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Top pic credit: nala_bert

Any manga readers? Cause ouchhhhh

Dabi POV: - a few moments earlier -

Everything is so completely fucked up.

If only I didn't leave the dancing shoes at home, cause this shit's about to get good!

I'll be the first to admit I got things off to a slow start tonight, but we all make mistakes, don't we? Can't blame me. Damn Grape had me shell shocked with all her unexpected plans tonight. The bitch is definitely good at keeping me on my toes. Probably one of the reasons she continues to plague my brain like a damn disease.

But, after Roach Boy decided to open his big mouth at the bar and say some stupid shit, I feel enlightened as fuck right now, up on my feet and lurking my way through this crowd like your favorite little snake.

He only left the bar five minutes ago. Shouldn't be too hard to find him-and since he's at her beck and call like a touch starved piece of shit, I have no doubt that finding him means finding her also.

Smart, huh? I know. Whoever said differently can suck my dick. Maybe they'll swallow some of my knowledge if they're lucky.

Ha! There's that wit and shit. See, I'm back. 'Dabi's' back and heated as ever now-hitting pretentious fucks in the shoulder with every step and a feral, steaming grin glued to my face as I search for that familiar head of purple.

Hell, I feel reckless as fuck still. I don't even know what I'll do when I find her. But, I know your clingy ass would love it if we found out together, so keep up and don't get in my way. Alright?

Still, it's hilarious, isn't it? 'Regret,' I mean. Shit's a funny thing, and it shows different on everyone. A moment of clarity for some. That 'shoulda, woulda, coulda' snap of the fingers for others. Hell, it's probably even powerful enough to set fuckers like me on the 'better path.'

Right? Blah, blah, blahhh....

And I know what you're probably thinking to yourself. This is that moment, isn't it? The moment I finally turn everything around? Where I finally change and redeem myself?


If that's what you thought, I'm so excited to disappoint you.

After all, redemption only works when there's actually something to 'redeem,' so already...the idea has failed. Aw. Does that makes you sad...

How many times do you and I have to go through this? Huh? How many times are you gonna keep getting your hopes up thinking this is 'it?' Stop thinking that, okay? It's honestly so fucking annoying.

Though, I guess if it pisses you off....on second thought, keep getting your hopes up.

The funny thing is, I do actually have regret right now. Oh ho, I have regret. God, it's searing hot in my heart right now, threatening to burst through my chest and incinerate the entire room to ash. I wish it would. Definitely would upstage the bedazzled bitch's party!

But, like I said, regret looks different on everyone. And, even after everything that's happened tonight...seeing Violet show up here with my brother on her watching her leave me in the dust and ignore her probably hooking up with another man-my fucking enemy, of all people...I can still fully guarantee that what I actually regret about the situation isn't anything you're expecting.

My blood pumped hot in my chest as I continued scanning my rubbed red eyes around the crowded room, seeing my vision closing in like a tunnel as my unhinged emotions ate me alive like a fucking drumstick.

Come on, Grape. Where are you? Don't hide from me now. You've never been one to hide.

A small chuckle of insanity escaped from my lips as my feet picked up their pace, adrenaline building in my veins for the unknown of what I was about to do.

It was only when I heard that familiar laugh from my perked ears that I whipped my head towards the sound, carelessly walking onto the crowded ballroom floor and shoving dancing couples aside to get a look.

There you are. You fucking cunt bitch.

A hot puff of steam exhaled from my mouth as I caught sight of Grape, standing like a looming demon in the middle of the sparkly crowd as I burned my eyes into hers.

Sensing my gaze, pointless time stood still when her eyes shifted my way now, easily finding me among the crowd.

Without my consent, the white hot anger in my veins began seeping out into nothing when she looked at me. Because it wasn't that careless, cold look she sported earlier.

It was her. My grape, and all that addicting warmth I've been craving.

Fuck, it's so cringy to say, but her eyes were suddenly the color of honey as they looked past my soul, filled with feeling, and care, and everything else that had my reckless intentions immediately melting into a puddle at my own feet.

It's a simple look. A simple look to show me she still cared. To show me she still wanted me. It's pathetic how quickly it calmed me.

It was a weird mix of feelings. On one hand, I felt my anger fading, willing to pathetically forget it all if she gave me a damn smile. On the other hand, it only pissed me off more that she had such a strong effect on me, able to bring me to my damn knees with just a speck of her genuine attention.

God, she's driving me off the fucking rails. I mean it when I say I'm really losing my god damn mind now.

I hate this. No one's ever been this deep inside my head. I don't know how to fucking feel. I don't know what to do.

But, I'm so weak at this point. So weak from withdrawals from her as I unintentionally prioritized my instinctive feelings instead of my stubborn ones, remaining frozen in place as I warmed my gaze into hers with every true emotion that was, no doubt, showing on my pathetic face.

She saw it. I know she did. I could tell by the way her brows furrowed sadly, clearly showing she was fighting this pull just as much as I was. My reasonings for pushing her away started to blur at the sight of her, feeling it becoming harder to fight the urge to walk over there and touch her.

Why the fuck am I doing this again? Why am I making things so hard? It was so clear to me a few hours ago. But, now....

This is the first time in days we've truly looked at each other. It feels like the world paused around us. The countless, worthless bodies disappeared into nothing, and the sounds no longer matter. The bodily senses failed to function, and I'm simply an outsider to my own body, feeling as if I'm experiencing this moment as a third party, even though it's only me.

Maybe it's because I know my internal organs are searing me alive right now, and I don't feel it. Could also be due to the fact my lungs are begging for air, succumbing to asphyxiation from my own burning blood and I do nothing to stop it. But, with the way she's looking at me, combined with my conversation just now with Akio...for once, I can't describe how I feel.

I'm so conflicted.

But, I'm also so angry, I can't process it. I'm not used to being angry and emotional anymore. I've been out of practice in the privilege of 'feeling,' and now that it's hitting me all at once-so strongly, I can't even figure out how I should react.

God. My head hurts. I'm sweaty. I'm dizzy, feels like I'm drunk.

So....sorry-not-sorry, but I can't find it in me to give you one of my good ol' witty monologues tonight. I can't feign carelessness anymore, and I can't pretend I ain't fucking fuming and hurt as I finally give up this game first and burn my eyes into those gold pools hotly, caving and silently asking her what the hell is going on...trying to absorb everything that was happening and failing to.

That's it. It's over. For the first time in history, I'm calling it and giving in first. If there's any person that could ever have such an effect on me, it's her.

The only woman I love. The only woman I will ever love in my entire life.

She won tonight. Fuck. Whatever she was playing at, I'm done. She won. I can't take anymore. I don't even know what I want, I just know I can't take anymore. It hurts.

It's annoying. So many feelings and sensations trying to force themselves into my brain at once. Feels like ten pounds of shit being shoved into a five pound bag.

But, if I decide to be fucking honest for once-with you and with myself, I'll tell you that deep down...I know exactly what I want right now. It's what I've wanted her to do the entire night, but now she's broken me enough to where I can finally admit it.

I want her to walk away from him and come over to me. I want her to choose me. Selfishly. Without a care for whatever consequences come tomorrow.

She's always been the only person to ever choose me.

Put me first, Grape. The way you always do. Walk away from him and show me-show us both...

...that I'm still number one to you.

You promised I always would be. Don't break your promise now.

The skin on my body seared and my lungs didn't dare move a muscle as I kept my gaze on her with a silent demand to decide between him and I, not even giving my bloody eyes a chance to blink for fear I'd miss a single second of her gaze.

And then...

Without another moment of hesitation...

She looked away from me and looped her arm through Akio's, turning her full attention to him as the pair walked onto the ballroom floor.

My eyes went wide with emotion the way 'Dabi's' never could. I could hear a shatter audibly sound through my eardrums as she did so, feeling my heated gaze shimmer with full shock and my jaw fall slack.


No. No. No.

What the fuck.

This isn't happening. My worst nightmare. It's not actually happening.

With a stupid, shock look paralyzed on my face, I watched with pure disbelief as she intertwined Akio's hands through hers, smiling and laughing as they set up for the dance-not even sparing me another glance.

My veins felt numb as I stood frozen in my spot, feeling my brain stalling and exploding all at once as my sanity continued being toyed with for the countless time tonight. I felt dizzy, my muscles shaking as if they were cold, yet my body was burning up. My lungs closed in, my throat running dry.

Panic. I feel panicked. I feel just like that pathetic shit from ten years ago and it's triggering. Yet, I can't stop it.

Because no matter how much I tried to turn it off, these emotions were always inside of me.

Did that really just happen? Just like that? So easily? So quickly?

Years of buildup for this moment. Countless nightmares, imagining and wondering how this moment would finally go-the moment she finally chooses another man over me. A fuck ton of different scenarios played out in my head over the last ten years, but I gotta say, this is the only one I never fucking expected.

My head is so overpacked with thoughts and emotions on everything that's happened in the last few hours, it's stopped functioning altogether, unable to truly absorb my own reality. The reality I created for myself.

Heh. I guess what I'm trying to say is...surprise-I'm speechless. Not even just speechless, but thoughtless, too.

For once, in my life...I feel like I've been thoroughly played like a fucking fiddle. For once in my life, it actually hurts.

Well, fine. I'll play the honesty game for a moment and say it ain't the first time, I guess. But, there is a common theme that seems to play out whenever someone has enough balls to pick at my rotting brain.

It always comes back to one fucker. One roach, piece of shit who always manages to gain the upper hand on a game I never seem to realize we're playing.

It's the vile, worthless trash currently holding Violet's hand. The one who's leading her on the dance floor as we speak, prepared to whisk her away with a snap of his fingers. Who knew it would be so easy for him to do it. Certainly not me. Not when I underestimated him for all these years.

The world around me continued to fade from my consciousness as I stood in the crowded room, seeing nothing but an invisible spotlight on the pair standing face to face for a dance.

I feel erratic. My world feels as if it's spinning out of control. I can't breathe-

My god. They look so fucking adorable, don't they? I could just eat them the fuck up!

I could just choke Roach Boy out for how damn cute he looks. Seriously, I could just stab him-or incinerate him-spit on his burning corpse from how precious the sight is!

It's all playing out before me. Every terror that haunted my sleepless nights...everything I've tried to brace myself for these last countless months, and imagine-her finally falling into the arms of another guy. It's what I wanted, remember? I wanted her to move on. Hell, I fucking pushed her there. So she could have the stupid babies and white picket fences. So she could marry some loser, who won't ever be able to make her as happy as I could.

Someone who couldn't ever compare to me. That's the only thing she was allowed to settle for.

But, wasn't supposed to be like this. The all wrong. Everything's out of order and distorted.

For starters, I was supposed to be dead when it happened-so already what-the-fuck, right? While I had a gross Mr. Nice Guy moment in cutting her off a few days ago, I never actually wanted to be around for the moment after-this moment.

Second thing-she was never supposed to actually move on. It was always supposed to be me, remember? It's always been me. She'd find some schmuck who couldn't compare to me, someone I could laugh at from the grave and sleep well knowing I was better. Someone who'd never have her heart, and that would be the end of it.

My third point-the most important part of it all.

It was never supposed to be him.

My god. It was never supposed to be him.

Had I been dead right now, I just fucking know my body would be turning in whatever dumpster my shit corpse had been thrown into, clawing my own way out of hell just so I could resurrect and say 'fuck no.'

If I had it my way, I'd shove her right back to little Natsuo Todoroki and call it a day. It's the best option for me. I know she'd never be as happy with him as she could have been with me.

I know she'd never forget me then.

What about now though?

Well, let's fucking see. We've only stopped talking for a week and here she is, letting Roach Boy hold her too close and slowly rock her back and forth as if the two were having their first dance as a damn married couple. Disgusting.

And I bet he's eating it the fuck up, huh? After all, it takes a special kinda simp to go through all this fucking trouble for one girl. Believe me, I know. He played the waiting game and set me up to fail. All so he could have this exact moment. Pathetic.

But, even through all of that....none of those reasons are why I'm truly shocked right now.

After all, I can't say Roach Boy fucking me over is a big surprise. It'd be more of a shock if he didn't. No...what surprises me...what makes me feel as if this entire thing is one bad dream....

Is the way she's looking at him. As if he's the only one who matters.

Because, in the ten years that I've known this girl....even when we were apart...I just knew....she'd never look at anyone else that way.

I was different, and to her, what we had was-ugh, don't make me finish that cringe statement.

But, that was part of what made it so disgustingly special. Why her presence had me in a damn embarrassing chokehold for so long. Because, despite it all, at least I would know that no one else would ever have that from her.

No one else would ever truly have her heart. Or...they weren't supposed to. Not when I was alive.

It was for me only. And, while I'd rather shit and die than admit anything about insecurities, the truth is that I've always paid attention to how she interacts with other fucks. I always hold my breath whenever I see her give attention to another man, watching her eyes for that look-only letting my lungs work again when I see no one else has been able to take it from her heart, yet.

Until now.

The irony of it all is fucking hilarious. I really let my guard down. Rookie mistake.

Of all the people in this world, he was the only one I wrote off. Akio Matsubara. I knew he loved her, but...


I never realized until now....that she felt the same way.

Having her love was always the only thing I ever beat him at. There's no way I'd forget it.

Guess I got too comfortable though. Cause, even at winning her heart....

I lost. I'm still a failure.

Take it in, you fucking clown. The future is here and the nightmares finally came true, only it's even worse than what I expected, and that's what takes the words right out of my dry mouth.

All I can do is stand here and watch as my shitty world spins outta control-watch everything I was always so terrified to see.

Her arms are wrapped around his shoulders, her soft fingers caressing the back of his neck in a way so familiar, it makes my own scalp rise with goosebumps.

The two of them are talking. I don't know what about, and I don't wanna fucking know. But, by the soft smile on her lips, she's enjoying it. Of course, these two wouldn't know an awkward silence if it hit them in the face. They're too close for that.

The bond between too strong. Something I should have noticed more closely.

Their bodies move as one, and I've never seen something look so fucking intimate and disgusting. With how hard she's pushing her chest against him, her back was forced to arch as she literally couldn't get closer.

Oh, and he drank it up-his hands travel lower on her hips, making every man in this place a jealous mess at getting to touch the most beautiful woman in the room.

She's doing nothing to stop it, looking as if she wished he would go lower. She wants him. By the look on her face, in this moment, she's never wanted anyone more than him.

Their faces veer closer together with every word spoken. Her long eyelashes batting with focus. Their gazes never leaving one another, as if they're the only two people in this whole room.

His eyes steal glances at her lips every second and, normally, I'd roll my eyes at that. But, the kicker is that she's no different. I know when that woman wants to be kissed. I've memorized that look like the back of my scarred fucking hand.

Her cheeks start to flush and her eye contact becomes weaker. She leans in too fucking close and unconsciously wets her lips every few seconds. Her breath becomes a little heavy until finally she can't stop herself from eventually closing the distance.

Would she close that distance?

A small breath fell from my mouth as if I'd just been hit in the gut, and from the way my vision suddenly went blurry, I wondered if maybe my tear ducts had finally started working again for the first time in ten years.

That's the problem with Touya. The problem I tried to fix when I became Dabi.

While it doesn't seem like it on the surface. Touya cares too much. He's too emotional, and he wears his heart on his sleeve so passionately, it got him killed.

I care about her too much. It's what got me killed the first time, and it's what will kill me again.

My fists slowly began to ball together as he moved her along the dance floor, my muscles shaking with emotions too strong when he rested his forehead against hers.

It makes me think. Did I mean it, when I said she should move on and have her shitty, perfect life? Did I really mean it?

Or, did I just not expect it to actually happen?

If I saw Grape with another man right now, if it was anyone but him, would I still be this fucking pissed off? Or would I accept it and walk away?

I ain't saying the answer because after experiencing this shit hole of a night so damn vividly, I already know what it would be.

Saying the answer, admitting the truth would only make the situation worse for both of us. It'd only make me feel trapped, cause deep down I realize exactly what my intentions were all along. It's the same problem I've always had when it came to her.

I love her. I need her away from me, but I also can't live without her. She's the only good thing left in my life. The only thing worth living for, and the only thing that's kept me alive this long.

I thought I was strong enough to finally let her go tonight.

But, seeing them's triggering something in me. Emotions and mindsets I haven't had for decades as Touya poisons my thoughts too strongly now.

He still lives so strongly in you. What happened to turning 'Touya' off? You're just a failure once again.

I don't care.

The closer they become, the more I feel my hot blood rising, threatening to burn through my skin and cause my entire body to explode. I wouldn't care if that happened. Maybe it would even kill these two fuckers in the process and take us all to hell. Then we could live together, happily ever after. How sweet.

But, fate didn't allow that to happen as I remained alive, unfortunately, frozen in place as my internal bomb continued to tick.

It's like looking through a mirror, only I've been replaced with Akio.

When her and I are together, this is what everyone else sees, huh?

I never realized how visually she wears her heart on her sleeve. I never appreciated how beautiful she was with the look of love on her face.

So, yeah. I have regret. I have a million regrets right now, feeling my entire purpose flashing before my eyes as I ponder everything that brought me to this point.

But, the reason you're gonna be disappointed, is because of my main regret right now. It's about as poisonous as they come. It's not about Violet, and it's not about wishing I'd never broken her heart.

No. Right now, my biggest regret is that I didn't kill Akio Matsubara when I had the chance.

The only thing playing in my eyes right now is my first meeting with this vile roach, remembering the day I met him-when he was nothing more than a bag of bones and tears.

I should have done it then. God, had I known this is how things would have turned out, I woulda. You can believe that. I'd have done it as Touya, before he got strong. When fear ate him alive at every breath. When he was terrified of me and apologizing for just existing.

It would have been so easy. Take him out back when no one was home and lock my hands around his bony throat, until he falls to the ground with me on top of him. Man, I bet he woulda been dead in forty seconds tops from how sick he was. His eyes would have flashed with mind blowing fear, sending my veins on a high of fury and sickeningly pleasurable adrenaline as he would weakly try to fight back.

He wouldn't be strong enough though. He would be too weak. He would lose to me, because I was better.

He'd gasped for air and his eyes would look to me pleadingly, begging me not to take his life. Knowing his weakness and my strength combined are what ended him.

I wouldn't look away. After knowing what I became and how easy it's been to 'turn it off' and kill, I know I wouldn't look away.

I would smile, finding immense joy as the light finally faded from his eyes.

No one would know it was me. He was so weak back then, he coulda died from some disease no one knew he had or whatever. Heh, after all the streets ain't kind. You never know what shit you'll catch, living off rats and sleeping on shit covered floors. Believe me, I know.

Then, I'd spit on his dead corpse and stomp it to the ground, ensuring that if any of his soul so much as lingered in his would get the fuck out and never return. It would be as far away from me-from her as possible.

Yeah. That's my biggest regret right now. Regret that I didn't become 'this' sooner, so I wouldn't have to see this. So she'd never be this happy with anyone else.

Aw. What a shame things don't always go the way you plan?

"Wow." I breathed to myself with an eerily warm smile, keeping my eyes glued to the happy couple as I wiped a tear of blood from my face. "Karma really is a frisky little bitch tonight, huh."

And, I know what you're probably thinking. I deserve this, right? Ohhhh, you must be thinking it! Don't get quiet on me now! Come on! What a sick fucker I am, right? Having the audacity to be pissed about this when the whole thing's my fault?

That's what happens when you're messed up in the head though. You can't ever rest. Not when things go your way, and not when they don't. Cause no matter what option you pick, it's wrong and your demons will make sure it haunts you until you wish you were dead.

The truth is, this moment brought my mind back a few decades to little ol' me. Maybe it was seeing my Grape with another man for the first time ever. Coulda been knowing Roach Boy finally beat me at the only thing I had left. The only thing that mattered. Or that he set me up for a failure I walked right into.

But, you know what?

Above it was probably what happened next that had my mind going white hot with anger until I no longer even remembered who I was.


Fuck no. You're joking....

My lungs concave from the panic, teeth grating against each other as I saw Violet be the one to slowly lean in closer to Akio, whispering something to him before trailing her gaze to his lips.

Oh. She better not.

Alarm bells of fury were shrieking louder in my head as I watched the exchange play out, knowing my veins were only another temperature degree away from eating me alive.

They wouldn't actually do it...

And, when I saw his mouth leaning in towards hers now, my resolve snapped clean.

Wow. Apparently, they fucking would.

Suddenly, my mind and body were two separate pieces. My feet stumbled through the crowd now, yet I didn't feel my legs moving. Somehow I was still alive, but I didn't feel my heart beating anymore. A hot trail of steam followed my every step, the only evidence that my seared internal organs were crying out for mercy.

Suddenly, I don't remember why the hell I'm doing this. Any of this. I don't remember why I'm pushing her away, or why I ever decided to let her go. But, seeing her about to kiss another man was it for me. It makes me realize in this moment, that whatever reason I had for doing this...

It's not worth it.

I can't let her move on from me. I can't let her forget me.

Without her, I have nothing.

I need her. I fucking need her.

I love her.

Whatever consequence comes after this, I don't fucking care. I don't care about anything else. Fuck letting her move on. Fuck letting her stay away. There's no way I'm letting her kiss him.

Violet POV:

My eyes slowly fell closed as the world around Akio and I faded away, his hot breath tickling my skin before his top lip barely grazed my own.

So. Soft.

Just forget everything else and let yourself love him...

Listening to my thoughts, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders a little tighter now, holding my breath with anticipation as he leaned in fully now and attempted to close the distance.

The last thing I saw were his half lidded eyes falling closed, causing mine to follow as I waited to feel his lips fully press to mine.

Only, he never got the chance.

In the blink of an eye, my frame was suddenly ripped completely out of Akio's grasp, causing the fragile bubble I'd put my mind in to shatter into nothing.

My heart leaped in fear at the abrupt intrusion, my eyes widening in pure shock as I barely had time to register I was being pulled by the arm and away from Akio.

Unsure where to put my immediate focus, my frazzled brain could only look at Akio in question-not even question for me being dragged away. But...

Question for our moment. Question on where this leaves us and what he's thinking.

Seeming to be just as shocked as I was, his body was frozen in place, shoulders rising and falling heavily from the heat of the moment. He looked at me blankly, mouth ajar dazedly and eyes blinking a few times as the reality of what we almost did tried to set into his fuzzy brain.

And for the first time in ten years...

I couldn't read his eyes. His thoughts. I didn't know what he was thinking.

And I never got to find out as the entrance door to the ballroom suddenly slammed shut and blocked him from my view, making me realize I'd been dragged out of the party and into the hallway by force.

That's right. I'm apparently being kidnapped, too? Lovely way to cap the night, wouldn't you agree?

The frozen feeling of shock was instantly knocked out of me as I was dragged around the corner of the hallway, letting out a small wheeze when my back was harshly pinned to the wall.

"Agh! Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" I seethed out, seeing nothing but the shadow of a man looming in front of me.

The area was empty and dimly lit. Too dim for me to see who grabbed me right away.

Panicking slightly at the thought of being attacked, I acted uncharacteristically quick in a bid to defend myself, forming a sharp glove of crystals around my fist before hurling it towards the enemy's face.

Only my wrist was grabbed mid punch by a scalding hot hand, before the person pushed my arm back against the wall and pinned it over my head.

Their face came out of the shadows before I could do anything too reckless, causing my veins to freeze in pure shock at the sight.


"Dabi??" I breathed out shakily, feeling my senses falter from the unexpected sight of him-the unexpected close sight, at that...

I just spent the last hour having successfully forgotten about him. But, only because he was out of sight, out of mind.

Now, with him being so emotions instantly sparked up without my consent.

"Just what in the fuck do you think you're doing?" He uttered lowly, blue eyes seething hotly into mine in a way that looked simultaneously beautiful and terrifying.

My heart felt heavy and the powers of Midas' jewels picked up the instant emotion of longing that entered my system, causing my necklace to begin glowing without my consent.

Oh shit.

This is the last thing I need. I've spent the last hour trying to mask my feelings for Dabi. But, now with him here-giving me no time to prepare my immediate emotions into hate and loathing....I already feel myself spiraling into an amplified longing for him that somehow surpassed how much I love him without the necklace on.

That's a lot, in case you're wondering.

My mind began melting as I tried to gather my fuzzy thoughts, restraining every amplified muscle inside me from lunging at him and kissing him.

It hurts. I need him. Fuck. I love him-

No. Stop it. Get yourself together. He just caught you off guard. You can still change this. Remember what Midas said. It just takes a second of bad thoughts towards Dabi, and the feeling can amplify and numb my emotions towards him again.

But...with him so close to me...and the familiar scent of him filling my nostrils....his face.....

It feels harder to try and forget.

"W..What?" I finally breathed out a few moments later, desperately trying to avoid his eyes for fear I'd cave.

Come on. Think. Think about what a shitty person he is. Think about how rude he is.

Think about how he said he hates you.

I closed my eyes for a moment as I tried to reflect on Dabi's wrongs with as much focus as possible, feeling a stirring of anger in my heart when I remembered the topless woman on his lap a few days ago.

Yes. That's it. You hate him, remember? He's despicable. He deserves to rot in hell.

He means nothing.

The necklace glowed brighter as waves of toxic anger and resentment filled my heart, easily overpowering the longing for Dabi and amplifying hotly.

That's the beauty of the jewels.

Within a second, I go from loving Dabi with my entire soul, to despising the simple sight of him.

Now I don't give a damn how close he is to me. I don't care that he's mad about whatever.

I'm indifferent to him. In this state, he can't hurt me because I have all the power.

Letting out a sigh of pleasant relief, I slowly opened my eyes....feeling a smug new sense of malice as I looked up at him without care.

His eyes flashed slightly with uncharacteristic alarm at the look. One he apparently recognized from earlier in the night and did not like.

"I'm staying away from you, Dabi." I said with newfound coldness, letting out a dry chuckle as I turned my half lidded gaze away from him with disinterest. "You know, like you demanded I do-"

"Oh, don't play that game with me again." He scoffed in frustration, lightly gripping my cheeks between his hand to keep my attention. "'Frigid Bitch' ain't a good look on you, sunshine."

He seems unusually distraught. Not that calm and collected Dabi he displays on the surface.

No. It's obvious the night-or some part about it has triggered him. To the point where he doesn't care about his villainous reputation.

To where he's been knocked right back into the emotional person he used to be.

But, still. I don't care.

"Aw. Is that what you think?" I patronized, giving him a mock look of concern. "Good thing your opinion is one that doesn't concern me then. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a dance to get back to."

I slapped his hand off my face, attempting to brush past his frame that was caging me in.

"You're not going anywhere." He said lowly, grabbing me by my arm to keep me in place.

Normally, the action would only lightly irk me. But, with the power of these jewels, I suddenly felt anger curdling in my veins and did nothing to stop it.

It's best in this moment to let my anger take control. If that's what will push him away.

"Get off me, Dabi." I demanded through grit teeth, boring my icy eyes into his own, yet he didn't back down.



"You hard of hearing, sunshine? I said no-"

Without warning, I ripped my arm out of his grasp and shoved him back, causing his eyes to widen in surprise for my unnatural aggression.

"You stupid fuck!" I yelled out in amplified anger, feeling my heart pumping erratically with unnecessary angry adrenaline. "Haven't you wasted enough of my time tonight?!!"

Gaining his composure rather quickly, Dabi seemed unfazed by my new attitude now, putting his hands in his pockets as he kept his watching eyes on me.

"Not even close. I'm just getting started."

"Oh?" I laughed with disbelief, shaking my head as if his sentence was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever heard. "Suddenly now you wanna profess your love to me? Convenient timing considering I was milliseconds away from shoving my tongue down another man's throat just a moment ago."

Dabi scoffed at my words, slowly walking back over with a new smug smirk on his lips.

But, it was easy to tell the look was fake, masking whatever pain and fury he was truly feeling.

"Call me a hero then-cause I'm just saving you from your standards that apparently dropped lower than hell. I hope you're fucking embarrassed." He smiled through grit teeth, not bothering to wipe the drop of blood gathering at his eye.

I scoffed lightly and crossed my arms, feeling liberated and powerful with this emotion of indifference on my side.

At this moment, I don't even find him interesting enough to look at. I just want to leave and forget him.

"My standards actually raised." I retorted dryly, leaning back against the wall boredly. "In the eyes of common sense, he's a step up from you, and you know that."

The more emotionless I became, the more Dabi became heated-literally and figuratively. His skin was smoking and his anger was rising.

He exhaled hotly, causing my nose to scrunch up when a puff of smoke from his mouth hit my face.

"If you really thought that, then why didn't you fuck him when you had ten years of chances to? He'd give you his left arm if it meant getting in your pants." The stitched man snarled out lowly, piercing his gaze at me seethingly.

I simply shrugged my shoulders and looked to the chandelier above us. "I was too busy wasting my time on someone else. And, unlike you, I don't need to fuck every person who catches my interest."

He let out a dry laugh at that, trailing his eyes down my appearance with more disdain than attraction at the moment. "By the way you were whoring yourself out tonight, it seems like you do."

"Jealous?" I asked with a smirk, already knowing the answer perfectly well.

While this man likes to think he has a good poker face, he's incredibly easy to see through.

He paused for a moment, running a hand through his sweaty hair before turning me with a heavy breathed question of frustration.

"Did you hookup with him?"

Scratch that. His voice didn't just hold frustration. It also held tinges of dread.

"I asked if you're jealous." I simply repeated, finding sick joy in the way he only became more stressed with my lack of response.

He whipped his burning eyes back to mine with furious and begrudging eagerness, probably knowing he was making a desperate ass out of himself-but, not caring about that for once.

"And I asked if you hooked up with him." He bit back lowly, veering just a bit closer to my personal space bubble.

His scent of smoke, liquor, and just a whiff of uncharacteristic cologne filled my nostrils. It's a smell that usually has me pleasantly dizzy. But, right now, it repulsed me.

"Well, then I guess we're at an impasse because I'm not required to answer your questions, Dabi." I dismissed aloofly, matching his heated gaze with my own. "I owe you nothing. You mean nothing to me."

Another wave of sick satisfaction filled my veins when I saw the instinctive flinch his eyes made to my last words, enjoying the way they clearly left an imprint of hurt on his tiny, little heart.

Still, he attempted to brush it off, forcing a chuckle that came out even drier than the first.

"You've always been a shitty liar."

And, for the first time, the roles were finally reversed in sweet revenge as the feral smirk was on my lips now, with Dabi forced to play the part of the fool and wear that pathetic, confused look my own facial muscles always memorized so well over the years.

I have the malicious urge to keep the moment going. To hurt him even more.

Pushing myself off the wall slowly, I tauntingly closed the gap of space between Dabi and I, holding his gaze with my own as I came inches from his mouth.

He didn't dare so much as blink, looking down at me with a gaze I couldn't decipher. One of his hands came to rest on the wall, caging me in once more.

"I know I'm a shitty liar. So look in my eyes." I whispered to him wickedly, coming close enough to feel the tip of my nose brush against his. "Look in my eyes and watch the truth come from my mouth, so you're not left to wonder. The truth....that I don't give a shit about you, or what happens to you, or how you feel about me. I don't care."

His jaw tensed tightly at my words. His face was a crumpled mixture of feigned mirth and carelessness, doing nothing to mask the underlying waves of nausea he was obviously feeling.

Beating him down like this only made my emotions become more amplified and powerful, causing the necklace around my neck to spark up with a brighter glow than I hoped for.

Dabi's eyes squinted slightly at the bright glimmer, gaze immediately trailing down to the jewelry around my neck.

"I hate you, Dabi." I continued, trying to get his eyes back to mine and off the necklace. "I fucking hate you, and I wouldn't blink an eye if you combusted into flames right now and burned alive. Are we clear?"

Sensing I was finished, his attention slowly lifted from the necklace with a new look I couldn't decipher-one that wasn't as defeated anymore like I hoped.

His face just now. I know that look too well. He found an upper hand somehow, he's suddenly showing too much confidence. I need to go before this entire thing backfires.

Clearing my throat slightly to control my emotions, I backed away from Dabi now, shoving his arm off the wall so I'd be able to walk away from his suffocating presence.

"Good. Now get out of my way-" I attempted, about to brush past him...

Before he abruptly grabbed onto the necklace around my neck and ripped the delicate, expensive material off in a second.

A panicked gasp left my lips as Dabi grabbed the fragile, precious necklace in his hands, being too quick in smashing it to the ground.

"Hey!!!!" I cried out much too emotionally for the thing, feeling my vision instantly blur with tears as the jewel broke to pieces on the floor.

The physical sound of the shatter echoed louder than usual through the empty, dark hallway, mirroring the feeling of my heart.

With tears immediately breaking past my lids and flowing down my cheeks, I sobbed loudly and tried to crouch down to pick up the broken pieces of the necklace, ignoring the voice in my head that questioned...

Why the hell am I so sad?

In the eyes of common sense, this is completely alarming. My reaction to this necklace breaking shows the dangerous dependency and attachment I've gained to the jewels.

To Midas.

But, at the moment, my emotions-my non-amplified, genuine emotions are a mess of conflict, and anger, and devastation for so many things. There's no room for common sense to be part of any of this.

What a fucking disaster.

Dabi's brows raised in genuine surprised for the way I pathetically collapsed to my knees and tried to pick up the necklace with shaky hands.

Because I have an idea.

And, Dabi must have gathered this as well, sensing my idea involved putting the necklace back together as he grabbed my shoulders and hoisted my body back up to standing against my will-causing me to scream in panic and try to shove him off.

The two of us physically wrestled in the dark hallway as Dabi tried to get a hold on my thrashing frame, gritting his teeth as my arms hit his chest repeatedly.

He blocked my heavy handed hits to his face, not daring to retaliate and hit me back as he simply swung me around by my shoulders and wrapped his arms around me tightly from behind.

"Stop!!!!" I shrieked desperately, pleading for what I knew he was about to do to the necklace.

Dabi only responded by hugging me tightly, ensuring my arms were pinned to my sides, so he could restrain me.

"You need to get your head outta the fucking clouds. What the fuck are you doing, huh?! Why the fuck are you so upset about this?!" He grunted raspily, having a hard time simultaneously restraining me as he lit his foot up with blue fire.

I squeezed my eyes shut and sobbed as I heard Dabi's flaming foot stomp down atop the shattered necklace, incinerating the entire thing to ash within a second.

My body went limp in his hold with concerning devastation for the destruction of the necklace, forcing him to hug me tighter and support my frame so I wouldn't fall to the ground.

He was silent in his own thoughts for a moment as he listened to me sob, clearly having his own opinions, but opting to stay silent for now.

Instead, he turned me around in his arms a few moments later, gently pressing my back against the wall.

It seems that rather than talk about the jewels and give more attention to Midas, Dabi decided to go with a different approach as he switched his tone now that the necklace was off me.

"Hey. Relax. Just relax." He murmured quietly, eyes melted into concern as he watched me cry. "It's over now. It's gone. I won't let that jeweled fucker take you from me like that. Ever."

For the first time in what felt like years, his fingers came to my face in a gentle way, causing my tears to gradually seize in my throat and become distracted as his thumb carefully stroked the lingering ones away.

I missed that touch from him. God, I missed it so much. I've been starved of it. Dreaming of it ever since he pushed me away.

With the necklace off, there was nothing to hold my heart back from how I truly felt about him now. With my unhinged emotions...combined with how starved I've been for his affection...and his close distance..

My stuttering breathy sobs slowly began to calm down as Dabi stroked my tear stained cheeks, only speaking when my cries had run completely dry.

His hand released my waist a few seconds later once I could stand on my own, leaving my desperate heart to already feel hungry for more of his touch.

"Accepting jewelry from the asshole now, huh?" He questioned raspily, giving his head a small shake of disbelief. "Looks like you got everyone eating out of your pretty, little palm. I knew there was a reason you were acting so fucked up tonight. But, I don't wanna talk about that bedazzled ass right now."

I sniffled softly and followed the sound of his deep voice, making the mistake of looking up and meeting his eyes.


He' close.

He hasn't been this close to me in days. He hasn't looked at me like that in days-giving me his full, desired attention.

My breath hitched in my throat at our distance, something Dabi picked up on immediately as he slowly leaned in towards my face.

It wasn't even in a taunting way, or a 'Dabi' way. It was genuine. Desperate. As if everything I was feeling mirrored his own emotions.

His fingers ran along my face a little more before he gently cupped my jaw, eyes going half lidded as he tried to focus on what he wanted to say.

"No. Right now. I want you to say it again." He said lowly, voice smooth as velvet. "Everything you just said about hating me and wanting me to go fucking burn myself alive. Look me in the eyes and say it. And if I know you aren't lying, I'll fuck off and leave."

A few minutes ago, I wouldn't have even hesitated to push him away. I had the necklace after all. I was powerful.

But, now. All I can remember is how addicting his presence is.

I opened my mouth to speak, feeling it unbearably dry and wanting as I trailed my eyes to Dabi's lips.

Fuck. Don't do it. Stay strong. You were doing so well.


My words trailed off almost instantly, falling into a silence of rising heat between Dabi and I as he came closer with my hesitation.

He bore his eyes into my own, inhaling deeply when my perfume hit his nostrils.

"You already said it once, right?" He breathed out weaker, face clouding with unbearable need for my presence. "Shouldn't be so hard to say it again."

My spine pressed into the hard wall as Dabi came even closer, brushing the tip of his nose against my own.

My lungs began to burn from the pounding in my heart, with Dabi letting his mouth fall open slightly as my heavy breaths huffed atop his lips.

"I....I..hate you..." I whispered brokenly, feeling my hands act on their own and slide to his arms.

Instantly, my stomach flipped with heat at the simple feeling of getting to touch him again, sending my brain into a dizzying amount of desire.

It's a desire that reminds me of something I already knew. The reminder that no one can ever make me feel the way Dabi does. Even if I love someone else. Even if I end up with another...

I won't ever love someone like this-I won't ever feel this way with someone who's not Dabi.

Our pulses beat in sync as Dabi allowed me to pull him closer by the arms, sending a sharp wave of pleasure up my spine when his chest pressed flush against my own.

"Mm." He hummed lowly, causing the sound to vibrate against me with a tickle. "Try again. You're not fooling anyone when you say it like that."

Once again, I opened my mouth to speak, instantly losing my words when his sweaty forehead pressed to my own.

"Come on." He whispered hotly against my lips, voice half serious and half amused. "Exactly how you did it earlier. Say it. Say you never want me in your life again and I'll leave..."

It was clear to both of us that my resolve was snapping quickly. I couldn't give an answer anymore, furrowing my brows and closing my eyes with spiraling conflict.

Dabi resisted the urge to close the millimeter of space that still lingered between our lips, keeping his dazed, lust filled eyes on me.

"Or...don't say it. Don't say it....and do whatever the fuck you want with me tonight." He offered hotly, finally touching me again as he moved his hands to my hips.

His words took me off guard from how submissive they were for him. He said 'do what you want with me,' essentially giving me the freedom to use him however I want.

It goes against his nature-or, at least the one he tries so hard to fake. If anything, it just shows how crazy I drove him tonight with my behavior, able to break a small piece of his mind and make him this desperate for my attention.

The words, combined with my immediate lustful thoughts caused my core to heat up with need, barely able to find one last attempt at denial in my fuzzy brain.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked breathlessly, sliding my hands up to his shoulders.

His muscles strained with pleasure under his suit from the touch, hands tightening around my waist now as he sensed where the night was going. "You really wanna know why...?"

"Because I am fucking jealous, little sapphire."

He admitted the words clear and slow to ensure my dizzy head would absorb them, pressing his hips to my own to prove his point.

"Is that you wanna fucking hear? Huh? That I'm jealous? Well, fine. I'll give in and tell you." He continued lowly, grazing his teeth on my lower lip. "I'll tell you that the thought of seeing another piece of shit's hands on you pissed me off. To the point where I thought about burning him to shreds if it meant he'd never get to touch you again-hell, I'd burn them all. Any fucker who ever looks at you for just a second too long."

"That's too much." I reprimanded him pointlessly, too distracted with his presence to care about his threats.

"I didn't do it though, did I? Nah. I didn't because all I could focus on was you. Mm. You." He practically groaned out, moving much quicker and more certain than Akio as he instantly slid both hands to my ass with purpose. "In this fucking slutty, sexy dress, showing everyone here what was meant for me. Touching you. Getting your attention on me, the way you've been avoiding all night. Having you..."

I threw my head against the wall as he gripped my ass tightly, lifting a heated hand off it-only to slap his grip back on it seconds later.

A small breath of pleasure escaped my lips at the unexpected action, instinctively jumping in Dabi's arms with anticipation.

"You said you think I fuck anyone who catches my eye. But, how stupid you not're the only one I look at." He continued with word vomit, the heat of the moment definitely affecting his desired level of honesty. "You're the only one I think about. And, god, I know I'll regret telling you this tomorrow....but, I only went to that club last week because I couldn't get you out of my fucking head, and I wanted to-cause you drive me crazy, but I'm bad for you."

I looked at him with slight question for his words, wondering if that were truly the reason why he did what he did at the club.

Really not a great excuse for anyone else. They hooked up with a prostitute because they essentially cared for me too much? Yeah right....

And, maybe it's just because I'm naive. Or maybe it's because my current level of horny is affecting every aspect of my common sense. But, right now, with how I've come to know him-or, think I know him-I believe him.

Stupid, little fool. As if you don't already know how this will end tomorrow.

Like a moth to a flame. Only, a moth is probably smarter than me at this point.

"But, right now....I don't fucking care if I'm bad for you. I don't care about anything else. Cause I need you. God, I need you. Do you much...." He admitted, voice filled with a desperation and genuineness that 'Dabi' couldn't ever create.

He slid his hands back up my body, settling in the middle of my back and holding me tightly for fear I'd disappear.

"It's not too late to tell me to fuck off. Do it. Tell me to get lost, so I don't regret this tomorrow-so you don't." He almost pleaded, seeming as if he truly wished I would just reject him and leave. "Cause you fucked me up too much tonight and I can't take it anymore. And, unless you tell me to go right now..."

His piercing blue eyes went to my lips now, mouth falling ajar with pure addiction at the sight as he spoke the final words that broke us both.

"Then I ain't going anywhere."

And, just like that, my resolve snapped clean.

All the effort I made to push Dabi away tonight...the power of Midas' jewels....


Everything immediately went to shit in this moment as I was the one to throw myself into Dabi's arms and crash my lips to his with a week's worth of starving desperation.

He'd broken me tonight. That much was obvious from the way I couldn't think about anything else. My brain was just him. Everything was him. If it didn't involve Dabi, my mind had filtered it out of existence completely.

But, it seems I'd also broken him tonight-possibly, even more so, as he reciprocated my desperation fully, letting out a low moan of ecstasy when my lips crashed into his own.

It's only been a week since he kissed me. But, it feels like an eternity of tension broke in a single moment.

His lips were hot-almost scalding against my own, and yet, the sensation was surprisingly pleasurable. Somehow he had managed to cool his internal temperature enough in the moment to ensure his breath wouldn't burn my lungs when it puffed into my mouth, but I wouldn't have cared if it did.

The familiarity of his kiss brought a comfort that settled deep in my chest, only making me push him closer by the back of the head to savor more of his taste.

In a rare moment of completely giving in to his emotions, Dabi matched my tenacity and desperation, brows furrowing and face painted with pleasure as he cupped my jaw with both hands.

Another low moan escaped his throat and tickled my lips, before his tongue instantly grazed my bottom lip. He tasted of champagne and jealousy, with just a touch of smoke.

Already, his breath was wild and his heart pounding, hands grabbing at me frantically and body pressing flush into my own with need.

Pulling my face impossibly closer, Dabi's tongue clashed with mine. Our kisses becoming hotter, and wetter, and deeper without an interest from either of us to get ahold of ourselves.

"Fuck. I've missed kissing you." He practically snarled against my lips, taking my bottom lip between his teeth. "It's the only thing I've thought about."

I moaned breathlessly as he lightly bit down on my lip, feeling my desire for him completely overwhelming and stronger than anything an amplifying jewel could ever create.

With no way to release the dizzying buildup of lust in my veins, I could only dig my fingers into Dabi's shoulders and arch my body into his, completely beside myself and past the point of dignity as he swept me up in his arms tightly.

"Ah. Fuck me. Please fuck me. I missed you so much. I need you inside me." I pathetically begged him, about to pull away so we could go find a place.

But, Dabi seemed to have other ideas as he immediately began hiking up the bottom of my dress, simultaneously trying to unbuckle his belt in a way that made me laugh.

Typical Dabi. I expected nothing less.

"Wait. Not here. We're in the hallway." I laughed raspily, voice thick and strained with desire.

Dabi shrugged, but stopped his assault on my poor dress, trying and failing to get his composure back temporarily.

"So what? They can watch and be jealous." He smirked, causing me to roll my eyes as I pulled my dress back down.

"Go to the bathroom on the other side of the mansion." I ordered him with hints of anticipation. "You know, the one where we..."

Yes, it is what you're thinking. Not the first time Dabi and I have hooked up in this mansion. Sorry not sorry, Midas!

Clearly remembering all the other times, Dabi's face flashed with mischief as he released his iron grip on me, biting down on his lip as he smirked. "Oh yeah. Wonder if my can of whipped cream is still there."

"Gross." I deadpanned teasingly, looking behind him to make sure no one had caught us. "I don't want to draw any eyes, so I'll take a different way there."

Luckily, we were alone.

"Fine." Dabi murmured impatiently, pants still pitching a massive tent as he backed away from me. "But, don't take long."

"I won't." I said honestly, watching him turn on his heel and begin the long trek to our spot.

With desire still clouding my head, I waited as patiently as I could while Dabi walked down the hallway, disappearing out of sight a few moments later.

I breathed out in relief and decided to wait a few more seconds before making my way over there.

Before a small glint in the corner of the hallway caught my eye.

Furrowing my brows in confusion, I slowly walked to the beautiful glow, hearing my heels clacking calmly with each step.

Crouching down, I carefully picked up the small glowing item, gasping slightly as I realized...

It was a piece of the necklace. A shattered piece that Dabi hadn't burned. He must not have seen it.

My mouth fell open slightly in shock to my luck, before I looked around the empty hallway as if I was doing something wrong by holding this piece.

And, while I still planned to have my way with Dabi tonight, I decided to give into multiple desires this evening as I slowly tightened my grip around the small shard of jewel, having no intention of letting it go.

Even if its just a shard, it still works. I don't want to lose the power it gives me.

Keeping the jewel tight in my grip, I rose to my feet again a few moments later, judging that enough time had passed as I slowly made my way down the hallway now to follow Dabi-

"Violet Sasaki." A voice boomed out lowly, instantly causing my veins to seize up in panic.

Because it was a voice I recognized. One I recognized way too well.

Oh. Fuck.

With muscles tensed and nowhere to hide, I braced myself and slowly turned around to face the culprit, knowing from the sound of their voice that I had been caught red handed with Dabi.

I looked at the person standing in front of me now, meeting their furious eyes before giving them a half nod of greeting.



Next chapter title: intervention

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Hope you enjoyed this one. Thoughts? Theories?

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