Chapter 75 - The Orc Realm

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Authors Note : Back from my haitus. I will try to post once a week and double that when I've settled some stuff irl. Thanks for waiting and enjoy.



The three humans and three familiars emerged into absolute darkness.

Constantine, Warlock Level 86, Familiar Xico, Falcon

Lazarus, Assassin Level 84, Familiar Anya, Wolf

Valentine, Thief Level 82, Familiar Tania, Wolf

They only knew they had come out of the Portal because the eerie soundless vacuum nothingness that had threatened their sanity had been replaced with a dry chilly atmosphere.

Congratulations. You are the first to cross the Portal into the Orc Realm successfully.

Find the Lifestone and return it to the Ghost Lords' Realm. Return the Lands to its former glory and usher in a new Golden Age. Your name will be remembered by all for eternity.

Return here to cross back into your own Realm once you have achieved the Lifestone Quest. The Lifestone will activate the Portal. Proceed with care for unknown dangers lurk in the Realm of the Orcs.

The illuminated words faded leaving the Heroes in pitch black once again. All three froze in their tracks. Nothing could be seen in the darkness which engulfed them.

Lazarus cocked his head listening. It was like being blind again. There were no other sounds except the soft breathing of his two companions and the low growls of the familiars. Xico was silent but the Assassin's acute Perception allowed him to sense the predatory bird perched somewhere on top to his right. There was the soft rustling of feathers which gave the predatory bird away.

"Constantine?" he called out softly.


A soft reddish mage light appeared. The small globe floated above the Red Warlocks open palm. Slowly the light brightened and rose up above their heads illuminating their surroundings.

They were in a small rocky cave, just large enough to house the portal's bulky structure. A sandy path led the way out through a narrow passage. The two wolves sniffed the air.

"There is no one here. Only us."

Lazarus reached out to pat Anya's head and scratched the Familiar's luxurious white fur, feeling her warmth. She closed her eyes and leaned into his hand. He shivered, but stilled himself the next instant. Ever since the orc poison had reached Phase Four, he had been cold. He seemed to be freezing from the inside, the cold building up slowly.

Valentine stomped his feet and hugged himself. "Brrrr, is it just me or is it really cold?"

"What?" Lazarus jerked his head to stare at Valentine. He had not mentioned it to anyone yet. Maybe he did not feel the chill in the air for the ice in his blood.

"It's just you, my weak friend." Constantine smirked. "See? Even Laz is o'kay."

"Huh?" Valentine turned startled at the grinning Warlock.

Lazarus plastered a smile on his face and stepped forward. He did not correct the warlock. They were all excited to finally be in the orc realm. This was not the time to worry them.

"C'mon, let's get out of here and try to get information on this banished orc, Sharak. Isis said the orc was famous for his knowledge of poisons."

Sharak, the Banished One, Lazarus thought ominously. It did not sound promising but it was the only lead he had.

Constantine gestured at Xico who flew out to scout and lead the way. On his way out, the naughty Familiar swooped down on Valentine flapping his great wings. The Thief shivered in the sudden cold gusts of air and glared at the falcon's retreating tail.

"Grrr, your Chosen is going to pay for that! I know Constantine put you up to it!"

"I told him no such thing!" Constantine said indignantly in defence, but the mischievous gleam in his eye said otherwise.

Valentine snorted disbelievingly and made a face.

The companions made their way out the cave. The narrow path opened out to a small clearing. Grey replaced black as the Heroes trooped out into murky greyness. Cold thick fog whirled around them obscuring the sunlight. Outside, the temperature dropped even more.

"How is this better?" grumbled Valentine.


"I'm here." The falcon replied his Chosen from a rocky outcrop. "I flew around. I can see nothing."

"The fog is everywhere. It's too thick for Xico to see anything from above."

"Shall we wait or shall take our chances and go down the mountain? Tania and Anya can help," mused Valentine. "It should be no problem."

"The faster we find this Sharak, the faster I can ... Shhh, what's that?" Lazarus held up his hand to signal the others and moved forward cautiously. With his heightened Perception, the assassin had sensed something up ahead.

Immediately all drew their various weapons. Valentine gestured to the Familiars. Tania and Anya flanked Lazarus who was in front.

Suddenly a large dark shadow lunged at Lazarus roaring loudly. The Assassin slashed the air in front of him and side-stepped quickly, whirling around to face the assailant. Black ichor dripped from his blade, the sharp hunting knife had sliced something. Anya and Tania attacked, both jumping high to bite the enemy. The dark shape howled in pain and swiped at the wolves flinging them to the ground. The thing was strong.

An orc stood with its back to Lazarus holding a wounded arm before disappearing into some thick foliage. It was fast and agile for its size. Lazarus laughed at himself, first rule of combat; never underestimate your enemy. Big doesn't mean slow or stupid, he had a prime example in Dimitri his Battle Master.

Tania and Anya unhurt, pounced at the vacated spot sniffing. As one they moved indicating the direction the enemy had gone. It seemed to be alone.

"Careful," Lazarus muttered as he crept towards a thick clump of quivering foreign vegetation. He was in full battle mode.

Xico faced the unseen threat from his perch, ready to protect his Chosen should the Warlock go into battle. Constantine and Valentine stayed back, giving Lazarus enough space for movement. Both were on high alert, ready to assist the Assassin if need be.

The huge purplish leaves shook and shivered, then stopped. Lazarus's eyes narrowed, why was an orc hiding? It went against everything he knew about the fierce and strong race. Something was definitely wrong ... or was it bluffing? Weird. It made a guttural whimpering sound. In one swift motion, the gatekeeper parted the leaves and brought his long hunting knife down. The sharp edge stopped at a thick greenish neck, barely grazing the tough skin.

It wailed in terror cringing. "NAAaaa-oooogg!!! Okk naog aga dag!!"

Lazarus stared uncomprehendingly at the half grown orc. It had turned its back and was cowering under raised arms. The frightened orc quivered not daring to move. The assassin withdrew his weapon and stepped back still on guard. He frowned, somehow the orc didn't seem so big and threatening now. Why did it not attack back?

"What? What is it?" Valentine craned his neck to take a peek.

Constantine raised his hand, red electricity crackling in between his fingers. "Laz?"

"It's o'kay."

He moved to one side so the others could see.

"Oh! It's an orc! Awesome!" Valentine exclaimed and made as if to move forward.

"Hang on. Give it time, I think it's frightened."

"An orc, frightened? This I got to see."

"I think its alone. Careful Val!!"

Long stringy hair moved as the orc lowered its arms partially. Black beady eyes peeked unblinkingly from behind a dirty green arm.

"Constantine, do you have the communication spell? We don't speak orc. I need her to understand we mean her no harm, maybe then we can get some information."

"Yes, I have prepared it like you asked me to earlier."

"Now is a good time."

"O'kay my friends. Do not worry, this will not hurt." The Red Warlock started muttering a complicated spell under his breath. His voice rose and fell steadily according to the incantation. Constantine drew invisible symbols in the empty air around him, chanting continuously. Finally, he flung out his hands, reciting the names of his companions repeatedly, Constantine, Lazarus, Valentine, Xico, Anya, Tania ... Only those included in the spell would have the ability to understand and be understood by other beings in this realm. A soft pink glow spread from the warlock to engulf the group. It took a few seconds to disappear into those included in the enchantment.

Constantine closed his eyes in concentration. When he opened them again, he looked tired. The complex spell required the use of his internal Energies.

Constantine, Warlock, Health 85 per cent, Energy 56 per cent.

"Try talking to her now. She should be able to understand your words and you hers."

Lazarus nodded at Constantine. He faced the quivering foliage again and cocked his head. "Hey ... it's o'kay. We are not going to hurt you," Lazarus spoke in a soothing tone. Perhaps if they could be friends with it, the orc could provide useful information or even a lead to finding Sharak the banished One. He put away his hunting knife and held out an entreating hand. However, the gatekeeper stayed alert. He trusted Valentine and Constantine explicitly to protect him should the orc suddenly go rogue.

"C'mon little one. C'mon on out. We won't hurt you."

"Little one?" Valentine snorted behind him. "... and by the way, you have already hurt it."

Lazarus pointedly ignored the Thief and gestured with his other hand to the two wolves to back away. The wolves' menacing presence added to the tense atmosphere.

"It's o'kay Anya. I want it to befriend it. The orc may know the one with my cure."

"Oh! O'kay." She backed down immediately. In a second, Tania followed her lead.

The orc lowered its arm completely and turned to face Lazarus. Its greenish face was screwed up in fear and distrust. It bared its sharp teeth at him giving a token snarl.

"Grrrr! How dare it threaten you!" Anya's angry voice sounded in his head. "It doesn't even know how to growl properly! I'll show it! GRRRRR!!" She hunched, hackles raised and bared her elongated fangs ready to leap.

"NO! Anya!"

The half-grown orc panicked, survival instinct taking over. It started grabbing stones from the ground and hurled them at Anya. In one fluid motion, the assassin's hunting knife was back in his hands. It moved at high speed knocking the thrown missiles from the air protecting Anya. The stones fell harmlessly to the ground.

"It's a girl! A girl orc!!" Valentine exclaimed excitedly craning his neck.

"Really, my friend. Only you would notice something like that at a time like this!" Constantine rolled his eyes but his hands were steady. "Umm, is it pretty?"

"Move aside Laz. I can't see her properly."

Lazarus angled his body so his friends could see her. The orc had scuttled further into the gigantic bush. She was now partially hidden by the thick leaves so only her hairy feet could be seen.

"Here, let me try." Valentine stored away his sword and retrieved a large piece of raw meat. Orcs like meat right? He crouched down next to Lazarus and waved the meat at the bush.

"That's mine!! Chosen!" Tania said indignantly. "Don't give it to her! You can't!! It's MINE!"

"I'll get you some more later, love. Right now we need this orc's help."

Tania huffed, "Then promise me you will get me a bigger piece ... bigger pieces."

Valentine's mouth twitched and his blue eyes sparkled with mirth at his jealous wolf. "Okay, I promise."

"Hhrrummpphhh! You'd better!"

"Hey, Miss?"

"Miss?" It was Lazarus' turn to laugh at Valentine. Constantine chortled in amusement. Seriously, Valentine was more amusing than Lazarus.

The Thief ignored his grinning friends. "Don't be afraid. We are not going to hurt you, well, I'm not anyway." He smirked at the Assassin who rolled his eyes. "Are you hungry?" Valentine used his most cajoling voice. He sniffed loudly at the chunk in his hand. "Mhmmmm, smells good. Fresh raw meat. It still has some nice blood on it, see? Sure you don't want some?"

The orc peeked out cautiously again and licked her chops. Saliva dripped from her mouth as she moved unconsciously forward. She was hungry. She had been hiding on this mountain for days with nothing to eat.

"That's disgusting," Constantine made a face.

"Shhh, don't scare her. I think he is on the right track. Everyone, move back. Give him space but keep alert."

As everyone moved a few paces away, the half-grown orc inched forward. Valentine made comforting noises, waving the meat at her. She darted out to snatch the food before scuttling back to safety. Valentine repeated the process under the watchful eyes of his friends and his disgruntled familiar. Her Chosen was giving all her meat to the green one.

In a few minutes, the Thief had the orc out in the open and tearing at her food as she stared adoringly at him.

"He sure has a way with women," Constantine sniggered.

"Val ... ask her about Sharak."

At the mention of Sharak's name, the orc glared at Lazarus. She touched Valentine's arm possessively and pointed at Lazarus. Valentine was now her official Hero. He had healed her wounded arm by pouring some lesser healing potion on it but more importantly, he was feeding her.

"He means you no harm," the handsome blond Thief assured her. "They are my friends. They are with me." He waved his arms to indicate the whole group. "No one will hurt you while I'm here."

Hurt her? Constantine had to bite down hard on his tongue to keep from bursting out. Lazarus seemed to have better control but his eyes sparkled with mirth.

"Sharak!" she said between mouthfuls.

"What? What is it? Do you know him?" Valentine asked. The Thief brought out a large leg bone with meat still on it, offering it to her. Tania gave a low growl, she was counting how much meat her chosen was feeding the green one. So far it was five juicy pieces and one meaty leg bone.The half-grown orc snatched the leg bone, nodded and started gnawing on it.

"Yes? Do you know where we can find him?"

She nodded again.

"Show me? Can you take us to him?"

The green orc paused in her eating. Then she slowly shook her head.

"Huh? Why not?"

"Dead," she answered blithely not knowing she was crushing Lazarus's hopes with that one word and went back to eating.

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