Chapter 32 - Consequences of Eavesdropping

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"Damn, but I missed you," Loki said as soon as he cleared the portal horizon behind Elatha and I. His pleasure at reconnecting surged down the bond.

Yet, I sensed something else as well. Curiosity, anticipation, and even some worry blended together with strong arousal. There were some very explicit musings going on, and it wasn't Loki or me. After this many months, I knew the flavour of his thoughts, compared to my own.

"Are you picking up on this?" I asked Loki, sending him one of the more interesting images that passed through my thoughts as we followed Elada out of the portal chamber.

"No, not at all. I guess that definitively answers the question on whether or not he's your soulmate as well. It seems Elatha isn't aware of what he's sending you. You've gotten good at only sending what you want, with less leaking through the bond. He may not realize it's activated between the two of you," Loki told me, both amused by the image and also... there was something there he hid from me. "He's got excellent taste. Your ass is divine, darling."

"But shouldn't you be picking up on his thoughts as well?" I asked.

"Did you want to rest or head up to the surface immediately?" Elada asked, distracting us from our mental conversation.

He turned to face us as we came out into a large park-like area. Like the Atlantean outpost we'd just left, there were walkways, fountain-looking structures I assumed were connected to the transport system, and clusters of silver spires in various spokes of a central wheel structure. We'd come from a central spire and above us, the green glow of an energy dome stretched overhead.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"We're currently at a midpoint, approximately equally distant to India, Australia, and Antarctica," Manannan said. "Where do you need to go?"

"China," Loki replied. "The closest door to Helheim is in the Wei River Valley in Shaanxi Province, as that's where the largest loss of life has occurred in the shortest period of time in the last millenia."

Elada nodded. "Right. The big earthquake about five hundred years ago. We felt the tremors in our outpost off the coast of China and Japan."

"It would be better if we rested at that outpost, instead of here. I'll need to contact the Shen before we enter China, since we'll be going through what they consider to be their territory," Loki said. "It might take them some time to reply, or they might be available to see us immediately."

"It's a five day swim to get to that outpost from this one," Elatha said. "Unless you have a faster way to get there?"

"Heimdall can't pinpoint the location of your outposts with the interference of the water's energies, so although the bifrost could pick us up from the surface, he wouldn't know where to set us down to be near the outpost," Loki said.

I was surprised at Loki's willingness to give the Atlanteans that information.

"It's to Asgard's advantage if we can build an alliance. I'm sure they've wondered why we've never attempted to visit since they moved their cities under the water," he reassured me, answering my unvoiced question. "We've had very limited contact with them over the last four thousand years here, although its only been eight hundred on Asgard and Alfheim. I've always wondered if it was our war with the Sidhe around that time that prompted them to sink their cities."

"Perhaps I can fly us there?" I suggested.

Loki shook his head. "No, darling. While you are capable of it, certainly, it would still take at least two days in the air. The Shen have numerous gods that are air manipulators. They would spot us for sure. I don't want to provoke a conflict before I get a chance to talk to them. Under the water, they are less likely to spot us. It's the stealthier approach."

Manannan scowled. "I'll join you to ensure you get there without trouble. Some of those dragon gods have pissed me off."

Loki and I exchanged a look. We'd had our own problems with the dragon gods.

Elada's eyebrows rose. "Really? We haven't interacted with them much. Even when they muck about with the weather and waves above us, it doesn't affect us down here. I'm not sure they're even aware of us, frankly. They don't seem to go below the surface ocean."

Manannan grunted, striding down the path towards the dome's edge in the distance. We followed, and Elada dropped behind us to talk with Elatha.

"You didn't answer my question before, Loki. Shouldn't you be picking up Elatha's thoughts also?" I asked.

His eyes caught mine as we walked, an uncharacteristic uncertainty in his expression. "We haven't had sex with each other, which is required for the bond to finalize. If indeed, he and I are actually soulmates as well," Loki said after a long pause.

What was bothering him? Did he think Elatha didn't actually want him? For all of Loki's experience, his insecurity of being truly wanted for himself crept out at the oddest times. Had he misread Elatha's interest as being entirely for me?

"He's still trying to figure out how you managed to jerk him off from within his suit while walking ahead of him. So wicked, love, but I certainly enjoyed it," I said. "So did he, despite the shock."

Loki's expression eased into an amused smirk. "Just trying to help the poor guy out. His cock was so hard from you waving your sexy ass in front of him, he was in danger of tripping and breaking it."

"I was just walking, not waving my ass," I retorted. "And I'm sure it had nothing to do with you wanting to get your hands on his cock." I'd seen the look in Loki's eyes. He lusted after Elatha, even if he wasn't ready to admit to it.

"Darling, we are simple creatures. You bend over in front of us in that tight skinsuit, not only will we harden in an instant, but you'll find yourself getting taken against the nearest tree, in front of the entire population of this outpost, without an illusion to hide you," Loki warned. "And in that case, I'm going to bind your wrists to your ankles to keep you bent over for us to fuck until we tire of the view."

"Why Loki, you're sounding a bit..."

"Ravenous? I am. I've missed you, mind and body. I want to savour every inch of your sexy form, but I have to share you. It's pissing me off. I may take it out on your sweet ass."

I'd certainly managed to distract him from his insecurity. Perhaps a little too well. His mental voice was turning into the darkly sensual growl of his highly possessive nature. That tone always got me insanely hot. Between the arousal firing my blood from his comments, and the erotic musings Elatha kept unintentionally sharing, I was soaked and shifting restlessly.

Not only was Elatha remembering taking me this morning in vivid detail, but it was clear he was fascinated with Loki. His memories of last night, pumping his cock in time with Loki's thrusts into me... he'd wanted to be inside me at the same time. But not just that. His hands had itched to wrap around Loki's cock, to feel it jerk with orgasm, and to explore the lean muscular curves of Loki's body.

I completely understood those sentiments, even as I cursed the arousal now humming in my core. Remembering last night had me on the cusp of orgasm. We'd almost reached the water gate, and I couldn't wait to immerse myself in the water to cool the heat. If Loki picked up on it in his current mood, he might very well follow through with his threat. That both tantalized and had nerves fluttering in my belly.

Perhaps I should redirect that mood.

"What if it's me that has to share you? Elatha is definitely interested in you, not just me," I told Loki, not mentioning his own obvious interest in Elatha.

I didn't think Loki would respond well if I tried to make him face it. Should I tell him how much Elatha responded to his dominant, possessive nature? If I was reading the thoughts and feelings I was getting from Elatha correctly, it had surprised him how much he'd enjoyed Loki pinning him to the wall, controlling my orgasm last night, then taking control and jerking him off an hour ago.

Loki snorted. "As if you'd ever have to worry, darling. Unlike your sexy self, I can duplicate myself as needed."

Loki's hand slid over my ass and Elatha's interest sharpened. He wanted to see Loki finger me to orgasm as we walked, as Loki had done to him.

"Would you like me to prove I can fuck you both at the same time?" Loki purred, deliberately sending arousal down the bond.

Oh shit. A little gasp escaped my lips and my pussy clenched hard at the dual onslaught. How was I supposed to deal with both their erotic thoughts and feelings at the same time? On top of my own? Why did it feel like I just made things worse for myself?

Loki's interest intensified, eyes darkening and pupils expanding in a tell-tale sign. I almost groaned aloud. I'd given myself away.

"What interesting thoughts are you having now, darling? Open up and let me in so I can hear Elatha through you," he purred. "Come on... or do you really want to defy me?"

Although he was capable of it, Loki would never invade my actual thoughts without my permission, but when it came to sensual torment and carnal games, he was quite willing to play dirty to get what he wanted. If I didn't agree, I was liable to get another lesson in his sexual dominance that would have me cursing him and screaming in orgasmic ecstasy in front of everyone around us. Damn him. Either way, I was fucked. Literally.

If it hadn't been for the presence of Manannan and Elada, and that we were walking on a path in view of hundreds of Atlanteans going about their business, I wouldn't have resisted at all. In fact, I'd jump both of my consorts happily.

My teeth worried at my lower lip. Would he really tie me and fuck me in front of everyone? He was unpredictable enough, God of Chaos that he was, I just wasn't sure. And he knew it got me hotter to keep me guessing. Damn it.

Reluctantly, I opened the bond all the way and let Loki inside the layers he'd taught me to create to protect my mind. Once inside, he hugged me with love and appreciation at the trust I was giving him, before his lust hit me like a typhoon.

It had me stumbling, and Loki caught me around the waist with his arm.

"Such interesting thoughts and ideas Elatha has been sending you. Have you told him yet that you can hear him?" Loki purred.

"No, not..." A surge of heat boiled up from my core and had me panting. What was happening?

"I'm playing with your nerve endings from inside your mind, without actually touching your body. Your nerves just think I am, and respond accordingly. But let's bring Elatha in on this conversation, you naughty eavesdropper," Loki teased.

I bit my lip to stifle the moan as phantom fingers plucked and circled my clit.

"Shannon liked your idea of me fingering her while we walk, Elatha," Loki told him.

"Wait... what? Am I hearing you in my mind?" Elatha asked, missing a step and cursing out loud.

"Yes. The soulbond with Shannon opened as soon as you left Alfheim. You've been broadcasting all your thoughts and emotions to her since then, and like the naughty goddess she is, she hasn't told you," Loki purred.

Embarrassment came through the bond.

"I... uh...," Elatha stammered, and in the small part of me not overwhelmed by lust, shame churned.

"Oh no, don't apologize. Let me show you how much she's enjoyed your thoughts," Loki purred and he opened my side of the bond to let Elatha feel the arousal and pleasure surging through me.

"Blistering barnacles, that is so fucking hot," Elatha said with a sharp gasp.

"I'm sorry, Elatha. I should have told you right away," I moaned, unable to keep my mental tone steady with the phantom fingers tapping over my clit.

Amusement and arousal in his tone, Elatha said, "I'm not sure it's my thoughts and not your fingers that have her squirming, Loki. How is it I can see she's writhing and you are all but carrying her, yet my brother isn't noticing, nor is anyone else?"

"I'm letting you see through the illusion. Everyone else sees her walking beside me normally. And unlike with you, where I used my astral self, I'm not actually touching her with my fingers. She's allowed me into her mind to talk to you, and at that depth, I can manipulate her body to think I'm touching her," Loki told him.

I could hear their conversation in my head, but my focus was on the phantom fingers that were now plunging in and out of my core with such delicious friction.

"So you could make her think it is your fingers, your cock, or anything you could imagine?" Elatha asked, amazement in his tone.

"Oh yes," Loki laughed wickedly. "If I want her to feel like she's helplessly stretched between cocks fucking her quim, ass, and throat, with mouths sucking those nipples and her clit, all at once, I could. Of course, since I can duplicate myself, I'd rather blow her mind like that in person. Wouldn't you?"

"Yes... definitely yes. Shells, though. The sounds coming out of her mouth make me want to shove my cock in it," Elatha said.

"Mmmmm... I did rather enjoy her moaning mouth this morning. Should we let her orgasm? We are almost at the water gate. Or do you want me to leave her aching for it in penalty for not telling you she was hearing your thoughts and emotions?" Loki asked.

I whimpered, grinding on the phantom fingers. The climax was so close, so very close... just out of reach. "Please. I'm sorry, Elatha. Please let me cum, Loki."

"She begs so prettily and you did give me a stellar orgasm myself only a short while ago. That was... insanely fucking hot, Loki," Elatha admitted.

Loki's interest sharpened and even in my passion-fogged state, I knew he'd use that to control Elatha's arousal. Loki loved to be in control during sex, craving my submission to his every carnal whim. He'd use every means at his disposal to get Elatha to submit to him as well. Loki was quite ruthless in getting what he wanted.

"You know me so well, darling," Loki said, ensuring I was the only one receiving his thought.

In the next moment, every thought was blasted out of my mind as starbursts exploded and I screamed Loki's name.

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