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The Request Of The Dark Lord
April 16th, 1979.

          Regulus had sworn on his life that no one would know about what had happened to Mallory. He had not gone back to see her, he had no intent on going back until she called out for him. Regulus went to the ball by himself and spent the night apologising for her absence; Bellatrix and Rodolphus' stare on him did not go unnoticed.

Sometimes, when he lay still at night, he would close his eyes and play that memory again and again, until he grew too frustrated. Truth was, how could a man like Regulus Black have Mallory Abbott?

For now, he was locked away in his room with books in hands. He hadn't done much. His mother wouldn't allow it. Despite being the good heir, he was forbidden to stay outside too long as she feared the outside world. Sirius had escaped, and she wasn't ready to let Regulus escape as well.

"Dear," Walburga called for Regulus from her office, which was downstairs. On the opposite, Orion's was upstairs. "Is Mallory feeling any better?"

"I fear not, Mother," Regulus replied swiftly, hands tied behind his back.

Walburga grimaced, looking rather concerned, "Was her fall that horrid?"


Regulus tried to keep his answers short and clear so the whole story would make sense. If he ever stuttered or said the wrong thing, his mother would know and he couldn't risk it.

"If she needs healers or such, we can welcome her here," Walburga said all of a sudden, taking Regulus by surprise. "You must tell her, Regulus."

"I will," he nodded his head. "Though, I am not sure she will be able to move since she was put to bed rest."

"Right," she nodded her head thoroughly. "I am sure you will hear it soon enough from your father but the Dark Lord has requested to meet her."

His eyes widened, though he tried to not show it too much, "To meet her?"

"Yes. Apparently, she caught his eye," she replied unfazed but Regulus couldn't help and feel dizzy.

He nodded wordlessly, his jaw clenched as he held himself back to ask questions that would make him look suspicious. As he reached his bedroom, he did his best to not spiral and instead thought. He thought about what he could do or say to Mallory. There was not a doubt to him that she would accept in a heartbeat. Despite knowing the mission, he didn't want Mallory to meet him.

Later that day, he told his mother he was going to see her and she simply nodded and reminded him to ask her if she would like to come here to rest. When he reached her front door, he contemplated the idea of seeing her or not but he had no choice, so he gathered his courage and brought his fist to the white wooden door.

"Black," Gideon opened the door, surprise written all over his face though he smiled and invited him inside. "It's been a long time."

Regulus nodded, "Feels like it. Is Mallory here?"

He nodded, "She's with Fabian. Do you want me to fetch her for you?"

"Please," he said, his voice soft as he sat on the couch and sighed loudly. He didn't want to see Fabian and hear his snarky comments about all of it.

"Regulus," Mallory's weak voice echoed from behind him as he turned around to see her. It was the first time that he saw her after he stormed out of her flat. He gulped nervously and offered a tight smile. "What is it?"

He rubbed his hands on his pants, "My mother asks if you would like to come and rest with us," he said quietly as she frowned. "I know it is rubbish, I have told her but–"

"Do you think I should come?"

"You're free to do as you please, Mallory," he told her. "Also, it seems as if you have caught The Dark Lord's eye. He wants to meet you," Regulus did his best to ignore Fabian behind her and how his hand reached for her waist.

Mallory left Fabian's side and Regulus noticed she was slightly limping. She sat down next to Regulus, their legs slightly brushing as Fabian watched closely. Regulus inhaled, closing his eyes softly as he fought the urge to move closer. What had she done to him? Him, who never liked to be too close to a woman since he had gotten that horrid mark. Him, who despised his brother's friends but now seemed to be completely besotted with one of them.

"I will come wi–"

"No, Mallory," Fabian chirped in but she stopped him.

"Fabian," she pleaded gently as he stepped back and went away. "I will come with you so your mother believes that I'm loyal. Even though she likes me, I am sure she has her doubts," she told Regulus. "I don't want to raise suspicions. Bellatrix hates me enough for it."

"Bella hates everyone," Regulus reminded her but she shrugged it off. "Besides, I do not want Prewett to be mad. He has all the rights to be."

"I'm coming. End of the discussion," she told him.

But this time, Regulus shook his head. He threw a quick glance at the corridor where Fabian was standing just seconds before and reached for her hand once he noticed that he wasn't there anymore, "I won't risk it, Mallory. If you are to come with me, my mother might do something that will put you at high risk. I know she is nice but she can be wicked, my brother told you about it–she might invite the Dark Lord and I do not want that."


"Will you respect my choice? I'm asking you, for once, to respect my opinion about what happens in this mission," he groaned angrily and Mallory stopped talking. "The time for you to meet him will come, do not worry. Just not now."

After a long minute, Mallory sighed and agreed, "Alright, but," he should have known a but would be included with her. "You're taking me back to Grimmauld place tonight. Invent a rubbish lie, tell your mother I wanted to see her for supper," she told him.

Regulus contemplated the idea before caving in too, "Okay. Go get ready then. I'll wait here," he said to her as she nodded and stood up to go to her bedroom. It wasn't long before Gideon appeared back, a tight smile on his face as he took Mallory's place. "Hello, Gideon."

"Hello, Reg," Gideon replied, his smile wider than before he sat down. "How are you lately?"

"Exhausted," he admitted quietly, looking through the big window in their living room. So much lighter than Grimmauld Place. "How are you?"

Gideon shrugged, "Holding on," he told him and Regulus had to remind himself that the twins were included in high risk missions. They were most likely to suffer more. "Samire is pregnant," he then told him, knowing he held Samira and Edgar Bones close to his heart.

"Is she?"

"Yes. She wanted to tell you in person actually but we couldn't find a way to contact you," Giden admitted.

Regulus smacked his lips, grimacing, "I know. Mother stopped owls from reaching home. It is forbidden," he explained. "She uses only our family owls and not the outside ones. Too scared someone will read important letters."

"Fair enough," there was a pause before Gideon inhaled deeply. "Thank you for taking care of Mallory when Fab and I couldn't. My brother is too blinded by jealousy to see that you have a good heart, Regulus but I see it."

If Regulus wasn't standing with Gryffindors, in a flat that he didn't own and with people he felt like he barely knew but at the same time felt like he did know them by heart, he would have cried. The mere thought of being pure or having a good heart had escaped from Regulus's mind as soon as he had gotten the mark. It was as if he had forbidden himself to feel, to smile and to be good to others. Almost dead inside.

He gulped, nodding his head thankful for his words, "Thank you. Would you please congratulate the Bones for me?"

"Of course."

Both of them stayed in utter silence, not wanting to talk and ruin the only moment of calmness they had. Regulus even found himself closing his eyes as he waited for Mallory. Sleep was something he barely managed to get these days–there were things taunting him all night and he wasn't able to shut his thoughts entirely. So he stared at the ceiling most of the time, he even managed to notice the slight cracks in the mouldings.

During this moment of quietness, Mallory was searching through her drawers to find a decent dress. Ever since she started that mission, Mallory went on multiple shopping trips in order to buy dresses. They weren't her favourite thing to wear but she found herself beautiful in some of them. As she pulled out a blue dress with long sleeves, Fabian cleared his throat, catching her attention.

"Are you actually going?" He asked, massaging his temples with his fingers.

"Yes, Fabian. I am going," she replied quietly, ignoring how her skin felt on fire whenever she pulled her arms up. "I've been at home for too long."

"For Merlin's sake, Mallory! You splinched yourself," he argued, his voice rising slightly. "Yo–you had scars all over your body. Don't you get it?"


"Doing this mission with Black puts you in danger over and over again," he said. "You've met his family and now Voldemort asks to see you! Bloody hell!"

Mallory sighed, turning her body so she was facing him, "Fabian, we knew this was bound to happen. It had been Moody's goal all along."

"Who cares about his goal?"

"I do! I bloody do, Fabian!" Mallory raised her voice slightly, taking him by surprise. "I have agreed because I wish to help people. I wish to secure us a safe future."


With that, she put on a dress and when she came out, Regulus and Gideon were chatting about random things she couldn't bother to listen to. Rapidly, she grabbed Regulus' hand and dragged him outside. Once she was out of Fabian's sight, she released a breath and instantly reached for the only cigarette she had taken before leaving.

"Are you—are you alright?" Regulus asked, his voice coming out as a soft whisper.

Mallory lit her cigarette, inhaling the smoke and it weirdly reminded Regulus of Mallory's mum, "I'm alright, Regulus. Just...I was bored," she muttered, shaking her head. "And, he—Fabian, he doesn't want to leave me be! It's suffocating really."

"Perhaps he is just trying to take care of you correctly."

Mallory let out a snort, "He is not. Trust me," she told him. "He hates you, you know? He completely despises you, Regulus. He will find every good excuse to portray you as the bad bloke."

Regulus shrugged his shoulders, "Perhaps I am the bad guy," he argued.

The thought of Regulus Black being the real bad guy made Mallory laugh. He could never be the bad guy. Despite that mark and his behaviour, Regulus was sweet and sometimes merely a boy. Which Mallory liked, it reminded her that sometimes she was just a girl. A girl that was newly graduated and a simple woman. Not long ago, Mallory was still the little girl that loved cuddling with her parents in the living room and listening to her father telling his work stories as he winked at her while her mother scolded him.

"I'm just...tired," she admitted quietly, almost ashamed. Surely the war had been hard on both of them but Mallory couldn't help but feel guilty for being tired of all of this when she wasn't experiencing the constant pressure of his life.

"I know," he replied, putting his hands in the pockets of his pants. "It is okay to be. It can be very dreadful."

"How are you not exhausted, Regulus?"

He sighed, shrugging once again, "I've learnt to not care a long time ago, Mallory. I don't feel things anymore, I'm aware of it. It's as if my body is simply dead, it is cold and not looking for any warmth–there is only my mind functioning. Well, somehow."

"I wish I could be like that."

"No, no you don't," he said softly yet firmly.

After what felt like an eternity, Regulus and Mallory reached Grimmauld Place as she watched the houses revealing Regulus's home. Taking a deep breath, she tried to relax her shoulders the best she could but she still found it hard to do so. Regulus noticed and slid his arm around her arms, bringing her a new kind of warmth all over her body. She offered an unsure smile as he guided her inside, as she entered, she was greeted by the pleasant smell of food and somehow the house seemed warmer.

"What a surprise! Sweet Mallory," Walburga's voice echoed down the hall as she soon appeared in front of the pair. Her hair up, her smile wide as she wore a long back dress. "How have you been? Regulus told us about that fall of yours."

Mallory put on her fakest smile, "I'm doing much better, thank you for asking."

"Mallory wanted to see you for supper as she hadn't seen you in a long time," Regulus notified, making Walburga smile again. He couldn't even understand how she managed to make Walburga smile so much. "Is it alright?"

"More than alright!" She replied, clapping her hands together. "I will go tell Kreacher and your father. He will be delighted," she said, squeezing their shoulders.

Regulus escorted Mallory to the living room so she could sit down, he could see that she was getting uncomfortable by standing up too long. Even though she kept reassuring that she could stand up, she didn't miss the sigh of relief that escaped her rosy lips once she was settled down on the firm sofa. Minutes later, Walburga returned with Orion–who's health seemed to have declined, at least that was what Mallory perceived.

"Bonjour, papa," Regulus smiled, embracing him into a side hug.

"Bonjour, mon chéri," Orion cooed with a smile. "Bonjour, Mallory."

"Monsieur," she greeted with a nod.

They chatted for a bit, until Walburga said it was time to eat. It would be lying to say that she didn't enjoy their times together. Mallory loathed herself for thinking that way because she knew they weren't good, but there was something inexplicable when she was with them–as if she belonged.

And, Mallory thought there was nothing better than to belong. To feel welcome.

authors note, we're back with a bitter(sweet) update???

anyways, i have watched daisy jones and the six &&& why is not called camila alvarez and the six?? because that woman was the reason the band happened 😭😭😭😭

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