The Half-Blood Vampire

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Name: A pair of eyes appears as the question is asked. Whomever it is seems to be hiding in the trees, only his glowing irises visible through the dark.
{Matthew Patherinos}

Nickname(s): Again, no answer except for the watchful, almost anxious gaze of those eyes.
{Matt, Levi}

Age: When whomever is in the tree sees that you are not a threat, it jumps down with quite stunning grace, a hood falling back to reveal a teen-looking male. He is silent, nervous. He stays away, near the tree line.
{appears to be around his teen years.  True age unknown.}

Appearence: The boy slowly approaches, his sharp eyes gazing over you like he was making sure you were unarmed. His lips part slightly, his tongue running over his sharp teeth just slightly.
{His skin is pale as porcelain, his lips a light shade of blossom.  His eyes are cat-like, and are a deep shade of scarlet.  Within his mouth, his canines are lengthened to a more predatory look, with wolfish shape and needle-like sharpness. His hair is a deep, dark brown, descending into black near the edges. His legs are a bit longer than a normal human's, the tendons and muscles specialized for running at high speeds.}

(His irises)

Wears: He keeps a very dark black cloak draped upon his form, his arms covered as well as most of himself. Even through the darkness, his skin was a pale white.
{A dark black cloak in the daytime to protect himself, as well as long pants and large boots.  He wears any type of black shirt, though they will be typically long sleeved.}

Family:  He visibly cringes back at this question, a low growl seeping from his throat as he starts to back away again.
{His father, a pureblood vampire by the name of Peter Patherios, and his mother, a human named Teresa Patherinos.  He once had a twin sister named Mercy, who is now deceased.}

Pets: "...Here, kitty." He finally speaks, calling a small grey kitten and a tabby out from the shadows. He picks them up, holding the warm animals close.
{A small grey kitten named Achilles and a brown and gold tabby named Patroclus.}

Likes:  "...Why?"
{Lunar eclipses, The Phantom of the Opera, stargazing, dense forests, cats, soft animals, human blood, reading, dusk, nighttime, midnight, archery.}

Dislikes:  ". . ."
{sunlight, sunburns, garlic, harsh music, silver, dawn, open fields with no shelter, animal blood, killing a human from feeding, running from vampire bounty hunters, thinking about his sister Mercy.}

Hobbies: "..Who sent you here?"
{creating star charts, trying to train his cats, a bit of sketching in his free time, reading when he can.}

Abilities: He growls a bit more, untrusting.
{He can run at speeds up to 60 miles per hour at the peak of his strength.  He has heightened vision at night and in the dark, as well as the ability to transform into any animal that exists or has existed besides invertebrates and microbes.  He has quite accelerated healing. His senses of smell and hearing are heightened to about three times that of a normal human.}

Weaknesses:  "I would never tell anyone." He half snarls, though it seems he is more nervous than angry.
{he has a massive allergy to garlic.  It causes severe anaphylactic shock within him.  Silver damages his healing to the point where he doesn't heal at all.  Sunlight severely burns his skin almost instantly. His vampiric genes mixed with his human ones causes a mild form of hemophilia; as his bones cannot make sufficient nutrients at a fast enough rate to produce blood as a human can, this is also a massive cause for his thirst. Any kind of animal blood causes him to become ill with a stomachache and vomiting, sometimes severely.}

Non-magic strengths: ". . ."
Matthew is highly trained in archery, and was taught by his mother when he was around ten to an unknown age.

Scenario 1: It was late at night in the small town where you lived. There was rumor of a vampire in the area, as several people had turned up passed out from blood loss in the streets, the woods, their own backyards even. You were hurrying to get home when something grabs you from behind, running at breakneck speed to the forest. You get pinned to a tree with inhuman strength, seeing two glowing scarlet irises and hearing the soft phrase "I'm sorry.." before you feel teeth sink into your throat.

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