Withdrawals And The Color Grey

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Dabi POV:

'Oi, what the hell's gotten into you tonight?'

'Clarity, Dabi. Just a whole lotta clarity.'

If you asked me why the hell I'm still at this stupid party, I couldn't give you a fucking answer. I'd completely lost track of time since the moment Grape brought her ass here, and it ain't in the cutesy way either....

No. Quite the opposite actually, because time isn't the only thing I'm starting to lose track of.

I dragged my ass here tonight with expectations-and in case you're new here, it doesn't take a genius to figure out I get a little hurt when I don't get my way!

The intent was to get my fix. I wanted her to notice me and fall at my feet. To see that desperate look in her eyes to show she'd never move on.

The sight alone would have been enough to hold me over. Woulda been enough to satisfy my wants and get the hell outta here with that much needed high coursing through my veins.

The 'high' of her stroking my ego was all I needed to find that clarity again. Of course, my version of clarity is still insanity. But, it's an insanity I'm used to. One I experience everyday as the big, bad villain 'Dabi.' Fun, right?

Oh-ho. But, things don't always go as planned, it seems. And-gasp-a plot twist has been throwing into the mix again thanks to this cunt of an author. Wow! If only I could fucking leave this book. Perhaps I'd have more luck paired with that waste of an existence, Hawks!

Anyways, now with Grape not giving me what I want, my usual insanity has slowly started to morph into a new psycho even I'm not familiar with!

Hands sweaty and shaky. Eyes rubbed red with irritation and fogged with the prison of my own thoughts. Mouth dry as fucking cotton and head spinning faster to the point of explosion. Ugly, shitty skin so hot to the touch, my own sweat sizzles atop it. Jaw locked so tightly, I'm surely breaking my back teeth from the force-whatever. All cavities back there, anyways.

But, that's how withdrawals are, after all! That's what happens when you stop fucking around with the shit that's fun. Hugs, not drugs, you stupid, little fucks. Whatever keeps you outta my stash!

Except, this is a different kinda withdrawal, cause it's a different kinda drug.

This one doesn't just fuck with your physical state. With the shell of your mushy brain saying 'you're having a good time, loser!'

Nah. This one's worse. It goes deeper. Too deep. It fucks with your emotions and tickles that shitty, nonexistent thing called a 'soul.' Ew.

The withdrawals aren't physical. They're mental. Bold enough to poke past surface level 'Dabi' shit and penetrate a part of my head I never want touched.

I haven't felt like this in years. Feeling my twisted emotions unraveling so damn quickly and making me unhinged. Actually 'unhinged.' Not the diabolical fake shit that 'Dabi' became known for.

Mmm. I can't help it. It's outta my control, forcing my head deeper into a fog of this new insanity as my ugly feelings slowly try upchucking their way out of that high security prison I've always locked up so well.

Heh. And, as usual, I don't know how to fucking handle it. It's already eating me alive as the dissociative pit of my head slowly becomes too clear. That only makes me more crazy.

Oooo. Careful, Touya! You're always so sensitive. Remember what happened the last time you let your emotions out. The last time you lost control of them! Should we do a repeat of that?

Actually......should we?

Sure, it wouldn't feel great to burn alive again, but who cares! After all, I already planned to kill myself again anyways. I'd just be a little early.

Feeling my brain tangling up in itself, I mentally answered my own question....feeling two sides of me converging in a way that had me closing my eyes and sweating.

Of course we should! Ha! That would be the thing to ruin this frilly fuck's party for sure! I do love to make a dramatic entrance, though I left my dancing shoes at home!

But, Grape would see though. Ohhhh, she'd see. She'd see me burn. That would make her react for sure. Make her notice me. Seeing that smug look wipe off her face-that look I absolutely hated on her twenty fucking minutes ago-or, however long I've been moping at this damn bar.

What was with her, anyways?

She'd be sure to pay attention to me then. That's right. Can't act so indifferent now, huh? All big and bad, like you own the place. Like you don't give a shit about me. Not when the fucker you love is burning himself to shreds. Awwwww.

Yeah. 'Love.' That stupid word. Sure, it wouldn't have been something I'd even let myself think a few hours ago, but like I said, I'm feeling a little crazy today! And crazy by my standards? Heh, well, let's just say you better fucking run, bitch.

Is it Touya? Is it Dabi? Who knows anymore! But, fuck, I'm a little disappointed with how things have gone tonight!

She can't lie to me. Nahhh. Besides the fact that bitch is a horrible liar, I know she loves me. Aside from the fact it was so damn obvious she was always throwing herself at me every chance she got, I heard her say it herself. I fucking heard her tell dead little me, in front of my own vigil, that she fell in love with Dabi. She can't take it back. She's too deep in this to just....forget like that-

Oooo. That'd be an even better way to get a reaction outta that irritating, blank face of hers, huh? Tell her I was eavesdropping that day. Tell her I heard it all come from her pretty, little mouth.

And if she still doesn't react then? I'll fucking tell her. I'll tell her I'm the adorable dead shit she searches for in the stars. The same piece of ass she's been wasting her life on for the last-I dunno how many years. What a laugh that would be, right!?

Oh yeah. I'd tell her. In this state of mind, with my emotions slowly spiraling outta control, I tend to get reckless. I'd definitely tell her if I have a little more time to get nuts.

And, it wouldn't be for good intentions. No. Fuck good intentions. It would simply be to get that one satisfying reaction outta her. To force her eyes on me this time and make her pay attention to me.

To make her look at me.

Cause for ten years, she's always been the only one looking. Now that she's not this time, I...

It would be out of malicious intent to tell her who I am tonight. Like a punishment for thinking she could ever get rid of me.

What a fool. A pretty, little fool.

Cause the truth, the fucking hilarious truth is that Grape hurt sensitive little Touya's feelings tonight, by giving such a cold shoulder. By ignoring him like everyone else does. The least I could do is...warm things up a bit.

Ha. Do you believe I've lost my shit now? You should be scared! It's exciting. I don't really know what I'll do. I haven't felt outta control like this in a long, long time.

That was always Dabi's philosophy after all. Don't care about shit. Don't feel. Don't find joy or happiness in anything. Blah, blah, blah. Emotions burn you. They hurt. They make you outta control.

Kinda like now.

But, I don't care. Not right now. 'Dabi' can fuck off right now. The fucker can damn himself to hell and wait for me there. I don't care.

Cause, I'm angry. Ready to burn off a little steam, if it means that woman gives me the reaction I want.

She's always given me what I want.

No. I'll make that Grape react to me tonight. I'll make her see me. I've always had her attention. For ten years, it's always been me who had her attention. I'm not about to break that cycle now.

"Heh..." I chuckled lightly to no one but myself, staring at nothing and no one as I remained sitting at the bar. "'Clarity,' she said. 'Just a whole lotta clarity,' blah, blah, blahhh..."

Aww. What a line, right? How cool! Not even a stutter to her voice when she said it. Probably took her all night to rehearse that one.

With dark eyes glazed over in delirium, I dropped the ash of the countless bar menu I'd burned on the stupid jeweled countertop, finally having a plan of action in my mind as I slowly turned around in my barstool to face the room.

I'll be the first to admit I just wasted a lot of fucking time doing nothing. Back hunched over like a maniac and attention completely glued to the counter as I had a full on conversation with myself. Nothing outta the usual for me, right?

But, I guess Grape's words to me thirty minutes ago left me speechless with a little wake up call. Good for her.

The only problem now, is I was so distracted in my own thoughts, I wasn't watching her when she left me in the fucking dust. I have no idea where the hell she is among all these pretentious shits. I had every intention to find out though, preparing to lift my scalding muscles outta this uncomfortable chair and go lurking in the crowd like a damn snake.

Only, I was abruptly stopped in my tracks when a moron ran into me from the side, their clown frame big enough to make me stumble out of my chair from the force.

Guess someone wants to die today.

Chuckling at the asshole who caught me on a bad day, I gained my balance quickly, grabbing the fucker by the collar of his shirt as I spoke.

"Aw. It's not nice to run into people, you know. Didn't anyone teach you manners?" I asked mockingly, giving his collar a rough shake to bring his lulling head into my view.

And, what a sight. Ohhhh, what a sight for my sore, tired fucking eyes.

I could physically feel my smug gaze go dead with visions of the past as I got a clear look at the person who ran into me. That fake, diabolical smile was probably still plastered to my face, only now it had turned to ice, frozen in place as I couldn't believe the game fate was playing with me tonight.

He stumbled slightly, even with me gripping his shirt this tightly, forcing his grey half lidded eyes up to me in a drunken haze.

"Ahhh. I'm...sssooo sorry, man! I didn' see youuu." Natsuo Todoroki slurred out, lips curling into a sloppy half smile of apology.

Well. Isn't this just a cute, little plot twist.

Unusual of 'Dabi's' typical witty responses, I said nothing right away as I stared at one of the many demons from my past, looking into his eyes vacantly for the first time in over ten years.

I could see my reflection clearly in his grey gaze, seeing the crooked, stitched demonic smile that slowly began to spread across my nasty, burnt lips.

A million thoughts ran through my head, but Dabi didn't allow me to think about any of them, as bitter resentment and cackling fury numbed everything else.


Natsuo Todoroki really grew up, huh? He became so handsome, and so charming, and everything he sooo desperately wanted to be. He even got the girl he wanted! So easily when his pesky, older brother kicked the bucket and got outta his way. Phew! Thank goodness, right?


You know what? Why the hell is this even my story?? Nahhh, cute, little Natsu-kun is the typical main character, how about you give him the spotlight? Huh? It's not like anyone gives a damn about me, anyways. Go on, do it. I dare you!

But, seriously. What a funny, little coincidence. Running into some old flames in my current, unhinged, withdrawal state? I did tell you earlier I don't really know what I'll do tonight. I feel rather reckless. Mmm, anything could happen.

Hey, I know. Why don't we find out together and let emotions take control for once?

Hearing my own demented chuckle grate raspily in my ears, I simply gripped his jacket tighter, tilting my head to the side mockingly as I brought my face closer to his-ensuring he could look at me so damn clearly.

Because even when I'm right in front of his face, I know he still won't see me. He never did.

"Aww, you didn't see me? Well then, I guess things haven't changed." I drawled out with a light click of my tongue, hearing steam hiss slightly underneath my palms. "Look at you, staying so consistent after all these years....Natsu-kun."

Yeah. You heard that right. I'm not even trying to hide right now. Ten years of waiting. Ten years of dwelling in my revenge on dear old dad so meticulously, all to throw it away on a moment of impulsive pent up emotions.

Something I'm sure I'll regret later. But, then again, hopefully I'll just be dead before that happens. Fingers fucking crossed.

"Hah, whoooo?-" He babbled slurred, flinching in pain when I gave his collar another rough yank. "Ow, you have a really strong grip."

His words caused another laugh to escape my throat, but this time was different. It wasn't a careless or sarcastic laugh like 'Dabi' would have made. It was a little more unhinged. Just a little higher, and a little too much 'Touya.'

But, once again, I don't fucking care right now.

"How nice of you to notice. Surely not something you were expecting. With Touya always being a failure and all." I smiled with delusional fake warmth, releasing one of my hands from his collar to wipe the trail of blood that was leaking from my cheek.

The shithead simply burped and hiccuped to my words, eyes rolling back to unconscious as he kept hold of that little blue jewel in his hand.

It was only then I realized that the fucker's too wasted to remember any of this. How ironic. He finally gets to talk to his dead brother, the way he always pretended to dream of. Only, now, he doesn't even realize it.

And, normally, I'd be indifferent to this. After all, I've got a plan in motion for my dramatic reveal. I've always been so careful not to fuck it up and ensure everything goes how I planned.

But, right now? In this state, I want reactions. I want them from anyone. Everyone.

Because the only person who noticed me. The only one who ever cared, doesn't anymore. And I'm having withdrawals.

Wanting to torture little Natsuo Todoroki, I immediately gave his collar another shake, snorting the man back to consciousness from the force.

"Welsdchdsim-" He babbled incoherently, before I simply continued the conversation like it never stopped.

"Touya was always so pathetic, wasn't he? Heh. He couldn't ever have a strong grip like this, right? Not with such a weak body." I continued tauntingly, releasing Natsuo's shirt now to hold up my own burnt wrist perfectly in his view.

The traitor didn't even give my burns a second glance, letting his uninterested eyes trail to the bowl of peanuts on the bar counter behind me.

"Huh?-hey...are you gonna eat that-" He muttered, already forgetting I was here as he slowly walked towards the food.

Ha. Even now, he still ignores me, huh? I mean it when I say some things never change.

They all ignore me. Everyone fucking ignores me.

And, suddenly, I felt my chest starting to stir with a new heat of emotions I hadn't felt in ten years, as the feelings of being forgotten slowly clawed their way out of my system.

Without even thinking, I placed my hand on Natsuo's chest when he got close enough, pushing into it roughly and causing him to go flying backwards.

I was hoping he'd fall on his ass. Maybe even hit his head. But, unintentionally, I only knocked him back against one of the barstools behind his knees, forcing him to take a seat and regain his balance.

He looked at me with wide, grey eyes, blinking them slightly with fear as his attention was back on me.

Good. There we go.

"And Touya complained a lot, didn't he?" I said, shaking my head and rolling my eyes to emphasize my point. "Man, couldn't get that guy to shut up once he started. Ohh, if only he'd...hmmm....how did you say it? Go rant to Fuyumi-Chan every once in awhile? Ha. As if that bitch could have possibly understood."

Natsuo opened his mouth to speak, causing excited adrenaline to shoot into my veins at the possibility he might have processed my sentence that time.

Maybe now he remembers me-

"Oooof-hey, can you slow down your words a little?" He complained lightly, resting the side of his head against the bar counter like a mopey fuck. "I'm...ah-have you tried those...jewels over there? I can't even 'member my own name right now."

"Awww. It seems like there's lots of things you can't remember." I feigned with sympathy, walking a few steps closer and looming over his sitting frame like a demon. "You know, as much as it excites me to see dear old dad rotting under my feet soon, disappointment was something he always ingrained into us. After awhile, I got used to it. Sure, I never accepted it, and here we are now because of it. But, I wasn't surprised to feel it from him, as much as I felt betrayed and angry. Anger and disappointment are two different things, you see-"

"Hangry? Uhhh, you said you're hangry?-"

"And 'Yumi was worthless to me, so of course I didn't care about that disappointment either." I continued in a humorous fit of word vomit, feeling my external demeanor coming out way too calm for the mess that's festering around inside me.

My emotions are only building up. I don't know when they'll explode. And, right now, I don't care.

"But, you. Ohhhhh, you, Little 'Natsu-kun'." I chuckled mockingly, hearing the blood tears on my cheeks starting to steam. "You were supposed to be different. You were supposed to 'get it,' and side with me. I guess fucking my fiancée when I didn't even have two feet in the grave was your version of mourning your big brother-"

"Beyoncé?? She's here?? Oh my god, where?-" He interrupted, before I yanked him back towards me by the neck.


"Hey, I'm talking to you. Even all these years later, you don't listen to my rants, huh? Man. I fucking mean it when I say you haven't changed a damn bit." I said a little lower, slowly trailing my delirious, bloodshot eyes around his appearance with satisfied disgust. "I gotta say though, I like this look on you. Most people wanna look their best for family reunions, but you look like you're five seconds away from pissing yourself in the middle of the bar."

This adorable family reunion test-run had failed miserably as Natsuo groaned from his drunken, jeweled state and let the side of his head fall back on the table.

I looked at him for a moment with pure content, snickering darkly at the sight of his drooling mouth leaking all over the jeweled counter.

"You can take comfort in knowing this is how I will always remember you. A pathetic piece of shit, desperately lapping at whatever scraps my leftovers offer you off the damn dirty ground. You can also take comfort in knowing this..." I alluded, slowly walking behind him now.

I placed my hands on his shoulders heavily, feeling him flinch at the passive aggressive touch as I leaned over him with an uncharacteristic bout of truth.

"Dear, 'brother.' You...are my biggest disappointment of all."

I looked blankly at the bar as I kept my hands on his shoulders, letting the world around us turn to white noise as the words resonated in the dark airspace for us to hear.

My eyes began to burn painfully, but it's a pain I've gotten used to quite a bit now. A lump began to form in my throat, yet unable to release in the form of tears, it simply kept building...slowly cutting off my breathing, but not enough to kill me.

Nah. It's never enough. It was just enough to keep me alive. Just enough to keep me here, so I can feel it all.

But, that's okay. I'll find solace in hell. Because, at least when I'm there, I know everyone else will be there with me, suffering for all the wrongs they did.

"I'm gonna look forward to hurting you." I said genuinely, speaking more to myself than to him at this point. "But, I want you to remember this. All of it. I want it to eat you apart for the rest of your life. To know the mistakes you made and reap the suffering you deserve."

As expected, the worthless piece of trash didn't answer me, keeping with his usual traditions of ignoring his big brother's 'boring ramblings.'

I inhaled a deep breath and closed my eyes as I reflected on the day-not The Day, where Touya died. But, The Day of the future. The one where I come back to life and make everyone suffer.

It gave me joy. A renewed sense of motivation to simply hate. How could I forget so easily that was always my favorite pastime?

The answer is simple. A little grape waltzed back into my life, thinking she could change me.

I almost forgot that I never wanted to change though. Silly me.

"I hope it makes you crazy." I chuckled lowly, keeping my eyes closed as I gripped Natsuo's shoulders tighter. "I hope there comes a point where you think you can't even handle the nightmares you see of me. I hope the things you used to find joy in no longer excite you. That you won't ever recover..."

My lips curled into a demented smirk as I let the hate consume me once again, feeling hints of excitement perking in my veins for the future.

To see his face-to see all of their faces when they find out the truth. Looking into their eyes and seeing their souls shatter, and their guilt eating them alive. And most of all...

"I hope you wish that it was you who died that day instead of Touya."

Once again, I let my words resonate in the chilly air, with all the loud background noise around us having faded from my eardrums a long time ago.

I was too deep in my head to hear anything else.

Only, it's no fun when I don't get a reaction. And pathetic Natsuo Todoroki is too far gone right now for this conversation.

"Heh. But, like I said, I want you to remember this moment. So, don't you worry." I chuckled, feeling the hot build up of deadly emotions in my system slowly fizzling down as I put the family reunion on pause. "I'll come back for you. After all, you always pray for Touya to come back. Maybe there's a God after all, with your prayers being answered. How neat..."

I gave his shoulders a mocking pat and backed away from him, assessing his slumped frame darkly. "You won't have to wait much longer. Thanks for being so patient."

Apparently only now finding my presence to be slightly interesting, Natsuo lethargically lifted his head from the table, slowly turning around in his chair to face me now as he began trying to make himself sober this time.

I stood in front of him with my hands in my pockets, watching as he studied my appearance a bit. The jeweled glow from his eyes slowly started to fade into sobriety as it met its time limit.

Playing with fire, I continued standing directly in front of Natsuo as the glow cleared almost completely from his gaze now. Blue eyes clashed with grey while he tried to blink away the remaining side effects of the jewels as he looked to me seriously for the first time.

Yeah. That seems more like him.

"Huh?" He muttered in confusion, voice coming out a few octaves lower when he was in a slightly more conscious state of mind. "Who...wait-who are you? Were you always standing there? What are you talking about..."

His confused grey eyes met my half lidded blue ones, looking as if he was searching them for something he couldn't understand himself.

Silence consumed our space as he waited for my answer, the white noise of the world putting the two of us in a box.

With a small hum reverberating in my throat, my mouth opened to speak a few moments later. I wasn't even sure what I was about to say.

And, neither of us ever got to find out.

"Hm? What's this?-oh, I do hope I'm not interrupting anything!" That chipper, overly proper voice sounded from behind us, causing my open casket of emotions to immediately snap closed with a bang.


This fucker again.

The pretentious poke of reality forced the tense air between dear little brother and I to quickly fade away as that jeweled fuck, Midas, interrupted the conversation like he always does.

It grounded my psychotic 'withdrawal' symptoms for the time being, starting to feel like 'Dabi' again as stubbornness took over my state of mind once more.

After all, I don't want this frilly fuck knowing how I'm feeling. I don't want him to know something's getting a rise outta me, that Grape is.

For that reason alone, I'll stop being fucking nuts for a minute. Just a minute, don't get your hopes up.

Letting out a sigh of annoyance, I slowly turned around to face the guy, forcing my facade back on my face as I did so.

It's getting harder to do it though. I only now realize I'm starting to lose too much of 'Dabi' to be able to just...turn it back on.

"Oh? Your entire fucking existence is one big interruption. The only way to fix that is to kill yourself." I smirked forcibly smug, mentally choking myself out for the lame comeback.

Like I said, usually Dabi is better with those. This time....

I just didn't have anything to fucking say.

Feeling unnatural about the way I slouched my shoulders into their usual brood, the jeweled prick didn't bat a primped eyelash to my words, floating over to us like a fairy bitch.

"Ahhh, now that unpleasant, horrendous, disgusting voice could only belong to one person." He smiled way too brightly, turning his attention to me with a sense of entitlement.

Jeweled Bitch pulled out a stupid handkerchief from his jacket pocket, placing it over his palm to ensure he'd have some sorta barrier when he rested his gloved hand on my shoulder.

What-the-fuck-ever. I don't want his whale semen getting all over me, anyways.

Regardless. Don't touch me.

"Dobby. A displeasure, as always. Rather interesting to find you here." He concluded casually, forced to quickly remove his hand from my shoulder when the handkerchief atop it burned to a crisp. "I must say, I feel this is a bit awkward. You see, when I extended the invitation, it was more out of courtesy for Violet. I didn't think you'd leave your musty cave and actually show up. But, now that it's quite obvious she's lost all interest in you, I don't see the point of this."

I scoffed at his words and patted his residual presence off my shoulder, coming back with an immediate defense.

"Don't get it twisted in your silly, stupid head. I came to ruin everything and tell you how ridiculous everything is." I retorted defensively, turning to him with a victorious, forced grin. "I've already used most of those overpriced menus over there as a campfire."

Not seeming to give a damn about my hoodrat shit, the bedazzled bitch simply clicked his tongue in distaste to the pile of ash that littered the table.

"Hmmm, I see. Well, it's certainly not the best carbon footprint one could leave the environment. But, if that's how you wish to live out your final days before your purification, then who am I to judge? Please-by all means, have a good time however you see fit."

Wow. Nothing. Does this fucker ever get mad? How boring.

Annoyed I didn't get the reaction I wanted outta him, I simply grunted and crossed my arms, finding the conversation dead and pointless now.

"Don't tell me what to fucking do." I muttered, watching without care as the bedazzled bitch seemed more focused on someone else in the group.

No shit, right? It's obvious he had a reason for coming over here. I've made eye contact with this dick all night and he didn't say shit. Now that I'm talking to a specific someone, he wants to chat?

This asshole's about as fake as that jeaned hero's damn nose.

I watched as the frilly fuck brushed past me, zeroing his greedy, two-faced eyes in on Natsuo Todoroki with a fake smile that made me wanna hurl.

As expected of someone like Enji's overachieving son, that naive little shit's grey eyes lit up at the sight of the bedazzled bitch, looking at the guy as if he was a damn celebrity.

"Pardon me." The pretentious jeweled fuck said with a smile, eating up the disgusting admiration. "I don't believe we've been formally introduced yet. My name's Mr. Eternal. I'm the one hosting the evening."

I let out an obnoxious cackle at the words, not giving a shit if I blow this guy's cover or not as I spoke. "Yeah, right. Eternally fucking annoying, is all you are."

Too entranced with whatever spell the Jeweled Bitch had everyone else under, Natsuo didn't even look my way as he shook his gloved hand with too much enthusiasm, hopping out of his chair to show an embarrassing amount of respect.

"O-Oh, I know who you are! Gosh, it's such an honor to meet you, sir." He kiss-assed with a bow, quickly popping back up to standing a few moments later. "My name's Natsuo."

Too much of a manipulative shit to be surprised by that, the jeweled bitch feigned surprise to the words, looking at Natsuo with 'newfound' interest.

Such a fake ass. Probably strained a damn eyebrow with that reaction. Gross.

"Natsuo Todoroki?" He asked, placing a hand to his chest in pleasant realization. "My-well isn't this just my luck! I've been looking for you and your siblings all over the venue tonight. Goodness, I've been so busy getting to know my guests, I assumed I'd find you before the night was over. I suppose that time is now!"

"Oh, please." I retorted smugly, enjoying the slight falter of Jeweled Bitch's smile as I inserted myself into the conversation. "You've always been a shitty liar. You actually get people to believe this shit? Embarrassing. They're all too fucking gullible."

Sensing I was one of the only people tonight who could fuck everything up for him, Jeweled Bitch let out a small laugh and quickly cut in front of me to separate dear little brother and I. As if I gave a shit.

"Natsuo, let's talk somewhere a bit more quiet, yeah? Maybe we can round up the rest of your siblings while we're at it." Jeweled Bitch suggested, subtly grabbing Natsuo's shoulder to get him moving.

Like the kiss ass he is, dear little brother immediately followed the guy, making me roll my eyes at his excited, 'absolutely!'

The pretentious pair only got a few feet before Jeweled Bitch turned around to face me, keeping his slimy little claws in Natsuo's shoulders.

"Oh. I'm afraid I've been rude." He said not-so-genuinely, looking straight at me now as he spoke plainly. "Dobby, you don't mind if I borrow Natsuo for a bit, do you? I did see you two were talking."

I looked at the frilly fuck with half lidded eyes of boredom, not sure why the fuck he even bothered to ask me. It's not like he gives a shit about what I say.

Almost seems like he was looking for a reaction outta me. A very specific one I couldn't totally pinpoint.

I dunno what answer he was looking for and I don't care. About any of this.

I'm not on anyone's side here. Not Jeweled Bitch. Not dear little brother, Natsu-kun.

Despite what you'd like to think about my 'true' intentions, or what lies in my heart-any of that gross, mushy shit...here's the damn truth to set you delusional bitches straight....

Blood ain't thicker than water. I don't give a fuck what happens to anyone. The entire world wronged me. They can destroy each other all they want.

Except one person.

The only one I came here for tonight.

With my chest numb and my eyes glazed over dully, I nodded carelessly at Jeweled Bitch, saying the truth this time.

"I don't give a fuck what you do with him. He's not important to me." I said plainly, only having one stipulation in mind. "Just don't kill him. I ain't done with him, yet."

Jeweled Bitch's face was one I couldn't read this time. But, judging from the slightly dark glint that crossed his eyes...

Oh? A really dark glint at that.

...I'm starting to guess he knows I'm one of the only people who see through that bubbly, bright rouse of his.

Yeah. That's what I thought. I knew it. I fucking knew it. You never fooled me. But, then again...you knew that, didn't you.

That look in your eyes. I know it too damn well. You're just as nuts as me, I can tell. Heh. Maybe even more so.

That's the thing about him and I. Something that's always been unspoken, but still always there.

It's impossible to hide crazy from crazy. He knows that, and he's finally starting to realize he can't hide it from me.


He's pretty damn good at hiding it from everyone else.

Everyone. Even her.

He's playing his cards right. I'll give him that. But, the one thing I won't give him....is time.

You can't hide it from Violet for long. I'll make sure of it. I'll make sure she doesn't get too close to you, no matter how fucking naive she can be.

You think you've won. I can see it now. From your eyes.

Though, you don't realize that...

It's when you think you've won that you've already lost the game.

Heh. Guess I'm smarter than you, after all. It would kill you, if you knew that.

And as much as I'd love to rub it in your fucking face, I'll bide my time for now.

I'm gonna have fun breaking you...


Blinking away the evil look once he was sure I caught it, Midas turned his lips up with sickly warmth at Natsuo once more, gesturing for them to continue their walk. "Shall we?"

He gave me some parting words over his shoulder that Natsuo couldn't hear, showing a lower, more wicked side of his voice he'd never show any of his little minions.

"'Kill,' you say? What kind of a monster do you think I am? Don't worry about that. I don't kill..." He alluded, eyes glowing dark this time as he pierced them into me with finality. "I purify. Dabi."

A small snort of defiance came from my mouth as I watched Midas and Natsuo Todoroki disappear into the crowd, speaking a small statement of challenge that only I could hear.

"We'll see about that."

Watching the pair disappear into the abyss of sweaty bodies, I gave no more thoughts of what would happen to Natsuo, leaning back against the bar counter as I resumed my search for Grape.

That's what I was trying to do before the fucker ran into me. Once again, I've only wasted more time.

Finally finding another purpose for this, already shitty night, I narrowed my dark eyes to the endless crowd of worthless heroes, trying to spot that familiar head of purple amongst them.

Bitch should be pretty easy to find. She stands out like a sore thumb with that hair. Not to mention, that dress.

That damn dress.

I prepared to push myself off the bar counter and enter the crowd to find her...

....before the sound of the side door slamming closed grabbed my attention.

Normally, it wouldn't have been enough to even make me look over and see who the hell just secretly entered the place. After all, you don't enter through that way unless you were just doing something risky and don't wanna be seen.

Probably some skanky heroes who just got back from fucking in another part of this place. Heh. Hopefully that jeweled bitch's bed, if I'm lucky-

"Man. It's even more crowded in here now than it was before." That familiar voice said from the entrance of the side door, causing my heart to jump up my throat in surprise.

Huh? No. You're kidding.

It can't be.

My eyes uncharacteristically bugged outta my head as I turned my attention to the sound of the voice, seeing the woman who's been plaguing my mind for the last-I-don't-know-how-long, standing less than ten feet away from me.

Oh, but, that's not at all...

Having already seen her tonight, the mere image of her reappearance wouldn't have been enough to make my blood freeze the way it did.

It was the way she looked. A look I've seen before many times, because I was always the one who caused it.

Now, it's like I was looking through at her through a window, unable to reach her anymore.

Compared to when I saw her forty-five minutes ago, her purple hair was no longer tied up in whatever style she came here with. Now it was tangled, but not in a sloppy way. In a way like....someone was running their hands through it-roughly. Passionately.

Her cheeks were slightly flushed pink as if she was still trying to recover from whatever the hell she'd just been doing. Lipstick smudged and eyes half lidded in a blissful daze.

One of the straps of her dress had fallen slightly off her shoulder. The rest of the material was crumpled as if someone had just been gripping and grabbing at it like their god damn life depended on it.

Only then did I notice she was holding onto someone tightly...doing that thing she always does where she intertwines our arms together.

Our thing. That was our thing.

With blank eyes, I felt my gaze slowly sliding over to the culprit she was holding so tightly, feeling my lungs seize and stop working when I saw.


You're fucking kidding. Is this a joke?

Ha. It's gotta be, right? She's doing this on purpose. To get a rise outta me. Still-it's cause of me. It has to be. I bet the two of them planned this. Yeah, that's right. They planned this. Probably walked outside and conspired to fuck with me, messing up their clothes, and hair, and everything else to make it look like they....they....

A dry scoff escaped my throat as I didn't even allow my thoughts to finish processing, already imagining exactly three million different ways to murder Akio Matsubara as he let Violet hold his arm.

His smile was smug-or, at least I wanted it to be. I wanted him to look like a dick, so I could hate him more for whatever the fuck was happening right now.

I wanted them to notice me so I could prove it to myself. Prove that this entire thing was one big rouse. One big, god damn joke to try and get a rise outta me.

But, the bitter fucking truth, is that they didn't even notice me.

Hell, they weren't even looking for me as they assessed the crowd and chatted to each other softly.

My eyes trailed Roach Boy's appearance, not wanting to jump to conclusions for once in my entire fucking life as I hoped maybe his state didn't match hers.

After all, things ain't always what they seem. Maybe Grape fell into another toilet, and this fucker was just helping her fix up. Not a one person job. I know. Unfortunately.

But, nah. Reality was ready to give me some good ol' payback.

Karma let me see clearly that Roach Boy's clothes were just as crumpled as Violet's. The top button of his shirt had even been popped off, like it was ripped open. His hair wasn't styled anymore, but tangled and messy. The point is...it was obvious.

It was obvious that...

I'm sure you're wondering what the hell I'm thinking about it.

Maybe it's cause I'm still in shock. Processing whatever the hell this was in front of me right now. Or, maybe a part of it was denial that whatever conclusions I had about this scene were wrong.

Regardless, I was surprised at how calm I was right now. I thought the day I saw Grape with another man was the day I seriously burn this world to the pits.

But, suddenly feeling my knees shaking as if they were gonna give out, I think now that 'calm' ain't the right way to describe my current state.

Suddenly I don't even feel angry. I feel tired as fuck. Too tired to make a scene. Too tired to go over there and burn him to a crisp-too tired to even activate my quirk at all.

I dunno why, but now it hurts to even breathe. Hell, it's an effort to even keep standing.

My lungs felt constricted as the back of my knees hit the barstool, my ass falling into it. My throat hurt with a huge lump that threatened to crush my trachea if it grew any larger. My muscles trembled and my eyes burned like hell as blood rapidly pooled at the ugly stitches on my face.

What the hell is this? This feeling like I just wanna fucking give up? Like....nothing else is worth it anymore. Not revenge. Not 'Dabi.' Not living.

None of it....is worth it anymore.

My world was always a dark one. For as long as I can remember, I saw things pitch black with misery and red with fury. But, hey, at least the world still had it's color.

Now everything feels grey. Pointless. Worthless. Colorless. Nothing else matters.

Sorry to disappoint, but I don't even have the motivation to give you one of my broody, internal monologues now. I don't have anything to say. Or think. I don't wanna yell. I don't wanna laugh.

All I can do is watch.

All I can do is watch as Violet grazes her manicured fingers softly up Akio's arm, turning her entire body to him as if he's her favorite person now.

Maybe he is.

"I don't see Natsuo on the couch anymore. I wonder where he went." She murmured to him curiously, trying to crane her neck above the crowd to find that prick.

Akio pursed his lips and looked with her, shrugging his shoulders without luck a few moments later.

"Hm. I don't see him either. But, he seemed pretty wasted last time we left him. Why don't you go look in the crowd and I'll grab him a glass of water?" He suggested, making me realize he needed to go to the bar for that.

Normally, I'd jump at the opportunity to mess with this fucker again, already preparing my next 'Dabi' line in my head and deciding what I could make fun of him for this time.

But, like I said...suddenly, that didn't even seem important to me. Nothing did. I didn't give a shit, knowing he'd come over here and see me clearly upset.

Once again, all I could do was watch as Violet agreed to his suggestion, turning to him and wrapping her arms around his neck for a parting hug.

She melted her chest to his own, causing my own to chill with longing as I could perfectly imagine that warmth Roach Boy's probably feeling from her right now.

It's the most comforting warmth in the world. One I craved for every day in the last ten years. One I'd dream of.

I wish he grinned insincerely. Smugly, to show this moment didn't mean jackshit to him. Hell, if he knew I was watching, he'd probably act like that.

But, that's the worst part-he didn't think anyone was watching, letting himself smile softly as he snaked his hands to her lower waist, rubbing her back softly and nestling his face in her hair.

Even with an empty head, my brain apparently couldn't take anymore as I slowly turned around in my barstool so I wouldn't have to see, resting my arms heavily atop the counter and hunching over.

A few moments later, I heard a single pair of footsteps slowly approaching behind me, not needing to turn around as I already knew exactly who it was.

Literally, I don't think the night could get any fucking worse.

He sighed contently and chuckled, standing over my slouched frame with a superiority that would normally piss me the fuck off.

"You know, I'd sit anywhere else. But, it looks like this is the only seat open in the whole bar. You really do have a talent for pushing everyone away, I guess." Roach Boy mused lightly, lazily sliding into the seat next to me now.

I kept my dark gaze to the counter, seeing my sullen reflection too clearly in the pristine reflection.

"Or burning them to ash when they decide to run their big mouth." I said raspily, unable to feign my typical Dabi smirk this time as I spoke plainly. "Get the fuck out."

Sensing I was legitimately down, the fucker was more than ready to stick around and kick me.

"Oo. Hostility right off the bat, huh? I guess 'party vibe' doesn't fit with your whole....aesthetic." He said with a click of his tongue, barley looking around for the bartender.

And, normally, I wouldn't bring it up-what I just saw. Nah, I wouldn't ever wanna give him the damn satisfaction of knowing I saw that.

But, the words came out before I could stop them, with bother and jealously clearly lining my voice. "Look who's gotta chip on his shoulder now that my leftovers are finally giving him the time of day."

Realizing his greatest fucking outcome-that I'd seen him with Violet just a second ago, he stopped looking for the bartender now and whipped his head around to me.

Surprisingly, he didn't say anything right away. I kept my plain gaze to the counter, so I don't know what expression was on that spotless fucking face of his either.

And, when he did speak, it wasn't anything that could fuel my fire back into anger. He wasn't messing around and he was too fucking composed.

Like he always is. How annoying.

"Leftovers? Hah. See, that's what makes you and I so different, Dabi. You think of her as a piece of meat, and I think of her like an actual human being." He said with a shake of his head, almost sounding like a dad disappointed in their kid.

Ha. A tone I've heard a lot.

I didn't follow up with an immediate rebuttal, making me realize this is probably the calmest, most civilized start to a conversation Akio and I have ever had.

But, then again, we've beat this topic like a damn dead horse already. So many times. It's obvious there's only so many new things to say about it.

"For a guy who doesn't know shit, you sure seem to act like you do. All the fucking time. Imagine how silly you'd feel if you knew you were always wrong." I chuckled dryly, barely lifting my head from the counter to focus on the liquor behind the bar.

"Oh?" He asked with a sarcastic purse of his lips, shifting in his seat to face me now. "Alright. So, tell me I'm wrong then. You're saying you actually do respect Violet as a person?"

The silence was loud as he waited for me to respond and say something. Anything.

But, I didn't. Sure, cause it's none of his fucking business. Also, cause I'd never be caught dead telling him my feelings. But, third, because it's useless. Even if I said 'yes,' there'd be nothing to happen after that. Nothing to make the confession worth while.

It would just be me, being vulnerable with him for no reason.

"Yeah. That's what I thought." He concluded from my silence, giving a dry laugh as he looked to the liquor bottles with me. "Man. Can't even give the bare minimum. How toxic you are."

"Good thing I never asked you. Go pretend to cry about it somewhere else." I muttered lowly, lazily wiping the blood that trickled down my cheek.

Though, all I did was smudge it all over myself.

"Mm. What are you so upset about, Dabi?" Akio mused tauntingly, turning his attention to me once more. "Upset I ruined your convenient fuck for the night? How tragic."

I scoffed lightly at the irony. How fucking wrong he is. But, of course, there's no way in hell I'd say that.

"Don't flatter yourself so much to think you even matter enough to upset me. You're nothing. A true waste of space. A little rat who constantly tries to weasel his way into everyone's business. Aren't you embarrassed?"

"Embarrassed? No. I have nothing to be embarrassed about. I love Violet. I'd do anything to protect her." Akio started off, causing my heart to clench tightly at the word he just so easily threw around.

I thought I didn't react, but apparently I must have done something as he stopped with wherever he was going with the conversation, slowly trailing it back to exaggerate a single point.

"Wow. Did you...hear that? Love?" He said in a taunting whisper, leaning closer to me to ensure I heard. "See how easy it is to say....the truth?"

In typical Dabi fashion, I'd normally have some sort of comeback up my sleeve. Something to insult him deeply and hit him where it hurts.

But, my words had run dry. My anger had finally burned out. There was nothing left.

"That's why I asked what you're so upset about. It was a genuine question." He said with another wicked whisper, inhaling deeply at the sweet revenge life was gifting him with. "Because everything that led up to this point happened....because of you."

And as much as I fucking hate the guy, god damn, those specific words were enough to sack me in the gut.

Cause he ain't wrong.

You reap what you sow, I guess. I was always more than ready to accept that when it came to anything. Grape wasn't supposed to be any different.

Karma never hurt me. Not until now.

I refuse to let myself imagine the 'what-ifs' of my life-or, at least, I used to.

Ten months ago, that changed. My mind started becoming more twisted with fantasies, and wonders, and daydreams. Even worse...


Thoughts of regret began pricking my imagination. Regret I never used to give myself the opportunity to think about.

In the past ten months, I've found the past playing in my head like a movie. Only, it's different than how I always used to remember it.

Because now, for the first time in my life, I find myself cringing at my past self.

How much I took things for granted. I pushed her away everytime she reached out for me. I turned my back on her and kicked her to the dust if it meant dear old dad would spare me a pity glance.

I ran from this ordinary life, unknowingly sprinting to the destination of hell instead.

Instead of spending that time enjoying her company, I trained until I threw up and tried to get stronger. All for nothing.

I was too stupid to appreciate it. Too stubborn to even admit it.

Even now, I am.

And, for the first time, I realize....

I hate myself for it.

I hate the person I am. The person I was, and the one I became. I hate all versions. Every one of them is only more disgusting and fucking annoying than the previous one.

And, I hate that I'm too set in my own ways to change. Too afraid of being anything other than 'this' to even try.

I'm in too deep. I've gone too far. I'm too lost.

I can't change it now. Any of it.

All I can do is keep torturing myself with the same question my mind keeps asking itself. The same question I keep trying to push from my mind, but seem to fail every time.

If you could do it all over again. Would you?

I never answer. Not even to myself. Because I don't want to hear it. I don't want to know exactly what I'd say.

Roach Boy's eyes hadn't left me, I know that. Hell, I'm sure I looked like a pathetic, little bitch. I dunno what expression I'm making and I don't care.

He simply continued at my silence, propping his chin in his hand as he watched me closely.

"What other threat did I give you...than one that simply exposed your true feelings? 'Tell Violet you love her, or I will.' That was it. I never held a gun to your head and told you to leave her. Hell, I even gave you an option to stay with her. I simply said to treat her well and tell her the truth, and you're mad about that?" He asked condescendingly, letting out a little laugh at the irony.

"I knew you were villainous, Dabi. But, I never thought you that cruel to the one you love. I guess even the worst souls surprise you at one point or another."

"I guess so." I followed up dryly, referring to him.

It was an insult, but it barely even came out that way with how blank and void my voice was. It was obvious I wasn't my typical diabolical self.

Akio simply shrugged off my half assed insult, clicking his tongue with discipline as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry, friend. But, for once in your life, you have no one to blame for this other than yourself. After all, based on the decision you made to push her away...you must not really care about her. What are you getting so worked up for?"

I didn't understand his last question until I heard a small, familiar searing sound, looking down at my wrist to see what little healthy skin I had on there currently burning to a crisp.

I wonder if it hurt. At some point in my life, it used to.

"Oo. Careful." Akio gasped mockingly, swiping one of the cloth napkins from the bar counter before patting it against my burning wrist. "I've heard...it hurts when someone burns alive. I'd never want that to happen to you."

His lips twitched slightly with a smirk at his words, eyes glowing blue from my flames until they were nothing more than ash.

"And, anyways. You should be thanking me. Think of it like a wake up call to yourself, right?" He continued, tossing the charred, smoking napkin to the side now. "Yeah, you realized you loved her. But, not enough obviously. Not enough to overcome your deepest, darkest fears that you hide, and tell her.

Akio let out a breathy laugh at his own words, seeming as if he switched places with me tonight as he continued mocking me.

"Nah. It's too much work to tell her, right? To express yourself and embrace a connection with someone. To show them your most vulnerable sides and worst secrets. You don't like to work for things. It's good you didn't bother wasting your time on something so trivial as love. Something so ordinary." He whispered, eyes piercing my features intensely as he spoke.

Feeling frustration finally starting to poke my numb veins, I answered, hearing my voice come out with a little more feeling this time. "I don't know why you care. It's not like you'll ever find out yourself. You talk all this shit about me, but can't even look in the fucking mirror and realize how pathetic you are."

Akio didn't bat an eye to my words, turning back around in his chair now to give me his side profile.

"Yeah. Maybe you're right...." He started off plainly, causing me to finally look at him with suspicion for the admittance as he continued.

"Or, maybe you're wrong. After all, you don't know what I've been up to for the last forty-five minutes."

What I saw next caused my eyes to widen. Another shot to the fucking gut as I suddenly felt sick to my stomach.

The collar of his jacket had shuffled slightly with his movements-hell, he wasn't even flaunting it intentionally and that made it worse.

There were lipstick marks all over the side of his neck, imprinted with a mark all the way behind his ear...working lower and lower on his skin near his collarbone...

The same shade as Violet's lipstick.


I felt my jaw clenching as anger slowly began to spark back to life in my veins, bile welling up in my throat at the image of Violet and him...

God, a fucking nightmare. Imagining her hands on someone else-someone else's hands on her. His hands on her.

Her lips. Her kiss....

And, this is exactly what he wanted. He's always wanted this. My god, I bet he just ate it up. He probably took what she offered so fucking greedily, right?-what the hell did she offer? God, what the actual fuck is going on?

The more the situation processes in my head, the more I realize...

It really does piss me off.

"Anyways, as much as you'd like it....you and I can't be compared. We're far too different." Akio dismissed, causing me to laugh with a little more diabolical feeling.

"And thank god for that-"

"We can't be compared, because we have different motives, Dabi. Your intentions are to hurt her. Mine are to protect her-"

"Like I said, quit pretending you know everything." I bit back lowly, feeling my hands starting to steam once more.

He met my eyes with challenge, raising his brows with fake question.

"So, you're saying I'm wrong? You don't want to hurt her?" He asked, before I spoke without thinking.

"No. Of course I don't, you fucking moron. That's why I'm doing this, in case you're too thick in the head to notice-" I blurted out with truth, grinding down on my teeth at something so honest.

Whatever. My head's been on a emotional rollercoaster from hell tonight. Something was bound to fucking slip eventually.

"So, you care enough to wanna protect her then?" Roach Boy pushed harder, making me fucking wish he was in the ninety percent of the world's population who's afraid of me.

I hate when he challenges me. There's only one other person who does it so annoyingly. Right down to my very bones.

Not wanting to give him any more satisfaction of my honesty, I grit my teeth and seethed in silence as he made more assumptions my brain never wanted to admit to myself

"Or...you just care enough...to wanna protect yourself."

Why the fuck is he so wise? Why can't he be stupid? Jesus.

My palms began to sweat now as my brain forced itself to reflect on the words and realize they weren't too far off.

God, I hate this guy. I hate him so fucking much, cause for some reason, he knows exactly how to trigger me. He's figured me out. He's figured out what ninety-eight percent of the world can't seem to figure out.

I thrive off violence. Aggression and threats, are my favorite. That's why I love fighting those hero fuckers. I love when they get mad. When they give me a fucking reaction.

It gets the attention off me-who I used to be. It lets me hide behind all that hate and feral anger.

It's when I can't hide-when I'm fucking exposed like this....that I really get triggered.

He's figured that out. Too damn easily.

He's one of the only people who can get a rise outta me. And I hate that. I hate how he knows that.

"That's the thing about love, Dabi. It's selfless." Akio continued, bringing me back to present as I heard a lighter sparking in his direction.

My brows furrowed at the cigarette lazily being held between his teeth as he lit it, seeing my half used pack in his other hand.

That was in my fucking pocket. Did I really zone out that much to let him take it from me so pathetically?

God. I hate him.

He dangled the pack in front of me as he sensed my slow brain putting two-and two-together, closing his eyes boredly and taking a deep drag of the cigarette as I ripped the pack out of his hand.

"It's about doing what's best for her, even when it's not what you want. Even when it's hard." He said, looking to me as he exhaled the smooth smoke. "It's not easy, and that's exactly why you failed at it. That's exactly why you were so quick to run away from it."

I watched Akio through heated eyes ablaze with a new fire, hating that he had the fucking audacity to meet my gaze without care as he brought the cigarette to his lips again.

He knew he was starting to piss me off now and of course he didn't care, leaning tauntingly closer to me now before pushing the smoke from his mouth with intentional force.

I didn't even blink as the smoke hit my face, feeling my blood starting to sizzle as we were nose to nose now.

"And, you know...as I sit here and talk to you about it now....as I contemplate what I just experienced from my time with Violet for the last forty-five minutes...." He whispered tauntingly, keeping his gaze strictly piercing my eyes as he spoke. "I think I've just had my own epiphany. Not one where I realize my love for her, because I already knew it long ago. But, the one where I realize I may actually be good enough for her to love back after all. That maybe...I should stop trying to fight it and go all in with it instead. I know she wouldn't deny me now."

It was then that I had a fucking epiphany. One that could be stemming from the delusional, grape-obsessed side of my fucked up head. But, still...an epiphany that had me getting my fire back completely in the form of a new rage.

The rage of realization.

The rage that he fucking set me up, didn't he?

All this time, he set me up to fail, so he could have her. He fucked up what I had going on with Grape, so he could be the one to fill that space instead. Oh, and he filled that fucking space alright-and, probably filled more than that.

He's always had a thing for her. Of course he did.

And I was dumb enough to let it happen. To left myself be fucking sabotaged and fall into his trap.

Whether that was his intention, or just his way of pissing me off, he seemed to gather my realization....deciding to play into it anyways and piss me off more.

"So...I guess I should be thanking you, too. Thank you for showing me what I wanted, Dabi. I wouldn't have discovered this without you." He chuckled wickedly, showing his perfect teeth through a smile now.

And, that one....was smug.

Sensing I was too frozen in furious epiphanies to respond, he simply put his half used cigarette between my unmoving fingers, giving my shoulder a pat before sliding off the barstool with some parting words.

"Now, if you'll excuse me....I promised someone a dance. I know she's waiting for me."

Ah. So, that's how this is gonna be....

Heh. So be it.

So be fucking it. But, don't say I didn't warn ya for what's about to happen next.


Thanks for reading! Next five chaps are on patreon. For those who didn't see, I am holding another ART CONTEST on my discord server stating in a few days and the first place winner gets a FREE month of patreon! The link to my discord is on my message board or in my bio if you want to join.

Next Chapter: Lidocaine

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