Under the rain

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  Rain is pouring hard and unexpectantly on the roof of the language school. School had finished so everyone are rushing out to leave. Some have umbrellas so they walk calmly out of the rain, some risk their chance running out with their hoods on top, some just bidding for the rain to set. Jonathan was one of the people who is waiting, he stands on the inside of the front door staring hopelessly for the rain to stop, while on the other side people are already spreading out to different directions.

 Across him was a group of boys whom he doesn't want to play with. They were loud, rude and arrogant, Jonathan just wasn't that kind, he thinks so. He enjoys quiet time with books, where he could travel to journey far away without moving a foot, but right here, right now, he was lonely. His parents are still working hard on a Saturday, he doesn't want to bother them, they are not that close anyway, the only time they got together is dinner, which is dedicated to planning tomorrow work. The book he brought with him has already been finished during his journey on the train, he was a fast reader and now he got nothing to do than silently criticising him for not bringing an umbrella, and obviously, another book. Jonathan hate it, he hates wasting his time for nothing, but he already read anything he could found around the school, flyers, club advertisements, announcements, even that boring school curriculum.

 Desperately bored, he decided to head for the visual art section to have a view, for it the least likely thing he want to do, not that he don't like art, he just thinks it is a waste of time, why do you need to see something when you can easily imagine it in your own mind, don't anyone have that ability  . He was casually scrolling from a painting of a magician casting fire from a year 12 student, then moving on and on without a second gland to any items, nothing caught his mind. He was almost about to give up looking since to him it was just as boring as staring at the rain droplets hit the ground, but right at that moment, something glimpse his eye.

 At the last row, there was a small sculpture, water bottle sized, of a middle- aged woman, stationed on a wooden board, it was a little disproportion, he thought, but that sharp face features, that stern look of her green eyes, that golden gown with little jewels attached, they were all absolutely well done. It was Lady Teresa, no mistake, his favourite character from the fiction book he loves most, it was completely identical to what he imagined she was, how could it even possible, for someone to have the same image as his. He was studying the sculpture so hard that he didn't notice there is someone standing near him. It took him a moment to finally took attention that he's almost covering the whole space for himself. 

"Sorry." He steps away at short notice but still in the range of being able to observe it, his face blushing slightly.
"That's alright." Said the yellow, fair hair boy with a bright smile, now stepping closer to the sculpture. 

" It's pretty nice, isn't it, wonder where they got the inspiration, what do you think?" Asked the boy after a moment of silence.

Johnathan wasn't ready for anyone to ask him anything about art, so he went for what he know for sure.

"Um... I think the artist got it from 'Blood and Tears', you know, the book, she is one of the character in there, I think so." Said Jonathan, unsure if that helps, anyway putting out the fact that she is his favourite and that he know the book really well, because whenever he boast about books, people called him 'nerd' and he don't like to be call that.

"Hmm... Never heard of that really. Sorry." He now look directly at Jonathan, as if he wants to have a clearer description.

"Well yeah, that was pretty good." Answered Jonathan, feeling exhausted since nobody seems to know the book, only him, and the artist, he thought. Now that he notice that similarity, he looks for the name tag under the wooden board, it said:

"           Alexius Xanthopoulos

Year 11 Studio Arts Final Artwork 

                   ' Lady Teresa'                            "

So he was right, of course he already know, but having that line of description further ensuring his prediction. 

"Nah, I don't have time for book, too boring." responded the boy.

Dumbstruck, but Jonathan doesn't want to argue this hopeless fight, so he changed the topic. He said with a bit of sarcasm in his tone, poiting at the name tag. " Well this Alexius guy did read the book, he got all the details right, actually quite talented he is."

"Alex is alright." The boy let out a small snickering laugh, Jonathan couldn't understand why, but before he could open his mouth to say something, the boy turn around and saw a couple waving at him. 

"Ayy, gotta go, that's my parent, nice to meet you anyway. " Then he dashed off after waving at Jonathan

" Oh yeah, bye ." Realising shortly that he was talking to mid-air .

The rain outside has stop dripping, Jonathan couldn't find any reason to stay, especially when the manager is rushing people to get out, so he left for the train station, not forgeting to have one last look at the sculpture, his mind bear the name of the artist who he share the same interest, at least for one thing. 

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