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"'I'm going for a walk alone...'" Aloha signs as he got up to leave. Diver dashed to Aloha, grabbing his hands. Diver shakes his head no as Aloha tried struggling free, and left the room when Diver was knocked over. Aloha leaves out of the building for a afternoon walk. The sky, painted with orange and pink colors. The breeze, warm with a cool touch. And the spring flowers in full bloom, calming Aloha down. Nature for a strange reason made Aloha feel at peace, and like he was drifting to his own world.

Aloha went to a park in his own world of endless quietness and deep thoughts, not even paying attention of where he was going. Something hits his head, irritating him, but kept walking. Things like that always happened, and by now he was used to having things thrown at him. By now he was growing tired and tried to walk back when suddenly someone fell on him and their lips were on his, and backed Aloha against a wall of posters. Both of them pushed one another away, then looked at each other. Army and Aloha stared awkwardly at one another, both of their faces were a blushing mess. Army covers his mouth, blushing harder and ran off like the bitch he was. Aloha stood there in shock, but kind of smirked after he left. He sat on the park bench, with his soft face still pink as hell. Just for a minute he kept blushing and thinking of that awkward moment, but at the same time it was nice.

Aloha, after a long time of blushing about that awkward kiss, went back to his home in Mahi Mahi resort with his cheeks still pink as ever. Diver eagerly opens the door when Aloha walks back inside. "'Oh my cod Aloha! Where have you been?'" Diver signed with a worried expression. Aloha doesn't reply, but starts giggling. He walks past Diver simpering to himself and to his room, letting himself collapse on his bed. The rest of the night Aloha just sat there staring at his ceiling, finally going to sleep.


"And then we kissed!" Army says really flustered, with his cheeks blushing orange. "Haha first kiss eh?" Skull chuckles with a sucker resting inside his mouth. "N-No! That doesn't count!" Army grows more orange. "Seems like it to me, you like kissing guys?" Skulls wiggles his non existent eyebrows to Army. "Skull I'm straight!" Army screeches with his cheeks even more orange. "Alright... whatever you say man," Skull snickers, shaking his head at him. Army hides his face into his pale hands.

<"army are you okay..?"

Army after looking at the text viewed his surroundings until he saw Aloha in front of him. Army glares at Aloha, storming off. Aloha frowns, then looking to Skull. "'He's confused is all,'" Skull signs to Aloha. "'What about?'" Aloha signs back. "'Beats me, don't worry about it,'" Skull winks as he signed again. Aloha shakes his head at Skull, simpering. "'Whatever you say...'" Aloha leaves to one of his classes after he signs to Skull.

Sorry for the long wait, and the shortened chapter-


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