✰ Lux

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n a m e —

Lux Emmanuel Vanderbilt

a g e —


s t a r - s i g n —

cancer (July 9th)

f a c e c l a i m —

lucky blue smith

d e t a i l e d - f e a t u r e s —

lux has bleach blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and stands tall at six foot three inches. you rarely will ever catch this boy wearing anything besides proper attire... that is, unless he is out for a run or if he is just chilling in the common room. the boy even gets dressed up to go to classes. (granted, they do wear uniforms). nonetheless, his family raise him to dress properly no matter what the occassion is.

p e r s o n a l i t y — infj

s t r e n g t h s  &  w e a k n e s s e s

     — Lux is a very loyal person. He will stick up for his friends and family when he has to. Overall, he is a good person to come to when the chips are down.

     — Lux is definitely a go-getter. He wants the best life possible for his future family and has tons of plans for the future. He wants to be an apothecary one day and synthesize medicines through potion-work... Not take over the "family business..."

     — it's no secret that Lux comes from a pretty messed up family, but saying that he isn't exactly like him is also not entirely the truth. He has a dark past and isn't proud of the things he's done for his family, but he has been overcoming it and is a better person now.

     — his brother. He loves his brother, but doesn't condone everything he does. He hopes he can help his brother into the light after years in darkness, but they have a bit of a strained relationship currently.

     — honestly? Lux's reputation at Harlow is a bit iffy. He has this reputation of being the 'ice prince' because he doesn't socialize with many and he has a killer rbf. He is quite charming and can get along with people, but he chooses to only talk to his immediate circle of friends.

o t h e r - i n f o r m a t i o n
☆ he has a white horse named winnie
☆ he got a potions kit for christmas when he was four
☆ he is actually a wizard (buh dum tss) at potions
☆ lux is in an arranged marriage with aspen winters
☆ over his dead body would he ever marry her
☆ he is now dating garden ross

t h e m e - s o n g s
(1) check yes juliet by we the kings
(2) telephone by waterparks
(3) heart like yours by willamette stone
(4) can't kick up the roots by neck deep
(5) guillotine by jon bellion

f a m i l y
☆ Elsa Vanderbilt (Mother)
☆ Salvatore Vanderbilt (Father)
☆ Damon Vanderbilt (Younger Brother)
☆ Moon Vanderbilt (Older Sister)

b a c k s t o r y

Lux comes from a wealthy family of purebloods; one of the most well known families in all of the wizarding world (next to the Caswells, of course). His family detests anyone who is not of pureblood descent, and makes it well known. (This is why his family is well associated with the Caswells). There is no doubt they would join the fight to eradicate all halfbloods and muggle-borns from the wizaeding world in a heartbeat. However, Lux is nothing like them. Although no one at school knows it, he is quite kind and doesn't agree with the rest of his family. But, Lux is a loner and rarely talks to anyone besides Drake and Co. so everyone just assumes he is the same as his family. (Honestly, the same is true of Drake. He is quite different from the Caswells as well). It isn't until Lux's sixth year that he actually makes friends outside of the tiny circle he already had, and even a girl he fell hard and fast for. (Seriously, they started dating like... five days later). This new group of friends did have their qualms at first (which were put aside because Garden explained to them how great of a person Lux actually was), but they became pretty close rather quickly as well. Lux would do anything for that group; he just hopes his parents never start to interfere with those new relationships he has. (Lord knows they'll probably get upset if they aren't all "purebloods").

w a r d r o b e

a e s t h e t i c

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