Our Special Place

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Top pic credit: Hexagrine

Violet POV: - eight years ago continued -

Nine-hundred-twelve days since I've seen your face.

Do you even remember what I look like? A lot can change in two-and-half years...so...maybe you don't. It might not seem like much to some. But, it's enough time for a child to become a teenager-or a teenager an adult. What I'm saying....is that it's enough time to enter a new stage in life. To realize that each day, I only feel more empty than the last one.

Mom, I could really use your advice. Truly, I need more from you than just a few words, but I feel ashamed to admit how quickly I've forgotten the sound of your voice. Bits of your personality become harder to recall. Did it really happen? Or did I just imagine it?

What do you do when the person you love most in this world has now become a stranger? I don't believe you'd be able to pick your own daughter out in a crowd anymore.

I don't mean to make you feel bad, I know you're doing the best you can. But, I suppose part of me thinks you don't even read these letters because you've never responded to a single one. For that reason, I guess it's almost as if I'm just writing to myself. I don't worry about offending you with my words because....well...because...

I'm starting to give up on seeing you again.
I'm not proud of it. It hurts me to think my faith in you has been lost, to feel as though you can't deliver on your most important promise. Part of me resents you for leaving me alone. It's a part I can't control and for that, I'm sorry.

The other part of me can't thank you enough because it's as if you knew exactly what you were doing when you placed me here. Even when it didn't feel like it, you were looking out for me. Like you knew I needed him in my life, and me in his.

I met a boy, mom. I fell in love.

It's what you always hoped for me. This is a conversation I always imagined we'd have in person.

I can picture your eyes lighting up now. The excitement on your face that's becoming blurred to me. You'd gasp and grab my hands, happily demanding I tell you 'everything.' You'd laugh when you needed to, you'd get compassionate at the right times, and most of all, you'd guide me and tell me exactly what I should do.

And then, it wouldn't matter what happened next. Because I'd know that everything would be okay. That even if a day came where I didn't have him, I'd still have you.

I'd always have you...

A soft sigh escaped my lips when my pen paused on the ratty, old pages of my diary, not having enough strength to pull the rest of the words from my brain.

Of course I had more to say, but each day, my hand becomes tired of writing. Anyone would be tired...of writing nine-hundred-twelve letters.

Not to mention, what do you say to a stranger? I'm not one for dramatics, I know that two-and-a-half years in the grand scheme of life can't be considered 'ages.' But, for a little girl missing her mother, it may as well be a lifetime.

She's missed so much. It's becoming harder to write down every passing detail so it's not lost to the enemy of time.

Especially tonight. After the events of earlier, I didn't feel like sitting down and putting on a happy face for nothing other than the pages of my notebook. But, I've never missed a day writing to mom and I wasn't about to start now.

Not only that, but...

I needed to get out of that house. The Todoroki house.

The feeling to leave came out of nowhere-truly, because the entire home had been asleep for at least two hours already. Everything was quiet, and usually night is my favorite time of the day because of that.

But, for some reason as I lay in my bed, the darkness felt consuming. The silence deafening.

Akio's words from earlier echoed through my head repeatedly, making a cold sweat break out on the back of my neck as I tossed and turned in the bed.

'The Todorokis aren't your family.'

'Touya's sick.'

'Why haven't you told anyone!?'

'Why haven't you done anything!?'

A torturous hour went by before I'd finally had enough, throwing my sheets off my sweaty body as if they were a prison. I grabbed my notebook and one of my pressed flowers, doing something I'd never done before...

Run away.

Now before you freak out, I didn't run far. To be honest, I'm just checking to see if you're awake and I'm being a little dramatic.

I only ran to the front yard of the house!

Regardless, I say 'run away' because of how I felt in that moment. I'd never felt so panicked in my life, so trapped like I just needed to...get away.

Even if it was only a short trek from the house to the front yard, I can't say I remember getting here. I don't remember leaving my room or walking through the house. I don't remember opening the door or stomping through the summer night grass. I don't even remember climbing atop the decorative brick pillars at the front gate, situating myself on them.

I just know that I ended up here with the cool, nighttime breeze jolting my body back to reality. The blanket of stars above served to soothe the panic, centering my frazzled brain and allowing me to reflect and write the letter to my mother.

But, as I said before, I've grown tired of writing tonight.

The sound of the night owls and rustling leaves filled the space as I slowly set my notebook down next to me, holding up the little glass pane that contained the pressed flower

I was going to send it to her along with the letter. So she had something pretty to look at...wherever she is.

Yet, the longer I looked at the pretty, little thing, the more my intrusive thoughts whispered I should just break the thing in my hand, because surely it would be another eternity before she actually saw it with her own eyes.

I felt my dead stare practically burning a hole into the innocent flower, my hands slowly starting to tighten around the fragile glass-

"It's past your bedtime. Is it not?" A voice said from behind, causing me to instantly lighten my grip on the glass before turning around.

On instinct, a sigh of relief came from my mouth at the company I now had, making all the harmful intrusive thoughts melt away into nothing.

Because, even just the sight of his face is enough to comfort me. A simple glance from him is enough to put my tortured mind at ease.

"Touya." I smiled softly, looking down to my lap for a moment before barely meeting his eyes. "What brings you out here tonight?"

He shrugged lightly and kept his hands in his pockets, walking over to my space now.

"Well, you weren't in your room. So, I came looking." He said, lazily resting his hands atop the lawn fence next to me.

My brows raised in surprise to his words, not expecting him to admit such a thing. Heck, I don't even think he meant to, based on how nonchalant the statement left his mouth.

But, I didn't miss it. Because...

Was he looking...for me?

I pondered the idea in silence, trying to hold the best poker face I could even though I was freaking out at the idea.

The idea that he was thinking about me. The idea that he wanted to see me, and even went so far as to search for me when I wasn't in my usual place.

Normally, I'd blush at such thoughts-I usually do whenever the ideas present themselves.

But, I was melancholy tonight, bordering on the line of somber. That was enough to weigh down any of my usual giddiness and awkwardness.

"I couldn't sleep." I murmured, keeping my empty gaze to the lone neighborhood street.

Touya hummed lightly at my words, looking ahead to the sleeping world with me in peace.

"Duh. I see that. You've spent so much time outside today, your asthma's gonna go nuts tomorrow, Grape." He quipped, trailing his deep, blue eyes over to me now.

I could see he was trying to feel out my mood. Why wouldn't he? It's not everyday I come out to the front lawn at one o'clock in the morning to brood. That's his job.

He was trying to make light of the night with the joke, so I forced a weak laugh to appease him, admittedly not feeling very talkative.

If the past two years taught me anything, it was the bad habit of holding in my feelings. I used to tell mom everything. I'd always openly cry or express my grievances.

But, living here, I felt such a thing would burden everyone. I'm just a free loading stranger. I didn't want to make anyone's life harder, so...

I tried to disappear into the background. Until, one day, I was no longer noticed at all.

"It's okay. I'm used to it." I simply said, pressing my lips in for a tight smile that didn't reach my eyes.

Anyone else would have been fooled. They wouldn't have noticed, and if they did, they wouldn't have cared.

But, Touya's not everyone else. For a reason.

I could feel his eyes on me as I looked blankly to the empty neighborhood street in silence, hearing him shuffling around a few quiet moments later.

The noise brought me out of my slump as I watched him climb up the wide set of bricks I was seated on. They weren't much taller than his head, so he didn't have much trouble.

Realizing he was coming up whether I wanted him to or not, I awkwardly scooted over and grabbed my notebook to make room, feeling his familiar scent and warmth fill the empty space.

He smelled of fresh laundry and shampoo. It's the same shampoo he's used for years, I instantly recognize the scent as his now. Even the smell of it brings me peace.

Touya let out a soft sigh of content as he settled next to me, not utilizing the entirety of the generous space I'd left him as he scooted directly against my side.

Admittedly, the melancholy feeling began turning to a little bit of heat in my cheeks now with him being so close, causing me to swallow nervously and keep my eyes forward.

"What are you writing there?" He murmured once he got comfortable, gesturing to my notebook.

He spoke with a quieter tone because we were closer in space, but even so I couldn't deny how much the rare tone pulled me in.

It conveyed a sense of 'safe.' It was the literal definition of the word.

I couldn't help but veer closer into his space, lowering my eyes to the notebook in my lap with disdain.

"Just another pointless letter." I sighed, lightly crumpling up the paper before tearing it out of the pages completely.

It has some....personal stuff in there. Stuff I'd rather not share with him-because it's about him!

Imagine what Touya would do if he knew I caught feelings for him. I don't even wanna think about it, because the possibility makes things too painfully real.

Instead, he continued to feed my fantasies and delusions, scoffing lightly at the way I just treated my poor letter.

"Pointless? Try again." He challenged, reaching into his pocket before pulling out a piece of paper of his own.

My brows furrowed as he handed me the paper, my eyes widening when I unfolded it and read the familiar contents on the page.

To: My Favorite Person In The World

You will always be Number One to me.
- Love, Vi -

It was the letter I wrote him months ago. I told him to keep it, but...

I didn't truly expect him to. It's such a lame, boring sentence. He really didn't need to go through all that trouble.

He did though. He kept it. He really kept it.

Touya didn't say anything as he watched me study the letter, looking adorably proud at the surprise that was written all over my face.

"You...you still have it...?"

He let out a slightly smug 'hmph' as if the question was crazy, bringing a knee into his chest before resting his arm atop it.

"I don't know why you sound so surprised. I promised I'd always have it no matter what, didn't I?"

His voice was so light. Lighter than it normally is. His resting tone is always pain and hysteria. The only time I ever get to see this side is when we're alone.

I don't take it for granted either. It's one of the things I love most in this world-when Touya's mind doesn't torture him. When he feels at peace.

The simple thoughts of it were enough to bring tears to my eyes, though of course it wasn't just because of that.

It was also the fact that my letter was important to him-important enough to where he felt the need to keep it safe. It was in perfect condition. Not a single tear or crumple in the fragile sheets. Almost better than how I left it.

Even though it was only a sentence, I poured my heart onto that page and it's in his hands now. He's caring for it wonderfully. Too wonderfully.

He makes me feel so important. Like I matter. Like he cares. I don't have a lot of that in my life, so I like to cherish it where I can.

I felt my eyes starting to blur and my throat choking as I looked to the letter, sniffling softly as I quickly handed it back to him.

"S..So far, you're the only person in my life who's kept their promises." I uttered quietly, stopping my sentence short before the uneven shake could be heard.

Even with it being dark and Touya unable to see my face clearly, he looked my way upon hearing such a dull tone, watching me twiddle the tiny pressed flower between my fingers.

He nudged my shoulder softly to try and lighten the mood, turning his body into mine with a little tease.

"Does that mean I'm the best then?" He murmured playfully, making butterflies wake up in my stomach when I felt his breath tickle my face.

It was cool and minty. He probably just brushed his teeth for bed before coming out here.

If he looked for me in my room...does that mean he was coming to say goodnight?

Even through my bad mood, I couldn't help but laugh at his words, not daring to look at him and close any more dangerous distance.

"You know you are." I mused lightly, giving his shoulder a soft nudge back.

Our soft giggles mingled through the quiet night, with Touya unknowingly veering even closer as if my space was better than his own.

"I know. I just like to hear it. From you." He admitted freely, sounding so innocent and free with the words.

He sounds like a normal sixteen-year-old boy instead of the tormented soul he always loses himself to.

Not only that, but to hear him say such a thing to me-the person he used to despise all that time ago.

I'm not the only one who's changed in these two-and-a-half years. Touya's changed a lot, too. For the better in a lot of ways, even if not all.

It's like I told Akio earlier. This is the part of Touya no one else gets to see. His growth. His development.

It does exist. And I won't ever give up hope that he can conquer his mind and live happily.

I smiled nostalgically to my thoughts and his words, squeezing the remnants of mom's letter in my hand as we reminisced in comfortable silence.

It's times like these I miss her more than usual. The times I feel deeply. Whether I'm sad or happy, I want her to know. I want her to know this boy next to me and how he makes me feel.

"My mom....would have really liked you, Touya." I mused lightly, looking out to the stars with acceptance.

In my peripheral vision, I could see his frown to my words, feeling him look at me instead of the pretty view above.

"You say that as if she's no longer here." He muttered, sounding dry about the possibility of my hopelessness.

He was only affirmed of it when I didn't answer or deny the question, only letting it linger in the air with heavy, knowing silence.

Touya let out a disapproving hum for my attitude, finally peeling his face away from me to look at the stars, too.

"Well, I know she's still here. I'll be sure of it for you." He dismissed, easing me with such certainty.

He always knows what to say. The world could be falling before our very eyes, but if Touya were the one to tell me things were fine, I'd feel at peace.

My heavy heart lightened with his reassurance, rejuvenating the dying ember of hope in my system.

"...What makes you sure?"

He pursed his lips slightly to the question, taking a moment to carefully construct an answer.

Usually, he always says the first thing that comes to his mind because his emotions get the better of him. He's impulsive. Reactive.

But, this time, he's actively trying to think and say the right thing.

For me.

"Well-cause...I met her a few times, you know. She's too tough to die, so it's not gonna happen, alright." He said matter of factly, causing me to chuckle.

While his words are far fetched, I appreciate his efforts. I love the fact he's trying to channel his soft side.

For me.

I looked over to him now with a bigger smile, feeling my heavy heart continue being lifted.


Truly, I asked the question because I just wanted to hear more about her. Any chance my mother came up, I wanted to draw the moment out. I wanted to talk about it and exhaust the topic until I knew everything there was to know about it.

Touya seemed to gather this, too, looking at the stars and taking another second to think about an answer that would serve to make me happy.

"Uh-huh. One time. Before I met you-like 'met you' met you, she came by the house to visit. I guess you were staying after school that day for tutoring and couldn't come." He began, letting the corners of his lips turn up at the memory. "Anyways, I was in a bad mood and started giving her a bit of a hard time."

My dull eyes widened to life now at Touya's story before I slapped a hand over my mouth with scandal. My shoulder dipped into his chest as my body floated back and forth with a blooming giddiness.

"Oh boy. I can't imagine that went over well." I chuckled, feeling him lean back on his hands when I settled closer into his chest.

He laughed with me and kept his gaze ahead. His cheeks flushed lightly with embarrassment, clearly putting his own pride at risk for the expense of my happiness.

"Agh. I still remember the look she gave me for being so rude, making me apologize and everything-ugh. Hey, your mom's actually really annoying, you know that?" He groaned knowingly, unable to suppress his smile when I lit up like a firefly.

I giggled once more at his teases, feeling the loneliness from just a few moments ago becoming forgotten.

"I'm sorry. She's a bit much sometimes." I mused, looking to my lap as I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

I didn't realize how close I'd come to Touya until he leaned further back on his hands, allowing me to feel each strain of his muscles with the movement. His warmth consumed me.

"Nah. I didn't care. I wanted to be like that. Like her. Tough and strong-she could always get dad's attention without even trying. I wish she came around more often." He said honestly, stirring the buried emotions in my chest.

I've not had the opportunity to talk about my mom much since I've lived here. Because of that, I didn't really know how anyone felt about her. Even Endeavor rarely brought her up.

So, to hear Touya speak positively of her and wish she came around more....it only makes me feel closer to him.

"Your dad and her had some problems, I guess. They always fought." I admitted, remembering the years of shouting matches between those two.

Physical matches, too. No matter what it was, they were always pushing each other's buttons. I never knew why. Even to this day, I still don't know.

"But, then he took you in. He'd never do that for anyone else's kid. I don't get it." Touya shrugged, brushing it off carelessly.

"Me either."

A few heartbeats of time passed with my lax answer, with Touya and I enjoying each other's presence while looking to the stars.

They were extra bright tonight, painting the sky with a blanket of fairy lights.

It was Touya who broke the silence a few minutes later, slowly trailing his gaze from the sky to look at me.

"I'm...glad he did though."

His voice came out barely above a whisper. It almost seemed as if he wasn't talking to me, but himself, simultaneously hoping I heard him and didn't all at the same time.

But, even when I looked his way in surprise, he didn't back down and change his tune like he normally would, not feeling insecure for the first time in his life.

Instead, he met my eyes deeply, melting them into my own before they trailed my features with focus.

I didn't understand his look. The way his face looked as his attention traveled back and forth from my eyes to my lips. The way his gaze went heavier or the way he licked his lips as if he was imagining something.

You know, I've heard about this before. I'm fifteen! I'm not a stranger to romance-movies!

But, 'romance' and 'Touya' haven't ever been two things I equated in the same sentence. Because, for as long as I've been here, it's always been understood between the two of us that things wouldn't ever become....something.

That's why, when I look at him now and see what I believe to be attraction, I must remind myself that I'm mistaking the look for a different one.

My own thoughts caused me to instantly tear my eyes from his and to the ground between us, feeling my face heating up as his gaze continued to fuel my fluster.

"I..I drive you nuts." I shook my head bashfully, feeling my cheeks getting redder the longer he looked at me. "You always say that."

It's almost as if he couldn't help himself when his head veered closer into my space, filling the air with the scent of his minty breath once again.

Slowly, my eyes began to lift from the ground, not being strong enough to meet his own this time.

He was much closer to me than he'd been a few moments ago, seeming as if he wanted to do something, but didn't know what it was himself.

"I never said I didn't like it." He whispered softly, acting on instinct as he lifted one of his hands towards my face.

My eyes fell closed in bliss as Touya gently brushed the hair away from my face, letting his fingers linger just a second too long on my cheek before pulling away.

His signals are starting to become bolder, whether he wants them to or not. More sure and clear.

It's only filling my head with more fantasies and delusions, with my brain internally asking the question I've been trying to avoid.

Do you like me, Touya? Do you like me....the way I like you?

I guess the better question is....

...do you like me enough?

That's the question I'm afraid to ask. The one I don't want to know the answer to because I'm sure of what it would be.

I was placed in Touya's life to ruin his dream. And, because he's not over that dream, I know he hasn't forgotten this. I know I won't ever be his first choice.

But, he will always be mine. And it hurts to think he won't ever feel the same.

How can he when he's had sixteen years' worth of delusions poisoning his head? Akio's so quick to say Touya's sick, and while I know he hates Endeavor, he never spoke of why Touya became sick in the first place.

He wasn't born with a suffering mind. He was warped into that. By the man who's supposed to love him. By the man who's turned his back and given up on him....for years. Who humiliated his eldest son today in front of everyone without a second care in the world-rolled his eyes with nuisance when this son sobbed hysterically and asked him to look at him.

That would drive anyone to insanity.

The memories of today brought back the memories of Touya's pained face. The face that tore my heart apart.

I didn't comfort him in the moment because I knew he didn't want it. But, now is a good time.

"I'm sorry about today. With your dad." I murmured softly, ensuring I kept pity completely out of my voice.

Touya hates to be pitied. I do, too, and he knows that. Which is why he always shows me the same courtesy.

And, even though he cried passionately today, it seemed his coping mechanism caused him to shrug his shoulder with dismissal, not giving himself the capacity to absorb the day.

"Don't be. One day....he'll understand." He said matter of factly, almost sounding like a brainwashed robot.

Deep down, I know he can't really believe that. If he did, he wouldn't have cried about it today like he does everyday. He wouldn't have looked at Endeavor with a soul crushed into bite sized pieces.

He's lying to himself. And, he has been for years now. How much longer can he continue lying?

I felt unease settling in the pit of my stomach at Touya's words of denial, with the warning words of Akio echoing into my other ear with guilt.

'He's sick. Why haven't you done anything?'

The easy answer to this would be to say 'I'm just a kid. I'm not Touya's parent.'

But, for the situation of such a broken home, that answer isn't good enough. Because Touya trusts me and he comes to me for refuge from his own mind.

Rather than provide refuge, perhaps...I should try to provide saving instead. Before it's too late for him.

Maybe I can be his hero.

My heart began to pick up nervous speed, my hand sweating as I fiddled with what to say.

The first step is always the hardest.

"And...." I started off softly. "What if he d..doesn't?"

Not expecting the words from me, Touya's eyes flinched a bit as if he'd just been hit, only making my heart crack at the pain I knew he felt.

And, while he would have snapped at anyone else for saying such a thing, it seems his patience for me ran strong as he kept his eyes to the stars and spoke softly.

"Don't worry. He will."

I grimaced softly at his false certainty, wracking my inexperienced brain for another way to make him accept the truth.

"Touya..." I started, feeling nervousness well up in the pit of my stomach at what I knew I wanted to say.

At the mention of his name, he looked back to me now, face soft with a sense of peace I truly didn't want to disrupt.

He never gets to feel happy. And he won't if I say what I want to. He won't ever find escape in another person again.

'Find a new dream. Let this one go. Give up on trying to be a hero, and live an ordinary life.' That's what I wanted to say.

The look in his eyes was just too much for me to take. The look that showed soothing bliss he wouldn't find anywhere else.

I don't know how to do this. I want to help him. But, I don't know how. I don't want to make it worse either...

As much as I know he needs help, the selfish part of me likes that he finds escape with me. The moment I tell him he needs to give up on his toxic dream is the moment I lose him.

And I'm not ready to lose him. Right now, he's all I have.

Letting out a small sigh of defeat, I instantly chickened out and changed course.

"I'm....I'm always here for you."

He must have sensed something heavy lingered before I said the words, because after I said them, he let out a breath it seemed he didn't know he was holding, letting his shoulders relax and his head lull back a bit.

And, because of my answer, the peace was preserved on his face. If anything, he had more than before, letting his eyes fall closed and his lips curl up lazily.

"I know, Grape. I know..."

He opened his mouth to speak more, as if he wanted to reassure me of the same thing. But, as emotional of a person Touya is, he's also got the hardest time expressing these emotions through words. Instead, they always build up inside him, unleashing in forms he can't control.

I was surprised when I felt his fingers find mine, looking towards the ground to see him gently place his hand over mine.

He gave my hand a soft squeeze with his own to say what he couldn't, speaking through his actions instead of his words.

A soft smile curled on my face as he gently ran his thumb along my knuckle, giving me the look from earlier that made butterflies run wild in my stomach.

His eyes filled with an idea a few moments later, looking genuinely excited at whatever he thought of.

"I think....there's something I wanna show you." He said softly. "It's something I've not shown anyone else before. Do you wanna go?"

Eager anticipation sparked up in my veins at his words. Touya's not usually one for spontaneity or surprises.

But, it's also one o'clock in the morning...

"Oh...it's past curfew. What about your dad?" I said with concern, looking around the empty yard as if the demon man himself was lurking.

And, as much denial as Touya pretends to be in when it comes to his father, his true feelings always find a way of coming to the surface every now and then. No matter how hard he tries to forget.

"I...don't think....he'll mind." He whispered solemnly, letting his eyes fall towards the ground.

My brows furrowed a bit sadly at the double meaning to his words, instantly melting the look into something exciting as I grabbed his hand.

"Well? Then what are we waiting for? Let's go."


Touya POV: - song for the moment (Coldplay: The Scientist DUCCI PIANO COVER) -

I've never taken a soul here. But, with her, it felt right. Necessary. Like I needed to do it, or I'd go crazy.

She pulls me in like no one else ever has. I've never had such an interest in another human being in my entire life. I want to show her all my interests. Everything about me. Every single thing.

Agh. It's embarrassing, how much I want to tell Grape. Not just about myself, but about the world. I want her to know everything there is to know about anything.

Hell, I'd spend my entire life finding out every secret the universe has to offer if it meant I'd get to tell her about it. To see her eyes light up and lips form that adorable 'oh?' shape they always do when something catches her off guard.

The thoughts make me feel lighter than a feather. Being with her makes me feel like I can do anything. It's part of the reason I can't seem to stay away from her. Part of the reason I'm dragging her through the sleeping city like a crazy person, with her giggles infecting that rarely used emotion of mine called a 'laugh.'

I don't even know what we're laughing about. Nothing funny was said, and yet I can't find it in me to not giggle, feeling my emotions releasing in the form of happiness this time instead of tears.

Oh, it's overwhelming. This...this feeling. This sense of joy I didn't know people could experience.

The happiness itself makes a lump form in my throat, but not due to sadness.

It's because I never get to feel such peace like this. I never get to smile up at the moon and feel the summer night breeze kissing our cheeks. The flowers are always around, but this is the first time I get to actually smell them and notice how bright they are.

For the first time in my life, I want to be alive.

Not only that, but I feel grateful to be alive, simply because it means I get to spend another second with this purple headed grape that crash landed into my life. No matter how much life knocks me down, or how difficult it becomes to live with such a torturous mind, I'm alive because I know she's there. I know she's waiting for me, I know I'm her number one person.

And that's why I'm taking her to this place. This place I've never shown anyone. It's my own sacred place. The one I've been coming to for years, never allowing another soul to step foot here because I gave myself to this place.

The trees have become quite familiar with the sound of my screams and shouts, the river holds so much of the tears I've shed. Tears of frustration. Even tears of happiness when I finally turn off the pain receptors in my body and learn that new move.

It's my place. My one and only place. And, because I want to show Grape everything there is to know about this world, I may as well start by showing her something no one else has ever seen.

It didn't take long for us to cross the last neighborhood street and veer off towards the trail of big trees that led to Sekoto Hill. Sure, I got lost the first few times trying to find this place, but after coming here for years, it's second nature now.

Memories of a lifetime flashed before my eyes as Grape and I began making our way into the deeply wooded path. I remembered the first time I came here as a kid, feeling my mind taking me through the timeline with each step I took.

I kept my hand tightly around Grape's to ensure I wouldn't lose her in the woods, slowing our running pace to a walk so we could catch our breath.

She's got asthma, after all. I don't wanna overexert her.

Our heavy breaths intermingled as we slowed our pace, with Grape keeping a tight hold on my hand as she caught up next to my side.

"I...oof....I....phew.....if I knew you wanted to work out so late, Touya, I would....haaah.....I would have worn my Skechers." She wheezed, causing me to laugh at how serious she was.

I slowed my pace even more upon hearing her heavy breaths, giving her lungs a second to catch up as I looked around the forest.

I've been coming here for years, and I never noticed how pretty this path was. Thick, ancient looking trees stand countless feet tall on both of our sides, with the starry sky painted like a canvas above. Moonlight was enough to guide us, and by the soft sound of running water, I knew we were already almost there.

Almost there. Almost to paradise. Her and I.

"Just a few more feet away, Grape." I said, looking down to the bunny slippers on her feet smugly. "I'm surprised you didn't wear your Skechers anyways. You're obsessed with them."

She chuckled sheepishly to my words and slowly lugged her legs forward again, clearly more tired than she let on.

"Well, I need to get a new sole placed in one of them. The doctor said I'm borderline scoliosis! Can you believe that!!?" She gasped seriously, causing me to snort as we lethargically began trudging up the hill.

"You bad girl. Not borderline scoliosis." I said mockingly, watching her almost stumble over a loose rock.

My next actions came on instinct, honestly surprising myself at how instantly I came up with such a solution.

I wouldn't have thought of it for anyone else, let alone offered what I did next.

Walking a few feet ahead of Grape, I stopped directly in front of her and crouched down, gesturing to my back.

"Hop on. I'll take you the rest of the way." I offered, causing her to slowly stop walking and look at me.

Given how tired she was, I figured she'd take the offer instantly. But, all she did was flush red and look down to her frame with insecurity.

"H-Huh? Oh. Nooo. That's okay." She waved off bashfully, trying to hold in her wheezes now. "You said...phew...you said we're almost there, right?"

I furrowed my brows in confusion as she walked past me with wobbly legs, pursing my lips with a bit of deflation before following after her.

"I mean-well-no! I'm not sure now!" I blurted out with a lie, not wanting to admit my current internal thoughts to her.

I wanted to carry her on my back. To take her the rest of the way up and show her I could. To show I could care for her.

My little lie seemed to work in my favor as Grape slouched her shoulders slightly at having to walk more, turning around to look at me now with rising insecurity.

"Aghhh. I....I just don't think you can carry me, Touya. Especially not at such a steep incline." She admitted bashfully, rubbing the back of her neck before looking to the sky.

Is that what she's worried about!? What's with girls, always wondering about stuff like that!?

I couldn't help but scoff slightly and roll my eyes as I walked back over to her, meeting her hesitation with a reassuring smile as I simply knelt down again.

"Just get on, Grape. I got you. I promise." I murmured, looking to her with patience as I gestured to my back.

She twiddled her thumbs while looking at me, seeming to internally debate with herself before finally settling on a choice.

"Well-okay. But, don't say I didn't warn you!" She exclaimed, quickly scurrying her way behind me.

"I wont." I mused, feeling my heart jump when her hands came to rest on my shoulders.

Instinctively, I flinched at the contact, causing Grape to take her hands off me for a moment with uncertainty.

"Oh. I'm sorry-"

"I was just surprised. Go ahead." I urged her softly, feeling her hands come back to my shoulders slowly this time.

Suddenly, my lungs became shy, holding in a breath of nerves when I felt her warmth melt flush against my back, with her hands carefully snaking around my shoulders and clasping at the front.

I've never carried someone on my back before. Actually...

I've never been this close with someone. This physically close. No one's ever really touched me except her, and even when she did, it wasn't ever so.....what's the word?

I don't know. But, it makes me feel hot and nervous. Not in a bad way.

Trying to keep my cool, I swallowed the jitters as I reached my hands behind me blindly, grabbing onto the back of her thighs, before pulling them forward.

She jumped onto my back with the aid, putting more force into the action than I expected and causing me to stumble forward harshly,

Crap. Well, that wasn't cool. Ugh!

"Woah!!!" Grape squealed as I fumbled with an attempt to keep myself upright, gripping my neck tighter to ensure she wouldn't fall off my back.

"Shit!-it's fine-I got it!" I reassured poorly, definitely not having it as I almost went face first into the dirt.

But, somehow, I guess I did have it as I found my balance a few seconds later, gripping Violet's legs tightly to ensure she was secure.

I could feel her heart beating fast against my back, probably from almost face planting into the ground.

Even so, my own pulse began to align with hers, never having felt her so closely before.

Is it weird to say I even like the feeling of her heart beating? It's just something that lets me know she's real and alive. When my own body matches hers, it makes me feel closer to another human being than I've ever felt before. It reminds me I'm human.

She kept a tight grip around my neck and giggled from the small flub, resting her face into my shoulder.

It was in that moment I realized I never wanted to let her go, even if walking up this steep hill with a person on my back was burning the muscles in my legs, I didn't care. I never wanted to stop holding her. Ever again.

"I got you, see? I...haahh...I told you." I huffed out heavily, trying to downplay my almost fall as I trudged up the remaining distance of the big hill.

Slowly, she lifted her face from my shoulder, adjusting her grip around my neck tighter before pressing her cheek to my own.

It felt warm and smooth, radiating heat into my own cheeks that had them heating up.

"You do. You did promise." She murmured softly, making my eyes widen a bit as the movements of her lips tickled my cheek. "You always keep your promises, don't you, Touya?"

I could feel the smitten twinkle in my eyes, rivaling the stars in the sky with such brightness, unable to feel the burning of my muscles much longer as I carried her up the hill. I'd carry her anywhere she wanted to go. Even if it was all the way to America, I'd do it.

The only thing I could feel was the soft, touched smile on my face, with the action being so rare, it was almost as if I was doing something wrong.

"Yeah, I do." I replied breathlessly, feeling my mind finishing the sentence for me.

Only when it comes to you, I do.

I gripped her legs tighter to ensure she was secure, clearing the last leg of the hill. With the area being hidden, I took us through the light curtain of shrubbery that concealed my hiding space, feeling a sense of pride when the area finally came into view now.

Violet gasped in awe at such beauty, her eyes widening and jaw dropping as she took in the sights of the place.

Thick trees surrounded the space, with a soft stream of water rushing over pretty rocks, leading to a big lake just a few feet away. The moon could be seen perfectly near the cliff side, shimmering against the ocean that existed quite a big drop below.

To the side, the city could be seen. The city which we lived, with the lights particularly soft at this time since everyone was asleep.

Bushes, pretty flowers, fruit trees. As much as I never want to admit, I didn't just pick this place to train because of its big space and water to cool down. I also picked it, because deep down, it was pretty. And I guess....part of me...

...likes pretty things.

I crouched down carefully, letting Violet find her way off me and to her own feet now.

Thankfully, she was too distracted walking around the big clearing to notice my heavy breathing and burning lungs. As much as I kill myself everyday in training, my body's constitution is so weak, it doesn't matter how hard I try.

I'm just not strong enough.

With her back turned, I hunched over on my knees for a moment and tried to relax, unable to do so for very long when she spun around and looked at me.

"How did you find this place??" She beamed, smile bright as can be before looking to the indigo sky. "It's beautiful!"

Slowly, my breathing returned back to normal, my eyes unable to care about the view around us as I looked to her face.

She's really nice to look at.

"Sekoto Hill? Well, I've actually known about it for awhile." I explained, not meaning to blurt out my next words. "You're the first person I brought here."

She looked surprised at the knowledge, gently grazing one of the flower petals next to her with her fingers.

"Really? Oh! Well, heh....I...kind of feel special now." She mused genuinely, touching a few more plants before finding her way over to me. "It's like your own personal hiding place!"

I couldn't get the current image of her out of my head. Such a perfect sight. You know those things they call 'core memories?' Well, this was one of those moments. Being here at Sekoto Hill with Violet, on this very night, with the flowers behind her and the moon above her, a smile on her face as she walked over to me.

For the rest of my life, I'd never forget this day. No matter what. Even when I took my last breath, I'd never forget.

It was only when I felt my heart picking up speed that I realized I'd forgotten to breathe, taking a deep inhale before breaking away from her eyes.

Suddenly, I became shy. Two-and-a-half years later and I'm becoming shy? Weird.

"It's...It's like a hiding place, I guess." I murmured, with nerves settling heavy in my stomach for what I wanted to admit.

I didn't think telling her this spot was my training place would matter as much as it was proving to. Perhaps it's because training is something vulnerable for me. My biggest vulnerability, therefore my biggest weakness in life.

I chose this place because it was hidden. Because I didn't want anyone seeing how much of a failure I was. I hoped to hide all of my failures out here, only prepared to come back to dad when I was ready to prove otherwise. Taking Violet to this place....it's like showing her a piece of myself no one else has seen before.

But, seeing her now....watching her crouch down near the stream and smile as she lets the water run over her fingers, I realize I've never trusted another human being in my life. Not even the father I love so dearly. The one I kill myself for every hour of the day.

And that's why my next words fell from my mouth easily, my heart starving to tell someone about the things that mattered to me. The only one who ever listened.

"This is actually...." I started off, slowly walking over to her spot near the stream. "...this is where I...do my........training."

Violet instantly looked up at me from her crouched spot with wide eyes, seeming surprised I chose to disclose something so personal with her-let alone, take her to the spot itself.

Suddenly, she looked at the space with more awareness. More appreciation than before if that were even possible.

She's only known about my vulnerability for three seconds, and already she's treating it with such care.

"Wait....really?" She gasped, slowly rising back to her feet with admiration. "This is where you're always sneaking off to everyday? Well, my goodness. I don't blame you. I'd do the same thing."

"Well, now you can." I blurted out, not totally knowing what I meant by that.

Except, deep down I did know what I meant. It's even part of the reason I took her here subconsciously.

Violet's constantly on my mind. No matter what I'm doing, I think of her. The same goes for training. I've even started skipping days at Sekoto Hill to spend them with Violet.

So...I guess I figure....maybe I could combine my two favorite things and bring Violet up here with me...

"Hm? What do you mean? Are you saying I can come with you when you train?" She asked, eyes glimmering with excitement.

The idea of her sitting on one of these rocks while I do my exercises is enough to rejuvenate excitement I haven't felt in years. She doesn't even need to watch or speak to me. She could just have one of her books, or swim in the pond a few feet away. But, just her being here in the same place as me...it's enough.

It's what I want. I just want her close to me. Next to me always.

But, even as excited as she sounded, my own insecurities made me second guess the idea, causing me to clear my throat and quickly look to the ground.

"I mean-you don't have to-"

"No, I want to!" She cut me off happily, jogging her way to my side like a ray of sunshine. "Oh man, I've always wanted to watch you train, Touya!"

Her words went straight through my ears and into my heart, waking up the muscle and all it's feelings.

She wants to watch me train. Me.

She cared enough. She was genuinely interested in my biggest passion and learning more about it.

It touched me more than I'd like to admit, my eyes blinking a bit faster to try and keep myself composed.

"You...you have?" I uttered with a wide gaze, cursing the way my throat began to tighten. "I...I didn't know that..."

She grabbed onto my arm now, feeding my soul with such a bright, beaming smile.

"Oh, sure! I've never even seen your quirk before! Gosh, I bet it's so amazing. You're so amazing. So strong-the strongest person I know, Touya." She gushed innocently, cheeks warming a bit. "I would love to see you train."

I looked at her in pure awe, smiling breathlessly through the light sheen of tears that shimmered in my eyes.

This is all I ever wanted. To be wanted.

I only ever hoped to be wanted a little. But, with her, I get more than that. I get everything. I get her all, and selfishly I don't ever want to go back to my life before that.

It was miserable before her. Each day making me hope it would be my last. Not anymore.

This is everything I ever dreamed of. It's right here in a single, little, purple-headed person.

I sniffled softly, looking away from her quickly before she could sense I would cry.

"I..I guess if you wanna come then....I can't really stop you, right?" I tried to downplay raspily, causing Violet to giggle as she saw through my ruse.

Keeping a light hold on my arm, she dragged me deeper into the big space of Sekoto Hill, positioning me in the big, grassy area before standing back a few feet.

"Nope, you can't stop me!" She chuckled emphatically, crossing her arms. "And since I'll be joining you now, I believe it's only appropriate that I finally get to see your quirk, right??"

My eyes widened and my heart picked up nervous speed at her words, admittedly not really thinking far ahead to such an obvious assumption.

I only thought about the fact she'd be here. Not that I'd have to show her my quirk.

In the two-and-a-half years I've known Violet, I've never once showed her my quirk. She's only ever seen the after effects of it, in the form of burns, bruises, emotional breakdowns. She's heard me speak of it, so she knows it's some type of fire quirk.

But, I've always been too insecure to show her. Too afraid I'd make a fool of myself and show her how weak I really am.

My palms began to sweat at the idea of embarrassing myself in front of her-the worst kind of embarrassment. My most vulnerable screw up.

Sensing my shift, her smile fell a bit before she instantly lightened up on the demand.

"A-And you don't have to! It was just an idea. It's okay!" She reassured, giving me a patient thumbs up before dropping the idea and lazily walking her way to the edge of the stream again.

That's the thing about Violet. It's why she works so well with me. She always knows exactly what to say. She knows I don't work well with peer pressure. That I'm a basket case of insecurities and anxiety.

She always knows exactly what I need. Even right now.

Because her words, combined with her instantly bringing her attention on something else-like the river, instantly took the spotlight and nerves off me. It made me more comfortable to share something vulnerable with her again. It made me want to, knowing she would never judge me, even if my messed up brain tries to convince me she would.

With her attention on the water, I slowly looked down at my hands now, seeing the burns and battered skin starting to look permanently destroyed from years of trying to become stronger.

With her here, I just want to take things slow. I don't want to turn up the heat yet, because I'm still afraid I'll mess up.

Blue fire is easy for me to produce. But, orange fire is safer. It's not as hot. I have more ability to show off for her.

And, while I don't normally care about safety, with Violet here, it's the only thing I care about. I don't want to accidentally go out of control and put her in danger with all these flammable trees around. I'd never forgive myself.

It won't ruin my skin, if I don't turn up the heat. So long as I control my emotions, I won't turn up the heat.

If there was a time to turn down the temperature of my fire, it was now when I've never felt more calm in my life.

It's time to finally show her-or, at least a different version of my powers.

Inhaling deeply, I slowly outstretched my hand now, closing my eyes and relaxing my mind for the first time in my life as I activated my quirk.

My quirk itself is a trigger for me. It's always a reminder of how messed up and weak I am. Because of that, it always automatically comes out blue, painful, and uncontrolled. It already hurts me, emotionally and physically.

But, right now...

With Violet here, I feel at peace. For the first time since I've been six years old, my skin didn't burn when fire left my hand. My eyes were closed, but the only thing I felt was soothing warmth wrapped around my wrist, not even knowing if I truly activated it until....

"Woah...." Violet breathed out, causing me to slowly open my eyes and see her looking at me with awe.

Not just awe though. Pride. Admiration.

I looked to her for a moment, before looking to my own hand, seeing soft swirls of orange peacefully kissing my skin.

For the first and only time in my life, my fire....was tamed.

I haven't been able to produce orange fire in so long. My main focus has always been turning up the heat. I never realized what it was like to turn it down every once in awhile. I never appreciated it.

But, Violet did. She appreciated it so much more than anyone else, including myself, golden eyes filled with bright orange from the soft glow of it.

I kept my gaze on her, feeling my brows furrowing with touched emotion at how much she enjoyed it.

"I can make it hotter." I breathed out, already knowing exactly what she'd say.

It's why I said it. Because I wanted the reassurance that...

"It doesn't need to be hotter." She said, shaking her head in reassurance to my abilities. "No. It's perfect just the way it is. You don't need to make it hotter."

It was the tiniest flame ever, really. Nothing compared to what dad does-or, even what I've forced my body to do before.

But, still. To her, it was the greatest thing she ever saw. Something to be proud of.

And, that fact only made my eyes fill with more tears, my lip quivering with a sense of peace as I nodded and became more confident.

"Do you...." I sniffled, knowing Violet saw my tears now but ignored it. "Do you wanna see something cool? I-I can show you what I've been working on?"

She looked at me sadly as she sensed how sensitive this topic was for me, smiling and nodding through her own glistening eyes.

"I want to see all of it. If it's about you, Touya. I want to know it all." She encouraged, stepping back a few feet so I could work.

It's amazing. How much words can heal a person. How much they can affect you so deeply.

With the fire still wrapped around my hand and my body tamed, I broke down in the softest way I ever had before, squeezing my eyes shut and crying quietly from her words.

I didn't try to hide it from her. I didn't care to. To be honest, I wanted her to hug me, but with fire around my hand, I knew it was safer she kept her distance for the time being.

Thank you, Grape. No...

Thank you, Violet.

Thank you for keeping me alive this long. For being the only good thing in my life. I won't ever forget it. I can't. It's forever ingrained into my heart. My memories. For all of eternity and the next one. You are.

I'm no longer alone. I have someone. I have her. The best person I could ever have.

My soft cries slowly turned to peaceful laughs as I looked to the starry sky with a new appreciation, continuing to let her heal me as I focused back on my orange fire now.

For the first time in my life, it's time to have fun.

Even with tears coming down my face, I smiled now, feeling my heart becoming unlocked for her fully as I couldn't stop myself from being happy. From being me.

"This is the move I've been working on lately. I usually do it with hotter fire. But, it's supposed to look like this!" I exclaimed to her, adding more orange fire to my other hand now before letting the flames swirl up my arms with control.

It's funny. I've done this move so many times and hurt myself everytime because the fire's blue and so hot. But, here I am controlling it perfectly with a lower temperature.

I never knew I'd be able to control it in any state. I didn't know there was a way I could succeed with my quirk. No one ever taught me how.

Violet cheered me on as I moved my arms around fluidly, shooting tamed, stunning swirls of orange into the dark sky.

For the first time in my life, I was having fun as I trained, smiling and laughing as my arms and feet moved like one. My muscles felt light as I played with my fire, treating it as a blessing instead of the curse I've always made it out to be.

The curse everyone else made it out to be.

"You're amazing, Touya!!" She cheered, causing me to laugh happily and more tears to slip from my lids.

No, Grape. You're amazing. Do you understand? You are. There's not a soul on this earth who's better than you. You're the best there is. I'll never forget it.

I moved as if I was dancing, jumping and leaping with ribbons of fire around me. It started out with me trying to show her the moves-dad's moves I was working on, before I instinctively began making my own up.

The more I focused on my own moves, the less heavy I felt, the less I chastised the orange fire coming from my system and the more I enjoyed it.

More and more ideas came to my head the longer I played, turning to Violet with beaming eyes of excitement now.

"Watch this! Violet, are you watching!?" I shouted brightly, causing her to giggle and nod.

Bringing my lit hands together I aimed them into the sky and began making shapes, trying to paint one of the flowers she loves so much.

She went crazy at that, jumping and hyping up my abilities with more requests.

"Wow! Fire art! Do a bird!!" She exclaimed, causing me to paint the sky once more with a dove.

"That's incredible!!" Violet cheered, distracted eyes on the sky as she unintentionally backed up to get a better view. "How about an ice cream cone?"

"Easy." I said a little bit smugly, starting to fire paint the area above with her ideas.

She backed up even more to see the art, clapping for the show I was putting on.

"What about me!? Do a portrait!" She said, causing me to laugh.

"Grape, I'm not a damn artist. Fine, I'm only drawing a stick figure!" I mused, starting to draw the poor portrait of her.

However, I didn't get to finish when I heard her squeal in surprise a few moments later, quickly extinguishing my fire and watching her fall backwards into the small pond now.

The loud splash sounded, and even though the pond was relatively small, I didn't know how deep it was as her head went completely submerged under the water.

"Violet!!!" I exclaimed with panic.

My feet moved without thinking as I sprinted towards the pond, thankful I remembered to toss my phone and the precious letter she wrote me on the grass before jumping in after her.

She can swim. She's probably uninjured. But, it didn't matter to me. I opened my eyes under the water, feeling the icy cold pond burning them as I found the outline of her frame swimming to the top.

I came up for air at the same time she did, swimming to her quickly before wrapping my arms around her.

She yelled again in surprise for being grabbed, not knowing I dove in after her until she saw my face next to hers.

"What?! Touya, what are you doing!?" She cackled to my wet state, instinctively wrapping her arms around my neck.

I laughed with her, only releasing her frame when I knew she had a good grip on my neck. I needed to move my arms and legs to ensure we stayed upright.

"Saving you. Duh." I said a bit smugly, swimming us over to the more shallow end of the pond. "You can thank me now."

It was only then that I realized how cold the water was, as it was still early summer, feeling her body shivering against mine.

"M-M-My.....hero..." She chattered with amusement, hugging me tighter for warmth.

When my feet were able to touch the floor of the pond, I wrapped my arms back around her frame, hugging her tightly before carefully starting to heat up my body.

It only took a few seconds for the warmth to reach Violet, with her muscles relaxing into my hold as she could enjoy the water now.

My arms circled the middle of her back as she held onto my shoulders, allowing me to gently drag her around in the pond.

"Is that better?" I murmured softly, meeting her soft eyes with my own as I slowly spun us around in the water.

She didn't look anywhere else but me, gently toying her fingers at the nape of my neck with a nod.

"It's perfect."

I didn't say anything and I didn't need to as I continued floating her around in blissful silence, with the moon and stars above serving as our night light.

It was a few minutes later when she surprised me, hugging me tighter and burying her face against my wet neck.

There was no hesitation from me anymore as I wrapped my arms around her more securely, resting the side of my face against her head as we continued to swim.

The feeling that came next was all consuming. It's a feeling I've experienced with Violet for a long time now, but never knew what it meant. I don't know what it is myself, but it's strong. Stronger than any of the other emotions I've felt in my life-and that means a lot coming from someone like me. Someone who feels every single thing so strongly.

It's only being able to breathe when she's with me. Not remembering the concept of time when I hold her in my arms. Never having enough of her presence even when she gives me every single bit of it.

It's wanting to experience her forever. All of her. The good. The bad. Everything that makes her happy. Everything that makes her sad. I want to feel it all with her. I want to know it all. To be in our own, little world for the rest of time and never look back. It's never knowing what the word 'bliss' truly meant until I met her.

It's overwhelming. Consuming. An emotion I almost feel I can't survive without as it takes up so much space inside myself. It's become apart of me. God, it makes me want to cry. Not in a sad way. But, because I won't ever be able to express how much I...how much I....

I don't know. I just know that it's something only Violet can create in me. And it only gets stronger everyday.

There won't ever come a day I don't think of her. There won't ever come a day I don't long for her, even when she's right here in my arms.

She's made her mark on my soul. For the rest of my life.

My eyes fell closed as I savored every bit of it, my muscles relaxing into jelly as we swirled around in the pond.

It was the first time in my life I ever wanted to freeze time. And, from her next response, it seems she felt the same way.

"I don't want to get out yet, Touya. I don't want to leave this place. Sekoto Hill." She whispered, hugging me tighter against her.

"We don't have to. We can stay here forever." I murmured, pressing my head against hers sweetly. "How does that sound, Grape?"

She giggled softly, with the sound reverberating against my neck in a way that gave me butterflies.

"I don't think 'forever' would even be enough time." She mused, causing me to chuckle.

I looked to the deep end of the pond dismissively, rotating her body towards the forked river path.

"Well, if you swim through that end there, it connects on the other side. To the outskirts of the city." I explained, barely rotating my face towards her with tease. "You wanna swim there and run away with me?"

It was just a tease. So, why did the thought of doing something like that make my heart flutter? Why did my brain act as if it was actually considering such a thing...

Violet barely lifted her head and looked to the deep end, shrugging her shoulders before settling back into me.

"I'd follow you anywhere, Touya. If you want to go down that path, I'll be at your side." She murmured, causing my arms to instinctively circle her back tighter.

Me too, Grape. Me too.

A heavy sigh of pleasantry fell from my lips as I nuzzled my head to hers, absentmindedly continuing to swirl us around the pond. In my space.


Our space now. Only ours.

"Maybe one day, we'll swim there and see what that side of the city holds." I suggested softly, keeping my eyes closed as I continued holding her close.

It was all just talk. Late night talk under the stars. But, even so, it seemed to be a coping mechanism for both of us. Dreaming of the fake future.

"Do you promise?" She breathed out sweetly, making me smile at what I knew she was doing.

It's as she said, when it comes to her, I always keep my promises. If I promise, then it means...it needs to happen.

"I promise." I stated clearly, meaning the words with everything inside me.

I'm finding myself starting to enjoy the promises I make her, giving both of us something to look forward to one day.

Even after the day I take my last breath, I'll still always find my way back to you, Grape. Nothing in this lifetime will ever change that. Nothing.

I promise.



Don't forget about the special stuff coming up for Wattpad readers if you guys keep ACTIVELY reading (voting, commenting, etc. <3) - a bonus chapter from patreon when Ordinary hits 400,000 reads (only 2K away) AND the release of the smut story LUCID (first chapter already on patreon) once all the latest chapters hit 100+ votes.

The faster we reach our goals, the faster we get bonus content. Lets get those numbers up so I can give you guys even more content! <3

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