Orca's Tragedy

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Orca swam through the winding tunnel that lead to Summer Palace, her eyes burning with determination. Her claws felt like ice and so did her blood, an itching through her scales. She was leaving her animus-touched statue behind in Deep Palace, where any threats to the throne will be executed.

She twisted towards a light, and soon breaching the surface of crystal blue water. The majestic Summer Palace was just in front of her, like a great narwhal horn piercing the sky. And it will soon be mine.

The dark green SeaWing dived into the water once before leaping out and snapping open her wings in a flurry of droplets. Orca beat her wings until her eyes landed on dark horns laced with pearls. She rose to the middle tier of Summer Palace, the pavilion her animus ancestor Albatross had built many years ago. With my magic, I could make something as great as this. My subjects will love the things I shall grant them.
She didn't know how many things she enchanted, but all of them were extremely helpful to this point. Her sculptures, everyone loved them and Coral had always complimented her on how talented she was as a sculptor. Indeed, mother. I had made them. And now, you are my sculpture to play with. My final obstacle.

Orca grinned slightly as she saw Queen Coral among her council, discussing something uninteresting as the large SeaWing waved her talon back and forth. The dark green heir swooped towards the open room, where many dragons lay in their designated pools.

Once she landed on the cold floor, Queen Coral narrowed her eyes at her daughter as well as a few others, disdain and disapproval dripping through their expressions. Orca nearly chuckled, barely restraining the giggles in her throat. Whatever these dragons were going to do, they couldn't stop what's about to happen next. When I'm queen, she thought with an internal smile, you'll all be the first to go.

Queen Coral rose her neck and hissed. "Princess Orca," she addressed. "We are in the middle of a meeting. You are not to interrupt." She shook her head, causing the pearls around her dark horns to tap gently against each other. The blue SeaWing had once intimidated her so much, but now she was nothing more than a hill in the way of her path.

Orca raised a talon at the queen and stretched open her wings, flashing her bioluminescent stripes to reveal the spirals and starburst on the underside. "I, princess Orca," she bellowed, making sure any SeaWings outside could hear her, "challenge Queen Coral to the throne of the SeaWings!"

A shocked silence met her words, the council dragons staring at her as if they saw a ghost devour a dragonet. Queen Coral was petrified, every scale as still as a dead corpse in the rain. That's what she will be. Orca thought, visualizing the queen laying limp as blood spilled around the body.

Finally, after what felt like one hundred heartbeats, Shark erupted from the DEFENSE pool. "WHAT!?" he roared. A murmur spread like a fire amongst the dragons, all staring fearfully at her from time to time. Coral kept glancing at her council members, ushering rushed questions in a hurried whisper.

Although Orca did like the satisfaction from their fearful looks, she expected for them to launch directly into battle instead of this chattering and gossiping. She cleared her throat before speaking louder than her previous, her voice echoing along the cliffs that sheltered Summer Palace, "Yes, I, princess Orca, shall earn the throne!"

Queen Coral didn't need to be told twice before gulping once and rising out of her pool. She stared with dark, hollow eyes at her daughter before nodding nervously. "Then it is so," she growled. "Orca, by tomorrow noon, meet me on the beach of the closest island to Deep Palace. There, we shall quarrel," She declared.


Storm clouds gathered in the sky as rain roared on the ocean, where an ambitious SeaWing glided through a strong current to her destination. As she approached, she grasped her pearl earring and whispered thoughts in her mind.
Enchant this earring to make princess Orca of the SeaWings to be stronger and more agile than Queen Coral of the SeaWings could ever be.

Power hummed through her body at that moment as she suddenly put on a burst of speed, the sea just a blur as she passed by. Orca nearly laughed of joy. She could do anything! But enchanting Queen Coral to just die isn't any fun, she wanted exhilaration and feel her adrenaline rush as she watched her mother die on the beach.

She fumbled around before she grasped a small, pearl bracelet. Enchant this bracelet to make princess Orca of the SeaWings become the most skilled fighter in all of Pyrrhia.
Her vision abruptly blurred before sharpening, where any movement would catch her attention. Her claws felt like they had a mind of their own and so did her teeth, which flashed a toothy grin.

Eventually, she made it to the island Coral had arranged the fight. It was a simple island with a rock formation jutting out from the center. Gathered around the beach, were uncountable amounts of SeaWings waiting for the challenger to arrive. And she has.

Orca leaped out of the water and landed heavily onto the slick sand, her claws digging grooves as she scrambled to balance. Rain felt like hail as it stung her scales, but she forced the pain away. She nonchalantly twisted her claws so it clasped a small ring for an idea.
Enchant this ring to make princess Orca of the SeaWings feel no pain.
The rain seemed to have disappeared, and it seemed like she was just standing in thick fog.

The dark green dragon splayed her talons against the shifting sand, widening her shoulders and let her jaw hang slightly open. A ring of spectating SeaWings formed a circle around her, some watching from rocks jutting out of the ocean while others clung onto the jagged cliffs. Orca craned her neck as the crowd in front of her begin to part, and like a shark fin cutting the waves, Queen Coral strode forward into the clearing.
The dark blue queen had fewer pearls around her body, but the same necklaces were present and the same narwhal horn strapped around her tail as it slithered across the wet sand. Orca clenched her teeth, wanting them to sink into her mother's flesh right then and there.

Coral spread open her wings to push the crowd back slightly for a more suitable arena before drawing her neck back and hissing, baring her teeth. "Whoever wins this may keep the throne, or gain it." Orca tensed her muscles, feeling power rush through her bones with a tingle of animus magic. Yes, make me strong. The power grew. Make me powerful. Her body was bursting. Make me be better.

Orca lunged at Coral with sudden speed before the current queen could react, sinking her claws into her shoulders as she absentmindedly side-stepped. The dark blue SeaWing roared and snapped her jaws at Orca, who ducked under her whisking wings to dart around. She almost laughed. Animus magic was a certain gift! She thought as she slashed at the queen's flaring wings, blood covering the starbursts.

Coral slammed her tail across the challenger's chest, who was knocked back far but felt no pain whatsoever. Orca scrambled back to her feet, her chest slightly throbbing but nothing else emanating. She leaped at the queen with outstretched claws before sliding on the wet sand to scratched her underbelly. Clearly astonished of her daughter's skills, Coral seemed to hesitate before stomping on her daughter's head while she was on the ground, Orca spitting at the sudden pressure. Her claws scrambled around the sand as she closed her eyes, grasping something small.
Stab Coral in the eye! But don't be seen!

The small object whisked away from her talons as Coral's agonized cry followed as the weight was lifted from her bleeding head. Orca silently giggled as she slowly rolled onto her feet, seeing the queen clasping her talons around her right eye. The heir darted forward as Coral tried to defend herself with a feeble swipe of her claws, only to have her neck in Orca's jaws. The dark green SeaWing could feel something sharp tear at her scales, but she clamped her teeth on the queen's windpipe, slowly inching her way to her throat. Orca bit down harder as her mother cried out, her wings beating on her attacker's head.

Suddenly, Coral threw Orca across the clearing with somewhat frightening power, blood coating her blue scales around her neck, wings and underbelly. Her face was screwed and not regal, but in fury in the midst of the battle. Orca scrabbled at the sucking sand, feeling the ocean waves begin to pound at her tail. She could feel the distant rain drops slamming down on her, forcing her eyes to slits involuntarily. Despite this, Coral was also struggling against the raging storm. Orca set her jaw before lunging at the queen again.

Coral dodged and was about to sink her teeth into her challenger's wing when she slipped away like a fish. Orca whirled around, ready to lash her claws at her mother's hind legs when one talon kicked her directly in the snout. She yelped in surprise as she staggered back. Her eyes fluttered open just as Coral shoved her exposed chest with the force of a mountain. The dark green SeaWing fell back hard onto her back, watching with wide eyes as the queen quickly approached. She scrabbled her broken chest hurriedly before touching a pearl necklace.
Make it so my every attack will cause pain and every attack she does against me will miss!

The necklace flew off her neck and onto the sand behind her. Orca was about to turn and look when her mother's shadow blocked out the light. She looked up at Coral with wide eyes, flaring out her wings in a final attempt. Coral roared as she plunged her claws towards her daughter's throat. Just then, a split heartbeat from her throat being torn out, a shape almost invisible rushed by to coil around Coral's arm. With a sudden jerk, the pearl necklace pulled the dark blue SeaWing's talons off course to dig into the sand beside the heir's head.

Orca utilized this moment of shock from her mother to spring forward and knock into the queen, sending her staggering as the attacker's head hummed slightly. The dark green challenger held back a laugh as Coral feebly rose to her talons with her dark blue eyes wide. She could guess what she felt right there. 'Did I just miss? Or is there something else I don't know about?' Orca internally snickered. Yes, mother. Oh, yes. But don't reveal it yet. This secret of mine will only come from a true queen's mouth.

Coral stumbled out of the way as her daughter slammed her tail down on some pointed rocks just next to her chest. The rocks dug between her scales, but her enchantments made the pain muddled and distant. Orca circled her queen, who hissed and snapped at her while pivoting, not showing any weak points. Blood trickled down their scales, seeping into their skin and forming pools on the sand washed away by the pouring rain. Coral lunged towards her, only to have the pearl necklace around her arm tug her away, crashing into the crowd of SeaWings with horrified expressions.

Orca couldn't hold it in as she barked a laugh, watching her mother struggle.
Make her unable to get up until I touch her.
Coral shrieked as she pushed herself with her talons, but failing to stand up as if there were invisible walls around her.
Make my statue in the nursery kill any heir, not just the ones in eggs.
She took another looming step forward as a grin cracked her face, stretching across.
Make it so that Coral's every attack will never do anything to me.
My magic. My victory. My throne.

Orca approached until she was just out of reach of Coral's thrashing tail, blood running down the beach. "Good-bye, mother." She dashed forward with open jaws in a snarl and claws that can hold the entire world in a palm, all aiming at the queen's horrified eyes and vulnerable throat.

Then, everything fell silent as something churned in her chest. Her vision began to blur as her hind legs fell limp, her tail numb and her wings drooping. Orca was bewildered before glancing down, where she could only stare feeling the sky just shattered and the ocean just vanished. Plunged deep into her chest, splitting open the scales was Coral's narwhal horn.
Orca watched it slide out trembling, a void in her heart and a fire blazing throughout her chest. Blood stained the sand, her scales, her tail and her world. She slowly slumped down as she felt the energy slip out of her body in the form of warm blood dripping out of her mouth as she grasped her mother's tail weakly.

Coral's eyes were as wide as the moon, disbelief and terror overflowing as she reached out a talon, the pearl necklace still wrapped around her arm. Why didn't it do anything? It was enchanted to stop any attack against her. But it wasn't an attack, The little consciousness she had left was whispering. It was a mistake. She didn't mean to do it. But she did. And everything's gone.

Orca collasped onto the sticky sand, blood pooling around her and drowning her. Lightning flickered in the sky before vanishing, thunder roaring and blasting in their ears. She looked up at her mother, who was leaning forward to see her damage. She thought, and thought and thought. She choked out the words, bubbling through the swelling blood, "I did this all wrong," She whispered, unsure if anyone could hear in the storm, though it rang like echoes through her mind. "You're going to rule forever, aren't you, Mother?"

The light began to slip away as darkness curled its sickle claws around her chest, squeezing and spilling more blood. Her life, it was draining through her blood, dripping like fire and ice down her scales. She thought back, thought of everything she done, and what was waiting. Orca smiled faintly up at Queen Coral's horrified face.
"...You should thank me...no one can stop you now."

Then... everything silently crumbled as her spirit rushed out of her ribs. Everything went dark. Everything turned into nothing. Nothing was there. Nothing.

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