Just Caught Off Guard

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Dabi POV:

"Thanks a lot for the help, hero. It's nice to have someone as trusting as you guarding the streets. Definitely makes me feel a hell of a lot better!"

Ack. Sure. Not my best insult. Not even my best day of radiating that Dabi energy I'm so notoriously known for nowadays. I was off my game, but you're a fool to think I'll go and admit that out loud.

It was just...so.....unexpected. That's the only way I can describe seeing Grape at the Midas raid. Unexpected.

So unexpected, that I even lost my shit for a sec and almost went and got poor little me killed. Isn't that just tragic?

But, what was that all about, anyways? Grape never cared about becoming a hero, and suddenly she is one? Sure, she blabbed about her mom, a lot, she tried the hero commission program because World's Greatest Dad forced her to, but was chucked out for being too much of a shitty, little shrimp. Weak, is what I mean.

Eh, but even then, she didn't seem too crushed about it, either. Just kept smiling that stupid smile and pranced around the world like the moron she is-or, was. Actually, nah....it's definitely still an 'is.'

Oh? Wait a minute. I'm getting ahead of myself. Her mom...

Yeah, that's right. I wonder if Mrs. Grape ever came back. I didn't get to meet her a lot, but I remember her. She stood out to me, I guess. I dunno. Don't make a big deal out of it.

Not that I actually care about what happened to that boot lickin' hero mom. It's just a funny surprise that Violet apparently grew up to be just like her and work for that loving sweetheart, Endeavor, of all people. How adorable. The sweetness of it all gives me a cavity. Another one!

You see the reason why Grape is still a moron, is because after everything that little shrimp witnessed growing up with my angsty circus show of a 'family,' she still decided it would be a genius idea to keep in touch with the old fire fucker who orchestrated all of that.

Makes you think, huh? That makes one of us.

I would have thought he'd meteor-ize her to the moon, the moment I was gone from the house. That's what he does, you know. Throws you away the moment you're not useful. But, it's funny...he never talked about who was gonna throw him away? Garbage day is coming soon, Enji. Better watch out.

But, Violet strikes again, it seems. Even ten years later, she still manages to follow me around like an ugly, little duckling nipping at my heels. The encounter left a sour taste in my mouth. Just talking with her for those few minutes, I could already feel her grape presence getting all over me. Yuck.

She's just memories I'm trying to get away from. Everyone's got some of those, right?

Oh? What? You're telling me that not every fourteen year old is force fed a fiancée? My bad. Who ever could have guessed that one?

There's not much to guess when it comes to Grape, though. Even ten years later, she's still the same old clown. Those golden eyes of hers just give me numb flashbacks. That smile tries to cut open old wounds that have already scarred over a million times.

I already said goodbye that day, and that's how it's going to stay. Gladly.

Besides, it's not as if much of a reunion is really needed. I can see she's still a doormat. Still a pushover. A follower. A happy go lucky little bitch who always tries to please everyone else. Yadi yadi yada. I'm already boring myself. Surprised you're still awake over there...

But then again, I guess the happy-go-lucky-little-bitch came in handy yesterday, huh? Good for her. Finally, she's useful. Her healing skills are sure as fuck better than her cooking ones.

What? No, of course I didn't remember her quirk and totally didn't take advantage of it. What kind of a monster would do such a thing?

And since we all know I'm lying....the adorable truth is that my old memories keep trying to creep up on me like a damn STD. Translation? Those healing crystals of hers were already on my mind once I'd gotten sliced up by Jeweled Bitch Midas.

It's not the first time I've experienced the power of those healing crystals.

You think little old me running away from the fight after I got injured was an accident? Does this pretty face really look like a damsel in distress?

Grape apparently thought so, considering she came wheezing after me once I ran. I could hear her spreading her dense germs all the way down the hallway. Not very terrifying.

The clown played right into my plan, of course. I needed to get her away from the other heroes and the fighting. If they were there, I'd have been overpowered and captured. I purposely took her on a trip through the warehouse to get her alone, conveniently 'collapsing' a few feet later, to show her how injured I was.

I mean, sure, I was actually dying. But, I never actually die, you know. I'm like a cat with nine lives or something. Can't seem to put the nail in the coffin, I guess.

Then, I egged her on to use those crystals of hers. Sure, I didn't share the fact that I knew she had healing powers, and why would I? Then, she'd find out who I am. But, I gave her a little nudge in that direction. How diabolical of me.

She may be a follower, but she's also not one to stand by and let someone just die.

That's kind of her thing. She always wants to help everyone. Doesn't matter who they are, or what they've done.

The moment I saw that constipated looking cringe on her face, I knew those crystals of hers were in motion.

So, why not multi task and melt the handcuffs, too? They weren't even quirk restraints, they were begging to be melted!

What I really should have done after that was burn her to the texture of a cheese crisp. After all, on the very last day I saw her, that's what I said I would do if we ever crossed paths again.

But, that didn't happen now, did it? Yeah, well, it wasn't my fault. I was ready to burn her to a crisp just fine, but I wasn't focusing on my aim all that much when I shot those flames. I blame my bad aim on her shitty vibes. Her stupid rubbed off on me and I missed. Happens, I guess. Can't do nothing about it now.

Don't be fooled by my shitty aim though. I know what I said. I'll kill her. Sure, may not be today, may not be tomorrow. But, I follow through on the things I want. After all, I only learned that habit from the best...

I mean, come on now....what kind of a man would I be if I went back on my own word? That's not very chivalrous, right?

I remained standing in front of the little beat up mirror of the league's new hideout-talk about people's stupid rubbing off on me. But, hey, I'm a dirty, poor fucker. I've got nowhere else to go. You're crazy if you think I'm not gonna mooch off free shelter-and free protection, considering I got fucked in the side with Jeweled Bitch's jewels. Damn...

Heroes weren't supposed to show up to that one. It was an oh-so-honorable 'villains' versus 'villains' fight before they came prancing in and ruined the party. It's funny you know, Jeweled Bitch Midas has been trying to turn me into a fucking gem necklace for over a year and you don't hear nothing about it. Then, suddenly, he starts killing innocent citizens and now you see the heroes come out to play?

Ouch, it almost hurts my feelings. Almost...

Flawed. That's what those people are. They're more flawed than these adorable scars on my face. And yeah, I'm not preaching some cutesy shit about how I'm a saint, or anything like that. Gross.

But, the difference between me and the 'heroes?' I don't try to pretend I'm innocent. I know I'm an asshole, and I'll let everyone know. It's fun, and I'm not looking to atone or change my ways. I don't want to.

I mean, let's be honest...the only reason I'm still even alive at this point, is because of my petty need to say 'I told you so!' and rub my survival in everyone's face at the right time. Talk about daddy issues. Can't wait too long, either. This hair dye's getting expensive as shit and my feet are itching to dance....

I chuckled softly at my own thoughts as I met my own eyes in the blurry mirror, finally starting to recognize the sight of myself again. My dull gaze trailed down my shirtless torso, ignoring the ugly burn scars that littered my figure, before zeroing in on the, now shiny-and even pretty looking patch of skin where Violet's crystals healed me.

"Your powers still work the same though, huh. Haven't even gotten stronger over the last ten years. Pathetic. You're always so pathetic...." I muttered, refusing to reflect anymore on seeing her yesterday.

Instead, I blankly ran my fingers along the pretty skin, finding it hilarious how much the healthy flush of it contrasted harshly against the rest of my unhealthy body. It really does stand out like a sore thumb.

Ohhhh. Stupid, stupid girl. Should have let me die. You made a big mistake saving me. You'll find that out soon-

"Helloooo? Dabi, did you hear me, or what???" That irritatingly shrill voice called out from the open doorway of the bathroom, admittedly causing me to jump a bit at the unexpected company.

When did crazy girl Toga open the door? You'd think I would have heard that. Maybe I lost more blood during that fight than I thought. Couldn't have healed me better, Grape? Stupid.

"How about you try knocking next time, Edward Cullen. It's rude to barge in on people when they're shitting." I blurted out lowly as I kept my eyes on the mirror, quickly tearing my fingers away from my abdomen.

Honestly, I just said the first thing that came to my mind-

"But, you're not shitting! You're standing there like an idiot, staring and groping yourself-"

"And you're standing in the perfect spot to be more kindling for my flames. Oi, if you wanna burning hole through your stomach, then feel free to keep talking. I didn't ask, crazy girl." I threatened casually, inaudibly groaning in annoyance when the legit threat only made Toga laugh.

I need a place of my own where I can brood in peace.

"Well, silly, I'll leave you alone if you want. I was just trying to be nice and let you know what's going on right now with Midas, but if you don't wanna know, then see ya!" She chimed out, already starting to walk away before I was forced to answer.

I'm sure I'm going to regret asking what the hell she's talking about. It's never anything useful or important when she does tell me. She always says something stupid just to fuck with me.

But, there's still the one percent chance that she's serious, so I gotta take the gamble.

"Hey. Spit it out already." I nagged, quickly grabbing my crumpled shirt off the edge of the sink before shrugging it back on.

Toga turned around to face me now, smirking softly as she leaned against the doorway.

And while I prepared for a shitty joke of hers to come falling out of that stank blood mouth, it seems that today was the one percent chance I always prepared for...

"The Hero Public Safety Commission called. They want to make a deal with us."

Next Chapter Title: Excited

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