Chapter 61 - Back to Reality

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Aria watched anxiously as first Ash than Jace came back to reality. The lights on their head gear dimmed and faded. Their motionless bodies came back to life as they groaned and slowly pulled off their gaming gear. Ash stretched his body and grinned.

"Woooohoooo!!" he whopped. "That was awesome!! We won!"

Jace sat up, running his fingers through his dark damp hair. He caught Aria's eyes, "Thanks for saving us."

Chloe was still having fun. The siege at the twenty player's cities was still on-going. It looked like it was not ending anytime soon. Now that Lazarus's city was cleared of the enemy, the outraged fans vented their anger on the attackers. Their names, levels and city coordinates were listed in capital bold red lettering on the gatekeeper's blog as 'Permanent Enemies'. Their crimes (attacking gatekeepers) were fully described (and exaggerated) under their wanted list. Attack at will, anyone and anytime until further notice(forever!!).

"Aria? Aria saved us?" Ash asked. "I thought those people ..."

'She called them over."


"There is a blog. Chloe?" Jace called the engrossed girl to get her attention. "Show him."

"Okay," she smiled and waved Ash over to her screen. "See? This is our blog for gatekeepers ... " She tapped on her keyboard opening up a tab. "I'll show you what we have been doing while you two were in there ..."

Ash leaned closer towards Chloe to get a better look.

Jace got up. "I'm going to take a shower." Just then his stomach growled loudly. Aria stifled a giggle at his startled expression.

"You didn't have dinner last night and we have been playing for hours." She glanced at the time on her screen. "It's almost morning. Go shower then we can get some breakfast."

He smiled, then got up and headed for the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, he came out dressed in a simple T-shirt and black jeans. The girls were ready, having logged off after last minute good-byes and instructions. Ash had packed all his gear.

"C'mon. I know a great pancake parlour that's open twenty-four hours. Jace's treat, for saving his ass!!" Ash laughed happily at the prospect of free food.

"Hang on, give me a minute." Jace smiled as beeps sounded. The answering texts confirmed that Lorenzo and Sophia will be joining them. Vera will stop by for coffee on her way to work.

Aria and Chloe were excited to meet the other gatekeepers in real life. What a wonderful start to a new day!

They trooped out of the tiny apartment into the fresh morning air joking and laughing. They were in high spirits.



Awkward, stunned silence hung in the room.

All the players stared at their screens in disbelief. They did not dare turn to face the Games Master or ask for further instructions. All they could do was to continue feeding their helpless avatars potions. That was all that was keeping their shields intact. The second they stopped, they would die and their cities destroyed; exactly like what they had done to Lazarus.

In fact, they would be worse off. Lazarus had to contend with only twenty of them ... and in the end he had help. They on the other hand had to face mobs of angry players who brought along their armies. Each Hero was attacked mercilessly. Their cities surrounded by angry players and NPCs. Those who were nearest attacked the shields with spells, arrows, spears and Machines. Some slashed at the protective force fields with their swords and hammered at it with battle axes and war hammers. Every hit was devised to bring down the only thing standing in their way to ravaging their enemies' sanctuaries.

When a player had to log off or died, another took his place immediately. There were many vying for a good spot. Too many. The twenty were at a loss of what to do.

"Everyone, log out."

Frostblade turned in his seat. "B-but Director, we will die."

"You are all already dead." She addressed Zen then. "Stop supplying them potions. They can't stay online forever."

Nadine, Director of Orc Wars took a calming breath but it did nothing for her temper. She was furious. "I told you all to bring down his level, not help him level up!" She almost shouted the last two words. Now the assassin was eligible to crossover the portal and they were not ready. She could feel panic rising in her chest. She needed to call a meeting with the design team immediately. Who knew when Lazarus would log on again. She stalked out the gaming room without another word.

Zen heaved a sigh. "Log out all of you. It's no use."

"Games Master?"

"It is inevitable. Log out, let your cities fall, get some rest. I will discuss the situation with the Director. This mission is over."

"If you play later, play as usual or try and salvage what you can. I'll talk with Nadine about your avatars."

They all slumped in their chairs and logged out as instructed.


Although Nyx and Jinx had logged out of the blog, it was still extremely active. Pictures, scenes and screenshots taken from all over the map were posted. News and sightings of all the gatekeepers were updated. Comment threads scrolled down as the fans chatted and updated each other. A network formed, keeping tabs on each enemy. Analysis started on the best way to keep them down and weak so that they could never again harm their gatekeepers. There were enemy status updates every few minutes as players excitedly shared their achievemets.

That's right. The gatekeeper's were theirs and the fans were feeling very protective of their new charges.

Everyone had an opinion, everyone had pictures and ideas. Discussions and theories started on the reason behind the attacks. It was a conspiracy. An anti-gatekeeper group? The fandom was in a frenzy.

Who knew the gatekeepers could be so friendly? They had all stayed to chat and even taken pictures with them after the battle. Friend requests were sent and accepted.

The gatekeeper's blog had never been so active and exciting. Their actual gatekeepers' active interaction was so refreshing. The legends were real. Everyone felt closer to their idols. The five gatekeepers were made honorary members of the special closed blog.

Everyone was fired up. No one was going to hurt their idols. No one.


The celebratory breakfast started off with introductions. Aria and Chloe were introduced to the gorgeous twins when they arrived at the pancake parlour. They settled down and orders were taken. Conversation flowed easily as if they had known each other from before.

Naturally, Orc Wars was the main topic. Details of the epic battle and their individual fights were exchanged. The red headed Vera stopped by for ten minutes, ordered coffee to go and chatted with them before she had to go off to work. She was older than them but clapped her hands gleefully when recounting her Kills. If only she didn't have to work. She would catch up with them later and it was nice knowing the two girls.

Everyone relaxed as the conversation turned to other topics. Constantine and Kirana, who would have thought they were twins? Aria wondered. These two were a handful.

Aria smirked behind her hand as Jace valiantly kept a straight face. Lorenzo was charming Chloe off her feet while Ash looked on in amusement, he knew Lorenzo was not serious. Chloe could hold her own. Sophia rolled her eyes at her twin brother's antics and clucked her tongue.

"Rrrrrreally, Lorenzo, must you go on?" Sophia rolled her tongue for emphasis. "Give the poor girl a chance," she chided her twin.

"I am only telling the truth ..." her unrepentant brother said as he bent down to kiss Chloe's fingertips. "Is that not so, pretty Chloe? Even your name is beautiful to my ears, like the sweetest of music."

"Ash, do something! She is supposed to be your girlfriend."

The handsome blond boy's smile widened. "Leave me out of this. Chloe is a strong independent woman who knows how to have a good time. She can handle herself, no need for me to interfere. Besides I have all these pancakes to take care of." Ash wiggled his eyebrows at Lorenzo, who threw back his head guffawing loudly.

"Seriously!! You are no good. Useless! No good at all! Jace? Aria? Help her. Help her quick! She is melting into a little soppy puddle." Sophia looked beseechingly at them.

Jace took a bite of pancake and held up his hands. He was not getting involved either. It was the smart thing to do. She mock glared at him. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Rrrreally!! This is a hopeless situation!" Jace grinned at her and winked at Aria.

"Lorenzo, you really are shameless! Seducing the poor girl in front of Ash!"

"Hey! He doesn't mind, do you Ash?" Lorenzo turn back to catch Chloe's hands again, "Besides Ash is busy and as a good friend I must keep this bewitching mademoiselle from loneliness while ..."

"Take your paws off her," Ash said around a mouthful of pancakes. "You can look but no touching!"

Chloe giggled, swatting at Lorenzo. "You heard him. Keep your hands off, but you can continue looking." Lorenzo laughed again as Ash rolled his eyes.

Aria chortled. These people were fun. Lorenzo and his sister were so dramatic and very entertaining. They liked to tease. Lorenzo was so like Constantine, dramatic and oozing charm effortlessly. The blond curly haired boy with classic European looks was so playful.

Sophia was no less dramatic. She was dainty and beautiful , pretending to be apologetic for her brother whilst her eyes sparkled mischievously. Aria noticed her looking at the oblivious Jace. She obviously admired him but she didn't make any moves. Aria smiled, Sophia was shy when it came to Jace. She was different from the fierce Berzerker when she played but retained her elegant aura about her. She was fun too.

Chloe was helpless under Lorenzo's attentions. "Stop it," she drawled, but a moment later batted her eyes exaggeratedly at him causing everyone to laugh again.

"Ahh, he shouldn't be let out in public. He is a danger to us girls!"

"That is exactly what I said!" Sophia agreed with Chloe happily.

"But he can have my number. It's ..."

"CHLOE!!" Everyone's indignant voice drowned her out.

"What was that? I didn't quite get that. Owww!" Lorenzo jumped back from Sophia as she hit his arm. "Not so hard! Seriously! You are killing me."

"You are nothing but a big softie. See Chloe? He is not much of a man after all. He can't even take a small hit. Ash is better than him."

"Oh my God, Sophia," Chloe giggled clutching her middle. "Stop it. You are as bad as your brother. I can't take it anymore. My stomach is hurting from laughing so much!"

Aria laughed along with them. Life was getting better by the day. It had been a good decision to come here. She never felt so good in such a long time. These people really trusted one another, enough to tease playfully without feeling threatened of offended.

Now, she had friends who were there for each other; real friends, who actually helped each other out without reserve when they were needed. These people had helped Jace in the game and they were helping her get over her trauma. People were not so bad after all. Not everyone was abusive, selfish and hurtful.

The goth girl looked over at Jace and was surprised to realise that she wouldn't mind him touching her. She glanced around, a warm feeling spreading in her chest. In fact, she wouldn't mind touching her newfound friends at all. She was confident that they would not hurt her. A friendly hug, a pat on the back, a light touch on the arm, she had seen others doing that and had wondered how they had endured it. Weren't they afraid the hug would turn into a frightening squeeze, the friendly pat would hit with force or the tap on the arm would leave a bruise? No, not everyone was like her parents. Grandfather was okay and these people were more than okay.

Aria turned back to Jace. His slate green eyes were twinkling with mirth over the brim of his glass as he took a sip of his drink. She wondered what it would feel like if he held her hands or hugged her.

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