop her.

He stared at her for a moment startled then nodded once. "Only if you promise me one thing," he said gamely.


"Port to safety when things get too hot."

The beautiful assassin balked, pursing her lips and narrowing her eyes in defiance.

"Promise me, Nyx!" He caught her arms and stared at her urgently. "Port to safety! You can always port back to the battle later after recovering. I'll give you some ports if you need them."

She would not have said anything if not for the urgent concern on his beautiful serious face and the fact that he was holding her, albeit roughly. He really didn't want her to die, she thought in surprise. It was just a game but he ... she felt herself drowning in his incredible mesmerizing silver eyes. He was so very close, if she moved just a little, maybe tilt her head a bit, she could kiss him. Those half-parted lips of his were so inviting. Nyx sighed mentally and clamped down on her wayward thoughts. He would freak out. He was so into the game because he was playing virtual. The dangers would seem more real to him.

"Okay. I give you my word."

Before he could say anything else, Valentine shouted. "Allegra is here! I'm porting to her. We'll take care of the Thieves and take down as many as we can. C'mon Tania, time to go bite some butts!"

"Finally!!" Tania jumped up wagging her tail. Anya's gaze followed her enviously. Tania was getting to go fight. Her chosen was still talking.

Lazarus nodded and went to check out the field.

His own Infantry and Calvary were keeping the enemy at bay but his numbers were diminishing. Several of his cannons and catapults had been taken out by the enemy machines. Archers were being replaced by the second. Those waiting to take the place who died were waiting in the wings. There was only so much space on the wall to accommodate the fighting NPCs.

Isis's army had engaged the Priest and Priestess armies below. Her 7,500 units were valiantly fighting the twenty thousand. She was smirking, her troops were of a higher level. She had brought along some Beasts which she had unlocked at Level 70. Too bad she had only two hundred of them. Lazarus and Valentine should have more, she thought. He was level 78 and that cheeky Thief was level 76. Her smile widened when the horrified screaming started. The enemy were all below level 70 and had not encountered these type of foes before.

Valentine had gone to meet Allegra. Tania had ported with him. A flurry of activity and flares in the Thieves' ranks indicated the killing had started. Lazarus's mouth quirked upwards. Allegra would be having some fun now and maybe back off Valentine for being such a boring lord for a while.

Jinx had died once already. The Barbarian had sent him a brief message, re-spawned and ported back almost immediately to re-join the exciting battle. At level 45, she had some skills. Good, he noted in approval. She was smart enough to target the NPCs and leave the Heroes alone. She would leave them to the higher level fighting units of her fellow Hero friends. She was really enjoying herself.

Nyx was busy communicating with her Battle Master. He saw a dark patch as her army marched towards the Assassins. She messaged him several instructions and turned back expectantly to him.


"When are we going to fight? Everyone's here and your efficient Battle Master has everything under control."

Lazarus looked around. Only he, Nyx and Isis remained on the wall. Anya waited patiently for him. She would fight when he did. Dimitri was in the court yard organizing what remained of his diminishing army.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to join in the battle now. We are still badly outnumbered but I'm not going down without a fight." He set his jaw determinedly. "Let's go."


"My thoughts exactly!" came Anya's voice. "It took him long enough!" She had morphed back to her natural wolf form.

Nyx grinned and ported after Lazarus. 

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