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The Theory of the Horcruxes
June 1st, 1979.

          Walburga Black had been overjoyed to know that Mallory Abbott had accepted her son's request. Regulus Black was now courting Mallory Abbott and the whole wizarding world had read about it in the latest paper. Walburga had ordered for the Daily Prophet to make them appear on the front page so everyone could see them shine.

Tonight would be their first event as a couple and Mallory wasn't sure she was ready for it but Walburga had sent her a magnificent dress to match her son. Thankfully, the ball was held at the Malfoys as usual and Mallory thanked Merlin because she would be in a room where she knew people and wasn't a total stranger. Narcissa had been the first one to send out a letter to congratulate her.

"Are you ready, Mallory?" Regulus queried from the hallway. Just for this time, Regulus had come get ready to Mallory's so she wouldn't have the chance to really stress out about it. "Mallo–"

"I can't zip my dress, Regulus," she exclaimed angrily, trying to reach for the zip but he approached her and laid a hand on her shoulder as he zipped it up. "Thank you," she then added.

"Would you like a drink?" He queried, flexing his hand as if he was trying to let go of the tension he felt in it ever since he had touched her skin.

Mallory arched an eyebrow, "I thought I was not supposed to drink that much," she teased.

"Well," he chuckled. "I think we both need a drink for what's to come," he said, pouring two glasses of elf wine. "Do you reckon you could help me for something when we get there?"

"What is it?" Mallory asked, sipping on the drink as she knew she couldn't swallow it entirely.

He cleared his throat, fidgeting with the ring Moody had given him earlier this year, "I am sure Kreacher has helped the Dark Lord hide a Horcrux. I need to know more about them but we don't have any books on the subject at home. I think Lucius does."

"What would be the plan, Regulus?"

"To enter his library."

Mallory ran a hand through her hair, "Bu–but, people will ask where we are..."

"Mallory, I am courting you," he reminded her. "Let them make assumptions about us. Snogging or shagging, it is all the same. You have to accept that people will now talk of us."

As usual, at these kinds of balls, Mallory and Regulus shared a dance. Mallory almost grew uncomfortable as she could feel so many eyes on them and hear so many whispers. And for the first time, she shared a dance with Orion Black as well.

"I am happy that you've accepted my son's request," he said as they spun around the ball room. "You are going to make a lovely addition to the family, Mallory."

Mallory smiled, her heart warming a bit, "I–Your son makes me happy," she lied, though Mallory had a hard time telling what was real and what wasn't these days. "He is lovely."

"It is funny that he turned out to be so lovely considering his parents," he joked as she snorted. "It is true! My wife and I haven't set the best example of a love relationship," he then said.

"It is alright," she reassured, smiling widely. "Your son is a perfect gentleman."

The music stopped as they both bowed in front of each other. Mallory excused herself as she reached the open bar, grabbing a glass of wine and chugged it all down hoping that no one had seen her.

Mallory and Regulus stood in front of the huge library doors, well they had done one already but hadn't found anything. Her hand reached for the doorknob but Regulus stopped her to do it himself, "What are you doing?"

"I–Opening the door," she replied with a frown. "Am I not allowed to open it?"

"We can't go in there," he notified her, shaking his head as he glanced all around them. "It is Lucius's office."

"Regulus, I really think there is something in there," she whispered softly as he clenched his jaw, trying to think.

It was one of the reasons why he hated doing that mission with her–Mallory was reckless, too reckless just like Sirius. Regulus loathed himself for not being able to say no to her. Taking her hand, he dragged her into the office and closed the door rapidly behind him. His heart was pounding by the time she started browsing through the library.

"This is the last time, Mallory," he warned her. "Be quick! I'll guard the door."

Mallory rolled her eyes, "I thought you were the one who needed my help, Regulus," she muttered. Finally, her eyes locked with a dark covered book called 'Horcruxes'. Rapidly, she took it and stuffed it in her bag.

"Someone's coming, Mallory," Regulus whispered, gulping. "Hurry."

"I'm trying!" She argued quietly as Regulus noticed the doorknob slowly turning. "Is it him?"

Regulus hummed, "Do you trust me?" He asked as she grimaced.

"What kind of question is that?"

"I'm sorry," he pressed rapidly, cupping her face so he could crash his lips on hers.

Mallory lost her balance a bit, surprised by the kiss as her back hit the wall gently. Regulus' hands had moved on her waist as hers ran through his hair, slightly pulling at them and he couldn't help but let out a strangled moan. As she kissed him back, he couldn't help but think that he would never have the chance again to be that close, to taste her lips and to feel her hands in his hair. Someone cleared their throat, making them pull away from each other as they both watched Lucius who had his eyes wide.

"Oh, Lucius," Regulus faked to be surprised, running a hand through his hair in hope to style it again.

Lucius straightened his posture a bit, "This is my library..."

"Salazar!" Regulus exclaimed, surprised. "Excuse us. We didn't see it was your library at first..."

"It is alright."

"Have a goodnight, Lucius," he smiled, taking Mallory's hand in his.

"Lovely ball, by the way," Mallory spoke up, her smile bright as ever despite looking flushed.

Once they were far away, Regulus sighed, "Sorry, that was the only chance for us to get there without looking suspicious."

"Your only chance was to snog the hell out of me?" She queried with a snort.

He shrugged, "I had to. Lucius is not stupid, Mallory."

"I know, Regulus," she whispered softly, grabbing his hand as they regained the ballroom. It had become an automatic thing to do. Regulus held her hand tight, afraid she would evaporate at any moment. "People are way more lovely tonight," she said in his ear.

"It is because we are together," Regulus said, ignoring the shivers he had just gotten all over his body from her breath tickling his ear. "I am glad we have not seen Bellatrix nor Rodolphus. I reckon they won't approach us since mother talked to them."

"Well, thank Godric for your mother," Mallory chuckled. "I fear I would have not survived hearing another word from that twat," she muttered, earning a snort from Regulus.

Regulus had managed to convince Mallory to stay a little more as he had important things to attend to before the end of the night. Regulus had never hid the fact that these balls were an opportunity for the Dark Lord to have meetings. So, Mallory sat down on a sofa and sipped on her drink, hoping Regulus would come back soon. The sofa shifted as her eyes drifted to the person next to her–Walburga sat there, a smile on her face as her hands rested on her lap.

"You look wonderful in that dress, Mallory," she cooed, her eyes lighting up. It almost made Mallory wonder if she would have been a better mother if she had daughters instead of sons. "My son is indeed very lucky to have you."

"Thank you," Mallory said softly.

Mallory should feel afraid that Walburga Black is so close to her, after all she had heard the past few years, the mere voice of that woman should make her want to flee. But weirdly, Mallory felt alright near her. Perhaps it was because she'd never showed any sign of violence or being mental like Sirius had said. Instead, Walburga Black wore the widest smile in her presence. The kind of smile that made her cheeks hurt and made her eyes squint.

"You look so much like your mother," Walburga commented after a moment of silence. The comment made Mallory's heart warm. Not many people said that she looked like her mum, and it was the biggest compliment she could ever get. "I sometimes wish we could have stayed friends."

"Do you?"

"Surely yes," she smiled softly. "Your mother helped me with my potion homework throughout all my years," she chuckled. "It was ridiculous, really. I excelled in every subject except for Potion. At that time, your mother had appeared like a shining knight."

"I see," Mallory said with a snort. It was true that Eloise Abbott always had a talent for Potion.

Walburga cleared her throat, moving closer to her, "Is there–do you miss her sometimes?"

Mallory opened her mouth to speak as she ran a nervous hand through her hair, "I think it is normal to miss her sometimes. After all, she raised me and–I think I do miss her."

"Do you reckon Sirius misses us? Home?" Walburga asked, murmuring as if she was scared to be heard. "I know you were friends with him once upon a time."

"I–I don't know if he does, Mrs Black," she said in all honesty as she watched the frown appearing in between her eyebrows and how her lips turned downwards. "I'm sorry."

"Oh," she said, waving a careless hand. "Do not be, Mallory. It is not your fault," she told her. "Ah, there he is!"

"Hello, Mother," Regulus smiled softly, his hands pinned behind his back as usual. "What were you two talking about?"

"We were just chatting," Walburga replied, rising to her feet. She turned her head towards Mallory, flashing her a lovely smile. "I hope we will see you soon at home," she told her.

Once she had gone, Regulus stretched out his hand and Mallory had no choice but to take it. Saying goodbye to a few people, Mallory and Regulus finally walked outside. Thankfully, the weather was getting a tad better in England and they were greeted by a warm breeze. Despite that, Mallory shivered being used to the inside temperature.

"Are you cold?" Regulus asked.

Mallory shook her head, "Not really, no. I got used to the temperature inside the manor so I guess it is a bit colder outside," she chuckled.

Wordlessly, Regulus took off his jacket and laid it on her shoulders. Mallory thanked him quietly as he assured her he wasn't that cold. As they walked to the apparating point, Regulus ranted about the meeting and how frightening his Dark Lord appeared to be. Mallory could tell that something had shifted within him when he took Kreacher to this cave, Regulus talked about him with disdain instead of his usual adoration. Somehow, Mallory was happy to hear that tone of voice, perhaps the mission would be smoother from now on.

"Wouldn't it be wicked if he had the time to make other Horcruxes?" Mallory said, pushing the door of the flat. "I mean–does he really have time for that?"

"Mallory, if he wanted to have the world stop for his Horcruxes, he would," Regulus mumbled, closing the door behind him and hanging his vest on the coat hanger. "As soon as we read what you took in Lucius's library, we'll know."

Mallory bit her lower lip as she took the books out of her purse, "Regulus?" She asked as he hummed from the sofa. "I think I know someone who we could talk to..." she said, unsure he would appreciate the idea of talking to someone about it. After all, no one could be trusted these days.

"About the Horcruxes?"

" see, Professor Slughorn teached Voldemort when he was younger. Perhaps, we can talk to him about Voldemort's behaviour before he became who he is now," she proposed. "I know that you don't want anyone to know but–it is worth a shot, is it not?"

Regulus sighed, rubbing his face tiredly, "I reckon so."

"We don't even have to talk about the Horcruxes," she pressed softly. "Just–just chat, yeah?"

"Alright," he whispered, agreeing. "Is he still teaching at Hogwarts?"

Mallory shook her head, throwing a strawberry in her mouth, "Merlin, these are good. Where did you buy them?" She asked him.

"A small market near Camden," he muttered.

Grabbing the book on the table, he opened it and started to read. The first pages was nothing he didn't know–the killing, the damaged soul. He had read this before. Yet, a page caught his attention. It would be possible for him to be immortal despite having multiple destroyed Horcruxes. All he had to do was to keep one at least in good condition.

"Mallory–I fear that this is far beyond us," he then whispered, turning his head to see that she had fallen asleep next to him.

Regulus couldn't blame her, these past few days had been exhausting for her and he had seen it. All of it. The good and the bad. He grabbed the blanket and threw it on her, as he tucked her feet in carefully because he knew how much she hated sleeping with her feet cold. Regulus could not help but linger on her features as for the first time in days, she seemed at peace. Without noticing his action, he leaned closer until his lips grazed the skin of her forehead and he found himself pressing a kiss on it.

"Goodnight, Mallory," he murmured, grabbing once again the book and reading it.

He read until his eyes were too heavy to see another word as they all appeared blurry to him. Mallory was long asleep when he closed the book slowly, placing a pagemaker to not lose the page he wanted to show Mallory the next morning. He grabbed another blanket that lay on the armchair and threw it on himself before falling asleep as well.

For once in weeks, Regulus managed to get a good night of sleep despite Mallory's soft snores and Pen jumping on the sofa every two hours to demand pets.

authors note, so... shall we talk about the kiss or not??? 🤗🤗🤗

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