The Queen

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By:Marcy Harris

Greetings reader, my name is Marcy. But let's be honest, you already knew that. I'm going to tell you a story about how I became the psychotic pastry lover I am today. So please, get comfortable maybe in a nice spot on the couch with some coffee and a blanket and I'll tell you the tale...of the Killer.

It was the morning of Friday, February 13. Everything was damp and cold from outside and small bunched up piles of melted snow were scattered around the lawn. The cold brisk wind blew against the window almost forcing it to slide open. The fresh morning light beamed in from the window pane and shined over my eyes causing me to open them. Exhausted, that was what I was. The day before I had been apart of a cross country meet and got home late that following night. I yawned and sat up slightly, stretching my arms up in different directions. "What time is it?" I said looking over moving my ridiculously long Crimson hair out of my lane of sight. The electronic clock on the dresser was blinking 12:00 AM. Noticing this I groaned, knowing my cousin had probably reset my clock as a cheap joke. Annoyed by this, I slammed my face against my pillow. "Stupid Raven..." I mumbled my voice muffled by the fabric of the pillowcase. Just as I said those words, a loud rambunctious slamming came from my door. Not even bothering to open it I threw the covers over my head. "Get up!" Shouted a girls voice from the other side of my door. "Go away!" I spat back. "Mom is upset because you slept in! Now GET." She slammed open the door. "UP!" I felt a hand grab the covers and flips them up making the Suns raise point directly onto my face. "NOOOO!!" I sat up quick and gave a fiery look at her. Raven was only about the age of 13 and had this long ratty black hair and always wore these violet or black clothes with fish net fingerless gloves. She dressed like a goth wanna-be slipknot fan. She violently grabbed my forearm and pulled up off the mattress. Staggering down the narrow hall way and down the circular steps almost falling, landing flat on my face. I stubbled when she finally let go with a hard tug. I kicked her shin out of frustration. "NEVER do that again!" I shouted while pulling Ravens ear. Right as I did that I was confronted by my mother tapping her foot signaling she was not pleased. She always did that when she was upset, on top of that she always crosses her arms and gives me a glare I can't even begin to describe. It always put me on edge to see her presence in this state. "M-morning mother" I stuttered and smiled nervously. She stepped forward. I gave her a puzzled expression not knowing what she would do next. She reached towards my bangs that were covering my left eye. I continued standing there in tell she screamed. "What's wrong?!" I asked frantically. Raven looked over to get a glance of what was wrong and fearfully spoke "What's wrong with your eye?!" I had no idea what they were on about. But if it made mom scream, it had to be something bad. I turned to the mirror on the wall and slowly moved my hair out of my eyes. They were right. Something was definitely wrong with my eye. My was before brown iris, was now a cherry red. How was this possible? The thought rattled my brain like a pepper shaker. I turned and looked back to see both my mother and cousin had horrified expressions. "What's the matter with you two?" I asked. I received no response. "I'm still the same old Marcy r-right? Please say something!" My mother turned her head to look at Raven. "Please don't be scared" I begged. "Raven hand me the phone..." My mother spoke softly. Raven exited the room to do as mom told her. I glanced at her. "Who are you calling..?" I again, received no response. "Hello?!" I yelled shaking. When Raven returned with the phone I started to panic. I watched mom dial a number sequence into the phone and hesitantly put it up to her ear. "After I'm done with the call" my mother said turning to my Cousin. "I want you to unlock the front door. Understood?" Raven nodded and watched her aunt walk into the living room and shut the door behind her. I fell to my knees and put the back of my head against the wall waiting for her to finish the call.

Almost 15 minutes had passed before mom finally stepped out of the room. As she asked, Raven had unlocked the front door. I had no idea why though but it wasn't of my concern at the moment. My concern was who did she call and why. I glanced up at her with fearful eyes. I received a hard, cold, heartless glare. All I wanted to do was cry after that. I felt as if a bad day turned into an even worse day. I waited for about 30 minutes in tell we received a firm knock on the door. "It's open!" My mom yelled. The door swung open and hit up against the wall. 4 men wearing white buttoned up shirts, black pants, and uniformed flat topped caps quickly moved about our house. I heard one of the men ask my mother "Where is she?" At that moment, I hid behind the couch. They were looking for me! But what was I supposed to do. I can't hide here forever! I looked around the corner to try to see if the back door was accessible. My lucked failed me. 2 men grabbed me by the wrists and hooked hand cuffs around each one. "What are you doing?!" I yelled out of fear. "We found the girl!" One of the men shouted pushing my head against the floor. I felt his foot kick me in the back hard making my stomach slam against the wooden floor. I screamed in pain. I opened my teary eyes and looked up seeing my mother standing over me. "Mom please! This hurts! HELP ME!" I screamed. I watched her head turn towards the four men. "Take her away from me please. I want my niece and I to be safe." Tears streamed down my face as the men dragged me out the front door. To find out my own mother called the authority's to drag me away...but why? Was it because I was different..? Am I not important?! Before the men threw me in the back of the white rusted truck, I glared up at my mother one last time. "YOU WILL PAY!!" I shrieked at her. "YOU CANT DO THIS I WILL HAVE MY RE--" My back hit against the wall of the truck and the hatch slammed down and locked. I crawled over to the steel door and tried to jam open the shutter. It's no use. "Dammit!" I spat slamming my fist against the door. "Keep it down psycho!" A different man's voice shouted. "You can't tell me what to do!" I shouted back. "Your not the first to say that, but your surely not going to be the first to ignore me ether." His voice mellow and calm. "I don't care I'm gonna get outta here if it's the last thing I do!" I slipped off my red high top and threw it at the chained window behind the drivers seat. I watched the shoe hit him straight in the back of the head knocking him forward. As soon as his head made impact with the wheel it twisted into a different direction causing the truck to shift and turn over. The truck caused me to be thrown around in tell finally the trucks hatch broke open and I escaped. From the distance I watched the truck burst into flames. The hatch had cut into my arm but it meant nothing to me, I just kept...staring. It intrigued me to see the mans body hanging out the window with glass chunks dug into his spine. I couldn't help but laugh from this amusing scene. I loved it. My amusing pleasure came to a halting end once I heard sirens. "This again, they must love chasing 15 year olds." I sighed. Then an idea popped in my head. If I can deal with a truck driver...I can deal with the cops! My eyes widened and a wide grin stretched across my face.

I had finally lost it, the one thing holding me down. My sanity.

A phew years had past after my escape from the authority's and murdering a man. The date was September 18, 2002. I was about 5'9 now, long red hair down past my knees, but over the months not only did my left eye turn red but my right eye did as well. I've been continuously plotting how I was gonna murder my family but nothing has been working. Ever since I left, Raven got a job in bioengineering, and has been selling robotic parts to people who need them for the last 2 years. Of course I'm never mentioned in her speeches or award ceremonies. I'm more like the shadow that was left behind. Then again, who said that I cared?

I have a better life working as a high paid assassin in secret and a pastry chef down at the local bakery. But my pastries are a bit different...I make them have a secret ingredient. But we will get to that later. As to where I live, weeelll...I live with the owner of the bakery Margo, and her 14 year old son Drake. They took me in after I told them my situation. They were frightened at first but caring. But lately, they have been loosing costumers from some rumor going around about the pastries tasting like blood. So we are loosing business. So I decided to start taking black market jobs from a good friend of mine named Vinny. She's a bit of a twist but she gets rid of the bodies easily for me so I can just pick out the parts people wanna buy. She is about 5'2, skinny, messy silver hair, and wears a black blind fold with a single eye drawn on with red chalk over her eyes. She always hangs out in the shadiest neck of the city in a dark alley with a dug out tunnel covered by a steel door. Behind that door lies our little "organization" or as we like to call it, the Secret Organization of Insane Misfits or for short the S.O.I.M. Its members contain of Vinny, Twitch, Cerberus, Eric, Scratch, our leader, and of course yours truly. We are all in groups of two except our leader. The groups contain, Vinny and Twitch, Cerberus and Scratch, and Eric and I. We all have individual styles of killing. Vinny and Twitch do more silent attacks. Cerberus and Scratch do brutal mauling with sharp daggers and long narrows knives. And Eric and I do more torture and massacre. Eric has been my best friend since 3rd grade and since then we have always gotten along. He's also been the one helping me plan my revenge against my family. We had finally decided on when we were gonna kill them one has seen Eric in a phew months. If I don't find a replacement for him soon, I will be screwed. I was heading back from my daily job with the black market sellings, when something heavy landed straight on top of me. "Oof!" I shouted, my face landing against the concrete.

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