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Pure Madness
January 25th, 1979

          Mallory watched as Fabian paced back in forth in her bedroom, his shoulders were tense and he kept silent. Not a single word had been spoken ever since she had told them she was meant to go back home. Home without them. It wasn't much of home then, was it? If they weren't here anymore, then their home wouldn't feel like a home. That was not the point, far from it, right now it was about how mad she was.

After a few minutes in complete silence, he sat down at the edge of the bed next to her and let out a sigh, "You are mad, Mallory," he uttered, burying his head into his hands. "Do you realise how dangerous it is?"

"I know."

Was it the worst of this ridiculous situation? The fact that she could die or be tortured for being her, or being around them. Weirdly, she was awfully okay with it. Gryffindors traits, Lily would remind her.

"I have agreed, though," she reminded him.

"But, this is mad!" Gideon agreed with his brother. "You—Mallory, you can't just—you can't leave here and infiltrate these mental families!"

"I'm a pure blood after all."

Fabian snorted, "Not like them. You do know that."

Mallory shifted her body so she could face him as Gideon sat in the chair in front of them, and said, "Mal, they are different kind of pure blood. Fab and I, we are pure blood too...Just not like them."

"But—You know, I could easily switch side," she murmured. "Not really switch side but I could. And I will."

"Reckon you'll be able to visit us? Or owl us? Anything, really," he muttered softly. "Gid and I get pretty lonely without you, you know."

Gideon chuckled, "That is, sadly, very true."

Mallory cupped Fab's face as he looked up at her, "I will be at home, our home," she reminded them both. "If you want to see me, use the Floo, I will let it open for you two."

"Is it safe?"

"Safer than walking through the door," she told them. "You'll be able to visit, alright? I will make sure of it."

Fabian and Gideon both nodded with a hum and Mallory smiled, "I'm going to be alright," she reassured. "If things get out of hands, Moody won't be far."

"How do we know Black is not going to try anything?"

Ah, she should had known this would come up. Really, she didn't even know herself. But after her conversation with Black and how quick he had assured it was okay for her to be scared, she felt like she could trust him. Perhaps something had switched between them, they did spend lots of time together without even meaning to at first. Then, it would end up in spending days in the library together and chatting about the books they were reading or when he would try to annoy her in the kitchen. Maybe Regulus Black was nice and not the arsehole Sirius had described the whole time.

Mallory still recalled vividly how Sirius' opinion completely changed. The youngest Black went from Reggie to Regulus to wanker. It went from happily going back home to reluctantly going back to never step foot in Grimmauld Place.

"He won't."

"How can you be so su—"

Mallory cut him off, "I know it, Fab."

He released a sigh and shook his head, "If you say so."

"Trust me," she breathed out, smiling at them. "That is all I'm asking for. To trust me."

"And we will," Gideon pressed, taking her hand in his and kissed her forehead. "We will always trust you, Mal."

Gideon kissed her head one more time before walking out of the bedroom, leaving Fabian and she alone. Mallory's eyes drifted to her bagage half packed, and her chest ached. Fabian was still quiet, as though he was waiting for her to say she wouldn't go—because, he wanted that. He wanted her to stay here, safe and sound.

"Don't go," he broke the silence, trying to keep a flat voice. He let out a breath as Mallory's hands cupped his face, making him look up at her. "Don't go," he repeated.

"Fab," she started softly, a smile gracing her features and she instinctively ran the pad of her thumbs on his cheekbones. "I will be okay."

"I—Mal, I need you. Listen...I think—you're my best friend. Had been for years," she nodded her head, encouraging him to continue. "You are truly the best thing that could happen to Gid and me. You make me happy—so much."


He cut her off, "Please, just listen. I think I kind of always knew, deep down," he chuckled to himself, scanning her face. "I like you, Mal. Merlin, I'm fond of you," he whispered, his own hands reaching to hold hers. "And, I'm not saying this only to convince you, I know you won't stay but—parts of me need you to know that I like you, and I'm scared I won't ever see you again."

Despite the situation, she laughed. Actually laughed and replied, "Oh, Fabian," she murmured, leaning down to rest her forehead against his. "I'm coming back."

"Are you?"

Something struck inside her, perhaps it was the way he looked at her so differently or how his hands felt on hers: warm and safe. The way he looked at her, Merlin, when did he start to gaze at her that way? All the innocence in them was gone and it made Mallory feel different, but good different. He let out a shaky breath, gulping as she leaned closer until their noses were touching and they could feel each other's breath. So intoxicating. Was she...was she supposed to kiss him, even though she was leaving? Was it right?

"Merlin," he sighed softly, almost heavily. "I really want to kiss you, Mal."

She let out a breathless chuckle, her hands still on his face and her nose pressed against his, "Is it right? Would it feel right?"

"So right," he replied.

The way he said it made her want to cave in, so badly. Pulling away a little, she looked down at him and her chest instantly warmed up as she caught him looking at her gently. Hesitantly, she brought the pad of her thumb on his lips and traced them, making him exhale. A bad idea never looked so good. He closed his eyes and let her touch, he had dreamt of this day so many times. Mallory took the opportunity of his cluelessness and leaned down rapidly, without thinking she cursed her lips on his as he groaned surprisingly at the contact.

"Does it feel right?" He managed to ask, grabbing her hips and pulling her on his lap as she continued to kiss him breathlessly. "Mal..."

"Merlin, it does."

She didn't know why her answer came out as needy but all she knew was that it had the wanted effect on Fabian. His arm circled her waist, pulling her even closer as her hands ran through his hair and pulled at them lightly. It was messy kiss and eager kiss, yet Fabian managed to be gentle with his hands or even his lips. Mallory's fingertips sneaked under his shirt as he flinched but relaxed as her lips found his again. It felt like a dream. After a few minutes, Mallory pulled away breathless and Fabian couldn't help but want to watch her. Her hands were still underneath his shirt, caressing his sides as his arm still circled her waist and the other rested behind her neck.

There she was. Breathless, her lips red and swollen, her eyes closed as she wore a shy smile. He had made her feel that way, not another one, he did it and he couldn't stop himself from feeling proud of it.

"If I would have known earlier," she broke the silence, making him frown and as soon as she realised, she continued. "Allie has been telling me to try dating one of you two. I've always said you were my favourite," she chuckled, making him laugh too.

"I knew it!"

"Don't tell Gid, he'll have my head," she told him.

"...I knew it all along," he whispered.

"Don't be so sure of yourself," she teased. "I could walk out of this room and go snog your brother if you'd like," she said as he shook his head, and kissed her lips again. "Okay, maybe I won't."

He smirked, "That's what I thought."

"Mind staying the night?"

"Of course, yeah," he smiled softly as she gave him a small grin and climbed on the bed. She watched as he took off his shirt and trousers before slipping under the covers. They stared at each other until Fabian broke into laughters and Mallory did the same. "I trust you, you know. I know you are going to be great."

"Thank you."

"You're the best of us. You'll do great," he whispered, closing his eyes and his head sunk further into the pillow. "Night, Mal."

"Night, Fab," she murmured, moving closer until her head was against his chest and his arm moved around her so he could press her against him.


The next morning, Regulus woke up way earlier than he intended to. Perhaps the anxious feeling of knowing he would be back home by noon had kept him awake somehow. Was he ready to go back home? Absolutely not; as much as he hated to admit it, Regulus was feeling good here, the best he had felt in years truly. He silently sneaked out of his bedroom and headed in the garden. The sky was still a little dark but he could perceive the sun rising, the birds were starting to chirp around him and the grass was still wet from the night before.

Salazar, he'd miss it.

Minutes later, he walked back into the house and decided he would prepare breakfast. After all, they had been kind enough to let him stay, even though they had no choice, still they were nice to him and today, he felt like returning the favour. He knew the Bones couple liked warm tea in the morning, the twins adored eggs and bacon, Mallory enjoyed waffles just like him.

"Ah, Regulus is cooking," Samira Bones' voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he turned around to see Samira with a smile on her face. "Can I ask why?"

"Why not?" He answered, flipping a waffle as she snorted and he could hear her footsteps getting closer. From the lack of sound, he assumed she sat on the counter behind him. "This is me trying to return your kindness, that is it."

"Mmh, well...this is nice," she commented and Regulus had to hide the small proud smile drawing on his face. "I'm just going to prepare some—"

"It's already done," he cut her off. "I know you and Edgar like warm tea in the morning," he added, ignoring how how the back of his neck was.

"And, he's observant."

He shrugged, "I try to."

"Ah, it smells lovely in here," Edgar said, entering the kitchen. "Morning, Black."

"Morning," he answered.

Regulus liked Edgar. He was funny, smart and not too pushy. Whenever questions were piling up, Edgar would be the one stopping it and Regulus was grateful for that. Also, they had interesting conversations about random subjects which he could definitely not talk about with Evan or Barty. Samira felt familiar, though he was pretty sure that he had never seen her at family balls or events. He liked her, too.

"Thanks for cooking us breakfast, Reg," Edgar then said.

Usually, Regulus would have said something because he hated when strangers or acquaintances would feel comfortable enough to use Reg but weirdly, he didn't feel like correcting him.

"It's alright."

"Why, though?" He queried nicely, pulling a chair so he could sit down.

Regulus frowned, "Didn't Moody tell you? Abbott and I are leaving today, at noon," he confessed, turning his head to glance at the married couple. Samira and Edgar exchanged a look before shaking their heads. "I already told Abbott it was mad, but she accepted nevertheless."

"Is it a kind of mission?"

"I reckon," he mumbled. "Abbott has to infiltrate—well, my side. Dumbledore and Moody want her to take him down from the inside," he explained slowly. "It is pure madness but she won't back down, so...all I can do is let her use me to reach his inner circle. It could take weeks, months even."

Edgar let out a sigh, the kind of ones that usually came with a disapproving shake of head and said, "So, you don't think it is a good idea?"

"Absolutely not," he immediately answered.

But before he could elaborate his point further, Fabian and Mallory walked in with their hands intertwined and the widest smile on their faces. If he was honest, in the three weeks he had spent with Mallory, he had never seen that kind of smile on her and he had to admit she looked pretty with it.

"Oh," Samira let out, surprised. Pointing at their intertwined hands, she glanced back and forth between the two and said. "How did this happen?"

"Overnight," Edgar added, curious as well.

Fabian shrugged, letting go off her hand as he settled down, "Just happened," he replied. It was obvious that none of them wanted to talk about it.

"Well, we're glad you finally found someone after Emmeline," Samira simply said to Mallory. "Fabian is the right lad for you, eh?"

Fabian chuckled, "I hope so."

"He is," she assured shyly.

Regulus had never seen her so shy.

She turned on her heels and stared right at him, obviously surprised to see him there, "Do I smell waffles?"

He blushed a little, hoping it would go unnoticed and cleared his throat before answering, "Yes. I made them myself."

"That's brilliant, Black," she said softly. "Thank you."

Oh, they were nice to each other now? It was alright, he would take this over disdain anytime of the day. He handed her a plate and she took it, thanking him again.

"Prewett, I've cooked you eggs and bacon," he exclaimed, looking at the red hair. "I know it's your favourite."

Instead of looking at him with that kind of suspicion he had throughout the three weeks, he grinned and replied, "Thanks, Black. I appreciate it."

"Of course," he mumbled.

Once he had given the plate to Fabian, he took his own and sat down at the table facing Mallory. She didn't look up once, not even to say some sneaky remarks like she used to or just try to anger him; instead she ate in utter silence.

"Are they good?" He whispered to her.

Mallory finally met his eyes and nodded, "They are, yeah."

Gideon joined a little later and sat down next to Regulus, he would talk to him about the Quidditch match from yesterday and ask his opinion on it. He would try to make him laugh, and Regulus had to cover up his laughs with coughs that made Gideon smile ear-to-ear. This twin, he liked. For some reasons, he couldn't understand yet, the Prewett twin just seemed to enjoy spending time with him.

"Mallory, it's time to leave."

Alastar Moody's voice echoed through the hallway as he knocked on her door, Regulus stood behind him because the Auror had asked to follow him. Seconds later, Mallory was walking out of the bedroom with her baggage levitating behind her and Pen in her own arms.

"Hi, Moody," she said calmly.

"Hello, Abbott," he greeted. "Ready to go home, Black?" He questioned Regulus behind him.

Regulus hummed, "I am. If I remember correctly, I will have to owl Abbott in a few days?"

"Two, if possible," he grunted. "A source of mine says an event is being held soon, it will be the perfect occasion to bring Abbott along with you. Alright?" Regulus nodded. "Do you both wear the piece of jewellery I have given you last time?"

"Yes," they both answered in unison.

"Perfect then," he said lowly, leading them downstairs where everyone was waiting for them. "Say your goodbyes and I'll be waiting outside."

Regulus started strolling behind Moody but Samira rushed to grab his wrist and brought him back inside, he frowned not thinking he had the place or even the chance to say goodbye to any of them.

"Did you really think you would escape us so easily, Black?" Gideon chuckled, clasping his hand on Regulus' shoulder. "We want to say goodbye to you too. Besides, breakfast was delicious."

"It was," Edgar insisted, seeing Regulus shake his head as a form of denial. "It was lovely to meet you, Reg. Perhaps we will meet later under better circumstances," he smiled and Regulus felt himself smiling back.

Samira wordlessly circled his body with her arms and pulled him in a hug. He hadn't been hugged someone for years, he had forgotten how tight and warm an embrace could feel. She pulled away with a bright smile and gave him a nod, which he returned.

Turning his head he spotted Fabian and Mallory whispering to each other, he noticed how Fabian's lips grazed hers and a weird feeling consumed him. Was it jealousy? Couldn't be, he didn't like Mallory that way and he wasn't even sure to like her at all, so why would he feel like that? Swallowing thickly, he bowed his head towards Fabian as a sigh of farewell and headed outside. Not too long after, Mallory was joining him and let out a shaky sigh.


"Of course," she replied, almost offended by the question.

Moody hummed, "How did Prewett and you happened?" He queried as they walked out of the wards.

Mallory shrugged, "We came to the realisation that we fancy each other, that's it."

"Lovely," he snorted. "Alright, Black, you take my arm and I will Apparate you to the street corner just like last time. Mallory, you go back to your flat and I will come by later and explain everything once again."


"Because this isn't your territory," he explained. "It's Black's, so there are a few things that you will need to keep in mind throughout the whole mission, yes?"

Instead of answering, she turned her head to look at Regulus and smirked, "See you soon, Black."

That night, Regulus Black walked through his front door and let Kreacher announce his return as his Mother strolled to him. With a hesitant hand, she reached for his shoulder and smiled—a real smile—and told him she was happy to finally see him again. Sometimes, he wondered where the mean woman who used to terrorise him and Sirius went. He then spent his whole dinner, lying about his long deserved break in Scotland and went to bed as soon as he could.

That night, Mallory Abbott walked through Sirius' front door instead of hers. She settled down on the couch, grabbed the Muggle red beer he was offering and confessed she would have to stop seeing them for a long time. Just for safety, she had said. Sirius then decided to call everyone on short notice and invited them to his flat so they could party. She had admitted to Alice, Dorcas, Lily and Marlene about Fabian and they had all gasped in surprise. When she was too knackered to keep her eyes open, she kissed everyone on the cheek and headed to the closest bedroom before falling into a deep slumber.

authors note, how obvious it was of me to make mallory and fabian a thing! i cannot resist that man in every fanfic i have 😫😫

anyways, i can't wait for more reg and mal.

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