Emos & Cameos

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Top pic credit: KadeArt

Dabi POV:

Morning came, and the other side of the bed was empty

But, the part that really woke me up....was how much I cared about something stupid like that.

Left alone again, huh? Heh. If you've learned anything about the person I am by now, then you know that me, being left alone, is when I'm at my worst. It's when my demons wake and come out to play-not like I can help it. I am a damn slave to them, after all.

So, get ready for hell, fuckers!

Its funny. Actually being alone isn't something I ever would have noticed before. Not before her. It was something I never would have been bummed about, in a million years.

Nah. I've woken up by myself for twenty-three years. Or, is it twenty-four years? Whatever. I'm dead inside, any way you look at it.

And, although I've always liked waking up by myself, now I don't, because-as we've already established....the annoying grape isn't like anyone else.

Yeah. It's cheesy. Got a problem? I don't care.

It's probably because I've gotten so used to her nagging these past few months, I don't know what to do with the quiet now.

Yeah. That's it...you fucking moron.

To make matters worse, my emotions woke up before my common sense did....and the next thing I knew, I was groaning like a bitch for her....rolling over to her empty side of the bed and stuffing my face in her pillow.

Much better.

Agh. You really are a damn fool, aren't you?


Damn. The side's still warm. Still smells like her. I'm already addicted on that smell. I can't have enough.

I hate how much I inhaled the scent of the pillowcase, currently suffocating my face, like a damn weirdo-hate how much I hugged the damn thing to my chest, already imagining her stupid face, and her body in my arms.

Hate how much I wanted her in my arms. How much I wanted to hear her say something grape-like, such as 'good morning,' or...'sleep well, Touya?'

I mean....'Dabi.' Not Touya....

Heh. I can already tell you how I'd reply. I'm a stubborn motherfucker, after all. As much as I'd love to hear her say it, I'd probably take some jab at her, instead of an actual answer.

Nothing too mean-Eh, no promises on that, actually.

But, I wouldn't mean it. Whatever I'd say...it would be a deflection, just to change the subject, I guess. I don't know, the soft shit is embarrassing. I want her to say it to me, but I feel like a moron afterwards. Not cause of her, but cause of me.

Because, feelings in general...are toxic. Look at what they did to me? To my body. To my life.

Whatever. We already established I'm a psychopathic piece of shit. If you didn't know that by now, well....I don't know what to tell you-like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Get a brain.

Moving on...

Ah, yeah. Back to the morning simping over my ex-fiancée, who thinks I'm dead.

My little sapphire. Mm, I'd snake my hands under the covers to feel her body-a body that's slowly starting to become familiar under my touch. Actually, it's already become way too familiar. I can feel every curve of her on my hands now, even if she's not here.

Heh. Every dimple and little squishy muscle she tries to suck in, whenever I run my hands on it. Trying to appear thinner and taller-as if she wasn't already damn perfect. It's laughable to me, how completely oblivious she is to herself. To how fucking hot she is. To how whipped I am for her.

As if every man on this fucking planet doesn't want her. As if I wouldn't kill every fucking man on this planet, who lets her know that.

Toxic? Heh. Good. What were you expecting from someone like me? Roses and chocolate? Gimme a second to barf at that.

Considering how we left things last night, physically anyways, she'd be naked right now...the way I am. I can already imagine pressing her up against me and hearing her make a little sound of content.

I ignored the stupid stirring in my chest at not being able to hold her, ignoring the itch in my hands and the emptiness in my arms, since she was gone for the day.

Pretty sure she told me where she'd be going today, last night. But, I'd already been gassed from the yesterday, barely giving her an 'uh-huh. Whatever,' before I was dead asleep.

Nevermind the fact that I've slept better than I ever have, these last few nights she's been in my bed...

The point is, it wasn't a surprise for the bed to be empty this morning when I woke up. But, still I'm bummed as hell about it, anyways.

My stupid mouth curled into a shitty, dazed smile as I imagined turning her over in my hold, and seeing her face....seeing her grinning at me like the damn grape she is.

Her face gets swollen in the morning from sleep. Heh, her and those chipmunk cheeks and crusty eyes.

It's gross on anyone else. Everyone else is gross.

Eh. Gross on her, too, probably. But, whatever, I like it.

Bet she'd laugh once she saw me, face to face. She always does when she sees me first thing in the morning. I never know why. I don't know-it's not a loud laugh. More like a soft, little chuckle. Is it cause of my face? Is it cause she can't believe she's sleeping with a murderer? Is it cause she looked in a mirror?

I don't know. But, the damn sound is contagious. And as much as I try to roll my eyes and tell her to shut up, my resolve goes out the window and I smile with her and pull her closer-only cause I'm tired as fuck. I don't really know what I'm doing that early.

Like bitches in love. Seriously, we're disgusting.

Then I'd kiss her. Kinda want to more than usual right now, considering I can't.

Regardless, a soft sigh of want escaped my lips as I imagined her lips on mine.

As someone who's waited ten years to kiss her, you bet your ass I'm gonna enjoy it every time.

How soft her lips are. How touchy she gets, running her hands through my hair, or on my shoulders. The soft, little sounds that hum from her throat. The feeling of her mouth moving against mine.

Yeah, I've only kissed her, and no one else. But, I already know she's the best damn kisser in the world. No one compares. No one is better. And no one can convince me otherwise.

I gripped the back of her pillow, wishing it was her head, as I smothered my face deeper into her side of the sheets...

....wishing she would come back.

Fuck, shut up. I hate that. Hate that I feel that way. So vulnerable. So....dependent. Disgusting...

I hate how much my groggy mind is replaying the memories of last night-fuck, not just last night....but the last few nights with Violet. Hate how it feels like a fever dream.....how the ugly thing in my chest keeps trying to get me to process that I'm finally with the first, and only, girl in my life that I've ever had a crush on.

If you told this story to sixteen year old Touya, he wouldn't believe you.

But, if he did....

....he'd be doing cartwheels of excitement down the Todoroki driveway-also aiming to hit bitch boy Akio in the face with one of those cartwheels along the way.

The grape drives me damn crazy.

But, fuck, if I don't love it.

Agh. I said to shut up. You stupid, burnt shit. There you go again. Simping like a jackass. Someone press this pillow to my face and suffocate me for real, cause I'm irritating as hell.

Another lazy groan escaped my throat. But, this wasn't one of longing. It was one of frustration with myself, causing me to fully cut off my circulation in Violet's pillow-half trying to suffocate, and the other half trying to inhale every bit of her presence, because I wasn't getting enough of it.

Let's see which part wins!

While I'm here, getting lightheaded-I guess I should congratulate myself! After all, that's gotta be a new record. Becoming a whipped, subby bitch boy in forty-hours? Niceee work! Fuck all the reasons you were supposed to stay away, right? Throw away the past eight years of drama for nothing? Quality shit!

A fool.

God, I'm such a fucking fool.

What the hell are you doing, moron? Why are you letting her get closer? So damn close....

It's almost as if........you want her to find out who you are.

Actually, no. I'm not letting her get closer, right? No way. I held my ground yesterday. When I told her I didn't want something serious...

"Talking about whatever this is. It's off limits. Alright?" I'd told her, hating the heavy feeling in my chest when I said the words.

It left a sour taste in my mouth. If I wasn't so damn stubborn and trying to keep my distance, I would have taken it back.

But, I am stubborn and trying to keep my distance-which is why I didn't do that.

Yeah. I totally held my ground. Showed her who's boss. Obviously...

By what? Whining like a little bitch underneath her, about how you-wait for it-'didn't wanna talk about it?'



Why don't you wanna talk about it, Touya? Huh? What's the matter? Is it a...'sensitive subject' for you? That's cute. I'm surprised you still even have 'sensitive subjects,' at this point. Those were supposed to have burned up with your body, eight years ago.

It seems you can't follow through on anything! No wonder you're such a failure piece of shit!-


Nevermind that. Relax.

Feelings hurt, remember? They burn to the third degree. Fucking relax. You don't feel.

You don't care.

The real question is....why didn't she care?

Grape used to follow me around everywhere when we were kids. Practically worshipped the ground I walked on, and gave me the world.

Oh? Am I exaggerating, you ask? Yeah? Well....fuck you.

Regardless, I guess it caught me off guard how...passive she was about the whole thing. Not even the fake passive aggressive shit, where she tries to act uncaring, just so she could piss me off.

No. She was....genuinely okay with it. Okay with being....whatever we are. This casual shit. Not fighting me on it. Not crying. Not begging me to commit. Not protesting, saying she wanted more. Not giving a flying fuck.

So, she doesn't want more then?

Does she actually want to hookup with other people, too? Does she actually want to be that casual?

I mean, yeah, I know I'm the one who told her so. But.....

But, 'what,' you damn coward. Say it. You know exactly what.


I didn't actually expect her to agree, alright?

I didn't want her to agree.

Call me toxic. Call me a dick, and I'll tell you why.

Cause I wanted her to fight me on it. I wanted to get into a fight with her yesterday, with her practically on her hands and knees, begging me to get in a serious relationship. And me, grinning like a feral fuck, getting my ego fed, while telling her 'you signed up for this,' 'I already told you I don't want anything more.'

A way to stay in control. Because having Violet out of my control is something that makes my breath leave my body.

I don't mean control like...kidnapping her and locking her up. Sure, I'm a psychopath, but still.

I just mean...

'Control,' as in....I don't want to be the one who's feelings are stronger. I don't want to be the one who wants her, more than she wants me.

Cause then she may leave me. She may reject me.

And I don't handle rejection well. Hence why my skin has been burned down to flaps of bacon!

The control is a way to keep her at bay, while still making sure her feelings for me haven't died out.

You have to keep checking, to make sure she hasn't lost interest in you? Pathetic. You're a piece of shit.

Never said I was a good guy.

You know she'll lose interest in you. Especially, once she finds someone better. And, that's literally anyone.

I did tell her she would get sick of me one day.

She's free to be with whoever she wants. Just cause she's hooking up with you now, doesn't mean you're special. You're temporary.

That's what you wanted, right? This wasn't meant to last forever.

How much longer, till she loses interest in dating the scary, dangerous villain, huh? How much longer will she put up with your stupid bullshit?

How much longer until she finds someone else?

The image of her with someone else instantly invaded my mind, without consent. It caused my heart to jump in something I couldn't understand. Caused my closed eyes to flinch and my brows to furrow down in irritation.

My teeth clenched down as I gripped her pillow tighter in my hands, digging my fingers into the squishy cotton and not wanting to acknowledge the streams of unrequited emotions running around inside my veins.

The image of her wanting someone else. Looking at them, the way she looks at me-but, stronger.


She's Grape. She's never supposed to look at anyone else that way. She's only ever looked at me that way. That's not how it works.

But, still...

I have no control over that.

Having her get out of my life, once more, and move on with someone else-leave me in the dust and forget it all...

I have no control over that.

I never have any control over anything. I don't even have control over myself.

I'm a monster. A fucking monster.

God, what am I even doing? About anything?

I cursed internally as my pulse began to beat harder in my veins, feeling my breathing starting to pick up speed as my imagination began running wild.

The worst part, is a part of me actually wanted to tell her who I am. To face my demons and just say it.

That scares me, because I didn't feel that way a few days ago. No, for eight years I was content-wanting everyone to forget about me, until I was ready to show myself when they least expect it.

But, now, I wanna tell her? Is two days of hooking up with her all it takes to ruin my end goal? Am I really that fucking pathetic?

To make matters worse, my breathing began to stutter more now-getting off rhythm and having a hard time coming through with the heavy weight atop my chest.

Because, any time I think about a life with Violet-a long term life with Violet...

The trauma of the past comes back.

It's like 'Dabi's' way of punishing me. Of reminding me what it was like to try and be human-reminding me why I should never wanna feel again.

I start to hear my own dying screams bleed into my eardrums. I remember her face from that day-pale and stricken with pure horror as she shrieked, and ran towards me.

"F..Fuck....s..stop.." I breathed out shakily, keeping my eyes squeezed shut even though the past was starting to play vividly in my mind.

My body felt hot-bad hot.

I felt trapped.

I need to get out. But, I have nowhere to go.

See? This is why I didn't want to talk about it last night. That's why I told Violet to drop it. Because talking about it would lead to shit like this. And shit like this would have her asking questions about why I'm like this.

And that....would lead to...who knows what...

Too vulnerable. Too real.

And, most of all...I already know she would say all the right things to me in moments like these, and only make me fall deeper.

Closer. She's getting closer to uncovering the truth. I cant let that happen.

She's already onto me from my hell dance on the roof about dear old dad. She's onto me cause I couldn't keep my fucking emotions in check.

I cant ever let her find out the truth. Not about me.

The day she finds out, is the day all those repressed memories will come back. It's the day I can't hide from her anymore. The day I can't hide from myself.

As I said before, being with her is torturing.

But, being without her is worse.

This is why I don't feel. It's too painful.

Not to mention...

I have a lump in my throat now. A lump of pain. Sorrow, and misery, and anxiety. Something so familiar to me as a kid. I know exactly what it is.

It's something I'd finally been able to suppress, over these past few years. The longer I'd been away from home. From Violet. From humanity...the easier it got to suppress this lump, until eventually, I never even felt it again.

There was no pain, because I'd shut off all my emotions. I'd spiraled, and had no trigger that could bring me back. I felt ruthless. I killed anyone who got in my way, didn't give a shit who it was-innocent, or not.

I won't say I was happy. But, I wasn't hurting. For once, I wasn't hurting, because I forgot how to do so.

The world wronged me so bad, I almost had absolutely no triggers that could bring me back.

Everyone always disappointed me. Everyone always misunderstood me.

Except one person.

There's one person who never disappointed me. One person who accepted me for all the shitty things I am. One person who never lost faith in me, and loved me for all of it.

Violet's the only trigger in my life. Well, besides good ol' Endeavor.

Let me rephrase that-Violet is the only confusing trigger in my life. I say confusing, because she's the only person who can trigger every side of me. The good. The bad. The shameful. The proud.

The vulnerable. The emotional.

She's the only one who can force Touya to climb back up my soul and make him want to break out. To be free and try again.

I'm not proud of that. I hate it. It hurts.

I've felt more pain in these past few months she's been back in my life, than I have in years.

Hence, why I lashed out so passionately-so suspiciously in front of that bedazzled bitch, last night.

She's awakening my feelings. Feelings I've tried to bury for a long time. Feelings I'm starting to lose control of, so they come out randomly like that.

I can't have her do that. For either of us.

As I've said before, I don't want to be saved. Her, awakening my feelings, doesn't change that. If anything, it makes me want to self destruct more, because of how much it hurts to feel.

And, trying to save me, will destroy her. If I destroy her....I'd be done. With all of it. I'd give up and die: with nothing left to keep me here.

Not even my revenge.

A shaky sigh escaped my mouth, causing me to suffocate myself harder with Violet's pillow so I couldn't breathe.

I felt hot tears of blood sting my charred eyes and roll down my sweaty face.

I hate myself.

But, most of all....I hate that I want her here right now. I hate that I want her here, to do what she used to do and give me her love.

I hate how I'm slowly starting to revert back into that fucker who burned alive. That wasn't part of the plan.

It hurt. It hurt a lot to 'cry,' as if I poured boiling salt water into my eyes.

But, I'm so used to the pain-physical pain, that I didn't even flinch.

I kept my eyes closed instead, hugging Violet's pillow between my arms as I tried to calm down and come back to reality-as I tried to stop thinking and turn off my emotions once more.

See? This is why I can't ever commit to her. Why I can't ever tell her who I am and have an ordinary life with her.

I think if I try-really try to do that....I'll burn alive. Again.

More painfully. For good.

It's better that she does find someone else. That she go out and get with whoever.

Then I can go back to the way I was a few months ago. Able to hide my emotions and control them.

And, even though I felt myself starting to lose consciousness from suffocating my face in the pillow....even though I could stay here for a few minutes longer and probably end it all...

...the thoughts of where Violet went rotted my mind with curiosity and a dread to know, causing me to lazily shove the pillow off my face and allow oxygen to hit my brain once more, so I could continue living. Hooray.

Dumb grape. Even when she's not here, she's saving my fucking life. How about that.

I rolled over tiredly and swiped my phone off the night table....not even bothering to wipe the blood tears from my red, irritated eyes as I opened the message screen to Violet's number instantly.

I wanna know where she went. I don't remember what she said last night.

Maybe, since we're keeping things casual, she went to go hookup with someone else, huh?

A headache began forming at my own thoughts, causing me to wipe one side of my face to clear away the pulsing migraine as best I could, while I typed the message.

And, while I know I just wondered if she was with someone else...

Even after everything I just said...everything I just went felt, and went through, and thought....

All of it crumbled away, as I really hoped she wasn't.

Seconds felt like minutes as I sent her the message, immediately closing my phone and plopping it on my bare chest as I stared up at the ceiling with dead eyes.

Suddenly, the silence doesn't feel the way it used to, before she came back into my life. Being alone isn't desirable, anymore.

I miss you, Grape. Don't leave me-but, don't stay with me, either.

I was thankful when the phone dinged instantly with her reply, causing my hands to fly to my phone, and my eyes to scan the message like a starved animal-and my heart to beat fast in dread.

And, upon first reading her response....it made a wave of anger and pain wash over me.

But, then I remembered why she is where she's currently at....and I instantly felt better.

It made me come back to reality a bit and remember why I'm here, alive in the first place. My anger.

I chuckled softly as I settled my head back into the pillows, looking up at the ceiling through half lidded eyes as a tear of blood streaked down the side of my eye.

....as I felt 'Dabi' coming back and silencing 'Touya' once more.

That's right. Touya's dead. There's no saving him. Don't forget that.

"Heh. What are you getting yourself all worked up for, anyways?" I murmured to myself humorously, grounding myself as I remembered my end goal.

The end goal that...

"It will all be over soon. It will all be over soon, because you're going to die." I whispered to myself with a smile, letting the tear of blood fall onto the cotton white pillow.

Violet POV:

Text Message From: Stitchy.

Where the hell did you go so damn early? I wasn't done with u yet...

I rolled my eyes in light irritation with Dabi's text message, leaning back against the wall of UA high school as I blew a small bubble with my gum.

Text Message To: Stitchy:

Hint: it's a school. Do you ever listen to anything I say?

Text Message From: Stitchy:

Do I what?

I cursed the small snort that came from my nose at his dumb joke, shaking my head and ignoring the busy passerbys in the hallway as I typed a message back.

Text Message To: Stitchy:

Told you last night. Not telling you again

Text Message From: Stitchy

I was too busy getting railed to listen

Tell me or I'll kill you

Text Message To: Stitchy

No u won't. Stop being mean or I'll kill u

Text Message From: Stitchy

Already tried to die once this morning and it didn't work. Give it ur best shot

Text Message To: Stitchy

Heyyy...joking about that stuff isn't funny, Dabi. Stop that - and be nicer to yourself pls

Text Message From: Stitchy

Or what?

Text Message To: Stitchy

Orrr...I'll come back there and spend the morning reading you Bible verses about self love ;)

Text Message From: Stitchy


Text Message To: Stitchy

Jesus, indeed.

Text Message From: Stitchy

When the hell are you coming back

So you can read me the Bible

Text Message To: Stitchy

Whenever I feel like it ;D

The UA celebration ceremony won't last long. I'll bring you back lunch

Text Message From: Stitchy.

UA huh...

Maybe I should come crash

While I know Dabi is just joking about coming to crash the 'party,' I couldn't help the slight dread in my chest at such a possibility...already knowing how horrible that would go.

The entire top ten are here for class 1-A's celebration ceremony today. The adorable students are getting honored for stopping some eel monster last week. A big deal for sure!

I'm not gonna lie....I felt incredibly honored when I got the text from Shouto inviting me here. I teared up. Of course I'm not gonna miss it for the world!

...Even Endeavor is here. I mean, why wouldn't he be? His son is in the ceremony, after all...

Text Message To: Stitchy.

Stay there and be good.

Text Message From: Stitchy

Can't be good for long, little sapphire. So you better get your ass back here soon...

Text Message To: Stitchy.

Is that your way of saying you miss me, Dabi?

Text Message From: Stitchy.

No. I hate u

"Uh-huh. Sure you do, Stitchy." I snickered to myself, deciding to close my phone and get back to reality.

My brows raised admiration as I took in the bustling halls of UA high. Having attended a normal high school, I was definitely a little starstruck getting to see the famous superhero academy.

The place was packed with students, family, friends, heroes-just about everyone you could think of as the celebration ceremony was just beginning-ehhh, actually, I think the welcome speeches already began. I just got distracted texting Dabi.

What can I say? That man gives me butterflies. Broody, little butterflies. Sigh....

But! Now is not the time to talk about my dysfunctional, completely toxic and unhealthy canoodling with Dabi!

This day is dedicated to someone else. A someone I should start trying to find in this crowd, so I can show my support.

Feeling a smile of pride flashing across my face, I held my little present for Shouto with two hands to make sure I wouldn't drop it, heading for the area of the school he told me he'd be in.

Ehhh, at least, I think it's the right area? The place is huge. I'd probably get a ten mile walk in just trying to find the bathroom!

However, after many awkward 'excuse me's,' and weird shimmy dances of trying to scoot past people without interrupting their conversations, I finally spotted that familiar head of red and white hair...immediately getting over-excited as I ran towards him.

Heh. I just love Shouto. And not in that way, ya creeps...

"Ahhh!! Shouto!! Heyyyy!!" I exclaimed with a giant grin, throwing my arms around the boy from behind.

His body involuntarily stiffed up at the abrupt contact, but quickly relaxed when he recognized my voice.

He turned around in my hold and gave me a proper hug, sporting a soft smile when he pulled away.

"Violet. You came. Early, too. That's cool." He greeted casually, causing me to furrow my brows in confusion and check the clock on the wall.

"Of course I did! I wouldn't miss it for the world. And, what are you talking about? I'm right on time-if anything, I'm almost late." I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly.

Shouto furrowed his brows in confusion, looking at the clock himself, before shrugging.

"Oh. Well....no one else is here, yet. So....you're early to me." He pointed out matter of factly, causing me to immediately turn my eyes to Endeavor speaking to Hawks in the corner.

"Uhhh, your dad's right there." I gestured, yet Shouto didn't even look over.

"He doesn't count." The candy cane boy said, earning a snicker of amusement from me.

Even so, I couldn't help but feel pity creep into the back of my mind at Shouto's earlier words, knowing that he wanted his siblings here, even if he wouldn't say it.

Natsuo has the day off from school, and Fuyumi took off work. They have no reason to be late for this. There must be extra traffic...

Regardless, I attempted to make up for their absence as best I could, clearing my throat and grinning brightly as I handed Shouto my present.

"Here. Some freshly baked blueberry muffins for your big day." I said warmly, watching Shouto's eyes immediately light up in delight.

In typical Shouto fashion, he took the box without saying a word-too awkward to know what to say. But, I know he was grateful, judging from the little hum that came from his throat when he immediately popped open the container.

I chuckled slightly as he was already grabbing one of the muffins from the container, peeling off the paper before taking a hearty bite, right in the middle of the hallway.

"Mm. Blueberry Surprise?" He muffled out in confirmation, closing his eyes in bliss as he savored the bite.

"You know it. I know how much you love my cooking. Woke up extra early to make those babies. Ehhh, my roommate wasn't too happy about that part. But, he'll live." I said, laughing deviously to myself when I remembered Dabi groveling in his sleep about the noise I was making in the kitchen.

"They're awesome as always." He reassured, taking another bite to finish off one muffin already.

I watched him eat in delight, only realizing I'd interrupted Shouto's conversation with other people, when two boys appeared on both his sides.

"Oi. Icy Hot! Are you deaf? I was talking to you, and you just left in the middle of the conversation!" A spiky blonde boy nagged out, crossing his arms in irritation as he watched Shouto eat.

Seeming used to his abrasive antics, Shouto didn't even look over at the boy, already grabbing another muffin out of the container.

"You weren't saying anything interesting. I got bored." The icy hot boy said much too honestly, causing the blonde's eyes to widen in shocked anger.

Trying to make amends, I smiled at the other two boys, gesturing to Shouto's box of muffins and gaining their attention.

"There's more than enough of those to go around, you two. Shouto, maybe you wanna share with your buddies?" I questioned with a smile, earning a scoff from the blonde haired boy once more.

"Buddy?! I ain't his buddy!-and just who the hell do you think you are?" He practically demanded, placing both hands on his hips as he got closer to my face.

Please. I deal with Dabi twenty-four hours a day. And before that, it was Endeavor. This kid is nothing, compared to that!

"Ah, I'm Violet! Who the...hm-hell are you?" I mimicked much more politely than he did, keeping my tone warm and upbeat as I spoke.

Apparently, that wasn't the right approach as the blonde narrowed his eyes at me with suspicion, coming closer with threat.

"Huh? You mocking me now?" He questioned lowly, causing me to purse my lips in confusion.

"Kacchan!" The green haired boy on Shouto's other side reprimanded, looking panicked at the attitude the blonde boy was emitting.

The broccoli boy turned to me with a sigh of apology, attempting to patch things up as he smiled.

"Sorry about him. It's nice to meet you, Violet. I'm Izuku Midoriya." He smiled warmly, causing a lightbulb to go off in my head at the name.

"Ahhh. The kid who breaks his arms and has a notebook full of hero notes?! Shouto has told me a lot about you!" I exclaimed, causing Midoriya to immediately loosen up.

"H-Heh-that's me! Still working on the whole....'breaking arms' thing. But, always adding to my notebook." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

However, instantly I felt more elated. Because there's a question I've had for months now. Ever since Shouto told me that Midoriya had a notebook section for every hero in Japan-even in other countries, too!

"Soooo," I started off, innocently throwing my eyes up to the ceiling as I tried to play it casual. "What did ya say about me?"

I rocked back and forth on my heels in excitement, awaiting Midoriya's answer.

"Huh?" The green haired boy asked in genuine confusion, bursting my bubble a bit as I'd have to explain further.

"Ohhhh, come on now. Don't be modest. You knowww.....what did you say about me in your notebook?" I asked once more, grinning like a dork waiting in anticipation.

Midoriya's confusion remained unchanged at my words-actually, if anything he looked more confused now.

"Oh. Um....well-you see, it's a notebook, dedicated to heroes." He said lightly, appearing as if he was trying to let me down easy, before Shouto cut in.

"Violet's a hero." He pointed out, taking a third muffin from the container before shoving it in his mouth.

Midoriya and the blonde boy's eyes immediately widen at Shouto words, both of them letting out a simultaneous 'what?!'

I smiled softly at their surprise, rubbing the back of my neck as I tried again much too desperately.

"Hah. Yep. Bet you didn't recognize me cause....alter ego...and stuff. Obviously-so, back to the matter at hand-Midoriya-you got something about me in that notebook? Right? Me? Glimmer? Age, twenty-two. Blood type, O?" I asked not so subtly, causing Midoriya to shake his head.

"Actually, no! I've never even heard of you." He said straight forward, looking completely innocent and not trying to hurt my feelings.

My smile turned to stone, remaining stuck on my face as I continued pressing.

"Oo-not even like a...a paragraph, or something...." I trailed off, whistling casually to try and appear unbothered.

"Nope! You were completely unheard of!" He followed up brightly, causing my lips to scrunch together.

"Not even.... a mention...?"

"Not even that."

"Or....like-a shoutout type thing....?"

"Like I said, completely unheard of! I didn't even know you existed!" He pointed out, causing me to groan and purse my lips in begrudging defeat.

"Right. Lovely." I grumbled, before the blonde boy stepped in.

"Oi," he started off strongly, invading my personal space bubble as he came closer. "Now it makes sense, why you think you're hot shit. You think cause you're a hero, it means you're better than me, huh?"

"Not at all. Actually, my horoscope says I'm empathetic." I justified naively, giving the blonde boy a reassuring smile that only irritated him further.

"What?!-There she goes, mocking me again! You know, you got a big mouth on ya! You probably think you could even beat me in a fight!" The blonde boy exploded in growing anger, causing me to nod in disagreement to his point.

"Oof. I don't think so. I have asthma." I started out in explanation, before the blonde was immediately thumped in the back of the head by a newcomer.

It was a light thump, but the blonde still hunched over in unnecessary drama, immediately turning around to face the culprit of the hit.

My eyes widened in starstruck excitement as a familiar woman with long, chocolate brown hair and green eyes scooted herself into the mix, smirking smugly at the blonde boy, before lugging a friendly arm around him.

"Terrorizing the guests again, Kacchan? Thought your mommy raised you better than that." The number eight hero, Hourglass, snickered...causing this Kacchan to groan in irritation when she ruffled his hair obnoxiously.

"Oi!!! The fuck is your problem, stupid bitch?! I told you to stop doing that with my hair!!" Kacchan screamed, roughly shoving a cackling Hourglass off him with ease.

"Why? That's how I pet all my feral puppies. If you go one hour without yapping, you can have a biscuit." She shrugged casually, ignoring Kacchan's Pomeranian growl of anger as she turned to me now with a smile.

"Listen, whatever this brat told you....he means well, don't take it personally. We're still working on his social skills." Hourglass said with a friendly grin, flipping her hair off her shoulder with ease.

But, now I couldn't give a damn about this Kacchan-immediately overstepping my boundaries and grabbing onto Hourglass' wrists.

"Oh my gosh!!! Hello again! I know we've already met a few times before, but I am such a big fan. You have no idea. I-I've been keeping up with your career since you started! Not that you started that long ago-oo, but not that you aren't totally amazing, either!-" I babbled out in excitement, causing Hourglass to chuckle as she let me shake her back and forth.

"Aww, thanks, Violet. You're right that I haven't been on the hero scene for very long..." she started out, leaning a little closer to me so her next words wouldn't be so easily heard. "But, between you and me, I'm already soooo over it."

I giggled like a dork at her words, keeping an iron grip on her wrists as I desperately tried to bond and be relatable.

"Hah! Oh! Totally!! The life of a hero, am I right? Let those civilians do the saving on their own, you know!" I joked awkwardly, causing her to laugh harder at my weirdness.

"Finally, someone who gets me." She winked teasingly, lazily crossing her arms once I released them from my death grip.

I let out a small wheeze to calm down my excitement, practically bouncing up and down with endorphins as I spoke.

"What a surprise to see you, though? What brought you to UA for the day?" I asked, causing Kacchan to scoff and sassily point upwards.

My lips formed an 'ohh' of realization at the gigantic Hourglass poster I somehow hadn't noticed before, seeing the huge words, GUEST SPEAKER, practically smacking me in the face.

"Ohhh. I bet it has something to do with the fact that....you're guest speaking today?" I said with half seriousness, cringing slightly in embarrassment at my lack of awareness.

"That's what I told them. But, honestly? I'll let you in on a little secret-UA is known for its bomb ass refreshments buffet table. Definitely helped get us here." She pointed out, looking around secretively before pulling a little refreshments cookie out of her suit pocket.

"Oooo, 'us,' you said?" I asked, as Hourglass popped the cookie into her mouth with delight.

She looked at me blankly, before her eyes widened in remembrance for her counterpart, lazily scanning the premise.

"Ah-yeah, sorry. Me and my boyfriend. He's probably around here somewhere-either raiding the food table or Endeavor's personal space bubble. Never know which one. He's trouble, I tell ya." she hummed, before a pair of giant red wings came up behind her.

The wings unintentionally smacked Kacchan in the face as they came, blinded with love, causing the Pomeranian boy to grab his bonked eyes with a growl and begrudgingly shuffle away from Hourglass.

My heart beat faster in fangirl excitement as I already knew who it was, causing my dorky, creepy smile to get bigger as I watched my ship couple interact!

"Hm? Did someone say 'trouble?'" Hawks murmured smugly, wrapping his arms and wings around Hourglass' midsection from behind.

"Don't go telling people my middle name, chicky. Wouldn't want the word to get out." He finished, cackling with victory when Hourglass lightly rolled her eyes.

"Ugh. Speak of the cheeky devil." She uttered softly, unable to hide the smile creeping onto her face when Hawks rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Ah, ah-Think ya meant 'angel,' darlin'. You know why." Hawks smirked with some inside banter I didn't understand, wrapping his wings tighter around his love.

Hourglass smiled softly at his words, letting her stubbornness crack as she melted back into Hawks' hold.

"Cheesy bird..." she murmured lightly, turning her heads towards Hawks' with a soft smile.

"You know you love it." He chuckled, giving her lips a quick peck...

....before Kacchan groaned loudly in disgust.

"Gross!! Get a room, you sickos! One that's far away from me!" He nagged out, before Shouto furrowed his brows in confusion.

"But, why would they get a room when Ari is supposed to guest speak in a few minutes? That seems pointless." He questioned, before Midoriya chimed in.

"And, anyways! We've already missed the big opening speech by the first guest speaker, so we should get going soon. I'm sad about that. I was hoping to analyze him on stage and add more to my notebook." He said softly, causing Kacchan to scoff again and get annoyed.

"Who cares about Ignito's speech?! I bet it was a pile of shit, anyways. Just like him." He grumbled, before Shouto jumped in.

"You used to like him, before he temporarily blinded you during a pro hero training exercise, and made you fall flat on your face." He said, causing Kacchan to turn to him blankly with those crimson red eyes twitching in anger.

Kacchan quickly shot his hand out and hit Shouto's container of muffins, causing the food to slip from Shouto's hands and almost crash to the floor.

Before it was quickly immobilized, midair.

The Pomeranian boy closed his eyes knowingly, before looking at Ari in irritation as she kept her hand extended outwards with her immobilization quirk.

"Nuh-uh, uhhh..." she sang out to Kacchan, causing Hawks to grin with her. "I thought I told you to play nice, Kacchan. Especially, when there's food involved. Don't make me call-your mother."

Hawks tilted his head to the side as he watched the rotating muffins, pursing his lips in confusion.

"Huh. I meannnn, can we even call that 'food?' I swear there's like a human finger jammed on top a' that one." He commented, crinkling his nose in disgust.

Oh my gosh!! Hawks noticed my muffins! That's so cool!

"Oh! Those are mine." I said much too proudly, causing the bird boy's eyes to widen in panic.

"Ah-Shit-I mean-they look....so gooddd." He tried to fix, causing Hourglass to cringe at his screw up.

But, I didn't mind!

"Thanks! Would you like to try one! They're Blueberry Surprise." I offered awkwardly, quickly retrieving the floating muffin container from Hourglass' quirk, before holding it up for the hero lovebirds sweetly.

Hawks and Hourglass looked at the muffins blankly, pursing their lips in uncertainty.

"Ari does! She's starvin'! Little booger forgot to eat before we left this morning, y'know." Hawks chirped, trying to hide the smirk on his face when Hourglass looked at him with a stiff smile.

"Well, at least I know I'm having fried chicken for dinner now." She murmured to him quietly, before turning back to me.

"Ohhhh. Sweet. Sounds...delicious! So, what's the surprise part?" Hourglass asked, hesitantly taking one from the container.

"Oof. You don't wanna know." I said, cringing slightly at my own cooking.

Hawks pressed his lips together in amusement, trying not to break out in laughter as Ari very slowly brought the muffin towards her lips.

"Aw. Going rather slow there, babe. C'mon. You didn't eat breakfast this morning. Have at it." He smirked, causing her to elbow him in the side lightly as she took a bite.

Immediately, her face tried to scrunch up in disgust, but she quickly relaxed her expressions and closed her eyes....trying to chew through it.

"Mm....now....that's a muffin. Crispy, too..." she murmured sourly, quickly placing the muffin back on the tray. "Wouldn't wanna hog them all from Todoroki though. That would be...selfish."

"How generous of you. Such a little giver, you are." Hawks teased her, ruffling one of his wings atop her head.

"True. A little crunchy.....but, they'll do, I think." I reassured, quickly handing the muffin tin back to Shouto.

"Thanks a lot, Violet. I'll have a few more along the way to the stage room." Shouto reassured, causing me to nod in remembrance at the reality of today.

Duh. We're here for the celebration ceremony.

"Right. You and your classmates probably have to get going. I'll see you inside though, okay?" I said to him, immediately taking the boy in a warm embrace.

Hawks and Ari smiled as they watched Shouto hug me back, nodding softly to my words as he prepared to get going.

"Okay. I reserved a seat for you and the others in the third row." He murmured to me quietly, causing my heart to squeeze at the support he was looking for.

"I'll be there, and so will the others..." I started off, releasing Shouto from the hug.

He and his classmates got ready to leave, slowly turning on their heels...

....before I just couldn't stop myself.

"U-Uh-hey, Shouto?" I said once more, causing the boy to turn around as his classmates decided to keep walking.

He looked at me in question, causing me to shuffle nervously on my feet.

"I...I know it probably doesn't mean much, coming from me.....but....I'm.....I really am proud of you, buddy." I said honestly, giving him a smile and thumbs up of reassurance.

And, in a rarity....the bored, nonchalant look cleared away from Shouto's eyes....shimmering to life with a touched emotion.

And while he had different colored eyes, his blue one stood out to me the most in that moment....piercing my soul with familiarity of someone else who also had those eyes. The same color. The same shape. The person, who also had this exact same look, whenever I'd tell him the same thing.

Shouto's look is not as intense as Touya's was. It doesn't pierce me as strongly, or make me feel like my breath has just been taken away. But, the memories...the comfort.....the pain....is still there to remind me of the dead boy I'll always love.

"It means a lot, coming from you, Vi." Shouto said softly, giving me a small nod before quickly turning around to catch up with his friends.

I smiled warmly at his words, watching him walk off with my own thoughts brewing in my mind, before Hourglass spoke up.

"Dont usually see that kind of emotion from him. That was really sweet. You guys are close, huh?" She asked kindly, causing me to quickly turn around and face the pair once more.

I reflected on my circumstances. My life, and how I got here...deciding it would be best to just say...

"It's...a long story."

The pair nodded in understanding, sensing the topic was a sensitive one for me.

"Don't worry about it. Ari and I got a lot of those." Hawks reassured patiently, causing Ari to sigh knowingly and nod in full agreement.

Hawks kept his eyes on me for a moment as if he was trying to decipher something, before the lightbulb went off in his head.

"Ah! That's why you look familiar. You're Akio's friend, right?" He questioned, causing my heart to jump at the unexpected conversation change.

Heh. Especially since I know Akio's feelings on this pair...

"H-Hah....guiltyyyy...." I smiled with an awkward wave of my hand. "What gave me away?"

Ari laughed softly at my words, shaking her head knowingly.

"Ah, I think the better question is what didn't give you away. The guy talks about his 'bestie' all the time-and his lock screen is a picture of you two. I'm surprised you guys aren't dating." She said curiously, giving a small playful wiggle to her brows that left room for a possibility.

Involuntarily, I blushed at her words, waving my hand dismissively to clear away those thoughts. Quickly.

"No way. Akio's just a friend. He's way more interested in dating you two honestly." I pointed out, causing the pair of lovebirds to laugh knowingly now.

"Ohhh, we're aware." Ari cackled, causing Hawks to jump in.

"Though, I will say-the guy makes an impressive jet pack." He whistled, causing my eyes to widen at the new information.

"He did what?" I groaned, lightly slapping a hand over my face.

"Well, the....'stipulations' for being in a relationship with Kei and I, were that he learn how to fly. So....he made a jet pack. Sent Keigo and I the pic of it last night." Ari grinned, causing Hawks to face palm in her shoulder as he laughed with her.

"Oh. My. Gosh." I groaned out, breaking into my own laughter at the end as that definitely sounded like Akio.

"Yeahhh. Don't worry, Ari and I found a way to fix that." Hawks started off, fluttering his wings happily with the excitement going around the room. "If ya see Akio again.....tell him the rules have been changed. He needs to learn how to fly naturally, if he wants to date us." Hawks explained teasingly, causing Ari to chuckle once more.

"Ugh. Dont tempt him. Anddd, don't underestimate his willingness to try and figure that out." I smiled at the pair, before the man, himself, appeared behind me.

I rolled my eyes as Akio whistled seductively, holding two cups of apple juice in his hands-cause it's a high school event with no alcohol, before suavely handing them to Ari and Hawks.

"Well, hello hot stuff." My best friend smirked, radiating a soft glow off his body as he took his chance.

Hourglass and Hawks both raised their brows at his vagueness, before Akio clarified.

"Yeah. That's right. I'm talking about both of you." He followed up, causing the lovebirds to immediately break out into a full laugh in the middle of the hallway.

I couldn't help but laugh with them as I watched Akio lightly roll his eyes, running a hand through his hair nonchalantly.

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh now. But, as for later-" he started off, before I quickly slapped a hand over his mouth to shut him up.

"Damn. Hey, I'm glad I got this guy to entertain me on missions. Never a dull moment, y'know." Hawks sighed contently, giving Akio's shoulder a friendly tap with the tip of his wing.

"You could say he-lights up the room-pffff." Ari slapped her knee at her own joke, causing Hawks to roll his eyes in amusement, before an alarm on Ari's phone went off.

She quickly pulled out the device, groaning slightly at the reminder, before turning back to Akio and I.

"Crap. I gotta go prepare my speech. Kei, I'm gonna head off. You can stay and talk with your boyfriend." Ari said casually, causing me to crack up and Akio's eyes to light up at the words.

Hawks' jaw dropped in mock offense as Ari said her goodbyes to us and began to saunter off, not even looking back at her boyfriend as she left.

"Wait! You'll at least be jealous though, right?!" The bird man called out, watching Ari wave her hand dismissively.

"Akio, just have him home for dinner, please. And use protection. Oh, and make sure to call him 'boss.'" Ari said boldly, make me slap a hand over my mouth in shock at her lack of filter.

I knew I liked her!

Akio quickly took his chance, sliding an arm around Hawks as the man-pair watched the hero leave.

"We'll wait for you, baby!" Akio called out to Ari in only half tease, causing Hawks to snicker and lightly shove Akio off.

"Listen to this guy!-Heh, y'know, you're the only person I know who can outwit me. Besides Ari, of course." He commented, giving Akio a smirk of respect.

The bright man took the compliment like a champ, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly as he spoke.

"Sounds like a match made in heaven then, right?" He questioned with a final flirt, finally lightening up on the teasing as he gave Hawks a friendly pat on the back.

"Heh. Keep sweet talkin' me like that, and we'll see." Hawks joked distractedly, unable to stop gawking at Ari's butt, as he spoke.

"Ahhh, damn-Anyways, I'm gonna go after her. See ya guys later." The number two hero departed quickly, giving Akio and I a smile before immediately going to chase after his girl.

Akio and I laughed softly as we watched Hawks immediately pop up behind Ari and grab her butt, causing the girl to gasp and laugh in surprise as they stumbled down the hallway together.

We cringed slightly when they were reprimanded by Endeavor for 'rough-housing,' as he called it, causing the pair to immediately gravitate towards the boomer man and annoy him for a bit longer.

Akio whistled softly as he gawked for a bit longer, shaking his head dreamily.

"Man. What a beautiful couple." He said with finality, quickly turning back to me now.

"Right?" I laughed, before he excitedly changed the subject.

"Anyways-Sooooo??? What did you think??" He asked me, doing a weird, excited shimmy with his body as he waited in anticipation.

"Of what?" I questioned honestly, causing him to groan at my lack of understanding.

"Wow. Totally killing me here-You know!!!-my welcome speech for the ceremony. Pretty badass right?" He asked, quickly pointing upwards to his own giant poster on the wall, before striking the same pose in the picture.

Oh. Crap.

I cringed slightly at his words, unable to hide my guilt at definitely missing his entire speech because I was out here texting Dabi.

"Oooo...I'm a jerk." I muttered out, causing him to quickly lift his protective glasses off his eyes and glare lightly.

"What??! Oh, come on, Vi..." he groaned, giving a dissatisfied click of his tongue.

"I know!! I'm sorry. I just got....caught up." I reasoned, unable to lie as Akio already knew why I didn't show.

"Damn, well it better have been solid, kinky sexting. That's the only way missing my speech is acceptable." He pointed out in light annoyance, causing me to chuckle and my cheeks to burn red.

"Yeah, yeah..." I said, admittedly a little distracted at the sight of Endeavor in the corner.

Okay. Not a little distracted. A lot distracted. Majorly distracted, because while I love Shouto...his celebration ceremony was also meant as a convenient place for me to do what I came here to do....

...and that is....putting a tracking device inside Endeavor's phone.

....to make it easier to kidnap him, of course!

Unfortunately, the pillow talk between Dabi and I last night consisted of brewing a plan to catch Endeavor, off guard when he least expects it.

And, attacking him in the comfort of his own hero agency? Sounds like a pretty unlikely scenario. One that Dabi came up with.

But, it's also a very unexpected place to attack him, because it's so bold and obvious....

As the number one hero, he's not always at his own agency. He only goes there to relax and catch up on paperwork.

Hence, the tracker. To make sure we go to his agency when he's there.

I agreed last night to use one of the hero commission issued trackers, and place it in Endeavor's phone. The only problem, is that I've definitely been chickening out in doing that all morning.

I don't even wanna go near Endeavor! Not to mention, how the heck am I supposed to get his phone from his pocket when he's constantly vigilant?

My window of opportunity has slowly been running out all morning, and once the flame man goes through the doors to the ceremony, it will have officially closed.

Watching him talking to Ari and Hawks has given me a little more time for a plan, but it seems they are almost finished talking.

I'd like to think I've been hiding my panic pretty well, up until this point-

"Hellooo? Vi, did you hear me?" Akio asked, bringing me back to reality as he waved a hand around in my face.

I blinked a few times and looked at him, not knowing what to say.

"H-Huh? No. Sorry..." I muttered, watching Endeavor closely as I desperately tried to think of a plan.

"I said, it looks like you're checking out Endeavor, and I really hope that's not true, cause I'll barf. All over you. Multiple times." He followed up, causing me to immediately break focus and turn to him with a look of disgust.

"What? Ew, no." I started off in disbelief, letting out an anxious sigh as I turned back to Endeavor. "I need a distraction, is all."

Akio furrowed his brows in confusion, quickly turning to look at Endeavor with me.

"You need to distract him? What for?" He asked.

"A long, long story that I will tell you when there's time. Let's just say for now that it's....you-know-who stuff..." I said, trying to be vague-

"Who?" Akio asked, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Rhymes with....uhhh....Bidas..." I tried, before my best friend spoke.

"Oh. Midas?" He confirmed way too loudly, causing me to glare at him in annoyance.

"Yes, Akio. Midas-" I started off, letting out a sharp gasp as Endeavor started walking towards the stage room with Hourglass and Hawks.

"B-But, hes leaving and I need a distraction, so I can grab his phone." I hissed out nervously, frantically looking around the premise for something I could use.

Akio remained calm as he watched Endeavor leaving, pursing his lips in thought.

"A distraction? Okay. Uhhh-something jail-worthy? Or just, like....a slap on the wrist?" He asked casually, causing me to turn to him in question.


"How badly do you want me to distract him? Something that will put me in jail, or something that will get me a slap on the wrist?" He asked again, lazily cracking his neck on both sides as he got with the program.

"Wait-you're gonna help?" I asked gratefully, already knowing that was a stupid question.

"Jail-worthy it is. Gotcha. I'll be right back. You just stay pretty." He smiled, patting my head, before placing his goggles back over his eyes.

Taking in the severity of his words, I immediately grabbed onto his wrist to stop him, looking up at him nervously.

"Wait-don't get sent to jail!" I hissed, causing Akio to laugh.

"Relax. No one's gonna actually send me to jail. Got that celebrity immunity, you know? That shit doesnt run out until you're out of the top twenty at least." He chuckled a bit deviously, wiggling his wrist out of my grip.

"Hold on, Akio-what are you gonna do to him-" I started off, before he held his hands up to stop me.

"Don't worry about it. I got a plan, alright? Just make sure you use the distraction to your benefit." He departed quickly, immediately turning on his heel to catch Endeavor before he made it to the door.

Well. Crap.

I groaned softly as I buried my face in my hands, looking towards Akio nervously as he approached Endeavor.

"Hey, Enji?" Akio called out sarcastically, causing Endeavor, along with Hawks and Hourglass to turn around.

"Heh. Enji, huh?" Hawks grinned in humorous surprise, clearly knowing that Akio was trying to push some buttons.

The flame man glared at Akio as he turned around, fire beard already starting to appear on his face as he spoke.

"You little roach. How many times have I told you, not to call me Enj-" Endeavor started off...

...unable to finish his words as Akio's powerful fist came across his face without warning.

Oh boy!

So that's what Akio meant by 'jail.'

My blood froze in pure shock as I watched Endeavor's face whip to the side from Akio's punch, causing the flame man to retaliate immediately as he tackled the younger man to the ground.

Akio grunted as he hit the floor, quickly flashing a light beam into Enji's face, purposely holding back so he wouldn't blind him.

"The hell's the matter with you?! You got a death wish, boy!?" Endeavor spat out furiously, trying to land a fire fist to Akio's face before he was temporarily blinded.

"Nah. If I ended up living with you, then I might have though." My best friend laughed, jabbing his elbow into Endeavor's temple to keep the distraction going.

"Damn. I dunno Ari, I'm kinda in love with Akio now. Maybe we should reconsider him." Hawks said teasingly, watching casually as the scuffle ensued, before the brown haired girl's phone went off with another reminder.

Judging that the situation wasn't serious, she quickly bid me goodbye, grabbing Hawks and walking into the auditorium with him.

Nice. Just the three of us now, with Endeavor very distracted.

And, lucky for me, in the excitement that had ensued, Endeavor's phone had fallen out of his pocket, and onto the floor, away from everyone else.

I'm gonna puke!

....after I get the phone, of course!

"U-Uhhhh-stop, Akio! Dont do...that!" I shouted half heartedly, as I quickly swiped the phone off the floor.

What? I gotta say something. It would be suspicious if I was quiet during this.

Endeavor, having the boomer phone that he did, I had no problem flipping the device over and removing the back of it....carefully planting the tracking chip inside, before immediately closing it back up.

Tracking device....planted.

Just going deeper and deeper into this mess, I see! Can't wait for it to blow up in my face!

And as much as I wanted to freak out about what I'd just done, I could tell the fight between the two men was only seconds away from escalating into something more, causing me to quickly walk over to them, and awkwardly tap Endeavor's shoulder.

"Uhhhh-Endeavor! Hey, Endeavor, hello?!" I exclaimed, causing the man to look up at me with wild eyes.

That's a mean look!

I jumped back involuntarily at his glare, decided to point towards the door to the auditorium to grab his attention.

"S..Shouto's ceremony is gonna start soon! Dont wanna miss it cause you were killing Akio, right??" I questioned raspily, holding up his fallen phone for him as a way to encourage him to move.

He stopped struggling atop Akio, looking at the item in irritation, before deeming my words correct. Begrudgingly, of course.

He growled lowly, roughly shoving Akio's collar into the floor, before immediately getting off him and storming towards me.

"And the roach wonders why I never let him inside my house." Endeavor grumbled out, immediately swiping the phone out of my hands before walking through the door.

I only felt myself breathing again, when Endeavor had left for good, turning to Akio on the floor, before quickly going to help him up.

Damn. Hes lucky he doesn't even have a scratch on him from that...

"Success?" He asked casually from the floor, grabbing my hand when I extended it out for him to take.

I nodded hesitantly, letting out a sigh of dread at the events to come.

"Success...." I uttered, already having a million second thoughts.

Is it really though?

Thank you for your votes and comments. They give me writing power <3

A/N: to those who don't know, "Hourglass" aka "Ari" is my OC from my Hawks story Angel Of The Sky.

For those who have read the story, a reminder that the plot from that story does not coincide with this story. This chapter was just a cameo with no plot purposes, and exists apart from the timeline of AOTS.

This chapter with them was just for fun! And to get you ready for my future works ;)

Next Chapter Title: Team Bonding.

AND ONE MORE AUTHOR'S NOTE!!! The second fanart contest on my server officially kicked off last nite! It lasts for one month. The theme of the contest is drawing The OCs From Ordinary.

This could be Violet, Akio, The Boss, Euphoria, Kaito, Midas, or Violet's mom (I think that's all of them)! There's reference pics on my server channels and each piece of art will be honored and appreciated. You don't have to consider yourself an artist to draw and enter a piece. Just have fun.

Below, are the prizes. And the rules are on my channel. Link to my discord is in my bio!

Thank you to kmisamax and her bf for making this amazing prize graphic!

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