Ore no Imōto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai:House-sitting in a Thunderstorm

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House-sitting in a Thunderstorm

It was one month before I discovered my little sister's 'secret' and were pulled into all sorts of things.

One day in February, when the weather was changing from spring to summer.

During dinner, with everyone gathered together, Mom said:

“Kyousuke, your father and I plan to go to a funeral in Fukushima the day after tomorrow.”

“Huh? For how long?”

“Your father has something to do there, so we planned to spend the night.”

“Alright~~ What should we do for food while you're gone?”

“Think of something yourself. I have already given money to Kirino.”

“Huh? Why did you give it to Kirino?”

Normally when this sort of situation occurs, you would give the older sibling the money instead.

“You two have to learn to take care of each other when we aren't around.”

“…That is not an answer…”

You're always beating around the bush.

I intended to keep protesting, but Dad said this in a commanding tone:

“Kyousuke, do as your mother says…”


When he said it like that, it meant the conversation was over. Even though I'd still had a lot to complain about, I had no choice but to accept it.


I took a cup of miso soup and sighed.

As a high schooler, it's not like I felt lonely because my family wasn't around or anything. To tell you the truth, that means I can do whatever I want ------ or rather, that's how it should be.


I glanced to my side. My little sister was eating next to me.

Her name is Kousaka Kirino, her hair is dyed light brown despite the fact that she is still in middle school. Her eyelashes were long and curly, which made her look more mature.

Mom said to Kirino:

“Then, I'll leave it to you, Kirino. We will be back in two days with some souvenirs --- make sure to get along with your brother.

“Mwu, please stop this --- I'm not a kid anymore.”

“Hahaha, you are right. Well, I’m not worrying about you.”

Mom, you make it sound as if you are very worried about me. You even left the money in my little sister's hands…

“Take care, Mom, Dad.”

My little sister smiled gently, just like a “reliable daughter” would, allowing my parents to rest assured and leave without any worries.

On the other hand, when I think about the tomorrow, when I'll have to spend time alone with her, my mood became very heavy.

During dinner, her eyes and mine didn't even meet. We didn't say a single word to one another.

Our relationship is bad, you say? No, no. This is much worse. We totally ignored each other.

Did we have a fight, which led to our terrible relationship, you might ask?

Indeed. My relationship with my little sister had become a cold war a long time ago.

Sunday morning. Kirino and I stood at the entrance and watched our parents leave. I didn't want to do this with her, but I couldn't say 'No' to my father.

“Then, we're leaving.”

“We will bring some stuff back for you two~”


The front door was closed and the entrance was immediately filled with a heavy atmosphere.



Kirino totally ignored me and turned back toward the living room.

I called to her:


But she didn’t respond. Like she didn’t even hear me.

*Bang* The living room door was slammed shut, as if to tell me how big her refusal was.


What kind of attitude was that?

Was that how normal brothers and sister act in every house? Is it just ours?

I've considered her a stranger for a long time, so I don't feel angry because of that.

Still, there is something I have to tell her.

Not to mention that there is something we have to do.

I followed Kirino into the living room. I opened the door, still holding the handle and spoke in a calm tone:

“At least show some indication that you heard me.”

On the sofa, my arrogant little sister didn't even look at me.

“… Hmph… Annoying…”



She ignored me again. Just as you see, her attitude is completely different when dealing with my parents.

Really… If she kept up with this attitude, even if she answered me, it would just piss me off.

That is why I hate staying home alone with her. Now I have no choice but to talk to her.

Well, it can't be helped. Hopefully I can get it over with quickly.

“How are you going to deal with food for today?”


“I'm asking you a question!”

I raised my voice a little. After a while, I finally got an annoying answer.

“Annoying… I'm going out to eat with my friends.”

She threw me a fragmented answer while still talking on her phone.

At least I got a response. I forced my restlessness down and continued:

“What about dinner?”

“At home.”

“Then give me the money and I will go get something from the supermarket.”


“Don't respond with 'Huh?'. You want to go out with your friends, right? If you forgot to buy stuff for dinner, it would be troublesome.”

Still holding on to the handle, I waited for her answer.

“So annoying… I’m going out.”

Kirino placed 20,000 yen on the table and said:

“----You are in the way ---Move.”

“… Hm…”

My little sister avoided my body and walked toward the stairs. She probably needed to prepare something in her room.

“Ah… Who is the one causing trouble now…?”

I looked at the stairs while complaining.

At last… Please listen to me… Oh, by the way, even such bitter lines rarely happened between us. Normally --- we would totally ignore one another and would pretend each other did not exist.

Ah~ do you think it's a joke? Just now was the longest conversation we've had in a while.

I can tell you honestly that I hate my little sister very much.

Still, there is nothing I can do about this situation.

It must be the same for her.

“… Ah…”

I let out a sigh of melancholy.

Before I went to buy something for dinner, I went to my childhood friend's house, mainly because I didn't want to waste any more time under the same roof as my little sister.

“… Ah, it’s about time for the limited discount. I should go now.”

As I stood up, my childhood friend quickly said “Please wait” and handed me an umbrella.

“Take this. The weather is fine right now, but it looks like it's going to rain later.”

“I see. Thank you.”

I gratefully accepted her umbrella and went to buy dinner.

And then -----

Seven o'clock. I was sitting at the dinner table with my little sister.

The meal mostly consisted of things I bought from the supermarket, but we also had some rice and miso soup left.

“Thank you for the meal.”

“……….Thank you for the meal.”

We clapped our hands together and picked up the chopsticks.

Why are we eating together? I didn't expect it to turn out like this.

…….What a terrible habit. Even though our parents are away, we both still returned home before curfew, went to the dinner table at the same time and ate with someone we hated.

There was nobody home besides us. Kirino still had her makeup on, which made me feel like there was a lot of distance between us.

“……What are you looking at?”

“… There is only a family member present, yet you're still wearing makeup.”

Our voice was small and cold. Kirino blinked.


She was shocked. Then she looked at me with ferocious eyes:

“I like it. Do you have a problem with that?”

“…..Of course not.”

I glanced away.

… Really… Her appearance is so beautiful…

“……… Are those dishes okay? I picked them up on a whim.”


No response. What is she getting angry about?



After that, we didn't turn on the TV and ate dinner in silence.

From a outsider's perspective, it might seem like a very realistic scene.

Siblings with a good relationship, but due to some trivial quarrels, we became angry and decided to ignore each other --- maybe they would see us like that.

But it's not like that.

We really, really hate each other. We have been ignoring each other for a long time --- it's the truth, not a one-sided lie.

“… I’m full.”

Kirino whispered and started picking up her dishes. I let out a breath.

A few minutes later, I could hear the sound of dishes being washed coming from the kitchen. *clink clank*

What an annoying sound.

You should be able to understand everything from my straightforward example earlier ----

“Ah~~ I felt so depressed! This is my own house, but I felt so damn depressed!”

--------- It only happened because one of my relationships in my family had deteriorated so badly.

What a dull atmosphere.

That's right.

“… Really. What exactly caused this?”

Of course, I never wanted our relationship to end up like this.

A long time ago, like when we were still kids, we had a much better relationship.

But why did it turn out like this…?

Even now, I don't know, nor do I remember.

“… Well, since it's already too late, there's no use thinking about it.”

For example ----

We had a quarrel over something trivial, and then we missed the chance to make up. Then a few years later, we had already forgotten the reason for that quarrel.

The result ---- is our current relationship.

Even if we used to have a better relationship, the end result is the same. Kirino and I didn't care about each other.

Even if I wanted to improve our relationship, there is simply no way to do that.

Yes, to improve our current relationship, I need something that can counter our long time of disagreement, a very rare opportunity.

How could such event happen?

“Ahh… I feel refreshed.”

After taking a bath, I changed into a new pair of clothes and walked toward the living room.

I planned to drink some fresh milk before returning to my room and reading something. Then I planned to go to sleep immediately afterward. With that, this awkward atmosphere would quickly end.

Deep in thought, I opened the living room door.


The instant I entered the room, Kirino turned off the TV in panic.


What are you doing?

Taking a closer look, I noticed Kirino was sitting on the sofa, the remote in her hand, her eyes widened and stared at me.

“…….Hm, what?”

“…..Why did you turn the TV off in panic? What were you watching?”

Although I have absolutely no interest in this, I still asked.

Kirino said in a low voice.

“…..It’s none of your business.”

“Well, that’s true.”

I didn’t plan to keep asking. Whatever my little sister was watching was indeed none of my business.

But… Did my little sister turn off the TV because her brother entered the room?

…….That’s impossible. No matter how you look at it, whatever she was watching earlier, she would keep watching it without minding me.

Because we both hated each other – so I'm sure that is the case.

“You are an eyesore. Get out.”

……She wasn't watching a suspicious TV program, was she?

Although she looked very suspicious, I didn't push the issue. Instead, I quickly returned to my room and happily read manga.

However, as expected, I was unable to enjoy my interesting manga.

“Ah~ it’s all because of that conversation back then.”

I didn't plan to get dragged into my little sister’s business.


As if “today” was silently mocking me, I wasn't able to quietly finish this day.

On the other side of the window, there was a sudden flash.


*Wham wham wham* Then I heard the sound of thunder.

And next - *bang*.

Followed that hateful sound, I was surrounded in darkness.

“Kuh….! Don’t tell me…?”

It looks like the lightning just now tripped the surge protector and caused a blackout.

*Wham*More loud thunder.

Then… The wind and the rain started to hit the windows.

“Ah ah ah ah ah oh damn!”

“Thinking back, Manami did warn me of incoming rain.”

“Damn… I need the flashlight.”

Don't look down on me. I had prepared for many such situations. I took the flashlight out from the drawer and quickly turned it on.

To check out the surge protector, I left the room and walked to the first floor. Every room was dark. I carefully inch down every step to avoid falling down the stairs. I turned the flashlight in my hand to the wall and opened the switch box.


“Oh damn.”

I was unable to restore the power. No matter how many times I flipped the switch, nothing changed.

The contrast between the bright lightning and dark room terrified me a little.


It is disgraceful to admit, but I was shivering. Then, I remembered something.

“It would be dangerous to leave the door and windows like that… I have to do something.”

I prepared myself to get wet and opened the living room's windows.


A strong wind blew into the room.

“Ha… Ha… Why did this happen while my parents are away…?”

I slid the sliding windows closed.[1]

“… Ha…”

When I finished, my clothes were all drenched.

In the middle of the rainy night, I was all alone.

Compared to a third rate movie, it was more terrifying.

“Ah… Wait, wait… I'm not alone.”

Is she in her room? She is not in the living room, that's for sure.

A part of me thought “I should check on her” but I quickly rejected that idea.

“Why should I worry about her?”

I narrowed my eyes. The wet clothes made me very uncomfortable.

“It didn't look as if the power would be coming back soon, so I should dry myself off first.”

The thunderstorm still remained as strong as before. The sight of lightning and sound of thunder put me a little on edge.

“… Alright.”

I returned to the entrance and moved toward the bathroom.

First, I need to take a towel to wipe my body before changing into new clothes.

I opened the bathroom door and pointed the flashlight inside -----

“Ya~~ …Who, who are you?”

There was a moaning sound inside.


“Wh-wh-who, who are you!? Don’t come in, pervert! I'm going to kill you!”

The voice had mixed emotions.

It's a familiar voice. Though it's realistic desperate intimidation scared me a little, I said:

“Huh? Ki-Kirino?”

From the other side came Kirino's voice in a calm tone.

“… What…? You are… Ah…”

What a hollow voice.

“Reallyyyyyyyyyy! Don't scare me like that!”


In this emergency situation, we were both unable to respond as calmly as usual.

Even if we were having a conversation with somebody we have ignored for years, we couldn't speak normally.

“I… I was taking bath, then suddenly everything went dark.”

“I see.”

She was taking a bath at the time of the blackout. What an unlucky girl.

Then, from the other side came a low and slightly unclear voice:

“The power… Didn’t come back?”


“… Really? What are you still doing here?”

Her tone was still cold as per usual, but her voice was trembling a little.

“I checked the box, but it's as you said, we have no electricity.”

“… So when will it come back?”

“I don’t know.”

You should ask the power company instead.

“… Is the wind… outside… strong? What about the sliding windows?”

“I closed them all. Don’t worry.”

“I see.”


With nothing left to say, we both fell into silence.

Truthfully, due to the sudden emergency situation, a part of me felt a little proud. Otherwise, there's no way I would talk this much.

“Haaaa~ really, you are scared.”


In an instant, Kirino held her breath.

“How could that be!?”

“Really? If I recall, when you were a child you always used to cry whenever a blackout occurred due to the rain. You still haven't gotten over it?”


No response. I made her angry again.

------------ Somehow, I felt nostalgic.

In the darkness, the only source of light was the flashlight in my hand.

The only sounds I heard were from the wind hitting the windows.

My sister and I both kept silent and waited.

We were both tasked with taking care of the house and had to deal with the thunderstorm and this blackout -------

Oh well, now I only felt troubled because I had to comfort my idiotic little sister who is about to cry.



Suddenly, I think I touched something. I check around.

…..What is that?

A bath gel bottle?

I pointed the flashlight at the bottle. There was a portrait of a pink haired girl on it.

Huh? A kid's TV show? Since when have we had that in our house?

While I was thinking about this bath gel bottle.

“Are… Are you still here?”

“Uhm? Yes.”

Oops. She can't get out if I'm still here.

My little sister was taking a bath while I waited just outside. It is too uncomfortable.

“Kirino. I’m going to place the flashlight here.”

“Uhm, uhm…”

After I heard her reply, I began to walking back to my room. Just as I was about to open the door.

A voice came from behind me.

“Hey… Hey… Wait a second.”


I stopped and turned my head around.

In the dark…. My little sister’s figure appeared on the glass door.



I asked her.

Kirino hesitated -----------

“ ----------------- Go”

The sound of thunder drowned my little sister’s voice.

*Zizzz* There was a flash of lightning and the room was brightened.

“What did you say?”

“Nothing at all~~ Anyway, I'm done bathing, you get out immediately.”


Once again, I understand why I hate my little sister so much.

Hmph! I muttered and walked toward the door.

“… Are you still here?”

“Yeah, yeah --- you can come out now.”

I threw the bottle into the trash and walked out of the changing room.

Thinking back, that was a close one.

I only came to be aware of that character's name a month later.

One month later ----- I was sitting on the sofa with my little sister and watching anime --- Kirino's favorite magical girl anime ‘Stardust Witch Meruru’.

“I see. So it was Meruru the month earlier. That explains why you turned off the TV in a panic and had that bath soap bottle.”

“Huh? What are you saying?”

“A month ago, during the blackout caused by the thunderstorm ---- because our parents were away, you watched Meruru in the living room and used a Meruru bath gel bottle.”

“Ah– so what?”

“I was just thinking that I almost found out your secret back then.”

Thinking back, she was so careless back then.

It's amazing that she could keep this secret for so long. I wonder if she really wanted to hide it?

“Hm, so what?”

“After that, did you say something to me?”

“Doesn't matter.”

Kirino snorted and turned away.

The truth is Kirino's secret could be easily revealed -----

She probably didn't like the fact that I'm showing her how careless she was.

“Okay… Forget it. It's past six o'clock now. Hurry up and make some food.”

“Huh? Me?”

“Of course? Do you want to eat your little sister's cooking?”

“Are you kidding me?”

“Ah~ that's good. Then hurry up and make food.”


Let me explain. Tonight, my parents are away, so it’s me and Kirino's turn to take care of the house.

I stood up and and asked:

“No choice then. Are you okay with fried rice?”

“Are you an idiot!? How can I eat such high calorie stuff? Don't you know that I'm a model?”

“So you want to eat grains only?”

Really… this girl.

Recently, due to her 'life counseling', we were having a few more conversations than usual.

But I still hate my little sister. I’m not joking. I'm very serious.

“Hurry up and make food. I need to take a bath afterward and play some new eroge.”

“Ha~~ So amazing. As expected of Kirino, what a perfect plan.”

“It’s nothing~ by the way, 'Siscalypse' is now the hottest fighting game! I'm going to have a rematch with Saori tonight! I have been practicing a lot, this time I will not lose! I will have my revenge!”

The more she talks, the more excited she becomes. Especially when she talks about eroge.

Why didn’t she get angry with them?

“By the way, although it's not related to you, you are going to play too. I will lend you my game later.”


“Life counseling. Isn't it still continuing?”

“………..Aaaaaaaaa… That can't be right…..”

It's just as you see.

My relationship with Kirino still remains unchanged compared to a month ago.

Or more accurately, in some ways, it's even worse.

[edit]Translator's Notes

↑ In Japan, the sliding windows not only prevent rain, but also thieves.

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