Chapter 23 - Unexpected

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After several more stops to gather supplies for our journey, Maeve left us at our rooms. Elada had been busy in our absence, preparing a seafood chowder. It was one of my favourites, so I knew he felt bad about our earlier argument.

"It'll be ready in an hour or so," he said as we updated him on what Shannon had learned.

While Shannon talked with Elada, I took our supplies into the bedroom and started packing. Once Shannon got her new weapons from her great uncle tomorrow, we would leave for Asgard. Shannon was sure Loki would agree to our quest once she explained the situation. Although not thrilled at the idea of seeing him again, I had to admit to a certain amount of excitement at visiting Asgard, especially if it was to become my new home. Other than Litaui, our people didn't travel to other planets.

Not that we weren't interested in other worlds. We hadn't developed the portal technology to go somewhere new without setting up the destination first. Our ancestors had used the first natural undersea portals to get to Litaui before creating the water gates. Lacking a treaty with Asgard, we didn't have access to their bifrost. It was one of the many reasons my mother was keen on me becoming our ambassador to Asgard.

Voices drifted in from the main room, drawing me from my thoughts.

Elada had me gritting my teeth and growling as I heard him say, "My lady, please tell me you are here to use and abuse my poor self. I will gladly sacrifice my body to your carnal needs."

Who the hell is Elada propositioning now? Seriously? If he was being inappropriate with Shannon again, I was going to actually punch him this time. I was completely and utterly fed up with his barnacle-brained antics. Putting down the tunic I was packing, I stomped out of the bedroom.

Surprise had me halting in the doorway.

Maeve was smirking at the entrance to our rooms. Shannon, hazel eyes wide, had one hand over her mouth, with Mist standing beside her. My idiot brother had his smarmiest, flirtiest smile on his face as he made eyes at a stunningly beautiful female in green, black, gold, and silver armour. I could see why Elada was making a pufferfish of himself. Tall, but still sexily curvaceous, she had ivory pale skin, brilliant green eyes, and long braids of midnight hair that fell to mid-back.

Damn, she is hot.

Wait... what?! I did not just notice another female in front of Shannon. Shame hit me hard at my thoughts. Maybe my brother needed to punch me instead.

The gorgeous female arched a dark eyebrow at Elada, clearly not impressed with him.

Damn it. I need to stop noticing how attractive she is.

Mist started chuckling.

"Loki?" Shannon asked, her voice soft with wonder.

Shock hit me like a kraken blow, my lungs seizing. Sea cucumbers! This was Loki?

Loki took the two steps to close the distance between her and Shannon, slid her hand into Shannon's hair to grip her nape and drew her in for a kiss.

By the first shell, what a kiss. It sizzled.

Even from here, I could see Shannon melt into Loki's arms with their bodies pressed together. My thoughts scattered at the unexpected, fiery surge of lust roaring through me, igniting my veins. Damned if it didn't make me hard as a sea pillar. I wanted both of them with an intensity that had my muscles vibrating and pulse pounding as I locked myself in place. It was everything I could do to not walk over there to join them.

Shells. I'd not expected this kind of attraction to Loki. Okay, to be honest with myself, I'd not realized Loki was both a shape-shifter and gender fluid. It hadn't even occurred to me, besides being willing to share Shannon, that I might want Loki as well.

But I did.

Oh, I definitely did. Fists clenched, my cock throbbed at the sight of them together.

A wave of black rolled over the two of them and Loki was back in his more familiar form, still kissing the hell out of Shannon. Fuck, but I loved the sound of the moans he was drawing from her. And damn, but I still wanted him. Males had never attracted me before. Yet, it didn't seem to matter. My hands itched to touch him, even now.

Unwittingly, I'd been drawn forward several steps. I didn't remember moving from the doorway.

Loki lifted his head from their kiss and our eyes met. Challenge, heat, and dominance. He was no one's submissive, and an unfamiliar instinct had me turning my head slightly, baring my throat, while maintaining contact with the unwavering stare of this fierce predator. I couldn't hide my interest from him, and wasn't sure I wanted to.

A small smile quirked the edges of his lips, and with the lazy blink of a jungle cat, he broke our gaze to look down at Shannon.

They were speaking, but all I could hear was the pounding of my pulse in my ears. Clearly, our previous brief meeting had completely and utterly failed to prepare me for the impact of his true presence. Damn.

Shannon took his hand, bringing him over to me. I seemed incapable of moving. My feet were snared to the floor by a thousand strands of seaweed.

"Elatha, this is Loki. Loki, Elatha," she said, looking back and forth between us.

I tried to give her a reassuring smile. It was obvious she was nervous about our meeting, but I couldn't look away from Loki's commanding green eyes.

Wetting my lips with my tongue, it took me a few seconds to get my voice to work. "Loki," I finally managed, with a polite nod.

"Elatha," he purred. It shivered down my spine like a sinfully erotic caress, raising the hair at my nape and making my cock jerk. He inclined his head, gaze unblinking. "We have a few things to discuss, you and I."

"Oh... I don't think—" Shannon started.

"I won't damage or kill him, darling," Loki reassured her, still not looking away from me.

Faster than I could blink, he had me by the throat, and pinned against the wall in the bedroom with incredible strength. A flick of his other hand and the door slammed shut.

"I don't like to share, and I'm possessive as hell," he snarled.

Every word felt like a whip stroke over my body and it took effort to hold back the groan. I swallowed and swallowed again. "I know." His fingers remained firm on my throat. I was strong, but I wouldn't win, despite our equal heights and my greater muscle mass. No, I didn't bother to try. Instead, I trusted his words to Shannon weren't a lie.

And this dominance of his was fucking hot. It had my pulse pounding heavy and thick through my veins, and I didn't doubt he could feel it under his fingers. Those dark, narrowed eyes held me hostage, as I tried to not pant, despite my shallow breaths.

Loki's lips pressed together, a small frown creasing his forehead before it smoothed out. "But I love Shannon more than anything across the nine realms, so I'm going to do my best to make her happy and tolerate you. I know she cares for you," he said, letting go of my throat after another squeeze and slow caress of his fingers along my pulse.

I blinked and didn't move. He'd surprised me. That he'd put aside his own needs and ego to tell me... damn, it impressed me.

"She might care about me, but she loves you heart, body, and soul," I said. "When she chose, she chose you." I knew I couldn't compete with him for her love. It would be foolish to even try when I'd always come second. The best I could do would be useful. Be helpful. If I was valuable to both of them, I hoped they'd let me remain in their relationship and keep our marriage intact.

Loki continued to hold my gaze and gave a curt nod. "Thank you for saving her, for saving our son, both before and again now."

His voice was rough, thick with emotion. The honesty of his gratitude left me again blinking. Twice in as many minutes, he'd surprised me, and it took me a few minutes to respond. Given the way Loki had reacted on that desolate twilight shore of the Winter Realm, I would have bet my collection of sea glass that he'd never thank me.

"I'll always be there, however she needs me. Please tell me you killed the bastards that took her," I said. I'd not wanted to ask and bring up traumatic memories for Shannon.

Savage rage flickered in those emerald depths. "Those fucking dwarves are dead. Crom and Llew won't survive their next meeting with me, I guarantee it," Loki snarled.

Pleasure mixed with heat in my centre at his fierceness. Yes, I definitely liked this aspect of Asgard's Black Prince. "Good! I only wish I could have helped you, but perhaps I'll get the chance with Crom and Llew," I said. "Those assholes need to die." And maybe Loki would value me more if I could help him with that revenge. To have his regard and approval? Yeah, I'd risk taking on the Unseelie for that.

Loki raised a dark eyebrow, speculation in his expression. "I can't fault Shannon's taste. With the Norns insisting on a third, at least you are a handsome fucker," Loki mused.

Those eyes travelled over my body slowly like a physical caress and a trail of blistering heat fired my skin everywhere his gaze roamed.

I took him in at the same time.

Despite the tingling in my fingers, with my overwhelming desire to touch him, I kept my arms at my side and pressed against the wall. I had the feeling that if I tried to reach for him without permission, I might lose a finger or a hand. Like having a wild animal within reach. Beautiful. Deadly. Unpredictable. Loki was sleek, muscular perfection. Would he kiss me the way he'd kissed Shannon? Damn, my cock ached. I wanted to press against that hard body with an intensity that had my muscles rigid. It confused me.

"Like what you see, do you?" Loki asked, eyebrow still raised. His focus was on the rigid outline of my cock that twitched at his words and attention. Skin suits were perfect for moving in and out of water with their rapid drying, but damn, they didn't hide a thing.

I licked my dry lips and swallowed. "Yes."

His gaze rose to meet mine. "I didn't think male Atlanteans were into other males."

"I've never been interested in another male before."

His lips quirked up. "Interesting." Eyes locked, he stepped closer and pressed his body into mine.

Breath whooshing out, I bit back the groan that wanted to escape.

"Very interesting," he purred, and it shivered down my body to wrap around my cock like a fist.

The heat of his body was searing my senses. Oranges, wood, and another scent I couldn't immediately identify filled my nose. The urge to thrust against that heat had my fingernails digging into my palms to resist. Just the feeling of him against me had blood pounding in a heavy pulse within my groin.

Was that? Is he?

A groan escaped when I realized he was hard as well. I wasn't the only one feeling this intense attraction.

Banging came on the door. "Loki, let me in now!" Shannon shouted.

"In a minute," he replied.

"Now!" she shouted through the door.

Loki sighed.

It almost made me grin. As impressive as he was, that sigh told me everything about their relationship.

"She really has no patience, does she?" I asked.

Amusement filled his eyes. "No."

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