Chapter 55 - Lazarus secured

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Lazarus and Nyx were tiring. Between them, they had managed a surprisingly high kill count. Since killing the warlocks, they had not stopped. NPC units and battle masters fell alike. The detachment that came to investigate the warlocks' death was dealt with swiftly. Some died not knowing what hit them. The assassins' arrows filled the air. None were wasted. Their XP count increased incessantly.

Nyx soon ran out of arrows. She switched to her long bow until it too ran out. She glanced at Lazarus. He seemed to have an inexhaustible supply. Auto-reload indeed. His treasury must be depleting at the incredible rate he was shooting. How rich was he? He must have gotten a lot from all the Trials and dungeons he ran, not to mention his high city production rate. Oh yes, he was also known to gather any Resources and Gold tiles in his vicinity, even when he didn't need it. Well, maybe not the Gold. Everyone needed Gold.

He had set up his city to be self-sufficient and profitable. It had flourished at an exponential rate. She made a mental note to ask him which Research trees she should focus on. She wanted to be rich in-game too.

The enemy forces were thinning but the resistance were being annihilated. Isis' and Valentine's armies had done the most damage but in the end, they could not withstand the huge numbers against them. Jinx's had disappeared some time ago. Her own army was being decimated, Nyx thought, the last few stragglers being killed off. Adam had ported back to safety at his home city as Lazarus had instructed. Dimitri too had similar orders. Fight until the last man, woman, machine and Beast. Then port to the safety of the Catacombs. Under no circumstances were they to risk their lives. Lazarus would not lose his Battle Masters. He needed their invaluable battle experience and training expertise. Soldiers could be replaced.

Nyx exchanged her now useless bow for a sword. She had no choice but to continue with close combat. She would join Anya.

The Familiar was happily biting and clawing without restraint. NPCs near her burst into pixels as she despatched them easily. Lazarus had turned her loose, allowing her to indulge in her heightened savage nature. Her home and Alpha was being threatened. Her wolf's instinct was to eliminate those who did so. Bodies disappeared in her path as she moved among the nearest units.

"I'm going in."

Lazarus hardly turned his head in acknowledgement to Nyx's statement. He was still targeting and loosing arrows at top speed. "I'll cover you."

"Okay, ughh ...!" Nyx jerked, her body straightening as a green glow shot out towards her. In one swift motion, Lazarus had turned and aimed his bow to the source. Isis! Green light flowed from her outstretched arms, enveloping the assassin next to him.

"You're next." The Priestess mouthed at him.

Soon the soft light around Nyx faded. It took only a few seconds.

Nyx, Health 100 per cent.

He turned back to the enemy, shooting a few more before he felt an incredible sensation. A warm comforting feeling infused him, filling him with vitality.

Lazarus, Health 60 per cent.

Isis gestured urgently. Why only 60 per cent? He shrugged and tapped at his chest. Poison. She grimaced and nodded understanding.

Lazarus smiled. Isis was smart and efficient. She made the best of the situation and did not dwell on things she could not control. She didn't know he was using his self-made bow. It was working, the runes he had carved onto the weapon was working just like the cursed saber. It helped his impaired recovery rate tremendously. With any luck, it would help maintain his Health levels enabling him to fight.

He waved in thanks at the figure in white and turned back to business. Lazarus winced, trying to ignore the thick black smoke billowing behind her. His city was burning, he thought angrily. Rebuilding would have to come later. He knew everything was destroyed; production would be at a complete halt. His eyes narrowed. They had not even left a single building intact.

Focus! Now he had to concentrate on the enemy. It was likely that he would lose but he was not about to let them get away without heavy losses.

Resolutely, he drew in a deep breath and fitted another arrow to his bow. Nyx had forged ahead waving her sword. He aimed and fired, his hands blurring again as he went back to work.

Within the next hour, Nyx died. Her body exploded in a throng of enemy bodies. She was good and getting better. The assassin lashed out with her sword turning a full circle, killing all those within range around her. She died taking another four of five NPCs with her.

Anya died next. To Lazarus' dismay, he couldn't save her. She was skewered with several spears and cut down by slashing swordsmen. His heart wrenched although he knew she would re-spawn soon, but knowing and seeing her being cut down in front of his eyes were two entirely different things. Her beautiful white fur was streaked with mortal wounds and bright red blood. Anya died with a howl of defiance.

With the two obstacles gone, the enemy turned and converged on the gatekeeper.

Quickly lazarus exchanged his bow for a sword. Targeting long range was out of the question now. He swished it experimentally a few times before the first of his foes came within range. Using Speed he cut and slashed, whirling between ranks creating havoc. NPCs flashed and died showering him with burning sparks. He ignored those that landed smouldering on him. Instead, he continued, charging and disposing those nearest with his swift clean strokes. His XP count continued to rise steadily.

"Kill him!"

"We can't get close enough."

"He is too fast!"

Left, right, slash up and down diagonally. The four died simultaneously. Turn, duck and lunge. The gatekeeper's sword ran through another poor soul.

"Fall back!! Fall back!"

Those around Lazarus backed away immediately, leaving him in a wide clear circle. Beyond the empty space around him, enemy bodies darkened the area waiting for their chance at him. Lord Lazarus was the main target of this campaign. He would not get away again. No matter how skilled he was, there was no chance he could kill them all.

"Archers!! Formation!!" a loud voice bellowed.

A Barbarian Ghost Lord had appeared to take charge. He was joined by a Paladin.

"Ring of Death!" cried the Barbarian.

Lazarus turned slowly, alertly in his little island of space as the soldiers moved about decisively, now that someone had given a clear order. He watched warily, weapon poised, ready to attack as NPCs around him exchanged places smoothly taking up whatever formation the Barbarian had commanded. It looked like they had trained hard for this particular strategy. The assassin tensed as he realised a double ring of archers had formed enclosing him a deadly circle. They would take turns shooting from a relatively safe distance, not risking his lethally fast sword. He clenched his jaw resolutely, tightening his grip on his sword. This was it.

The barbarian laughed in delight. "I finally get to try my Ring of Death!" he said in glee, "... and against the very Hero it was designed for!"

Lazarus glared at him and readied his weapon, his whole body tensing for his final stand.

"First squad! Fire!"

The Assassin jumped high, using Speed he swung at the incoming arrows. He swung his sword, managing to block most of them. One lodged painfully into his thigh. He went down onto one knee with a grunt.


"First squad reload!"

"Second squad! Fire!"

The command rang out. It was all the warning he had before the sky went dark again with incoming arrows. Seriously ... how many soldiers does it take?

Lazarus ducked, rolled on the ground before leaping up in one fluid motion. He rushed to one side of the ring trying to break through. Amazingly, the second batch of arrows missed. Looked like they were all aiming for the spot he had been standing a moment ago. How predictable. They had not expected the gatekeeper to move so fast or so close to the edge.

"Stand strong! Maintain your positions!"

"Don't break formation!!"

"First squad! Fire! Fire! FIRE!!"

The Paladin started shouting unable to contain his excitement. "Kill him, damn it!! KILL HIM!!"

Lazarus' silver eyes narrowed. That yelling Barbarian was seriously getting on his nerves, and so was that Paladin friend of his. The two heroes were shouting, directing and confusing their troops. He marked the two.

Nimbus, Barbarian Level 62.

Ace, Paladin Level 61.

Those two had come precariously close to the rings of archers surrounding him in their anticipation to get the kill, either that or they underestimated him. The gatekeeper smiled inwardly. Good.

Lazarus crouched, resigned to his oncoming death. He knew he could not last long in here. He had to be superfast for what he was planning. He smiled, he would die fighting. A new surge of adrenalin rushed through his veins as he got ready to kill and be killed. He renewed his grip on the hilt of his sword. Now!

The assassin ran to Nimbus, jumped and lunged at him. His sword pierced the Barbarian's body, hot crimson blood spurted out. Without hesitating, Lazarus twisted his blade and dragged it upwards cutting through vital organs. The enemy's chest opened up. Without stopping, the gatekeeper yanked out his sharp weapon and rushed to the horrified Paladin.

Death Blow Experience Points deducted from :-

Nimbus, Barbarian Level 62, minus 250,000 XP

Death Blow Experience Points awarded to :-

Lazarus, Assassin Level 80, plus 250,000 XP

"What are you waiting for? Squad one, squad two, everyone! Fire!" Ace screamed in panic.

The Paladin had never gone up against anyone like the insane gatekeeper. Lazarus just did not know when to quit, he thought madly. Even the Bosses he had killed in the numerous dungeons he had run knew when they were defeated and when it was time to die.

The ring of archers fired at Lazarus. The flying arrows followed his moves as he ran to the other side of his enclosure where Ace was. In a few seconds, he had reached the terrified Paladin. The assassin's momentum carried him past Ace. As he went past, the edge of Lazarus naked blade caught the Paladin in his middle. Blood gushed out from the mortal wound.

Lazarus stopped, and turned for another go at the Paladin. Ignoring his wounded leg, he back tracked with his sword out and rammed the Hero through. Arrows rained on him hitting him and the unlucky Paladin. This time, the pointed missiles lodged in his body. Shoulder! Side! ... and two in the back. The gatekeeper's body spasm in excruciating pain but he did not let go of the bloodied hilt.

Ace had paled, eyes opened to its widest. He could not believe that he was dying. His stupid archers had hit him too. Arrows protruded from his body as Lazarus twisted his bloody sword in his guts for the killing blow.

The two Heroes exploded together.

Death Blow Experience Points deducted from :-

Ace, Paladin Level 61, minus 250,000 XP

Death Blow Experience Points awarded to :-

Lazarus, Assassin Level 80, plus 250,000 XP

Lazarus died satisfied. He had killed those two more of those conniving players. He would re-spawn to hunt the rest of them until they gave up this crazy siege idea.

No one benefited from his death this time. The enemy NPC archers had killed him.

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