New Blooms

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LET THE FLUFF AND HEALING COMMENCE! You guys have waited a long time for this. Please dont forget to vote and comment!


Violet POV:


This certainly wasn't the place I imagined when Touya said the word.


The alley Touya and I were in was pitch black and smelled like...well, you don't wanna know. The sound of something mysterious dripped in the corner and the scuttle of rats ticked along the concrete.

My stomach continued to lurch as I puked up all the remaining contents in my stomach, hunching further into the garbage piles to ensure the disgusting mess wouldn't get all over me.

This is probably TMI, but the upchuck glowed brightly-the same color as Midas jewels, leaving me to believe I probably wasn't throwing up food as much as my body was finally detoxifying itself from the remaining jewels in my system.

The color returned to my vision. The hallucinations were gone. And every spew of nasty restored clarity to my head.

I felt my hair being pulled back every few moments as I dry heaved, with Touya recollecting whatever strands tried to sneak into my face.

"Damn. Looks like you scarfed down an entire gallon of glitter." He commented laxly, causing me to let out a throaty groan of embarrassment.

"Eugh-don't look at it..." I coughed breathlessly, violently retching and falling onto my hands.

I puked again and this time the glitter began to fade, bringing another bout of clarity to my head.

Touya and I managed to escape Midas' mansion, not necessarily unscathed, but alive nonetheless. We'd only been running for about fifteen minutes before I began to feel extremely sick.

With his wounded leg-and, frankly, his entire body injured, he probably needed the break, too.

But, it's the middle of the night and cold. Touya and I are clearly exhausted, injured, and needing a place to sleep for the night.

And, as stupid as this might be, I...I suddenly find myself nervous. Nervous and self conscious, because he's not Dabi. He's Touya. And, even though I've known that for over a week now, I haven't really had the time to process it until now.

I feel like I'm a teenager again-an awkward, stupid teenage girl looking at her first crush.

....and here he is, watching me puke.

This definitely isn't the fairytale ending I was imagining.

The knowledge made me completely embarrassed, grimacing at the disgusting mess underneath me as I tried to push him away.

"Can you just....I-I'll be done in a minute." I stumbled self consciously, weakly gesturing to the corner of the alley. "You can go wait over there if it grosses you out."

"Please. Those damn Skechers you wear everyday gross me out more than this." He murmured teasingly, getting my hair in a tighter makeshift ponytail as I began to gag again.

Out of sheer humiliation, I tried to hold in my next puke session, unintentionally blurting out my thoughts.

"It''s just...embarrassing-" My words cut off as my stomach lurched uncontrollably, shuddering in shame.

I look pathetic. No one ever wants to look so pathetic in front of their crush.

God. Crush? I'm twenty-three. I....jeez. This really does feel like we've gone back in time.

I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. For Touya and I to pick up right where we left off-where we left off years ago was a bad place. One I don't want to relive.

It feels like I suddenly forgot how to act. How to exist around him. I don't know where to go from here. I don't know what I'm supposed to do...

I'm overthinking everything all over again.

The warm hand settled in the middle of my back brought me out of my thoughts, hearing Touya kneel down next to me.

I turned my head in the opposite direction, not wanting him to see my sickly, unkempt face before his fingers came under my chin.

"Hey. Come here." His voice illuminated the area, sounding low and soft.

Slowly, he turned my face towards him, ripping off the bottom hem of his pants before bringing the material to my mouth.

His blue eyes focused as he wiped the mess from my lips and chin, not holding an ounce of hesitation or disgust as he cleaned me up.

"Don't be embarrassed, okay? It's not the first time I've held your hair while you puked." He said, his voice coated with warmth.

I nodded weakly as he tossed the soiled cloth into the mess of garbage, still feeling a little out of place.

I guess...this is the reality though, right? After everything that Touya and I have been through together, things won't just be fixed overnight. We can't just run into each other's arms and become the people we always wanted to be.

It will take us time to heal. To find ourselves. After all, we've both grown up. Surely, that means our relationship will have to as well.

I wonder if he feels the same way about all of this. The awkwardness and not knowing how to act. It's hard to know what goes on in his head.

But, upon looking his way again, it seems jittery butterflies are the least of my worries.

Even in the dim lighting, I could see Touya's face paling more by the second. His body was bleeding from my crystal attacks and the wound in his leg had reopened, seeping into the material of his pants.

"Fuck..." He uttered a little woozily, letting his fingers slip from my chin.

I gasped as he stumbled backwards onto his butt, gripping both of his shoulders to keep him steady.

"Oh-be careful." I furrowed my brows in concern, watching his lips curl into a lazy, dazed smile.

Whether he found this whole thing funny or pathetic, I couldn't help but smile with him, even chuckling a little.

"Gosh, we really are quite the pair, aren't we?" I mused lightly, watching the way his head tried to lull back.

I slid my hand to the back of his neck to steady him, yet his eyes fell closed anyways as his body began to give out.

With a soft sigh, he leaned his head backwards into my touch, voice stripped down to something so human and vulnerable as he said...

"Take me home, Grape. I'm tired."


While I definitely don't believe this was the home Touya was referring to, it's the only one I know of on such short notice-and the only place Midas doesn't know the location of. Neither Touya or I are in any position to have a rebound ambush fight with him at the moment.

It's been ages since I've been in my own apartment. The apartment I used to live in before this whole mission started. The apartment Mr. Todoroki ended up buying me.

I still owe him one last payment before I've met his purchase price.

It felt odd to walk up the steps. The last time I did, things were different-so, incredibly different.

I was different. My life was most definitely different.

Keeping Touya's arm slung over my shoulders, I supported his body weight, gripping his back tightly and dragging him up the stairs.

"Come on." I grunted in exertion, stumbling into him slightly as we neared the final few steps. "Just...a few more."

Touya's body weight was getting heavier and his grunts more incoherent as we reached the landing, succumbing to his blood loss and exhaustion.

While I don't have a key with me, there's one behind the potted plant.

"Ahhh...." I muttered stressfully, unable to support Touya's weight and reach for the key. "Just...stay...right here! Just for a second."

With that, I placed him against the wall next to my front door, sighing in relief before bending over the potted plant to-


I jolted from the loud sound of impact, quickly turning around with the key in my hand to check on Touya.

He was no longer supported against the wall, but face down on the pavement instead.


"Oh my god! Are you okay?!" I exclaimed, waving my hands around stressfully as I looked from him to the door.

He didn't respond, leaving me to assume he passed out.

Quickly unlocking the door first and throwing it open, I bent down and tried to pick up Touya's limp body-instantly realizing he was too heavy.

Well, I can't just leave him out here. And I don't have anyone to call to help me pick him up at the moment.

My malnourished lungs ached as I gripped onto his ankle, dragging him face first into the apartment.

I cringed as his face raked over the metal threshold at the door, dragging him the rest of the way inside with a loud grunt.

"Crap, sorry. Let's hope you didn't pop a stitch." I heaved, letting his ankle plop to the floor once he was inside.

Quite honestly, I really want to pass out right now, too. But, if I do, he'll probably die.

Stumbling towards the open door with exhaustion, I slammed it closed before dropping to my knees. My body screamed in pain as I activated healing crystals from my hand, instantly pressing it to the bleeding wound on Touya's neck.

There's no time to waste.

All the lights were off in my apartment, but the smell of it felt familiar and comforting, instantly bringing back small pieces of myself I'd lost during this last year.

Even if I can't see things, I know where everything is. All my colorful decorations. My pretty plants, which are probably no longer in good condition from basically being abandoned. My favorite candle that was almost completely used up from how much I burned it.

I continued healing the wounds visible on Touya's skin, feeling his body start to stir as the rejuvenation effects of my quirk began seeping into his body.

His eyes slowly reopened a few minutes later, resting his cheek on the floor as he looked up at me.

"Welcome back." I smiled softly, watching the color return to his face. "You fell and passed out."

He hummed lazily, snorting a little at the blood that ran from his nose onto his lips.

"Judging from this shit, you clearly didn't catch me." He mused, looking down at his bloody nose for emphasis.

"Bad reflexes." I justified sheepishly, looking around the dark uselessly for something to clean his nose before giving up.

It's dark, he's face down on the floor, and his biggest wounds are...under his clothes.

"Um...." I muttered, quickly reaching up to flip on the first light switch I could find. "I'm not done healing you. Can we move you to the couch?"


"Oof. That's it. Easy. Easyyy." I breathed out in exhaustion, supporting Touya's body weight as best I could in my current condition.

He had his arm draped over my shoulder again, but being a little more rejuvenated now, I could tell he was trying not to lean on me too much, practically hopping towards the couch on one leg.

He fell into the cozy cushions with a loud plop, panting tiredly and throwing his head back against the top of the couch.

I sat on the glass coffee table across from him, both of us huffing heavily to try and catch our breaths.

Sure, the most logical thing to do would be taking Touya to a hospital. But, surely the doctor would ask how he got those injuries all over him. Even if the mission to catch Midas exempts Touya's villainy for the time being, the less people know about this situation, the better.

Plus, if Midas finds us here, he'll attack the hospital...having no problem wasting all those innocent lives to get what he wants.

He's a monster. One I will destroy.

I sighed tiredly at the memories of the night-even aside from Touya being there, Midas enlightened me on some truths I'll never be able to forget.

But, Touya's weak cough forced my thoughts elsewhere. To the important things. The only things I can control right now.

I moved from the coffee table, sitting next to him on the couch as I looked to his bloody, tattered clothes.

With hesitation, I reached my fingers up towards the hem of his shirt, retracting with uncertainty.

"Um..." I uttered, rubbing the back of my neck when I gained his attention. "Your...shirt..."

He glanced down at it before looking back up to me, raising a brow of question.

"Want it to come off?"

For a rare time, those specific words from him were completely innocent. But, instantly, they had my heart jumping as my mind traveled to the most suggestive meaning, quickly correcting something that didn't need to be corrected.

"Just so I can heal your wounds." I said, grimacing a bit at my eagerness to justify my intentions.

Especially....because...well, technically, I've seen him naked. Many different times. And never knew it.

But, none of that matters anymore. He feels like a stranger to me. Hell, I feel like a stranger to myself right now, too. The only thing familiar to me is this apartment.

Touya caught onto my awkward tension, barely glancing at me for no more than a second before he quickly lifted his shirt.

He didn't make any suggestive jokes or teases. He didn't say anything as he pulled the shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor.

My heart fluttered as I looked to his bare torso sprawled on the couch. Aside from his burns, he was a mess of cuts and bruises.

I swallowed at the way his pants hung low on his hips. In the dim lighting of my apartment, the shadows etched out the lean muscles indented on his stomach.

Realizing I was staring too long, I tore my eyes away from his torso, peering up towards his face.

Apparently, he'd been looking at me already because his blue gaze instantly slid away, making it seem like he'd been glancing around the apartment the whole time.

Gosh. This is weird. Touya Todoroki is in my apartment...

Clearing my throat, I turned my attention back to his wounds, letting my hands glow with crystals before pressing them to his stomach.

His breath caught in his throat and his muscles quivered under my warm touch, shifting around to get himself more comfortable.

Slowly, I pressed my hands firmer into his muscles, watching his skin starting to illuminate softly with my quirk.

I worked in silence for a few moments, before the sound of his low, quiet voice filled the space.

"Not gonna lie. Thought I'd be waking up in a dumpster instead of this place." He said, gesturing to the cozy warmth of the apartment. "Where are we?"

I hesitated a bit at the answer I knew he'd need to hear, unsure of how he'd react to the news.

"This is actually my apartment. The one I lived in before we started the mission." I admitted, uncertain about my next words. "Your....-Endeavor bought it for me. I've almost paid him back in full."

Touya was quiet as he took in my words, giving the place another glance around.

I don't know what sets him off anymore. But, I suppose it's better to learn now rather than later. Secrets and misunderstandings never get us far.

Surprisingly, he didn't seem to care as much as I thought he would, letting out a dry chuckle before sprawling his arms across the top of the couch.

"Did he now? At least the fucker did something decent in his miserable, stupid life." He muttered dismissively, resting his head back into the cushions.

I nodded and kept my eyes to his wounds, letting out a soft chuckle as I spoke.

"I guess so."

His head lifted from the cushions in my peripheral vision, directing his gaze to me.

"Did you like it here?" His voice came out softer, forgoing the dry resentment he held for his dad.


"Living here." He clarified, keeping his attention on me with curiosity. "Did you like it, Grape?"

I pondered his words and reflected on the life I used to live in this apartment.

It feels like a century ago now. Having Natsuo for a boyfriend. Spending all my time with Akio and Fuyumi. Trying to become someone I'm not so I could get Endeavor's approval. Missing Touya everyday.

On the surface, it really didn't seem that bad. But, the truth is that I was desperately seeking happiness. There were so many things I didn't know. Things that would have ruined me forever if I never learned the truth.

Aside from the strife though...

There were still good days. Life still went on and I made it here.

"Oh. Well, yes. Sometimes, I liked living here." I smiled nostalgically, reminiscing on the simple moments. "Other times, it got lonely. But, I imagine most people feel that from time to time."

Touya nodded and looked around my apartment again, catching sight of the pictures on the couch table behind him.

He picked up one of the frames and brought it in his line of vision.

"You don't look so lonely here." He murmured, not sounding bitter about his words.

He actually sounded happy. Happy that I looked happy in the picture.

I looked at the frame with him, chuckling slightly at the memory.

"That...that was my highschool graduation." I explained, feeling the awkward nerves slowly dissipating.

His brows raised as he lifted his eyes from the picture, seeming a little surprised. "You ended up going to a real highschool. Endeavor axed the tutor?"

"Mhm." I said, moving my glowing hands around on his torso. "After you-after your accident, he let me go to a real highschool."

I still don't really know why he let me transfer to a public highschool. Maybe with Touya gone, he had no reason to keep me in the house during the day. Maybe I reminded him too much of my mother and he couldn't bear to look at my face for longer than he had to.

I don't know and I probably never will. Endeavor's another person where you never seem to know what's going on in his head.

Touya hummed and put the frame back on the table, picking up another one.

A picture of me in my hero suit-well-my mother's hero suit, holding up a certificate.

Gosh, I look so cheesy.

"And that was the day I passed my hero license." I mused before he pointed to another one. "And that was my nineteenth birthday. Akio took me to the butterfly exhibit."

Touya snorted softly as he looked at the picture, barely letting the corners of his lips curl up at the sight of Akio and I laughing together covered in a field of butterflies.

"Guess I got a lot to catch up on, huh." He said softly, placing the pictures back on my table with a small sigh.

He doesn't seem bitter about the memories I've made. He seems disappointed that he missed out on them. That he wasn't a part of these moments in my life.


"You're not the only one." I reassured, fumbling on my next words. "I.."

I...lost the courage to say my true thoughts, shaking my head and looking down to the couch cushions with a sigh.

He waited patiently for me to gather my voice, prompting me when I never did.


"It's gonna sound stupid."

"How is that any different from usual?" His voice spoke with tease, causing me to glare at him lightly.

"Touya." I grumbled, earning a soft chuckle from him before he got serious.

The mischief on his face faded into patience, gently gliding his hand from the top of the couch to my shoulder.

It felt so warm, easing the ache of my muscles and seeping all the way to my bones.

My eyes fell closed as he gently pressed his fingers into my shoulder, massaging the tension out of it as he spoke.

"Tell me." His voice stripped down to softness, gentle and barely audible. "I wanna know. I wanna know everything."

He had so much to catch up on, of course he'd want to know everything. Even the parts that weren't easy to say.

If life was always easy, we'd never have any substance.

I inhaled deeply, looking at him with a soft smile. One that held hints of sadness.

"I...I spent so much time wishing you were here." I chuckled breathily, taking my bottom lip between my teeth with stress. "And now that you are, I...just...I don't know how to act around you anymore."

I almost felt ashamed. Ashamed that Touya and I can't just pick up right where we left off eight years ago. How dare I wish for him to come home every waking moment and then freeze when he's finally in front of me?

He feels like a stranger and that hurts. Because I know so well that he's not.

My words didn't deter him. He continued to gently massage my shoulder, gliding his thumb along my collarbone to relax me.

And he did. Enough for me to continue finding my thoughts.

"I feel like...I just missed this giant gap of your life." I sighed, closing my eyes and furrowing my brows in pain. "The gap that really changed who you used to be-who I used to be, too. We...we've changed from ten years ago, Touya. We aren't the same people anymore."

And, god, how I wish we were. How I wish we were just two kids again, gazing at the stars and laughing over the clouds. When our biggest worries were the crushes we had on each other and not the death and destruction that took over our lives.

Silence rose between us, but for some reason, this one wasn't tense or awkward like the others we've had tonight. For some reason, speaking the elephant in the room out loud seemed to help both of us relax.

I looked up at him softly as he continued to caress my shoulder. His white hair came just above his eyes, contrasting brightly against their sharp, blue color. Even behind the burns, I recognize him as that boy from the past. Truly, he doesn't look that different. Just older.

He's still the same soul. Even if it doesn't feel like it, he's still the same Touya.

His mouth faintly tugged up in a one-sided smirk, taking his bottom lip between his teeth.

"Of course we aren't the same. I'd be even more fucking annoying than I am now if I still acted like a sixteen year old little weasel." He teased, breaking the leftover tension in the room.

I broke out into a genuine laugh at his words, watching the way his smirk melted into a genuine smile.

"Well, you still kind of do." My voice matched his tease, causing his hand to come off my shoulder and flick my cheek.


"Jesus, she's ruthless." He murmured in amusement, trying to flick my cheek again. "First, she tries to murder me with her crystals and now she's insulting me on my death bed."

I grabbed his hand before he could poke my face, letting my jaw drop in offense to his words.

"Touya! That's too soon!"

He snickered, but didn't seem sorry.

"Never too soon for trauma jokes, Grape." His words were smug, causing me to lightly roll my eyes and shove him.

The two of us calmed down a few moments later, basking in the other's presence. I continued holding Touya's hand in mine, grazing the line of staples with my fingers.

He watched me do so in silence, lightly extending his fingers out straighter as mine ran atop them.

I almost thought he'd forgotten about my earlier point, until he returned it with his own words.

"Look, we can't live in the past anymore." He said softly, keeping his gaze to our hands. "If we romanticize the hell out of it and try to replicate it, we ain't gonna get anywhere."

I nodded softly and traced his fingers, pondering his words with focus.

He does have a point. If Touya and I repeated the past, it would mean repeating every single thing about it. Every mistake. Every traumatic moment. Every ounce of pain.

Our past actions are what caused this whole mess. So, it wouldn't make sense to want to repeat them.

I guess I'm only romanticizing the past because that's where Touya and I have the best memories. But...

That just means it's time to make new ones that make the present moment worth living.

My digits glided to the tip of Touya's fingers, causing him to turn his hand over so his palm aligned with mine.

He didn't intertwine our fingers just yet, letting them touch and hover atop each other.

"Yeah. Things have changed." His words came out genuine. "But, that doesn't necessarily mean it's for the worst. We have a chance to change all the bad parts and make things better. I know it's scary. Fuck, it's even a little weird right now. But, I'm not going anywhere."

At the same moment, his fingers slowly curled between mine, causing my own to mimic his actions until our hands intertwined together.

My breath stuck in my throat at the feeling of his hand in my own. The stitches on his palm scratched mine. His hand was rougher and bigger than I remember.

But, at that moment, the feeling of holding his hand hadn't changed. It was Touya's hand. It was warm. It was safe. Just like it always was.

My heart fluttered in my chest at the sight, looking up from our hands at the same time he did.

Using his free hand, he tucked the hair behind my ear, grazing his fingers along my cheekbone as he did so.

"A little glitter vomit and typical grape awkwardness won't drive me away." He whispered playfully, eyes wandering along my features. "You can't get rid of me that easily."

I smiled softly and squeezed his hand, feeling him return the gesture immediately.

Speaking became easier. Having Touya here and alive became more processed in my brain, and slowly I began to relax. To come down from the traumatic chaos the last week has held.

"Then...can I ask you something?" I murmured before he squeezed my hand again.


It was a question that's been on my mind ever since I found out he was alive. One that haunted me and kept me up at night with every scenario one could have possibly imagined.

But, in order to move on-in order to understand him again....I need to know...

"What happened during that gap, Touya? After Sekoto Hill...where did you go?"

Silence consumed the space and my palm began to sweat as I awaited his answer, not knowing what to expect.

He chuckled weakly as if the whole thing was ironic, sounding so raw and vulnerable as he said...

"I went home, Violet."

My jaw fell slightly, looking at him in confused shock.

Of all the answers I thought about, that was the only one that never crossed my mind.

"W-What?" I breathed out in disbelief, watching him nod.

His grip on my hand got tighter, only now it seemed like it was for his own reassurance as he faced something he didn't like remembering.

"Well...I was asleep for two years first." He recounted, keeping his eyes busy on his lap and the couch cushions. "And then...I woke up in this fucked up facility with tubes and needles sticking outta me everywhere. All For One took me. Tried to make me one of those Nomu fuckers, but I got away."

Asleep for two years-he was in a coma for two years, kidnapped in a Nomu asylum, and no one knew.

No one knew...and because no one knew....

No one came for him.

"Oh my god.." I breathed out, feeling my brows knit together sadly.

I can't imagine what he must have thought at that moment. Waking up so alone. So broken and discarded. Two years older, but mentally still a sixteen year old boy because he was never awake to mature into a man.

He swallowed heavily and paused, looking down at his wrist to ensure the single handcuff was around it, only continuing his story when he knew it was locked securely.

I wonder where he got that.

"I ran home." He repeated, scoffing at the irony. "Hell, I even wanted to apologize to everyone. But..."

He sighed and leaned forward on the couch, seeming as if he didn't want to say his next words, but chose to anyways.

No more secrets. He's honoring that.

"When I got there...I.....I saw Natsuo putting a necklace on you, still harboring over his golden child, and....I just death didn't mean anything, and neither did my life. didn't mean a thing." His voice gradually dropped in volume, almost muttering the last few words.

Judging from the way he cleared his throat, it seemed like he was trying to be quiet so his voice wouldn't come out uneven.

Of course this still affects him. The lack of self worth. The trauma of neglect. It drove the direction of his entire life from the moment he was born.

He rested his elbows on his knees, keeping our hands intertwined atop them with his head slung between his shoulders.

I leaned forward and rested my cheek against the back of his shoulder, coaxingly gliding my thumb along his hand.

His eyes closed as he continued his story, seeming tired and knowing of his mistakes.

"I really lost my way after that. Started killing people-innocent people. Dabbled in petty crimes and arson. Joined the league a few years later, and...well, you know the rest." He sighed, rubbing his face with his free hand.

He barely glanced my way, unable to see my face from this position.

"I know...I'm probably gonna have to pay for all of that one day. Sorry." His words came out as a mumble, yet I still caught the regret.

It's not my place to speak on Touya's crimes and I know that. What he did when he became Dabi is something I wasn't there for. I wasn't in his head and his situation, I'm not so naive and selfish to defend his actions and disregard all the innocent lives he took.

What he did to those people was wrong. And, yes, there will come a time where his own mistakes finally catch up to him. There will be a time that mine do as well.

We won't get out of this life unscathed.

"I'm not the one you should apologize to." I reminded him softly, referring to the innocent families his actions wreaked havoc on.

"You're one of them." He urged in a gentle tone, glancing towards me again. "Had I realized what I truly wanted....none of this would have ever happened."

I see his point. But, it did happen. And there are a lot of factors that drove Touya to the point of no return.

I'm not excusing his actions. I'm just saying....he wasn't born a murderer. He didn't become it...alone.

Once upon a time, this boy wanted to be the world's greatest hero.

I witnessed his downfall firsthand, powerless to stop it, powerless to save him from all those demons that dragged him to the pits of hell.

But, he's right. We have a chance to fix our mistakes of the past. And, even if I couldn't save Touya in the past, I will save him now.

"Hey." I murmured, trying to alleviate some of his heaviness. "Aren't you the one who said we can't live in the past?"

He hummed at my repeat of his words, starting to lean back into the couch again.

I lifted my head from his shoulder as he did so, watching his face come back into my vision.

His cheeks were stained with streaks of blood now. His eyes red and inflamed.

Touya's downfall-or, a big part of it...was because of how alone he felt. How lost and isolated he was from the people who were supposed to love him the most.

In his mind, everyone abandoned him. While that's not technically what his siblings would say, that's how he feels. That's how he remembers. And I can't let him think that's true any longer.

"You say nothing changed the day you died, entire life shifted, Touya." I breathed out, feeling my voice crack at the memories. "I've never felt so much pain over anything in my entire life."

He was quiet at my words, not seeming happy about that. Only more sorrowful.

I'm not trying to make him feel bad. I just want him to know he wasn't forgotten. He was so important. He still is.

"I used to sit in your room for hours." I chuckled weakly, pressing my lips together to stay composed. "Talking and bargaining with your ghost in hopes you'd come back. That if I could just...touch you one more time. See you smile one more time...I'd never take it for granted again."

The air puffed from his nostrils and he shook his head, glancing up at me.

"Nah, you never took it for granted." He said as tufts of white hair fell into his eyes. "You made me Like everything I said just...mattered."

A shaky breath sounded from his throat after he spoke the words. Words he never really ever spoke to me before.

Because they were his honest, true feelings. The feelings he spent so long trying to hide. The feelings he became conditioned to be ashamed of.

But, he's saying them now. He's trying. And I know that the muscle memory of his trauma probably makes every word that much harder for him to say out loud.

I smiled at him with reassurance, squeezing his hand and resting my empty one on his thigh.

"Well, it did matter. It does-you do." I whispered, melting my eyes into his own with every ounce of care I felt.

I meant every word, and judging from that little twitch of his irises, he knows it.

His throat bobbed with a hard swallow, tear ducts starting to pool with blood as he studied the look on my face. The look of that special something we both know we share.

He chuckled hoarsely a few moments later, looking down at my hand on his thigh.

"What?" I laughed with him lightly, watching him bite his bottom lip to stop his smile from getting too wide.

His mannerisms of the past slowly rekindled in his body as he lowered his head out of my sight, trying to hide his expressions behind his messy hair.

Exactly how he used to.

"Just....feels like I'm falling for you all over again." He murmured, slowly lifting our intertwined hands towards his face.

His next actions came with hesitation, waiting for me to pull away if it wasn't okay.

When I didn't pull away, he lifted our hands to his mouth, barely pressing his lips to the knuckle of my thumb.

His lips were hot and textured, tickling my skin and shooting butterflies straight to the pit of my stomach.

He lowered our intertwined hands after a few lingering seconds, resting them on the soft cushions of the couch. The action of such a gentle kiss seemed awkward for him. He seemed out of place and unsure as displays of affection have never been his thing.

But, maybe they weren't ever his thing because he always held back-not because he didn't want them.

"You always know what to say, Grape." He uttered quietly, letting more hair fall into his eyes. "It always fascinated every answer from you could always be so right. Hell, you could tell me two plus two equals ten and you'd find some way to make me believe it."

I pressed my lips together and gave his knee a playful nudge.

"Well, that's only because you always neglected doing your times tables." My words came out teasing, causing Touya's lips to huff a little 'oh' of amusement for my sass.

"'Cause you always did 'em for me." He lifted his head with defense, giving his hair a small shake out of his eyes.

"Only because I had a crush on you." I defended, only realizing afterwards that it was more of an admittance than a defense.

But, I think that knowledge is pretty obvious to him by now. And, besides..

"I know." He murmured a little more smug than I was expecting, causing my lips to drop in surprise.

He couldn't control the smile that spread across his lips at my look, lazily resting his head back against the top of the couch.

"Are you saying you knew before we know..." I hinted, causing him to nod.

He kept his eyes to the ceiling in reminiscence, looking peaceful and content as he admitted the truth he's kept locked up for years.

"Deep down, I did. I knew I figured it out at some point, but....admitting it would have only brought attention that I felt the same way. Would have killed me, you know." He said, voice going a little dry with reality at the end.

Though, he didn't let that ruin his blissful moment, lifting his head from the couch and looking at me with reassurance.

"But, I was an idiot. Hell, I carried this thing around with me for a whole decade and still tried to convince myself I didn't care." His voice came out light, almost like he was poking fun at his own stubbornness.

He reached into his pocket, carefully pulling a little piece of paper out of it.

A fragile piece of paper that had been meticulously taped back together by him.

The note.

"Oh my gosh." I chuckled breathily, feeling my cheeks flush at the sight of my own scraggly writing atop the battered page. "You taped it back together."

To say I was in awe was an understatement. I blasted that thing to bits with my crystals. And yet, every piece of the note was still there, meaning he searched the entire floor of the hotel room and put it back together like a puzzle.

"You told me to keep it." He said softly, looking down at the note with a faint smile.

I watched him in silence for a few moments, finding the sight of him looking at that little piece of paper so endearing. He looks so pure. So vulnerable and attached to it.

It wasn't until now that I realized how much that note meant to him. How much all the little notes I wrote in his lunch everyday really meant to him.

He saved every one after all. And he always tried to keep it a secret.

"Goodness." I whispered a little touched. "I guess I did."

He leaned forward and carefully placed the note on the coffee table, glancing over at me as he did so.

"And what about you?" His question came out just a little nosy, causing me to raise my brows in confusion.

"What about me?"

"What happened during your gap?" He clarified, seeming as if he's been wanting to ask this question forever. "Last I remembered, you wanted to be a doctor. Next thing I know, you're a little Endeavor wannabe who was dating my disgusting brother."

I lightly rolled my eyes at the Endeavor jab, nudging his knee again playfully.

But, the memories of the past had my smile fading, bracing myself for the truth I'd need to speak.

Touya told his story. It's only fair I say mine.

"Do you remember before...That Day.... when I was crying?" I uttered barely audible, feeling him lean closer to me.

"I know why now." He said immediately, voice quiet and low with regret. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you about your mom. I...I just made everything worse for you that day."

Feeling my throat choking up, I shook my head with reassurance, sniffling away the tears before they had time to gather.

"There wasn't anything that could have made it better. After she died and your accident...I ran away." I explained with a raspy throat, feeling Touya's hand tighten around mine. "For a whole month, I was gone until Endeavor found me and offered me a chance to chase my mother's purpose. Well...since I no longer had a purpose of my own, I decided to take the easy way out and follow hers."

I sighed in self-disappointment for the path I chose, knowing it was the wrong one.

But, then again, it's the path that led me back to Touya. So, maybe it wasn't wrong in that way.

"As for dating Natsuo..." I said a little less heavy, still feeling guilt over this subject. "I was just trying to get closer to you in any way I could. It wasn't right to use him like that."

Touya's not the only one who's made a mess of things. I was selfish in my own right, using people who didn't deserve it and chasing dead ends. I wasted a big part of my life.

"You were my favorite person, Touya. But, I think I made the mistake of making you my identity." I admitted, grimacing at my own honesty. "I don't wanna do that again because the day you were gone...I was so lost..."

He shook his head in acknowledgment, looking down at our intertwined hands.

"I was lost without you, too." His next words came out barely audible, once again seeming difficult and awkward for him to say.

I gave his thigh a soft squeeze in reassurance for his efforts, glancing up to his face a little hopeful.

The only way to make the future worth living is by creating new memories. Better ones.

"I wanna do things differently this time." I whispered with determination, watching him meet my eyes. "I want you by my side, but I also want to find who I am again. I want you to as well."

He hummed in support, eyes gleaming with small hints of pride for my new approach.

"I never really found out who I was in the first place. Might be worth it to try." He agreed, gliding his thumb along my hand.

A small smile curled on my lips as I thought of the future. The new and improved future Touya and I would build together.

But, the dreams were short lived as I caught sight of his pants, still tattered and stained with blood from the violent night.

The night at Midas' mansion. A place I still have so much unfinished business in.

I sighed tiredly, looking to the couch cushions with troubled thought.

"But, before any of that....we need to take him down first." My voice came out in a murmur, gritting my teeth in guilt at the knowledge that crossed my mind.

Tsuyo is still there. They basically sacrificed themselves for me so I could escape. I don't plan to abandon them there.

I just hope they're still alive.

At least when I go back, I can be better prepared to fight Midas. My crystals neutralized his jewels. Something I didn't even know about until Touya told me.

It got me thinking...

"How did you know where I was? How did you know all of that stuff about my jewels and his crystals?" I asked him curiously.

He shrugged and remained silent momentarily, seeming as if he was still getting in the habit of speaking the truth.

"As much as I wanna take credit for that one, I can't. Akio figured it all out." He admitted, with the name sounding so foreign from his lips.

He rarely ever called Akio by his actual name. It was always some sort of insult I ended up reprimanding him for.

I wonder when that changed. Touya did save his life at Midas' mansion. He carried him to safety and fetched help. That's something I never thought he'd do.

"That's right. How are his injuries?" I asked, feeling my thoughts drift to the person I used to call 'best friend.'

It's only because of my own wrong doings that things were ruined.

"Recovery Bat healed him up." He said, looking to the coffee table in blank thought. "But, I didn't see him again after that night."

His eyes swam with regret, not showing itself anywhere else on his neutral face.

"He's another person I need to apologize to one day." His voice came out raw, showing signs of humility he never did before.

It just makes me reflect back on the last year or so that 'Dabi' came back into my life. Akio's life, too. Touya was well aware of all our histories, even if Akio and I weren't.

To think Touya knew it was him this entire time. It really makes a lot of past interactions with them make sense. It explains why those moments we were all together were always so familiar. Why they had such a distinct and vivid vibe together.

And while I'm happy Touya wants to apologize, he didn't used to care. He used to despise Akio up until fairly recently.

"What made you decide this?" I asked softly.

His teeth toyed with his bottom lip again in, what I assumed to be, stress...forcing himself to relive and experience things he always tried to run from.

With a sigh, he tore his eyes away from the coffee table, giving a shrug of defeat. "I always knew it deep down. Just didn't wanna admit it."

He looked back at the picture frame on the couch table behind him. The one with Akio and I at the butterfly garden.

Clearly, he didn't forget it.

He picked it up and looked at it again, shaking his head.

"I was jealous of him. I've always been jealous of him. Not only did he get to live what I died for, but he also got more time with you." He murmured, voice going quiet with admittance.

But, it wasn't quiet in a bitter way. Once again, it was self disappointment.

He closed his eyes for a moment before placing the picture frame back on the table, turning to me with honesty.

"Violet....I was a dick to him. More than what you ever saw. I...always hid it from you 'cause I didn't want you to see that side of me." He hesitated, running a troubled hand through his hair before continuing. "But, I fucking hurt him. Physically, too, and....and I know it still affects him even if he won't say so."

I looked at Touya blankly, feeling all the missing pieces connecting together.

Akio was always so hurt whenever I was around Touya. From what I saw, Touya gave him a hard time and always stopped when I said to.


It seems that was just the surface of their problems.

"Gosh. It all makes more sense now." I breathed out in realization, watching Touya's face grow more somber.

I can't minimize what he did to Akio. It's not my place. And, I'm only learning now, that I never really knew the full story of what Touya did to him.

Touya obviously never told me, and Akio didn't either. I can only imagine the latter was because he was embarrassed and humiliated.

Another way I failed him as a friend and didn't even know it.

I pinched the bridge of my nose in my own guilt. Even more so when I know Akio almost got himself killed by Midas the other night for trying to save me.

Even being in a fight, he still tried to save me.

I really need to apologize to him.

"You saved his life the other day at Midas' mansion." I said, looking over at Touya with hope. "That might count for something, right?"

"It shouldn't." He muttered dryly, giving his head a small shake.

I pressed my lips together in acknowledgment, knowing there wasn't anything I could say to defend him on this one.

He's gonna be hard on himself. This is another battle I can't fight for him. It's between him and Akio. Definitely not my place to excuse Touya's actions and decide the right and wrongs of them. If Akio never chooses to forgive him, I can't hold that against him.

"Does he know who you are?" I asked, before he hummed in disagreement.

"I tried to tell him. But...never actually did."

He tried to tell him? Even that sounds surprising from Touya, given how long it took him to tell me.

He's really trying to be better.

"Does anyone else know besides me?" Came my next question, already thinking back on the countless people he left behind after his accident.

Natsuo. Fuyumi. Shouto...

His father.

"No." He said straight to the point, not giving any other indicators or intentions of his future plans on that matter.

I waited in silence to see if he'd continue, but he didn't. Maybe he doesn't even know himself right now, but still it's a big part of our own future going forward.

He can't keep being Dabi and have a future with us. That some point.....he'd need to reveal himself. To the world.

The silence drew out too long before I finally responded, giving him my own curt response of thought.

"I see."

I don't know how long Touya plans to keep this a secret. But, that's a conversation for a different day.

One thing at a time. We barely know if we'll survive another day with Midas surely searching for us.

The fatigue of the week began to crash down on me quicker than I would have liked. Especially because I still had so much to talk about with Touya.

We have eight years of life to catch up on. I suppose that can't all be done in one night though.

I gave his hand one more squeeze before releasing his fingers from my own, feeling my hand pleasantly warm and sweaty from his body heat.

He watched as I stood up, looking more exhausted than I realized before.

I healed his major wounds. He's no longer in any life threatening danger. But, surely worn out from the battle of the night.

"I'll be right back. I'm gonna take a quick shower and brush my teeth about five times." I chuckled, grimacing at the memories of my incessant vomiting earlier.

He snorted a little in amusement at my glitter puke, letting his back fall into the couch so he laid horizontal on it now.

"Go on. I'll wait for you." He murmured, eyes starting to droop tiredly as I walked off.


Showering became a chore on its own. After spending the last week tortured by Midas and forcibly bathed by his servants on rare occasions, it had been awhile since I'd actually been under the streaming water by myself. Alone. Safe.

I probably spent fifteen minutes scrubbing the same spot on my arm, distracted and consumed with so many different thoughts.

Relief that Touya and I had reconnected. Anger for learning that Midas killed my mother. Guilt for leaving Tsuyo behind. Curiosity and even slight dread for having to face the Todoroki family again, especially knowing what I know now about the eldest son's fate.

It's hard to take life one day at a time when there are so many things happening.

But, I won't be of use to anyone if I don't take the time to heal and get my strength back-and most of all, work out a plan to end Midas once and for all.

That will take more than a night. And I can't risk losing it all from my impatience.

Letting out a sigh, I let my face run under the shower stream one last time, savoring the steamy warmth before flipping the nozzle off.

As promised, I brushed my teeth five times and rinsed with mouthwash, desperately wanting the horrid taste of bitter, upchucked jewels out of my mouth.

When I walked back out of the bathroom, Touya was in the same position as when I left him. He was laying on the couch with his arms crossed, and one leg hanging off the side slightly.

The only difference was that now his eyes were closed and his breathing was steady.

He was asleep.

I smiled softly and walked over as quietly as I could, grabbing the light blanket draped over the couch before covering him with it.

He stirred a little at the action, startling awake slightly and making me frown at failing to tuck him in unnoticed.

"Mm." His voice came out raspy and thick, starting to sit up on the couch in a groggy daze. "Do you...wanna talk more? Here, lemme sit up."

I chuckled softly at his eagerness. It seems I wasn't the only one who was trying to fit eight years worth of catch up into one single night.

"No, that's alright." I reassured, gently pressing him back down on the couch. "We can talk more tomorrow. You need to rest."

His half lidded eyes remained on me as he settled back on the couch pillow, slowly falling heavy until they closed completely.

Tiredly, he slid his hand up his chest and found mine, gently gripping it in his grasp.

He looked like a dream. One I've had a million times. One where he always disappeared when I woke up.

That scares me a little.

I watched him for a few moments before leaning forward, resting my forehead against his own.

His skin was warm and just a little damp with sweat. The strands of his hair tickled my nose and he smelled faintly like smoke and cinnamon.

Even if he was almost asleep, I know he felt me close from the way he inhaled deeply, deeper than one would do when they're unconscious.

"Touya..." I whispered, feeling his thumb gently glide along my hand.

"Mhm?" Hummed from his throat, raspy and half asleep.

I know we've been through a lot. I know there's been a lot of mistakes that can't be fixed overnight. But, even so...above it all...

"Thank you for coming back to me." I breathed out softly, closing my eyes.

Even in half sleep, his other hand slowly came up, settling on the back of my head before pulling me closer.

His fingers buried in my roots, gently caressing into my locks as he spoke, vulnerable and soft.

"Thank you for waiting for me."

I felt my lip slowly start to quiver, shaking my head as I came closer.

"I never stopped waiting." My words came out uneven, feeling it harder to swallow with the wad of tears growing in my throat.

The emotions began to overflow in my chest. Everything I've tried not to feel for Touya this last week-these last ten longer able to be contained.

Slowly, his eyes opened upon hearing my voice, my emotions. He looked at me, gliding his gaze around every single feature.

"Neither did I." He whispered, lost in the emotions of the past.

But, I suppose now, they aren't just emotions of the past. But, also the present. The future.

For eternity. We'll always find each other.

The undying need to be close to him consumed me. I needed his warmth. His smell. His presence. I needed him in every way, or I'd surely die. I was starving and dehydrated of everything that was him.

He could feel it. I know he could from the way his eyes slowly looked down towards my lips, parting his own softly.

I hovered my mouth closer to his own, but he shook his head, pulling back a few inches.

"You need rest." He murmured, still keeping his attention on my lips as 'rest' was clearly the last thing on his mind.

"I don't." I breathed out, leaning forward once more before he pulled back.

He was hesitant. That much was clear. Even if we both wanted the same thing, this new 'thing' was so fragile. He didn't want to break it again.

"Hey, you're just getting comfortable with me again, alright? I don't wanna overwhelm you." He admitted, brushing my hair out of my face.

His eyes were soulful as they met mine, lighting my chest up with a warmth I missed so much.

"We have time." He said, his lips ghosted with a faint smile. "We have so much time, okay? You don't need to rush."

I nodded, but that fear continued to poke at my conscience, making the warmth he continued to provide feel just a little cold.

My body's exhausted. So is my mind. But, I'm so afraid to go to sleep. So afraid to close my eyes and lose track of him for the night because...

"What if you disappear again? What if this isn't real?" I uttered hoarsely, gripping his hand tightly and pressing my head into his with more desperation.

He watched my troubled face, brows knitting with hurt.

"Hey..." He coaxed, gently brushing my hair back again.

Realizing we both needed more, he scooted over on the couch and lifted the blanket, opening his arms for me to fill the space.

I crawled into the spot instantly, feeling him adjust and drape the blanket over both of us, ensuring I got the bigger end.

One of his arms wiggled under my torso and the other came around my back. His feet nestled between mine and I hooked my leg over his waist.

And it felt amazing. God, it felt so, incredibly amazing, it brought tears to my eyes. The utter relief that's been missing for an entire decade. The pure bliss of getting to be this close to the one person you love the most in this world. It's unlike anything else. It's stronger than anything else.

He consumed me, and now I felt like I could finally breathe again after ten years.

I sighed peacefully into his collarbone, feeling him press my hand directly over his shirtless chest.

"You can't feel someone's heart beating in a dream, Grape." He murmured, pressing my hand just a little harder against him.

And, I suppose he's right. His heartbeat is strong and steady over my palm. His skin is warm and the blood is flowing through his veins.

He's alive. He's here.

I felt my own heartbeat slowing to his rhythm. My muscles began to melt into him as he gently glided his fingers up and down my spine.

His lips ghosted against my temple, traveling down towards my ear.

"I'm real." He whispered coaxingly. "I've never been so happy to be real."

My breath stuck in my throat at the words. The words I've wanted to hear for so long, wrapping my arms around his back and pulling him closer.

I couldn't contain myself. I couldn't contain anything I was feeling, but neither could he, burying his face into my hair and holding me tightly.

"Touya. Oh, Touya. My god." I gasped tearfully, overwhelmed with every ounce of his presence. "Please don't let go of me."

He pressed his lips against my jaw, gliding his hands from my my my every single inch he could touch. Every inch his mind would allow him to process.

"I won't. I promise." He breathed against my skin, sniffling ever so softly. "You know I keep my promises, right?"

I nodded frantically, feeling our bodies melting together atop the couch, slotting perfectly in a way only we could replicate.

"So, go to sleep. Go to sleep because I'll be right here when you wake up. Okay?" He said, pressing one last kiss to my jaw.

My eyes slowly began to close as his warmth coursed through my veins, making me pleasantly calm and filled with more peace than ever before.

It is real. He's real. He's Touya.

He's my Touya.

"Okay." I uttered, falling asleep in the safety of Touya's arms.


Hope you enjoyed. You can read ahead on patreon, otherwise ill see you next week<3

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