chapter 0

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a light small breeze echo through lands more so as it was beginning to turn to sunset the breeze hitting against a figure that seem to be  setting on a cliff looking at water in the far before the figure left it head up  when it heard something an turn it head. the figure was a female snow leopard  her fur was that of a  light color with darker spots but one thing was most unique was that of her eyes which was two blue pale eyes . the snow leopard also had a strange type of mark on her forehead and had a bakora staff with her the snow leopard turn her head an let out a small chuckle at what it saw.

'' ah there you are I was wondering when you would show come I been expecting you all'' the snow leopard  said an smile an stand up an used her tail to grab the staff to help herself walk an turn around an walk forward a couple steps before she stop an turn her head back at something

'' oh don't worry dear readers or whoever read this I am not going  do anything kinda of hard to do something when your blind .. oh I forgot to introduce myself my name is eira I am the  prophet and spirit talker here of the atlas star kingdom now come along it time to do what all came for'' eira said and look a the thing she was speaking to which seem to be a glowing blue flame or wisp that seem burn brightly at the news and flew over and soon began to follow the snow leopard . As she made her way toward a huge tree that was also setting on a  cliff eira soon walk or follow a path which was leading to it the tree with a  a huge opening for animals to walk in. the blind snow leopard soon stop an left it head when it saw or sense someone walking towards her an smile and then look down tho she could not see she knew it was a snake in front of her before she nod her head forward the snake who look at the blue wisp before it hiss excited an slither into the tree.

" that was one of my helpers I have two others here who help me you cant do everything as a blind person an you must be wondering how I can see thing if am blind well I can sense people or animals an their auras that tells me who is here or not to see  '' eira said an smile an left her head back up an look at the wisp before she walk into the cave. eira walk forward deeper into the cave till she stop at what appear to be a small pond with a crystal clear water in the small little pond the same snake from earlier was waiting beside the pond with a hamerkops , and a mongoose . they all seem to had different types of herbs an flowers an other nature things with them an holding on to them like they were waiting for eira to come which  eira walked over to them an grab a herb an drop into into the pond and used her tail that was wrap an holding onto the staff an point to the pond which the three small helpers all drop the items into the pond an walk to the side to watch her work an the scene that would happen next. eira then used the staff an tap the water which seem to glow an shine which light up the room and also which the water began to swirl around an soon stop and the water change and turn into rainbow water on the top but too misty an foggy so you could not see the bottom of the water. she soon sat down an move her tail to grab the bakora staff so she could hold it with her paw and left her head an look at the wisp which seem to float closer to the water but stop an look at eira

'' now it time to tell you some stories of the past stories about what happen of friendship love lost pain an many more these stories are lore to what happen here an to certain animal that would change the course of what happen . now are first story we must go back to when a young kid lioness who used an grew up in the  deadlands a empty, large hot desert-like place that goes on for miles an miles, with very few animals or plants an very few places that has water in the lands were only the strong survive an the weak dies an the lands fill of heat an death were very few can survive an those who do are very different from people here, now back to what I was saying where this young kid lioness would make a unforgettable moment that would change the future an her world where she will meet a young small kid crocodile who grew up an survive and these lands an the only one of her kind to live here, now lets me tell you the story of how little Kate met missu '' eira said an then slam  her the bottom of her staff on the ground witch the water began to change an swirl an began to show an image of a young little lion who just step out of what look like a cave and step outside her feet hitting the sand.

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