The Brain Up Top Has Entered The Chat....kinda

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Top pic credit: The Naughty Gemini.

Dabi POV:

Yeah. Alright. So, I've never been known for making the best decisions...

Surprised by that? Well, you shouldn't be. If you are, then it just means you also make the worse fucking decisions, clown.

But, even so...

Even so, I hate the fact that I can't call what happened last night a 'mistake,' no matter how bad I want to. Not when I remember it so clearly in my head.

My eyes are still closed in a half assed attempt of sleep, but I can still see Violet in my bad vision so damn perfectly. I can still see her shitty smile infecting my brain cells. Still feel her kisses lingering on my lips for the very first time-anyone's kisses for that matter. Heh, I don't think one can get a better first kiss, than what I got last night...

It wasn't just that though. I feel my annoying lips curling up forcedly when I remember how she handled it all. I've never experienced something like that before. Usually, the women I fuck match my toxic energy-trying to kinky stab me or kill me, while I get it in, or something...

But, my god, this girl...

Heh, this girl...

Sure, I always imagined her awkward during our first time. I was ready for that. I accepted it. But, she was a damn mess.

A mess in a good way. A perfect mess. She was awkward. She was strange. Her dirty talk was enough to kill any boner I had with laughter and a good time...

But, even if she was awkward, the moment wasn't awkward. It wasn't weird. It wasn't uncomfortable. Quite the opposite actually, it was so fucking right and natural, that I hate it and I love it.

I love it because it felt damn good. Better than it ever has with anyone else. I didn't have to hide shit-not even my body, since my clothes came off pretty damn quick. I didn't have to hold back and keep my guard up. I could just let loose and get lost in it all, knowing she wouldn't judge me, or point out shit about myself that I hate, or reject me.

I love it because the vibe between us hadn't changed, even in the moment. She was still the same moron, and I was still the same asshole. It's just now we were two idiots getting off on each other, instead of fighting. Even better.

Oh, yeah...and of course....the pleasure...

I can already feel my dick twitching again under the sheets when I simply think about the orgasm I had last night. So fucking intense. So strong.

But, even more than that, I can feel myself becoming a horny mess again when I remember how she felt. How she really felt. She couldn't fake it-not when she was pulsing around me so good every time she hit another release.

Not when she finally showed me the sexy faces she makes when she's beside herself, craving and wanting all the dirty things I've been wanting to do to her for so long. Or when she was moaning my name like a whore, begging me for more in a way that made me lose my damn mind.

No one else-not even her dumb, fucking 'ex' has ever seen that side of her. The side that lets loose and actually enjoys herself. The side who isn't afraid to tell me what she wants. The times where her body trembles and her breath stutters. When she threw her arms around me tightly, eyes glazed over in pure wanting sin when they gazed into mine. When she ground her hips against mine desperately so she could have another release, even if she was still sensitive from the first.

No one else gets to see that, but me. And that makes me special. Important and wanted.

Ugh. It's intimate. Too fucking intimate-but god, it's too fucking amazing at the same time.

Not that I'd even believe she'd have to fake it with me. If I learned anything new about Violet last night, it's that she was touch starved as hell before I went and fucked it out of her.

Or, at least, I thought I did.

Upon waking up a little more, I couldn't help but involuntarily hum softly in content when I felt a pair of hands wrapped around me from behind, unconsciously stroking my chest as she slept.

Fuck. And we fell asleep in the same bed? My bed, of all places...

Why didn't I kick her out? I would have kicked anyone else out. I've never let someone sleep over before. Granted, it's kind of impossible with her, considering we share a room and her bed is a literal three foot walk away. But, still, falling asleep with me in bed? We haven't done that together in ages-and the last time we did it, it was a lot more innocent than this. We definitely had our clothes on.

Plus, it's not like I would have kicked her out last night anyways. I'm a weak son of a bitch when it comes to her. So fucking whipped.

So fucking whipped, that she doesn't even realize she's got her hands all over me right now, and I'm already moaning again like a bitch-alright, hold on, that's an exaggeration, I'm not moaning like a bitch. Calm the fuck down.

But, I am enjoying it. Way more than I should.

Bet you didn't take me as one to be the little spoon, huh? Well, here the fuck I am, being spooned by Violet.

My eyes are still closed in exhaustion, but now I realize that I'm on my side, spooning a pillow, with her curled up behind my body, spooning me.

Her so good.

I can feel her naked body completely molded up against mine. One of her legs is completely hooked around my waist like a body pillow, and her boobs are smushed against my back so comfortably.

She's always been a funny sleeper and I can feel her face also buried against my skin-definitely drooling all over me, no doubt, as I feel a little damp spot near her mouth. Heh. Figures.

My eyes slowly began to open as she hugged me tighter against her, fingers unknowingly stroking soft circles on my chest, in a way that caused my eyes to immediately close again, and my head to fall back against her in bliss.

Stop it. Stop it right fucking now. She shouldn't have this much power over you-

"'s...t..this many bones in the" she babbled out in her sleep, making me snort softly and roll my eyes at how dumb and adorable she was.


That's the part I hate about last night.

How it was so perfect.

Having a fantasy about someone is one thing. Imagining it so perfect, even getting off to it and thinking about it when I'm hooking up with other people is still one thing.

But, actually doing it....and having the real thing surpass any dreams or expectations I previously had is a whole new thing. A more serious thing. A more dangerous thing.

Because, at least if it had been bad, I could have finally gotten over her. I could have realized that, even if we connected emotionally, we didn't connect physically. That she's a platonic love, and there's nothing more that can come of that. Thank god.

I could have finally chalked this attraction up to nothing but anticipated lust. First crush bullshit, that's never actually as good when it comes to the real thing, and finally been able to break away and lose interest in her.

But, fuck, that's not what happened at all. Everything was better than I imagined. I wasn't expecting the physical to feel so good. I wasn't expecting the emotional to make the physical feel even better. I've never been emotional when it comes to sex. Quite the opposite, I'm a fucking heartless asshole.

Last night, only opened my eyes more, but not in the way I wanted. It opened my eyes to a new side of Violet-a new side of myself.

I feel like a prissy bitch for saying it, but it's a side that scares the shit out of me. It scares the shit out of me, because last night was intense. In the back of my mind, I hoped that intensity was just heat of the moment, horny crap. I hoped it would go away when I woke up.

But, it hasn't gone away. The feeling buried deep in my chest. The feeling that makes my throat tighten and my cheeks cry blood. The feeling that I fucking need to hold her, or I might die.

I thought I loved her before I slept with her. But, I've just fucked myself over even more now. I wouldn't have done it, if I'd known I'd only fall deeper.

Honestly, I really didn't think it would make a difference.

I underestimated it. All of it. I underestimated Violet's ability to wiggle her way into my ugly heart from the very beginning. I underestimated her ability to get me to kiss her; to get me to fuck her, and end up becoming even more whipped than I was before.

And I underestimated myself, thinking I'd be able to sleep with her and not feel anything.

Because I felt it all last night. Stronger than she did, no doubt, because I know our past.

The next thought that plagued my mind came unexpected. It came with betrayal and hit me like a bus.

It only came when Violet hummed from behind me, murmuring coaxing things to me unconsciously before she stroked her fingers up my chest in a way that involuntarily caused my eyes to fall closed and savor it. And the thought was...

Maybe being with her....being ordinary...wouldn't be so...bad-

"Then you'll see dad!!! Then you'll see that I'm not a mistake!!!"

"Live this ordinary life with Violet, Touya!!! This is all you can do now!!!"

My eyes flew open now as old memories instantly began flooding my head, forcefully making their way straight to my vision and my eardrums.

"Touya! Stop!! Calm down!! You're burning up!! Oh my god-AHH, YOU'RE BURNING UP!!-" Violet shrieked bloody murder on the last day of my life, causing hot steaming tears to fall from my eyes faster and more painful.

My heart began to flutter faster in the comfort of this bed. My breath began to pick up as I could practically feel my skin melting off my body once more from that day eight years ago.

"No!! I-I can show him!! I can show him!! I'm not a mistake!! Please!!!-FUCK!! HELP ME!!!" I screamed out in hysterics, shaking away every bit of thought from my mind as my skin heated up drastically now.

I can't control it.

I can't control it.

"You're ordinary, Touya. Be ordinary and live a normal life." Dad's voice rang in my ears.

Why? Because I'm a mistake. Because I'm worthless.

I inhaled sharply at my thoughts, forcing myself to keep my body temperature down for the simple sake of not cooking Violet alive in the bed as she held me.

Only, now my muscles were trembling. I was sweating. My eyes were open lifelessly, with bloody tears of pain and trauma rolling down my cheeks after every passing second.

And that's when I realized.

My inability to be with Violet doesnt just stem from some grudge I've been holding against my shitty dad for the past eight years.

It stems from my past, altogether. It stems from the fact that I unconsciously associate her with the pain and suffering I felt. I unconsciously associate her with everything I've tried to forget for my own sake. Burning alive. Feeling hysterical. Feeling at all.

I associate her with my inability to give dear old dad what he wanted. Because she was there for all of it. Sure, she was there trying to support me. But, everywhere I turned, whenever I felt pain...she showed me her face.

I can't be with Violet, because the thought of her, alone, is traumatizing. Past trauma, sure. But, traumatizing as fuck, nonetheless.

She makes me feel. She's making me feel right now-and, yeah, maybe you're thinking 'that's fucking adorable,' but, no, I don't mean it like that.

Theres a reason I never wanna feel anything, anymore. It's not just because I'm a heartless piece of shit-though that's definitely part of it...

It's because the act of 'feeling' itself, is traumatizing. Because the last time I truly allowed myself to feel anything, I literally burned alive. Violet was there for that, too. I associate her with feeling, and I associate feeling with pain-physical torture and suffering. Agony.

It's not her fault. I'm not that dumb to blame her for it.

It's my fault. My fault I'm so fucked up-but ohhhh, ho, it's Number One Dad, Enji Todoroki's, fault as well. I so look forward to the day where I can tell him that. Where I can show him what he did. What he caused and created. That his actions can't just burn alive and disappear from his life forever.

No. I stayed alive just to tell him!

The past never forgets. That's why I can't be with Violet. Because I can't move on. I can't forget.

So, I should probably end this now and kick her out.

Only now realizing how much my muscles had tensed up in an effort to control my quirk, I was forced to close my eyes and forget once more-eh...not forget. But....suppress, all the shit I'd been thinking about. All the shit I purposely don't think about. The shit I'm only thinking about now, because Violet is here.

Bitch. Makes me hate her all over again. Even if it's not her fault.

It was once my head went blank again. Once I'd successfully drowned Touya in his own miseries for a countless time and let 'Dabi' control my thoughts to nothing, that my body temperature finally cooled down, and my chest stopped feeling so heavy.

That was when I was able to feel Violet's touch on my body. To feel okay and finally roll over onto my back to get a look at her for the first time...

Who cares if she's sleeping. Wake her up, and tell her to get lost.

Yeah. I had every intention to shake her awake and treat her no better than some prostitute I used for one night.

But, then I got a look at her.

Upon my shift in position, she had let go of me to let me adjust. But, once I'd gotten comfortable on my back, she was back on me in an instant, wrapping her arms around my neck and burying her face into my chest.

Once again she hooked her leg around me, humming tiredly and causing the vibration of the sound to tickle against my neck.

Her hair was a mess. Definitely thanks to me for pulling it so hard last night. Her scalp has gotta ache after that.

My thoughts of kicking her out slowly began to fizzle away as I felt her naked body enveloping mine so perfectly.

Instead, one of my hands slowly went to her back and rested against it, causing me to curse the shitty butterflies in my stomach when I felt her bare skin.

She was still asleep. Majorly still asleep as I trailed my fingers along her back, sneakily shrugging the covers down our bodies so I could see her naked.

Heh. She's got a damn cute butt. But, I already knew that.

I let out a tired sigh of content as I trailed my hand to her ass, squeezing her cheek lazily as I assessed the marks I apparently made on her body last night.

She's got little burns and bruises everywhere. Mainly around her hips. But, also on her ass and back. I haven't even seen the front of her.


Nothing's gonna scar. But, guess I got a little carried away last night.

I trailed my fingers from her ass back up to her spine, earning a soft shiver of delight from her as goosebumps rose to her skin.

"Mm....that feels....swkmsheke." She babbled out unconsciously with a smile, causing a genuine chuckle to escape my lips at the words.

"Oh yeah? Well as long as it feels like swkmsheke, then I'll keep doing it. Dork." I murmured sarcastically, knowing she couldn't hear me, but continuing to do it anyways.

I was seconds away from feeling content again. From forgetting all of my painful thoughts. Until she spoke in her sleep once more. The words making my heart freeze and my blood run cold.

"Heee....Touya, that tickles." She hummed sweetly, eyes closed and smile blissed out as she snuggled her face into my neck.

Damn. Any other fucker would be offended.

But, I haven't heard her say my name in years.

It rolled off her tongue so perfectly. So nostalgically. More mature than how she used to say, but also so natural-as if she still says it to herself more commonly than she lets on.

And it hurt like hell.

Not wanting to go too deep into my thoughts again, I simply ignored the heavy weight in my chest and my lungs, deciding to try again with kicking her out as I pulled her face out of the crook of my neck.

I looked down at her immediately, attempting to speak without thinking and tell her to leave...

However, then I got a look at her face. And my mouth closed.

Fuck, man. I hate myself. Such a damn pussy.

If it was anyone else, it would be so easy to make her leave.

But, how can I make her leave, when she looks like that?

All snuggled up against me comfortably. Now that her head had fallen onto my chest, I got to finally see her face. Her stupid lashes closed, but starting to twitch like she may wake up soon. Her face was bruised from the fight with Euphoria last night, but damn she still looks so good. Her lips are swollen-all kissed out from yesterday.

All kissed out from the lazy makeout session we had in this bed after we fucked-only for it to turn heated and go for one more round. A round that she initiated. Whoops. Sorry not sorry. Fuckers.

Heh. Guess she likes sex now. Who knew being able to cum would make a difference, right? Yeah, it's sarcasm. Dipshit.

I hummed smugly at my own thoughts, feeling the smugness fading away when I studied her again, noticing the dark hickies littered all over her neck, chest, and tits. They actually looked painful.

Once again, sorry not sorry.

On it's own, my hand slowly trailed up the curve of her side, unconsciously stroking it as I looked down at her with way too much content, not knowing what the fuck to do.

It's traumatizing to be with her. But, now that I've got her back. Now that I had her last night, I can't fucking stay away. What the hell am I supposed to do with that? It's suffering any way I do it.

Figures, huh? You reap what you sow, I guess.

Realizing I didn't want to be alone with my own thoughts any longer, my fingers trailed up towards her face, giving the side of her head a soft flick before I could stop myself.

I smirked softly when her nose crinkled up in annoyance, before she quickly readjusted her face in my warmth and relaxed once more.

This caused me to flick her in the head again, making me chuckle audible when she snorted an inhale at the intrusion now, jolting her awake in irritation.

She lifted her smushed face off my chest, crusty eyes squinting and cheeks flushed red from exhaustion as she dazedly looked around the room, settling her gaze on me after a few moments.

I looked back at her boredly, shrugging a knotted piece of hair out of her face as I spoke.

"Wow. Aren't you just a real Sleeping Beauty." I uttered in lazy mock, giving the dried drool at the side of her mouth a flick to emphasize my point.

Not being totally awake, Violet simply furrowed her brows lethargically, shrugging my hand off crankily as she plopped her face back down on my chest to try and go back to sleep.

So, I flicked her again.

"Owwwww. Stoppp." She pouted out a little more awake, causing the corners of my lips to turn up when I realized she was gonna wake up.

"No." I stated blandly, resting my hand atop her messy hair when she began to finally fidget around.

"Whyyy." She drawled out practically incoherent, finally rolling off me and on to her back.

"Because you need to wake the fuck up." I reasoned casually, watching her rub the sleep out of her eyes.

"Why." She asked again, voice still raspy as she tried to shake the sleep off.

"Cause. I'm awake." I reasoned again, voice coming out way more carefree than I meant it.

Violet snorted a small laugh at my logic, not looking at me just yet as she continued to rub her eyes.

"So? What does you being awake have to do with me?" She chuckled a bit, starting to soften out her sleep deprived irritation.

"Cause," I drawled out, giving my arms a lazy stretch over my head as my smile turned smug. "You need to pay attention to me."

Violet finally released her hands from her face, smiling brightly and giggling as she lazily rolled on her side to face me.

"I don't believe that I do, actually." She teased, raising her brows playfully as she looked my way.

The ugly thing in my chest skipped a beat when I felt her eyes, but I ignored it and finally turned my face in her direction....forced to take in how cute she looked waking up like this.

I've seen her wake up countless of times. Not just when we lived together, but in these last few months we've been sharing a room, too. She always looked cute.

But, seeing her...naked in my bed...with my marks and residual kisses still lingering on hits different.

I leaned in slowly, sliding my head to her pillow as I spoke taunting. I knew my next words would embarrass her.

"Since I made you cum three-no, four times last night on my-"

"Ahhh, Dabiiii-"

"I'd say you should pay attention to me." I reasoned smugly, biting down on my lip teasingly as my hands reached out on their own to grab her hips.

The fuck am I doing? I was supposed to kick her out-

She went with my movement too easily, letting me drag her body onto my own too willingly before her arms came around my neck.

Come on. End it now. Don't let it go any furthe-

"Fine. You want attention?" She asked surprisingly sultry, causing a shiver to run up my spine as I was completely at her mercy.

Don't say it, you bastard. Don't give in to her-

"No shit I want attention." I murmured out with no fucking willpower, letting all my thoughts fly out the window when she leaned down and pressed her lips to mine.

Ah.....what was I saying again?

My eyes fell closed immediately at her soft kiss. She kept her mouth closed, obviously trying to hide her morning breath from me. But, I don't give a fuck.

I groaned softly as I snaked my hand to her hair, smashing her face closer to let her know I wanted more.

She moaned softly at my obvious need, the sound going straight between my legs as she caressed the nape of my neck and deepened the kiss.

No way. I'm not fucking kicking her out.

My head fell back against the sheets as both my hands went to her hips, feeling my body and emotions pulsing with a craving need for this girl that I couldn't shake.

I felt so pathetic when she pulled away a few moments later, barely able to restrain my mouth from chasing hers as I kept my head grounded back against the pillows.

My eyes hazily opened halfway and looked at her, seeing her already smiling at me lazily.

"Good morning, Dabi." She uttered beamingly, making my heart squeeze.

But, even felt different. It didn't feel how it did when she said 'Touya' in her sleep. It actually felt fine, even if I knew I wanted her to say my real name, deep down.

It was fine....because it makes me remember that I'm still hiding behind Dabi. I'm hiding behind the mask. And that means I don't have to rehash old wounds. Because Dabi isn't Touya.

Going with her conversation, I slowly trailed my eyes to the open window of our room, snickering softly when I saw the sun already high in the sky for hours.

"Not morning anymore, dummy. We fell asleep in the morning. It's probably almost nighttime now." I pointed out, not really giving a fuck about whatever I said.

I just wanted to talk to her.

Her brows raised in surprise before her gaze went to the window for confirmation.

My eyes flinched shut in annoyance when her hair swished into my face accidentally, causing me to blow it out of my face harshly.

When she turned back around to face me, her hair smacked me in the face again, causing me to roll my eyes and flick it away in light annoyance.

"Wow. You're right." She uttered lazily, tangling her fingers in my hair casually.

"I always am." I followed up tauntingly, causing her to smile in her own blissed out thoughts.

The air between us was quiet for a moment in comfortable silence, as we took in the events of the past twenty-four hours. I felt my eyes closing the more she caressed my hair, about five seconds away from falling asleep again before her laugh broke me out of my daze.

"Man. Did we really sleep together?" She chuckled in disbelief, obviously knowing the answer but still seeming surprised.

"Unfortunately, yes." I snickered, letting my face fall into a grin when she tugged my hair with discipline.

"Pshhh, unfortunately,' he says," she grumbled fakely, sliding her chest down on my own before snuggling up to me again. "As if he wasn't the one screaming my name all night."

My brows raised in amused surprised at such boldness from her, and she must have sensed it as she immediately broke out into laughter against my neck....smothering her face in it with no hesitation.

Unusual, when you consider my disgusting skin.

"Were you trying to dirty talk me just now?" I asked teasingly, letting my eyes fall half lidded when I felt her lips kissing my neck.

"It depends. Was it working?" She murmured against my skin, running her hand along my chest as my breathing slowly began to deepen.

"No." I answered stubbornly, feeling her hand snake in my hair and tug my head to the side with more control than I was expecting from her.

But, fuck, I like it.

"Then, normally, I'd have no idea what you're talking about. Except, I know you're lying." She grinned, starting to trail her hand down my body.

Every touch felt so electric and sensitive. So needy and craving. That's when I realized I was hard again. Obviously she knew that before I did.

Especially when she slowly began kissing down my neck and chest, running her hands along my body with her descent down it.

Shit. Glad I didn't kick her out, right?

"Oh? Where are you going?" I asked smugly, watching her head disappear under the sheets.

"Hmmm...." she pondered as she tried to find a dirty line she could say.

I chuckled way too genuinely at her awkward persona, watching the covers rustle around between my legs.

" a friend! How was that?" She asked for her failure attempt at dirty talk, causing me to groan and slap my hands over my face in content.

*****warning for four sentences of non descriptive lemon stuff****

"Fucking horrible. I don't even know how I'm still hard after that." I commented, quickly breaking off into a gasp when I felt her hand wrap around me.

I couldn't see her under the sheets and I didn't need to as I felt everything way too sensitively.

"Don't lie. I think it made you harder." She snickered gloatingly, immediately making my jaw drop and my eyes roll back in my head when she slid her mouth down on me.

****While there will be more lemons in the book, today is not that day, my friends.****


Violet POV:

Dabi panted and cursed above me so intensely once he hit his limit, writhing his hips erratically on the bed and tangling his hands in my hair as he roughly kept me buried in his groin.

Contrary to his stubbornness normally, he couldn't stop himself from huffing and groaning my name so desperately, only exciting me further as he's never one to sound like that. He's never one to let loose like this, and be comfortable enough to let anyone hear those sounds.

I was happy to wake him up this way. I've never wanted to wake anyone up this way. I've never wanted to please someone so badly in my whole life.

My hands ran up his abdomen coaxingly as I let him ride his bliss to the very end, only crawling back up the sheets when he loosened his grip on my hair completely.

I'm sure my face was sweaty and red from being under the covers, but he didn't last very long...probably still recovering from last night.

His eyes were blissed out, head thrown back on the pillows and gaze staring at the ceiling when I finally looked at him again. His chest was heaving from the intensity of his orgasm, body still twitching and flinching with pleasured after shocks.

Damn. That's good for my pride. I didn't think I was so good at blow jobs. Honestly, I'm still not sure if I am.

Cause a part of me wants to believe that Dabi is reacting this way......because it's me. Yeah, I know that's stupid. I know he said I'm not special. But, as cliché as it is to say...he makes me feel like I'm special. Not just in moments like these, but all the others, too.

And, while I know we haven't talked about last night, and it could very well lead to a conversation about how this was all just for 'fun'.....

Last night felt different. For me, anyways. It didn't feel like a hookup. It felt like more. So much more.

I can say that, because I know what it's like to have sex that lacks passion and pleasure. I know the energy of that feeling all too well. The feeling of wanting it to be over. Hoping it ends fast, and hoping it will be enough to 'hold him over' for the rest of the week, cause I really don't wanna do it again.

That's all I used to know. Passionless, dissatisfying sex. It wasn't the purposeful intent of my ex-partner, he was a nice guy-he's one of my best friends now that I've known for almost a decade. Because of that, I figured that I'd grow to become attracted to him. I'd grow to have chemistry with him, since I already knew so much about him.

But, I realize doesn't matter how long you know someone, or how much you try to force yourself to like them. If there's no spark, then it doesn't feel the same.

Last night...wasn't like that. At all.

Last night was mind blowing. It was everything that people keep saying sex is, but it was also more. It opened my eyes to the fact that, while I love Natsuo, I was settling with him on something that was more important than I realized-intimacy.

I didn't know how important it was until last night. I didn't realize how much I want to enjoy having sex with someone.

Dabi made me realize it......and again........and again.........and again.

But, it wasn't just about the physical, either. I mean, that part was definitely amazing....

But, the emotional release I felt just being with him, overpowered the physical one.

Feeling him touch me-not just lustfully, but any touch. It felt amazing. It felt so safe and perfect. It was the simple touches I remember the most. Like when he would caress my hip softly, making sure I was still okay.

Or, how his fingertips would carefully glide along my skin, his mouth pressing against my neck sweetly when he knew I was about to hit another limit. How attentive he was to my body and how I was feeling. How much he seemed to be legitimately present in the moment.

Last night, Dabi was different. He may not want to think so, but he showed me a whole new side to him that I didn't even know existed.

A vulnerable side. A side that he can't show anyone else. It's a side I now crave to see again. I get to see it now in the vulnerable after glow moments of his bliss. How long it's going to last, I don't know.

But, I'm gonna enjoy it.

I darted my tongue along my lips to clear away the remainder of Dabi's release, curling back up on his pleasure stunned body.

"How was that?" I asked knowingly, resting my chin atop his chest as he finally started to calm down.

"Don't....act like you don't know, Vi." He uttered breathily, smiling dazedly and relaxed as he plopped a stroking hand on my head.

My brows raised softly at his words, my ears practically clinging to the last one so desperately.

Dabi's never called me 'Vi' before. It seemed to just slip out of his mouth accidentally. But, even though it did, it sounded way too easy rolling off his tongue. As if he's already said the nickname a million times before, even though he hasn't.

I like it though.

A small smile curled on my lips as I looked at Dabi, closing my eyes happily as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Mm. I don't wanna leave this bed." I murmured lazily, feeling my body turning to mush atop his when his fingers unconsciously massaged my scalp.

"Well, you better. After all, it's not your bed now, is it." He retorted softly, snickering lightly when I smacked him.

"Don't be bratty." I pouted, only further melting atop Dabi when he massaged my head more focused.

"I'm not. That's your title." He commented lackadaisically, lazily turning his head towards the setting sun to signal the end of the day.

Damn. We literally slept through the entire day.

I really slept with Dabi in his bed the whole day? I wonder how he feels about that.

"Well, if that's true, then I'm surprised you didn't kick this brat out of your bed when you woke up." I murmured lightly, keeping my tone teasing...

....but, honestly, I also wanted to get some answers from him. How does he feel about last night? Where is this going?

Because an unspoken one night stand with an over-thinker like me doesn't happen smoothly. I need to know where we stand as soon as possible. Whether it means this was a one time thing or not.

Dabi was quiet for a moment as he sensed where I was taking the conversation, releasing only one of his hands from my head to reach around for the pack of cigarettes on his night table.

"The thought crossed my mind," he started out nonchalantly, dragging one of the cigarettes out of the pack with his teeth. "But, I was wondering if you'd suck my dick first-like you just did, so it looks like my patience paid off."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance with his words, unable to focus on the crass disrespect with the soft, intimate actions of his hands.

Dabi's feelings are more honest through his silent actions, compared to his words. If he really meant that, he would have stopped stroking my hair so lovingly a long time ago-hell, he wouldn't have done it to begin with.

"You're lying." I sighed contently, earning a lazy hum of affirmation from Dabi.

"....No." He mumbled softly, betraying the word with the warmer tone of his voice as he placed the cigarette between his lips.

I looked at him in focus as he lit the cigarette with the tip of his finger, continuing to stroke my hair with his other hand as he took a big drag.

"What in the world are you doing now?" I groaned out, sliding up from his chest to rest my face against his neck.

Once again, Dabi didn't deny me, lethargically holding up his arm until I got comfortable, before curling it around my body when I adjusted.

"Having breakfast." He uttered smugly, causing me to close my eyes in content as I reveled in his body heat.

"Mm. Lemme have some." I blurted out without thinking, feeling his influence and rebellion affect me a little too much as I held my hand out for his cigarette.

Dabi froze a bit at my words, eyes clouding over with something I didn't understand, before he lightly batted my hand away.

"Fuck no. It's bad for you. Don't ask again." He said a bit blandly that time, sounding disappointed in himself as he kept the stick far out of my reach.

I pursed my lips in a little disappointment, giving him a groan of disapproval that he ignored.

"But, you do it." I pointed out patiently, not really interested in the cigarette anymore.

I just wanted to see what he would say.

"I don't care about my body." He justified without missing a beat, taking another deep inhale of smoke as he relaxed back against the pillows.

With his head thrown back on the sheets, he slowly opened his mouth and half lidded eyes...letting curls of gray ribbons swirl past his lips and up towards the ceiling. Good thing the smoke alarm isn't over here!

I watched the sight absentmindedly, knowing he looked damn good doing, but also knowing the effects that stuff had on his body.

"You should." I said softly, stroking my fingers against his chest.

He curled his arm around me tighter, scooting me more snug against him after I spoke.

With heavy clouds of smoke still resting in his mouth, Dabi couldn't resist turning his head towards me. He firmly grabbed my chin between his fingers and pulled me closer, taking my lips in a kiss, and transferring the noxious chemicals from his mouth to mine as our tongues mingled.

My lungs burned, but this time the pain felt good as I inhaled Dabi's smoke willingly, humming softly and pulling him closer as I wanted more.

He gave in for only another few seconds, exhaling the remaining smoke into my mouth to please me, before slowly pulling away.

"Mm. And you..." he murmured against my lips, barely breaking from our smoky air to look at me. "...shouldn't let me keep corrupting you with bad habits. But, here we are."

I know he wasn't just referring to the smoke with that comment, especially when his fingers traced my bare sides, pressing down firmly on a particular bruised burn he left on me last night, and causing me to flinch a bit at the pain.

"Not all the habits are bad." I whispered to him honestly, hooking one of my bare legs around his waist comfortably.

Dabi's self conflict continued as he shook his head in denial, yet rested his hand warmly on my bare thigh to keep me here.

"If it involves me,'s bad. Trust me." He uttered softly, breaking my gaze to look towards the ceiling instead.

I nodded softly in acknowledgement to his point, knowing I couldn't totally contradict it.

The man's a good lover-to me, anyways. But, he's still a villain.

"So, then....what should we make of last night?" I asked patiently, deciding to just come out with it.

Listen, I try my best. But, I'll be the first to tell you....I'm not a woman with enough self esteem to expect a commitment from someone like Dabi. Yeah, it's sad. It's one of my flaws. But, it's honest to the person I am. Honest to my character, and how I've been treated-and allowed people to treat me, all my life.

Because, ever since I was ten years old, I've been told how much of a burden I am to everyone else. How I'm a moocher, and a loser, and a weakling who's nowhere near as powerful as the legacy placed on me.

Quite honestly, even not in a relationship setting, I really don't expect anything from anyone, because I'm the one who should be doing the giving. To make up for being such a pain in the ass.

Yeah. It's not a good thing. It's something I need to work on. But, for now, this is how it is.

Dabi was quiet for a moment as he continued looking at the ceiling. To my surprise, he didn't seem irritated by my question. He didn't say it was clingy or stupid of me to ask.

He did something completely different. Something I wasn't expecting.

"Well.....what do you wanna make of it?" He asked a bit softly, clearly trying to be uncaring about the words and failing.

Wow. Ummm. I don't really know where to go from here! No one usually asks me how I feel about stuff!

I pursed my lips in thought at getting the ball put in my court, not really knowing what the options were with his vague question.

"Hmmm. Well......uhhh......I mean....we could...try a relationship...type...thing..." I proposed awkwardly, deciding to start with the most extreme way this could go.

I wasn't worried about what he would say. He seems to be just as confused about all of this as I am.

And while his eyes didn't immediately light up in the 'hell no' idea of having a relationship with me, his words fell out of his mouth involuntarily. Like a defense mechanism.

"Commitment leaves a sour taste in my mouth." He commented casually, taking another puff of his cigarette as he kept his gaze to the ceiling.

I nodded expectantly to that answer, happy that I prepared myself in advance for it, as it doesn't really hurt me.

"Right. Okay, sooo....hmm...well, let me start with this then. Do we wanna do this again?" I asked choppily, feeling Dabi intimately stroke his thumb along my hip.

"I guess." He uttered boredly, yet his answer was surprisingly quick.

I snorted softly at his attempt at an uninterested attitude. He truly overestimates his acting skills.

"Alright. So, do I. Now, that puts us at, either, friends with benefits. Or hookup buddies." I narrowed down, using his chest as a makeshift paper as I absentmindedly traced the imaginary options on his skin.

Dabi's brows furrowed slightly at the options, looking back at me now in confusion.

"Hold on. What's the difference between those two?" He asked with interest, causing my own brows to furrow in confusion now.

I don't know!

" is......buddies, and the other is.......f..frieeends...." I trailed off dumbly, causing Dabi to deadpan glare me.



"Friends and buddies are the same thing." He stated almost annoyed, causing me to throw up my hands in slight annoyance myself.

"Well-I don't think so! Or, they wouldn't have two different names. Duh." I commented like a doofus, earning a groan from Dabi as he became a little more involved in the conversation now.

"Not true."

"No, it's true-"

"Fine, let's do it like this. What are the rules for each one? That will help us figure it out." He proposed dryly, not even seeming like he was vying for either option.

But, what else does he want then? He doesn't want a relationship, but he wants to keep doing this. There's literally no other options...?

"You want rules now?" I chuckled, causing Dabi to smirk and lighten up a bit.

"If it means I get in your pants, then yeah-"

"Anyway-moving on to the rules!" I started off loudly, making Dabi laugh genuinely when he knew I was getting annoyed. "I think the rules of hookup buddies and friends with benefits are pretty much the same. Basically, we hookup with eachother. But, we can also hookup with other people. So, I can see you tonight, and go hookup with a different guy tomorrow if I wanted to-"

"Oh-fuck no. That's not happening." Dabi blurted out before he could stop himself, quickly pressing his lips together to stop another outburst.

My face morphed into confusion once more as I looked at Dabi, feeling his hand grip my hip more snugly as if I would disappear right then and there.

"Oh? Wait-so you.....don't want to see other people?" I questioned completely lost, causing Dabi to grimace subtly at the true feelings happening in his head.

"I-I don't fucking care." He tried again, making my brows raise with no understanding.

"So you do wanna see other people?" I asked in a naive circle, making Dabi's eyes squeezed close at his own conflict.

I'm sensing that Dabi did, in fact, want something very specific from this, but didn't want to admit it. To me, or himself.

Dabi POV:

Of course I don't want her seeing other people. That would kill me. It was bad enough to know she dated my brother.

Fuck, I don't want to see anyone else either. I never wanted to. That should already be obvious enough. To you, anyways.


You already know why I can't be in a relationship with her. Why let her get closer and unveil all of the trauma and pain I've tried so hard to hide? I already basically killed myself because I had to marry her once. What's the point of all that if I just let history repeat itself?

Every time she gets closer to me, she tears down another wall and forces those demons to crawl back up my throat.

She forces Touya to become alive again. And I don't want that.

But, I can't stay away from her now. God, I can't stay away. I can't let her see other people. The thought of me even seeing anyone else is enough to make my stomach churn. It sounds like the most un-interesting fucking thing-

"Dabi, come on. What are you thinking?" she uttered softly, stroking her fingers along my jaw in a way that felt so damn good.

It made me fucking melt. Pathetically melt into her touch and pull her closer, no doubt, giving her mixed signals on what the hell I wanted.

But, it also made me realize....

What's the big deal? She thinks I'm 'Dabi,' not Touya. Duh.

Every time she says 'Dabi,' it calms me down and reminds me that she's not in my head. She doesn't know the shit I know. She thinks I'm some random villain.

In this state, behind the mask of 'Dabi,' I am not exposed to her. I don't have to face her, or my demons. I don't have to unveil all the drama and pain we've gone through together.

I just have to be 'Dabi.'

I never have to admit I love her-because the day I do that, hell freezes over.

And that's also the day I'd have to come clean about who I am. Accepting that I love Violet, means I accept that I'm still Touya. It means I accept that my father was right about choosing her for me, and I accept all the pain that comes with the person I was.

I don't accept it. I don't accept that. And, yeah, I love her. But, no, I don't accept it. I still view it as something irritating. Something like a curse.

But, as 'Dabi,' none of that matters. I can-what's that saying? Have my cake and eat it, too? Yeah, that.

It's easy. I can reap the physical benefits she offers, and simply suppress the emotional ones she forces out of me. Look, I've done it perfectly today, haven't I! Haven't I?!?

No, I don't need to tell Violet who I am to be with her. I don't need to acknowledge who I am, or accept myself to be with her.

It's fine. I can separate the person I am, and the one I used to be. I can have fun with her for now.

Besides, once I start falling too deep for her, I can just break it off and leave. Non-committal, so she can't get too close. I did it once, I'm sure I can do it again easily.

No. Even if I date her now, it's not history repeating itself, you hear me? It's different. I promise, it''s different.

I was brought back to reality upon feeling Violet crawl higher up my body and pepper soft kisses on my disgusting cheek.

The feeling brought a hum of content out of me as I finally turned my attention back to her, with a smile that creeped on my lips all too naturally.

"What, you want my attention?" I murmured teasingly, mimicking the words I told her earlier.

She smiled brightly at my light change in demeanor, snaking both hands to the back of my neck as she bit her lip.

"No....shit." She mimicked back, causing my brows to raise in proud amusement.

"Oh? You fucking swore?" I whispered playfully, feeling her pull me closer and plant a kiss on my lips.

"Mhm. So what?" She threatened teasingly, forced to pull back from our kiss when my smile got too wide.

"'re a bad girl." I uttered in a hushed, condescending tone, earning a giggle from her at the cheesy line as I molded my lips back against her addictive ones.

"What are you gonna do about it?" She asked more seductive than I was expecting, causing the pit of my stomach to start stirring in excitement at the connotations.

Having a slew of ideas to combat that question, I opened my mouth to speak before Violet cut me off with a shake of her head.

"Nooo, no, no. I'm sorry I asked." She giggled, clearly knowing my intentions.

I smirked smugly at her flusteredness, still having full plans to get her used to the dirty talk. But, I know her, and I know part of the reason she doesn't want to go again, is cause her mind is overthinking shit about us.

"Don't see other people." I blurted out with more honesty than I meant to, causing her to pull away from my lips in surprise.

Her playful teases fell off as she absorbed my words, clearly having a million thoughts on how she wanted to respond.

"Wha-I-what about you though? It has to be even, Dabi." She pointed out honestly, making me almost laugh at the irony.

My god. This girl really has no fucking idea how much I'm in love with her. She has no idea how whipped she has me.

I snorted a bit at my thoughts, turning back to her without a problem as I spoke.

"I know. It is." I stated honestly, mentally slapping the softness that crept into my voice.

Before I could beat myself up about it more, Violet's lips curled into an extremely bright smile now, causing her to shuffle around on me excitedly.

"Oh. Alright, then. Does that mean...we're dating?" She asked hopefully, causing the mental blockers to put up a barrier around my heart.

Remember. Noncommittal. That way, she can't get too close to Touya.

"Let's not put a label on it. I won't see anyone, and you won't either. Is that fair?" I questioned, refusing to think about the definition of what I just fucking implied.

The definition that you're becoming her boyfriend, stupid. Think about. You can't pull this off. Not for her. Definitely not for yourself-

"You're so stubborn." Violet chuckled, seeming rejuvenated with the conversation as she clearly gathered the implications, too.

And as much as my heart and brain are screaming at me that this is a bad idea, the feeling of her kiss me again was enough to silence those thoughts and go with it.

"And don't forget it." I smirked, feeling my stomach heat up with excitement when she suddenly became more handsy.

Seeming as if she no longer had anything on her mind, she climbed on top of me fully now, rewarding my answer with the thing we both wanted more of.

"You know what I can't stop thinking about?" She purred out seductively, sending a rush of blood straight between my legs.

I felt my body becoming hot now as I let her kiss me hard, enjoying the dominance from her as my brain became muddled.

"No idea. Humor me." I murmured against her lips, letting out a heavy gasp of unexpected pleasure at what she did next.

"Oh. I'll 'humor you,' Dabi." She smirked so confidently, causing my eyes to roll back in my head and a moan to escape my mouth as she got started fast and hard.


Violet POV:

"I know you don't like fish, so how about that Korean BBQ place down the street? I heard they deliver." I suggested to Dabi, towel drying my wet hair as we walked out of the bathroom together.

He didn't bother to cover his naked body with a towel, anymore, simply drying the flecks of shower water off before sloppily tossing the wet towel on his bed.

"That's fine. What do you want? Your usual?" He asked much too casually, causing me to turn to him with humor as I thought he was kidding.

But, he didn't have a joking look on his face, already pulling up the number to the place on his phone.

"And how do you even know my 'usual,' Dabi? We've been dating for five minutes." I cackled, causing him to roll his eyes lightly.

"We aren't putting a label on it, remember?-and it's actually three and a half hours. Not 'five minutes.'" He retorted, making his voice slightly higher at the end to mock my voice.

I let out a raspberry from my cheeks at his words, tossing my towel neatly into a dirty clothes bin before swiping his off the bed and doing the same.

"Oh. I didn't know you were counting the minutes." I snickered, sauntering over towards my side of the room to grab some clothes.

Dabi glared at me lightly from across the room, not bothering to put his own clothes on as he relaxed on his bed and tried to find the number to the restaurant.

"What I meant to say is that it already feels like a lifetime-and I still hate you." He followed up, finally dialing the number and not bothering to ask me what I wanted.

Apparently, he already knows. So, he says...

"Mhm. Yeah, yeah. I hate you, too." I followed up warmly, simply shrugging on an oversized shirt and a pair of panties.

It's already nighttime again. Dabi and I haven't left the hotel since what went down with Euphoria. And we don't plan to. Hence, the ordering in.

Upon hearing Dabi order the food from across the room, my brows raised in surprise that he did, in fact, know my 'usual,' already-ordering me exactly what I liked to eat from these types of places.

Huh. Lucky..guess...

Shrugging off the thought, I lethargically adjusted the sleep clothes on my body, about to walk back over to Dabi...

....before my phone started ringing on my bed.

Whoops. Haven't checked that thing in awhile.

Seeing Dabi was still talking to the restaurant on the phone, I decided to take the call on the balcony, so we wouldn't talk over each other.

Thinking it was Akio, or one of the Todorokis, you can imagine my surprise when I didn't recognize the number...

Social anxiety of answering unknown numbers activated!

Regardless, I answered the call, hoping it was just another telemarketer, or something.

"Hello?" I murmured a little unsure, absentmindedly looking out to the night city life below.

My nerve endings pricked up and a shiver ran down my spine upon the lack of answer that followed my response. Instantly, the air had changed into something tense, even though nothing had been spoken yet.

But, I know someone is on the other line. I can hear the breathing.

After a few more tense seconds, I was about to cave and hang up from the pressure, before the person on the other end spoke.

"Violet Sasaki." The deep voice drawled out, speaking my name with every ounce of hatred and passive aggression you could think.

Wait. I recognize that voice.

"K..Kaito?" I asked softly, suddenly feeling a stir of unsettled anxiety rising in my chest.

Uh-oh!uh-oh!uh-oh! Everyone stay calm-STAY THE FUCK CALM!! CALM DOWN!!-

"Ding, ding, ding. Correct. Now, you get a prize." He chuckled sinisterly, his voice only sounding more eery and terrifying on the phone.

"Oh-hooo. That's...kind of you. But, I think I'll pass-" I tried before I was harshly cut off.

"What I'm about to tell not a request, cutie pie. Understand?" He ordered lowly, causing me to swallow harshly and nod even though he wasn't there.

"...right..." I breathed out nervously, simply awaiting his next words.

And, oh, how horrible they were!

"He wants a word with you. About Euphoria's whereabouts." He stated firmly, causing my heart to jump out my chest.

Okay. Obviously, this is bad!

Obviously I know the 'he' is Midas. But, it's fine! That guy doesn't like to show his face, so who am I really gonna be talking to!!?

"Uhhh. He wants a word? of his....guys does?" I clarified, only feeling my face pale at Kaito's next answer.

"Midas wants a word with you personally, Violet."


Thank you for your votes and comments.

Next Chapter Title: A Blessing Or A Curse.

Thanks to KittyStealer for the awesome banner <3

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