Kinda Feels Personal

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Violet POV:

"So, are you happy now? Do you feel so tough for breaking the rules? Is this all part of your edgy, diabolical plan?" I sneered at Dabi in irritation as we trudged down the hallway of the hotel to make it back to our room.

He trailed behind me, lazily keeping his hands shoved in his pockets as he watched me continue to pick grass and rocks out of my disheveled hair.

"Why is it that every time you open your mouth to speak, something annoying comes out of it?-or vomit, apparently." He countered casually, causing my bloodshot eyes to fly open in crumbled patience as I turned around to face him.

I didn't realize how closely he'd been following behind me, until he practically ran into me from my abrupt stop. He didn't bother to back up, rather trying to silently intimidate me as his blue eyes bore into me with challenge.

But, I'm too mad to care.

"Because every time I turn my back, you're doing something annoying! Or wrong! Or illegal!" I countered, as Dabi rolled his eyes dismissively.

"Well, then it's a good thing I'm not trying to impress you, sunshine." He said smugly, lightly knocking my shoulder as he brushed past me to continue walking.

I closed my eyes in irritation for his relentless rebellion, turning around to face him now as I asked an honest question.

"Seriously, Dabi. This constant, unwilling attitude of yours is starting to get old. Do you just enjoy making my life harder?" I questioned sternly, crossing my arms pointlessly as I didn't even think he'd respond.

But, my voice unintentionally came out differently than it has with the previous conversations I've had with him. This time, it was tired. Legitimately fed up, and no longer filled with the patient optimism I've been trying to show him.

It must have caught his interest, because he stopped walking upon hearing it, turning around to face me once more....

....with a triumphant smirk on his face.

"Yeah. Pretty much." He chuckled lowly, raising his brows at me knowingly, as I reflected back on our earlier conversation.

"Kinda makes ya wanna quit this whole thing and go back to being a complete nobody, doesn't it?"

I matched his laugh now as the revelation dawned on me once again.

"Ohhh, wow. Seriously?! Is that still what this whole thing is all about? Is that why you acted like such a jerk tonight and practically jeopardized both of our lives? And probably got us into monumental trouble?! Because you hoped I'd quit the job?" I scoffed in growing frustrated disbelief, yet Dabi simply stared at me uninterestedly.

"You know, it started out that way. But, I've gotta admit, it's becoming pretty damn fun seeing you always so worked up over nothing." He countered boldly, leaning his shoulder against the wall now as he decided to 'grace' me with his presence.

"Nothing? This whole situation is not nothing! In case you've forgotten, there's an entire reason why you and I have been paired together for this assignment! It's a problem that affects both of us. Or have you already forgotten how Midas almost killed you-and would have, had it not been for my crystals!" I explained, apparently losing Dabi's interest with my words as he shook his head dismissively and began walking down the empty, dark hallway again.

"Aw, is someone mad that I didn't get on my knees and kiss their ass for doing what they were supposed to do? That must feel heartbreaking." He said condescendingly, waving his hands around mockingly as he continued his walk.

I quickly caught up with him now, easily cutting off his walk to make him face me.

He simply veered a hard right around me, forcing me to follow after him once again.

"You know, I actually wasn't asking for a 'thank you.' I was just stating a fact-but, since you bring it up, I think I would like one now. Yeah. I'd like one in the form of you making an effort to better this partnership." I ordered impatiently, causing Dabi turn his eyes on me tauntingly.

"Newsflash, sunshine, I don't have to thank you. You're a hero. That means, whether I'm a mass murderer, or whether I deserved it or not, you have to save me. That's your job. The ass kissing validation isn't part of it-or, it shouldn't be, anyways. That's what I've been saying all along. Look, the point is, I don't owe you jack shit for what you did, so you can forget about a thank you." He said, pulling the room key out of his pocket with a bit of concealed, genuine irritation.

Dabi doesn't like to show any type of emotion or behavior that might reveal his true feelings. He does a good job of hiding his facial features, but I'm starting to learn that his moods unintentionally show in other ways.

"Sure, whatever. Don't thank me, that's fine. But, by not participating in this mission, you're not just hurting me, but yourself and your own goals, too. Why are you trying so hard to sabotage this? Why are you trying so hard to get rid of me?" I asked genuinely, about to walk through the open door of our room before he was quick to slam it closed in my face.

I groaned loudly in real frustration now, ripping my own room key out of my pocket before jamming it into the lock slot aggressively.

Upon opening the door, I saw Dabi was, unsurprisingly, already back at the kitchen, using his hands to give himself a drink of water from the faucet since he still couldn't find his stupid cups.

He ignored my presence-and my question, as if I wasn't even here.

It only frustrated me further.

"Hey! Answer me, Dabi! Why do you go out of your way to give me such a hard time?" I asked again, watching him wipe the remaining water from his hands onto his jeans before he brushed past me once more.

"I don't have to answer to you. I don't answer to anyone. That's kinda my thing, in case you've been too stupid to notice. You probably have." He retorted a bit lower, swiping his pack of cigarettes off the nightstand before making his way to the balcony.

"Yeah, well right now? I'm not just anyone, I'm your partner! Possibly the only person who will save your butt during this assignment, if we get into trouble. So, I think it's only fair that you at least tell me why you're purposely trying to make us fail. Have I done something to offend you?" I pushed back, following him out onto the balcony that overlooked the midnight city.

Dabi sighed in irritation as he realized I'd walked outside with him, plopping down in one of the posh chairs as he flicked a tiny flame from his finger to light his cigarette.

"You offend me everyday, doofus. But, you're stupid if you don't know why. You're my enemy. Just cause we're partners for this shit show, doesn't mean I'm gonna suddenly run around, playing buddy pals with you. That ain't how it works. I still hate you." He reminded me bluntly, absentmindedly looking out towards the city as he took a lazy drag of his cigarette.

I coughed a bit at the puff of smoke I'd managed to accidentally inhale, backing away from him a few feet to create some clean air distance.

"Yeah, and I still dislike you, too. But, I dislike you in the standard way that a hero dislikes a villain. I don't actually know anything about you, Dabi. I don't know your personality-your real personality that you hide under this diabolical, stereotype stuff. I don't know you, so I can't say that I hate you. I hate what you do. But, your hate for me feels more.....I dunno, intense than mine does. It feels more personal-" I began hypothesizing, with the last word being the thing to grab Dabi's attention again.

His next answer came much too fast now.

"Damn, you really like to flatter yourself, huh? Well, in case you're so unsure, just know that my hatred for you is about as non-personal as it can get-actually? You know what? Not even that. You don't even matter enough for me to hate. You're just there. Nothing more than a shit turd under my shoe. That clear things up for that thick head of yours?" He muttered, sloppily flicking a bit of cigarette ash onto the nice tile of the balcony.

I crossed my arms stubbornly as I leaned against the high glass ledge of the balcony, giving him a deadpan glare.

"So, you're telling me that if you'd been assigned someone else to be your partner for this mission, you would still act this way?" I clarified suspiciously, causing Dabi to scoff.

"Don't think yourself to be so damn special, little sapphire. You'd be a fool to believe whatever assumptions are happening inside your stupid brain." He drawled out lowly, finally sliding his glowing blue eyes up at me as he slouched further in his chair.

I think that was his way of saying 'yes' to my question....

He's so petty. I mean, seriously, wouldn't a single word have been easier to say, compared to that complicated response? Ugh.

Not to mention, I don't actually find myself believing his words, either. Regardless of what he says, this does feel more personal. Dabi looks at me with genuine hatred. He goes out of his way to say mean things and purposely do the exact opposite of what I say. That doesn't seem how one would act if they were truly 'just nothing.'

Dabi's eyes remained locked on me, narrowing with an unreadable look as he saw me lost in my own thoughts to his behavior. Our gazes stayed on one another in a heavy, tense silence, with the faint sounds of the city below being the only thing to fill the space.

The longer I looked at him in thought, the more I noticed the unreadable look in his blunt eyes simply changing to another look I couldn't interpret. He actually gave a small, involuntary fidget in his chair, before surprisingly being the first one to break the gaze this time as he abruptly turned his head out towards the city.

He kept his features hidden from me now, so I couldn't look at his face anymore, continuing to enjoy his smoke as the tense silence pressed on for a moment longer.

Thinking he was done speaking, I gave up and began to walk inside without another word. That is, before the quiet, low sound of his voice stopped me.

"Just until we catch him, alright?" He stated blankly, causing me to turn around and look at the back of his head.

He didn't bother to turn around and face me, simply blowing another puff of smoke into the air as he finally clarified one of his vague sentences for the first time.

"I'm getting bored of fucking around, anyways. So, you got my time until we catch the jeweled freak. Then, that's the end of it. Then, I'm coming for your head, so better watch out after that, little hero. I won't be so kind that time." He uttered lowly, voice lacking that usual taunting mock.

This time his words came out cold. Unfeeling, as if I truly were nothing more than a turd on the bottom of his shoe.

Maybe I am, after all. Maybe his hate isn't personal. Maybe he's just an entire man made up of hate for everything.

But, like I said, I don't know Dabi. Because of that, I truly don't know what he's thinking.

As for me? I feel conflicted. Dabi finally just gave me the only thing I've been asking from him, for the past day that we've been assigned to work together-cooperation. But, he also made the deal a double edged sword, still somehow needing to let me know that just because he's going to work with me, it doesn't mean he likes me. As if that weren't already so obvious.

He tries so hard to ensure his anger for me is well known. Once again, doesn't seem like a hatred that's not personal.

It's confusing. He's confusing. And complicated.

But, regardless....

"Fine. We work together until we catch Midas. Now that we're both going to be involved, it may even be easier to catch him." I uttered quietly, barely getting a grunt of acknowledgment from Dabi in reply.

I sighed tiredly at his abrupt, darker shift in demeanor, about to go back inside once more before I heard a small vibration sound from his area.

He cursed quietly in annoyance as he dug his phone out of his pocket, holding up the ringing device to check the number.

The darkness of the night allowed me to easily see the bright glow of his phone, feeling my heart pop out of my chest in fear at the number I saw flashing across his screen.

"God, again? Don't know who the fuck that is." Dabi huffed quietly, about to press ignore once more before I bolted over to him.

"No!!! What are you doing?!? T-That's the hero commission's number, you can't ignore that!" I breathed out anxiously, causing Dabi's brows to raise in uninterested confirmation.

"Wow. You really do have the number memorized, huh. What a kiss ass. Take it, then. I don't want it." He sighed, sloppily tossing me his phone.

I caught it with shaky hands, already feeling a wave of stress consume me as I hesitated to answer the call. I wanna know just how much trouble we're going to be in.

" many times have they called you..." I uttered nervously, seriously hoping Dabi would say once or twice-

"Like fifteen fucking times." He groaned out slightly, as if the whole situation was seriously interrupting his busy schedule.

I face palmed lightly at the revelation, putting myself out of my misery and immediately answering the call now.

"...........hello?" I asked raspily, feeling my heart starting to pick up as I waited for a response.

And, oh, I was quick to get one.

"Yes, finally. This is-wait, that sounded like a woman's voice. Who is this?" The boss asked suspiciously on the other side of the line.

I sighed softly in defeat as I spoke, already ready to get yelled at.


"Glimmer?!?? Oh my god! Where the hell have you been?! I've been trying to get ahold of you for hours! Thought Dabi might have killed you, or something." He said casually, causing my lips to press together in slight annoyance with his words.

If the hero commission thought Dabi really killed me, the least they could have done was swing by to see if he actually did!!

"Yeah. Well, he didn't. Yay for him. phone is currently...out of service." I grumbled, turning my look down to Dabi to see him smirk smugly in silent reply.

"Oh? Well, please try to fix that as soon as possible. Normally, I'd be inclined to give you a temporary phone until you retrieve a new one...." The boss started off, luckily not leaving me in suspense for too long.

"...but, it seems I will be needing to save every penny I can for extra hero support after the mess you and Dabi have made tonight." He finished, voice suddenly having a deeper tone of authority now to let me know that Dabi and I were definitely in trouble.

I chuckled nervously at the quick shift in conversation, mentally groaning at the second mess of the night that Dabi has managed to rope me into.

"Would enough to say that I'm sorry?" I asked with a grimace, rubbing my temples anxiously as I already knew what the answer on the other line would be.

"Glimmer, you and Dabi are to head down to HPSC Headquarters immediately. We need to have a chat."


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Next Chapter Title: The Cutest Sorority Girl You've Ever Seen

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