Chapter 15 - The Shadowy One

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By the time I'd recovered my composure, the razor-edged metallic symphony between Badb and Maeve had ended. Both Badb and Llew sheathed their weapons when surrounded by the summer court guards. Gwydion and Arianrhod had not joined in, and I assumed they were attempting to continue to play both courts.

Yeah, right. They'd made their damn choice clear.

Instead of prolonging the so-called festivities, Queen Aine and King Nuada had the Unseelie delegation escorted back to the treaty plains, and we retired to a smaller audience chamber, away from the chaos that was the court. The elves continued their celebrations, despite our absence, as the noise carried over the tree-tops.

King Nuada gestured to the numerous couches and chairs as he and Aine seated themselves on a pair of high-backed, well-cushioned chairs made of mosses, bright green leaves and branches. "Please, make yourself comfortable."

Still wrapped in our red robes, Elatha's supporting arm tight around me, we sat together on a couch. His brother, Elada, joined us, sitting on my other side, just beyond Mist. I'd managed to still my tears, at least externally. Jitters plagued my muscles as waves of hot and cold shivered over my flesh. Lava flowed through my veins, my rage searing, even as a cold, dark, empty pit yawned in my center. In my soul. Like I'd never be warm again.

But Elatha's strength and warmth beside me was a reminder that I wasn't dealing with this alone. With effort, I locked down the screams that wanted to erupt and clenched my hands instead of tearing at my hair and skin.

Queen Aine sat forward in her seat, leaning to catch my hand in a gentle, but firm grip. "I am so sorry that we didn't anticipate Badb's treachery in this matter. Perhaps we should have, considering her sons were killed in the last war with Asgard. Still, to curse her own nephew." Aine shook her head slowly. Squeezing my hand, she let go and sat back again.

I wanted to answer, to do the polite thing, but I was barely managing to hold in my screams. Instead, I simply inclined my head in acknowledgment. I didn't trust my voice. Mist's arm joined Elatha's in rubbing my back. Two points of comfort in a swirling maelstrom. I appreciated their attempts to soothe, and it definitely helped anchor me in the here and now. Yet, part of me still wanted to give in to the call of destruction, that voice inside me that would set fire to the world to save my son.

"Unfortunately, it seems we continue to underestimate the depths of depravity the Unseelie will stoop to," said Math from his position on one of the couches across from us, with Taliesin and Maeve beside him.

"Is there something you can do, Math?" asked Maeve. "Could you break the curse?"

His brown eyes looked from Maeve, then caught my gaze. Mouth turned down, his shoulders slumped, he slowly shook his head. "I'm so sorry. Even were Prince Loki and I to combine our powers as we have explored in the past, a life must be exchanged."

Something in Math's voice had sounded... off? It pulled me from the churning inner turmoil of scattered thought inside me. Was he lying? I ran the words and his tone through my mind again. No, not about the life being exchanged. It was when he was talking about Loki. There was something—

"Damn them! I thought we'd prevented that prophesy," growled Nuada, banging his silver fist on the arm of his chair with a sharp crack that echoed in the surrounding air. It interrupted my train of thought and pulled me back to the present. "If Prince Aidan dies, there is no way Asgard won't declare war. I don't understand what Freyr and Mene are thinking!"

I didn't need to confirm it for them. It was true. Asgard was already preparing for war.

"That's assuming Loki doesn't destroy the Unseelie all on his own. Perhaps they've forgotten he's the God of Chaos," Mist confirmed.

There were a few mutters, and I caught the gist of their fear. Chaos, once unleashed, grew and fed on itself. It didn't require Loki to continue to supply the energy himself after the initial burst. Left unchecked, that magic would spill out of the Winter Realm to affect everyone on Alfheim. A surge of elation filled me at the thought. I wanted them to pay. Let the entire planet burn. What did I care if this fucking place went through a cataclysm?

"Prophesy?" asked Elatha.

His voice was a splash of cold water, and I remembered that Atlantia was also on this planet. I closed my eyes and clenched my hands tighter, nails biting into my palms. No, I wouldn't wish the Atlanteans to pay for the evil of the Unseelie. For that fucking bitch, Badb.

"When Shannon was born, She-Who-Strikes-Fear was with me fighting the fire demons. It was her prophesy that resulted in the two of you being married," Maeve answered, and I realized I'd not been paying attention to the surrounding conversation. Words had been flowing around my swirling thoughts like the rapids of a fast-flowing river.

"She-Who-Strikes-Fear?" I gritted out when no one else spoke.

Maeve smiled, a little twist of her lips at the corners, and stretched out one hand as she explained, "Like most of us, she goes by many names. The Dark Goddess. The Shadowy One. Scota is a warrior goddess and prophetess. She refuses to be aligned with either the Summer or Winter Realms. Instead, she lives out on the Isle of Skye in the ocean between realms." Maeve snorted and shook her head. "I've always gotten along well with her, but she's not the easiest elf to be around."

Elada frowned and leaned forward to ask, "What exactly does the prophesy say?"

Taliesin pursed his lips, brows drawing together in thought. "Hmm... The first part is 'Black, silver and white, born to unite, from darkest green and brightest gold, heed her desires, else war unfold' but I know there is more to it."

Aine tapped her mouth with two fingers thoughtfully. "Yes, there was definitely more. I don't recall it either, as we focused on trying to prevent war." Shifting in her seat, she turned and asked, "Do you remember Maeve?"

With a shrug and lifting of both hands, Maeve shook her head, sending her blond ponytail swaying. "I'm sorry, but I really don't. I agree though, there was definitely more to it than that."

"Then it sounds like we need to visit Scota and find out," said Manannan's deep, resonant voice from the entrance. He stood, powerful arms crossed, leaning against the closed door with an intensity in his expression.

I hadn't noticed him arrive. He'd escorted the Unseelie out of the Summer Realm at his daughter's request. Now that I knew of the family relationship between them, I could see the similarities in the ocean blue of their eyes, and something in Aine's tone reminded me of Manannan.

"Yes. If there is any way to prevent a war and save Prince Aidan, we must explore it," Aine agreed, meeting her father's gaze with a nod.

"How do we find Scota?" I asked, nerves jangling. A direction, an action. Anything was better than sitting. Any hope to save my son was a lifeline I'd cling to and pursue as far as it led. Regardless of what was required, I'd do it. Ready to leave right now, my legs fidgeted at still sitting here.

Elatha took my hand, meeting my eyes and I unclenched my fist to intertwine our fingers as he nodded his agreement at my unspoken question.

"I'll take you. Using the portal gateways, it's a two-day journey," Manannan said, his small smile a tight press of his lips.

"I'll accompany you. Scota knows me so I can ease the introductions," Maeve offered.

Nuada shook his head and held out his silver hand. "No, we need you here, Maeve. You need to get the legions ready in case their efforts fail. I don't know why the Winter Realm is so willing to pursue war, but they must have support from allies. We can't afford to be taken unawares, or get drawn into a conflict between Asgard and Unseelie."

Reluctantly, Maeve acknowledged his logic with a bow of her head, then turned to meet my eyes. "I'm sorry, Shannon." Her frustration at the situation was clear in the tightness between her eyes and clenching jaw. Despite my turmoil, a little arrow of warmth curled inside at my mother's obvious desire to help me.

Beside her, Taliesin wiggled his fingers, raising an arm. "I'm not needed here. I'll go with Shannon."

"I'd offer to go, but Scota hates me, so I'd be a hindrance," offered Math with a wry smile.

It made me wonder what Scota was like, given how pleasant Math had been to me. Would she help me or pose another challenge to overcome?

"Very well, with Manannan and Taliesin as guides, you should have no issues reaching Scota. I assume Valkyrie Mist and Prince Elada will be joining the two of you?" Aine asked, looking at them for confirmation.

"Of course," said Mist. "Princess Shannon is not going anywhere without me."

"Absolutely. I'm not letting my brother and new sister-in-law face this on their own," confirmed Elada.

"Excellent. Let's not waste any more time, then," Manannan said with a bow to Aine and Nuada.

Standing at last, we made our goodbyes, thanking Queen Aine and King Nuada for their hospitality. I answered more out of rote from Frigga's lessons, not really paying attention, as Elatha guided me out of the audience chamber and toward our rooms. My mind was already focused on what we needed to do next and what we might find on the Isle of Skye.

And another part of my mind wondered what Loki was doing. How would I face him if I failed to save our son? 

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