So Satisfied

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Top pic credit: Keiid

Violet POV: ~ Present Time ~

"And then, basically he's all-he's all, 'you can say your rules, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna listen.'" I huffed out to Akio, throwing another sparring punch towards his abdomen.

He dodged it easily, effortlessly footsweeping my legs out from under me-then, catching my body before it hit the floor too harshly.

"What! Ohhh man, that's already a rough start. I know how much you like your rules, Vi. Bet you even wrote them down somewhere, too." He chuckled, lazily setting himself back up in his fight stance to prepare for my counter attack.

I wiped the dripping sweat from my face, already feeling completely spent from this training session, while Akio looked as if he hadn't even started.

"I did! I wrote down three rules for him on a little whiteboard. He managed to break all of them in two hours!" I groaned out, immediately charging at him again.

I swung my leg out to the side to try and kick him in his ankle, causing him to barely side step and dodge before pulling my foot out from under me.

"Oof-" I wheezed out very uncool, feeling the air leave my body too quickly from the fall.

Akio backed up to give me time to get up, yet I failed at that too as my body went limp from exhaustion for a moment.

"Wait, so I'm confused. Did he break the rules before or after you said he melted your phone into goop?" He clarified nonchalantly, quickly walking back over to my fatigued frame before holding his hand out for me to grab onto.

I groaned tiredly as I clasped it in mine, easily letting Akio hoist me back up to my feet for another round.

"Before." I panted out, shuffling back and forth on my feet a bit to try and find an opening in Akio's lax fight stance.

He chuckled as he saw my competitive focus, trying to respect my efforts and match them with a little more of his own as he waved me over with one hand.

"Let's go, Vi. Come on-I know you hit better than you cook." He smirked, causing my brows to furrow in annoyance.

"That's never stopped you from eating my food before." I grunted, going for a point blank hit to his face.

Akio-like the show off, flexible diva he is-dodged with an incredibly extra backbend, purposely kicking me in the stomach on his way down and causing me to fly back onto the ground.

"True, but back to the conversation at hand. I'm rather enjoying it. So he broke your rules before going through your phone. And then he pushed you down the hill later that night. Do I have that right?" He clarified casually, ignoring my groans of pain as I lethargically tried to stand back up.

"Yes. That's pretty much the gist of it. Sounds like such a jerk, doesn't he?" I huffed out tiredly, quickly tapping my hand three times on the training mat when I saw Akio coming back over to continue the fight.

He dropped his stance at my actions of giving up, slowly sauntering over to the break bench to grab our waters.

"Yeah, he does-but, then again....this whole thing also kind of sounds like a lead up to some good, angry hate sex, so you know....maybe just feel him out a bit more." Akio cackled, causing my jaw to drop in shocked amusement as I forced myself to sit up on the mat.

He continued to laugh as he saw my flustered face, taking a seat next to me before tossing up my water bottle.

"Umm, excuse me! I am a taken woman, thank you very much. Not to mention, ew. This is Dabi we're talking about, the same guy who probably wore the same underwear for months before he started this mission, and was given fresh clothes." I pointed out with a slight laugh, immediately starting to gulp down my water.

Akio simply shrugged his shoulders unbotheredly at my comment, leaning back on his hands as he spoke smugly.

"Hm, I dunno, Vi. From what I heard from the rumor mill, Dabi's supposed to be a player-or, at least when I was assigned to track him last year for a few days with Hawks, we found out he spent a lot of time at a certain strip club." He said, pouring a bit of the water on his head now to cool himself off.

Admittedly, my interest had perked up a bit at the information. I shouldn't be surprised that Dabi hangs out at strip clubs in his free time. I guess it just adds another layer to him that I wasn't even sure he possessed, based on his sheer anger and dismissal of literally everything.


"Well, I'm still taken." I reminded him, sluggishly standing up from my spot to go and check my phone for Natsuo's messages.

"Sure, you're taken. You've also only been with one guy. Now, I'm not saying that's a bad thing in the slightest. But, take it from someone who's sampled plenty of guys and girls in their lifetime, little Vi-the ones you don't expect are always the ones who surprise you." He chimed out from his spot on the mat, laying all the way back on the ground as he took longer to stand up.

I rolled my eyes at him, clicking my phone and seeing Natsuo's message light up on the screen.

"Surely, you're not suggesting I go and cheat on our sweetheart childhood friend with some psychopathic murderer." I called back to him distractedly, more focused on texting Natsuo back to confirm our plans for tonight.

"No way! Natsu's my friend, and he always will be. But, you're still my closest, best friend. I'll always be in your corner. I'm just saying, don't underestimate Dabi-and also....don't underestimate yourself. You two are sharing a room together now, you're gonna be spending a lot of time together. All those late nights. Waking up with him. You're hot and trust me when I say he's definitely noticed that. aware. Of him. Of your feelings. That's all I'm saying." He explained a bit more seriously this time, giving me a small genuine smile of concern as he finally made his way to standing.

I quickly finished up my message and closed the phone, starting to pack up my training bag.

"Yes, well I appreciate your concern, Akio. But Natsuo and I are very happy, and that's how it's going to stay." I told him contently, giving my bag one more zip before slinging it over my shoulder

"Well, good. That's all that matters. Speaking of Natsuo, where is he?" He called out from behind me, quickly packing up his own things before trailing after me.

"Class. Should be finished soon. Then he's gonna come over to my place so we can watch a movie." I explained happily, causing Akio to chuckle smugly.

"Yeah, sure. Watch a movie." He said with air quotes, causing me to lightly shove him in the shoulder.

"Oh, please. Not everyone is as sex crazed as you. I don't understand why everyone makes such a big deal about the whole thing, anyways. There's plenty of more fun things to do. Honestly, it's kind of boring." I countered naively, causing Akio's laugh to get louder.

"Damn!! Don't tell Natsuo what you just told me, if you want him to keep his manhood!" He chuckled, causing my brows to furrow in slight confusion.

I didn't think I said anything bad.

"What do you mean? It's got nothing to do with Natsuo. I just think the act itself can be a little....tedious, is all." I clarified, as Akio shook his head in amusement.

"Oof, Vi. If you think sex is supposed to be regarded as something tedious, then you're clearly not having the right kind. Look, it's supposed to be enjoyable. Veryyy enjoyable. I mean, duh, haven't you seen that condom commercial, at least? The guy and the girl on that ski lift with the flying banana-"

"No, no, no. It's not like....un-enjoyable, or painful, or scary-it's just not mind blowing the way everyone makes it out to be-"

"Oh my god-so, does that mean you're faking it?" Akio asked with a small cringe of pity for Natsuo.

I pressed my lips together in silence, not wanting to give Akio an answer.

Unfortunately, my silence was the answer.

His jaw dropped in pained amusement, before he quickly slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Violet Sasaki." He deadpanned in surprise, causing my cheeks to go red.

"It's-well, it's-look, there's nothing to fake, alright? Natsuo keeps me very....satisfied-can we just drop it?" I chuckled, feeling a bit guilty that I unintentionally wounded Natsuo's pride even if he wasn't here.

Akio sensed my guilt, nodding his head in agreement and quickly clearing away the rest of his laughter.

"That's fine. We can move on. I wanted to congratulate you, anyways." He smiled, holding the door of the gym open for me.

"On what?"

Akio's face contorted into genuine surprise now, before he quickly zipped up his jacket to shield himself from the chilly, outdoor air.

"What do you mean on what?! It's on the news! You went up one point!" He exclaimed, causing my brows to raise.

"Huh? In the hero rankings?" I clarified in disbelief.

"Yeah. You went up after the raid with Endeavor's team."

"The raid where I lost Dabi?"

"That's the one!" He laughed, giving me a small congratulatory pat on the back.

I couldn't help but laugh with him at the audacity, furrowing my brows in confusion.

"Why in the world would I go up in points when I failed the one task I was supposed to do?" I asked rhetorically, finding full amusement in my rank up.

"Because you were with the number one hero's team that night. You could be a damn murderer, but that right there gives you points, regardless." He sighed contently, pulling out the keys to his sports car as we walked through the parking lot.

I pursed my lips in unimpressed thought to the situation, shrugging it off my shoulders.

"What, so that puts me at sixty-nine now?" I uttered nonchalantly, lugging open the passenger door of his car.

"Yes, ma'am. Sixty-nine and in your prime. How many people can say that, right." He grinned, swiping on his sunglasses as he plopped down into the driver's seat to get us going.

"I guess so, huh." I chuckled, already forgetting about something so insignificant.

After all, I already said I don't do this job for the fame.


"Babe, you coming back over, or what?" Natsuo called from the living room, causing me to mentally curse and wipe away the black smoke in my kitchen.

"Y-Yeah! Just-I'll be right out!" I replied back, pulling the burnt cookies out of the oven.

Well, I tried.

Pursing my lips into a pout, I began scraping the charred cookies onto the plate, knocking the rock hard treats against the counter to chip off the really burnt parts.

"Should be okay with some milk, I'm sure." I shrugged to myself, quickly pouring Natsuo and I two tall glasses of milk before taking the snacks into the living room.

He turned around on the couch upon hearing my footsteps returning, trailing his eyes to the goodies in my hands.

"Ohhh. You....baked something....!" He smiled a bit forcedly, watching me set down the plate of burnt cookies and milk in front of him.

"Sure did! I made some chocolate chip cookies. Eh, they're just a bit crispy, but you know....that's what the milk is for." I beamed, quickly handing him one along with his glass so he could have a bite.

Natsuo remained slouched comfortably into the couch, snaking his arm around my waist when I took a snug seat next to him.

He took the cookie from my hands, taking his usual, routine bite of my food.

The crunch could be heard from the States.

Trying to hide the grimace of pain his jaw probably felt from the cookies, he took the milk from my hands as well, chugging almost the entire glass in one sitting to try and get through the bite of cookie.

"It's not good, huh?" I cringed softly, giving him a small smile of apology before he quickly cut in.

"Hm? What-oh, no. No! It's very good! Just like...everything else you cook!" He praised quickly, subtly placing the cookie and milk back on the coffee table with a smile.

I chuckled softly at his bad lies, snuggling into him a little deeper.

"Sorry. I was just trying to do something nice for you. I feel like I've been slacking on seeing you lately. And it's only gonna get worse with the demands of this mission." I sighed honestly, shooting Natsuo a sheepish cringe.

"Ah, that's alright. I know what your job entails. I mean....I don't necessarily enjoy it-"

"The mission, or my job, itself?" I asked knowingly, giving him a small smile as I pressed a kiss to his cheek.

He groaned lightly at my words, raising a small brow of playful discipline at me.

"Both. Just means I gotta tough it out and see dad more than I like." He grumbled a bit dissatisfied, before trailing his grey eyes back to me.

"But, if you're the reward for that, guess it's not all that bad." He smirked, slowly leaning in for a kiss.

I hummed happily against his lips for a moment, before pulling away softly with a pout.

"Too bad you can't come on the mission with me. Then we could spend more time together." I sighed.

"That's alright, babe. I'll still get to see you on your breaks. I will say, I'm not too hip on this new partner of yours. I know you won't tell me who he is for the confidentiality of the mission. But, I'm not liking the way you say he's treating you. Need me to head over there and show him a thing or two?" Natsuo uttered in concern, more interested in trying to kiss me again than start the movie that was ready to play on the screen.

That's sweet of him to say-but Dabi would have him dead in five seconds.

I let his mouth press to mine once, feeling his actions come out a bit more heated this time.

"Mm, he's fine really..." I mumbled against his lips, causing him to pull away so I could speak.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, he's a total jerk. But, it's not forever and I'm sure he'll lose interest in messing with me, the longer this whole thing goes on." I reassured honestly, planting one more small peck to his lips before grabbing the remote off the coffee table.

"He's not better looking than me, is he?" Natsuo mumbled playfully, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Says the man who gets mistaken for a male model everywhere we go. But, then again, with looks like yours, it's not really a mistake, huh?" I smirked.

I felt Natsuo grin against the skin of my neck, giving my side a cheeky squeeze.

"Are you flirting with me?" He whispered smugly.

"And what if I was?" I countered confidently.

"Then, I'm flattered..." He chuckled softly, subtly trailing his hand inches lower down my hip as I pressed play on the television.

I hummed contently at his words, draping my arm across his torso and resting my head on his chest as we settled down for the movie.

It's a new one that just came out in theaters a few months ago. I didn't get to see it, cause I was busy training, so I'm looking forward to watching it now. Heard the plot is angsty as can be. That's my favorite!-

"Mm, you're so far away. Let's get closer." Natsuo mumbled softly, already picking me up from my space and settling me down in his lap.

"Oo. Okay..." I uttered distractedly, keeping my eyes glued to the television interestedly as both of Natsuo's hands curled around my waist.

He rested his head down against my chest, lazily running his fingertips up my sides every few seconds-

"Ahh, there she is!! Man, she's my favorite actress. Isn't she just beautiful? I swear, casting her for the role of Extraordinary Woman was such a good call." I gushed as the movie started up, sighing softly in content as I paid close attention.

Natsuo hummed uninterestedly as he returned his attention to snuggling my neck, not even looking up at the screen as he spoke.

"Well, you're more beautiful." He murmured against my skin, causing me to chuckle.

"Aw, that's very sweet of you to say-I dunno, Natsuo. Jal Jadot's a pretty gorgeous woman. If you don't wanna marry her, then I will-you know, I even heard they're gonna make a movie about Hourglass, too! She's a sweetheart, I wonder who they'll get to play her." I blabbed on excitedly, as Natsuo's hands began to trail a bit further up my stomach.

"Dunno. Last I heard, her and Hawks are off doing their own thing with each other. Lots of rumors always going on about those two and their relationship. Who knows." He mumbled, pressing small kisses to my neck now.

The more time traveled throughout the movie, so did Natsuo's kisses and hands-having gone from my hips, under my shirt, and all the way up my stomach. I gotta give him credit though. Took him at least thirty minutes of subtle movements to get there.

Last time we hung out, I'd barley made it past the front door before he carried me off to the bed.

And while I felt his hands reach my chest a few moments ago, and his kisses on my neck suddenly become wetter and warmer-and the new surprise resting underneath my position in his lap....

I ignored it. As I said before, sex is tedious for me. As much as I love him, I truly just wanted to watch a movie with him tonight and talk. But, I know he hasn't seen me in awhile.

I tried my best to focus on the movie, ignoring the way Natsuo's hot breaths started to deepen against my skin as he slowly began to shift me down harder into his lap.

My eyes rolled involuntarily with a bit of annoyance that we'd probably need to stop the movie soon. I sighed softly in disappointment, but Natsuo took my sound as one of intimacy as he immediately cupped my jaw in his other hand, turning my mouth back towards his.

"I want you, Violet." He breathed out against my lips, already deepening our kiss to his wanted pleasure causing me to mechanically follow.

It's not that I don't love him. I just don't wanna have sex right now. I love him, and I enjoy talking with the guy, more than I do being intimate with him. But, he hasn't seen me for a long time, and he won't see me for a long time until this mission ends.


"Yeah. I want you, too" I smiled reassuringly, pulling away from him for a moment to pause the movie for another time before I shifted to straddle his lap.

My shirt had already been lifted off my head at my verbal consent. Natsuo's lips traveled back to my neck as his hands began trailing up my back-


That was my phone-

Natsuo began tangling a heated hand in my hair, too riled up to even noticed that I had reached for my phone next to me.

I let him continue his actions uninterestedly, furrowing my brows in confusion as I looked at the notification on my phone.

***GPS TRACKER ALERT: Uh-oh! Your dog: DABI has left their safe spot! Tap the link below to check their current location.***

"What. Whyyyy...." I uttered in confusion, not bothering to help Natsuo get his own shirt off as I tapped on the link.

DABI 's Location: Sakura District - Jolly Molly Gentlemen's Lounge.

I huffed in annoyance for his whereabouts. He really does just go and hang out at strip clubs, huh? He's not supposed to leave that hotel room. He knows that. He knows I'm watching his location.

Maybe I should go get him-

"Babe...come on. Is it important?" Natsuo breathed out patiently, already running his mouth down my collar bone as he clearly wanted my attention now.

I started at my phone a little longer with debate, before making my decision.

"No. It's not important. You're more important." I whispered to him, quickly tossing my phone back on the couch as I began reciprocating his advances in full now.

It's just a strip club, I guess. Hopefully, he won't commit any crime there.

Although, I will definitely be talking about that with him tomorrow.


Next Chapter Title: Deep Down, I Know

A/N: let's go see Dabi at the strip club yay 😀 😂 thank you for your votes and comments!! They give me writing power and just make me smile <3

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