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Top pic credit: Keiid

Violet POV: ~ ten years ago ~

"Don't look so excited." Touya scoffed as he continued giving me a tour of the Todoroki house I've seen a million times.

His dad made him do it, said it was a way for us to 'break the ice' and find something to talk about.

But, in this past day that Touya reluctantly agreed to be my husband, the only thing we've been talking about is how much he can't stand me being around him. Wonderful.

And, yes. As I said before, this arrangement of ours isn't one that appeals to me either. I'm doing it for my mom, because I know she has no other option. So, I won't be difficult about it. I'll just try my best to make it work.

I will also try to have patience with Touya. This can't be easy for him, either. And it's only because of his existence that Endeavor agreed to take care of me in the first place. This will take some time for him to adjust, and I understand that.

"Excitement isn't exactly what I'd call this look. I'm just smiling, is all. You know, to be friendly." I smiled again, causing Touya to groan softly as we continued aimlessly trudging around the empty kitchen.

"Yeah, well, I never asked you to be friendly." He uttered begrudgingly.

"And I never asked you for a tour of a house that I've already seen a million times. Look, I know this situation is still...weird to both of us, but there's no reason we should act this awkward around each other, right? Why don't we....you know....just hang out, the way friends would." I suggested patiently, nervously twiddling with the hem of my sundress.

But, of course, Touya being petty Touya....

"In case you haven't realized in the past few years that I've actively avoided you every time you came over, I don't have any interest in being friends with a grape like you-" He pointed out blandly before I latched on to one particular word of his sentence.

"Interest! Yes, that's it then. We don't have to be friends, if you don't want to, but why not tell me things that interest you? Stuff you like to do for fun!" I suggested brightly, admittedly a little curious to the interests of Touya Todoroki.

He's right in saying that he always actively avoided me whenever I came over. Because of that, I never, so much as even saw the guy's face. He was always a mystery to me, and mysteries intrigue me.

And while it wasn't an exact answer to my question that he gave, at least it was something. I guess.

"I train my quirk to the absolute limit, everyday. Sure, maybe father refuses to train me anymore, thanks to little Shouto getting in the way, but I plan to get better and catch his attention again. I'll make him believe in me, just like he used to." Touya stated casually, picking at his nails a bit as he slouched against the kitchen counter with ease.

The happy smile on my face slowly began to turn into an 'are you serious?' type of grimace. And the internal question at that point was more for my situation than it was for his answer.

"Um....o-okay. And that's-you said-that's fun to you?" I asked carefully, asking the question with honesty as I really don't know the answer.

Touya turned his head up at me now, raising a brow like I was the dumbest person on the planet.

"No. Those are my interests. That's what you asked for and I answered the question."

"Well, fun and interest are the same thing-"

"No, they aren't-"

"Okay, fine. What do you like to do for fun then?" I asked with emphasis, resisting the urge to release the tired sigh trying to come out my throat.

Touya bore his cerulean eyes at me for a moment, before shrugging uninterestedly.

"There's no time for fun. Not when I'm trying to keep up and learn dad's next ultimate move." Touya explained matter of factly.

His words perked my interest once more as a new idea came to my head.

"So....it seems that......your quirk and training are things that interest you. Why don't we start there? We can go out into the backyard and show each other our powers if you'd like." I suggested, gesturing to the back door.

I thought I was actually getting somewhere from Touya's silence-that is, until I saw his gaze subtly trail down to the single bandage on his wrist, before he quickly used his other hand to cover it from my view.

"I'm not showing you my quirk." He said quickly.

His words still held that stand-offish tone I'm already becoming used to. But, even so, I noticed that his voice was just a bit quieter when he spoke that time.

I don't want to offend him, so I won't push it. But...

"Well, you don't have to! I'll show you mine. Come on, let's go. I'm...uh, I'm not taking no for an answer!" I beamed lightly, trying to be more like my mom with my last sentence.

But, the difference between her and I is that my words came out incredibly awkward and forced-and if Touya did say no right now, I would definitely take that as an answer and shut up.

However, for the first time today, he didn't say anything in reply, simply crossing his arms and rolling his eyes in disinterest as I began walking towards the back door without him.

Come on, Violet. As you've come to find out already, Touya is one to verbally say when he doesn't wanna do something. A lack of response must mean he's at least a little curious.

Be more like mom. Be more confident.

Stopping in my tracks on my way near the door, I took in a deep breath as I veered my path towards Touya instead, making the bold move of grabbing onto his crossed arm and starting to very gently pull him towards the door.

I was even more surprised when he actually went with my movement-reluctantly? Sure. But somewhat willing? Yeah.

"It will be fun! I mean-my quirk isn't anything special, so don't get too excited." I followed up, suddenly becoming a bit nervous as I realized that I haven't really shown anyone my quirk. Except my mom, of course.

"Yeah. I'm just bouncing off the walls with excitement. You can't tell?" He uttered sarcastically, just starting to uncross his arms and let me lead him to the door-

"Ah, where are you guys going?" A sweet voice called out from behind Touya and I, causing both of us to turn around to see ten-year-old Natsuo.

He's always been nice to me.

"This grape's gonna show me her quirk." Touya said casually, causing Natsuo's jaw to drop.

"Tou!!! You can't call Violet a grape! That's not very nice." He reprimanded lightly, causing me to chuckle a bit at how serious he sounded.

"It's alright, Natsuo-I'm sure he'll say much worse." I trailed off dryly at the end, admittedly getting a bit of a passive aggressive dig at Touya.

He simply grunted dully in reply.

Natsuo smiled upon realizing I was in relatively good spirits, quickly forming an "oh" of remembrance with his lips before he began shuffling around in his pants pockets.

"Almost forgot! I made ya something." He stated warmly, causing Touya to sigh in impatience as his little brother continued looking around in his pockets.

"O-Oh, you did?? That was really nice of you. You didn't have to." I smiled sheepishly, before Natsuo pulled a slightly crumpled paper plane from his pocket.

"It's no problem, really. S-Sorry it's not much. But....I was just thinking...maybe you could fly it high enough and see if it reaches your mom, wherever she is." He explained softly, little cheeks starting to flush a bit pink as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously

My jaw dropped a bit in touched awe at such a kind statement, before I took the paper plane from his hand as quickly and gently as possible.

"W-Wow. That's so kind of you, Natsuo. Thank you. I'll...I'll try that and see if it works." I reassured him warmly, gently running my fingertip along the edge of the paper plane-

Before it was abruptly ripped out of my hands by a newcomer.

Touya, Natsuo, and I watched with wide eyes as Mr. Todoroki crumpled the adorable paper plane between his fingers, before burning it to literal ash.

"Wait!" I called out instinctively, not bothering to continue once I saw the plane had been ruined.

"Dad!!!! How could you!!!" Natsuo cried out, tears starting to well up in his eyes as Endeavor let the ash fall from his hands and onto the floor.

My brows furrowed in pure pity at the sight, causing me to quickly start making my way over to Natsuo, before Endeavor held his hand out to stop me.

"You won't be giving Violet any more gifts, Natsuo. She is not your fiancée, she's Touya's. If she wants a gift, she will tell him and he will be the one to get it for her." The heartless man reprimanded firmly, crossing his arms as he loomed over the three of us like an eery shadow.

Touya's normally calloused eyes flashed with a wave of hurt frustration at the words, causing him to inhale sharply as he forced himself to speak.

"But-But, how can I have a fiancée when I'm trying to train!!-" He tried, before his dad cut him off blankly....

....without even looking at him.

"Why waste your time training when no one will train you? You've already failed, Touya. You've already proven yourself to be too weak. This is your consolation prize. Accept it, and live this ordinary life now." Endeavor uttered disinterestedly, barely batting an eye at his other son with his next words.

"And you. Stay away from Violet Sasaki, Natsuo. Or you'll regret it, boy." He said, already turning on his heel to make his way to a crying Shouto in one of the training rooms down the hall.

He snapped his fingers at the nanny along the way, causing the woman to quickly stop mopping the floors and come over to coax a crying Natsuo.

Touya's barely willing attitude to simply acknowledge my existence had already changed into something angry again, as he harshly ripped his arm out of my grasp to walk over to his brother.


"Stop it! Just shut up. You've done enough already. Go bother Fuyumi or something, cause I'm not gonna be the one to hangout with you. I said it once to you already, and I'll say it again-I am not going to marry you, Violet. I'm going to become a hero and win my dad's respect. I'll prove all of you wrong. Just watch, you'll see." He stated lowly, quickly turning his back to me to focus on his crying little brother.

Feeling horrible about something that wasn't even my fault, I took a single step towards Natsuo, before the nanny quickly shook her head 'no,' giving me a small nod to go and find Fuyumi instead.

I sighed in defeat, forcing myself to slowly back away from the boys to go and find Fuyumi for some comfort.

But, not without saying...

"I...I'm sorry." I whispered barely audible, turning on my heel to leave the kitchen.

The apology was vague and it was meant to be. I'm sorry to Natsuo that his plane got destroyed. I'm sorry to Touya that he has to marry me.

And I'm sorry in general for already seeming to be such a burden on this broken family.


Next Chapter Title: Rules

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