Kelly's Confessions

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"Guys," Kelly stood up and looked at them all, lounging in her living room: Tarrow on the beanbag, Isis cross legged on the floor, Triston side ways on in the lazy boy with his broken leg dangling over the side. They all looked up at her. She took a deep breath.

"I've got something to tell you. I think... I'm bisexual."

"Alright!" Triston cheered and clapped. Isis got up and hugged her.

"Nice one," Tarrow grinned.

"It doesn't make a jot of difference to us," Isis said quietly.
"I know," Kelly beamed. "Thanks guys. I knew it wouldn't matter to you... It's my parents I'm worried about."

"Well, you don't have to tell them yet," Tarrow said.

"No. I don't think I will," Kelly grinned. "Can I get you anything else to drink?"

"I'll do it," Isis said, and went into the kitchen.

"Come and sit next to your crippled gay uncle," Triston said.

"Man that sounds wrong," Kelly laughed, and went over and sat on the foot rest.

"So... Bi, eh?" Triston smiled.

"Yeah..." Sighed Kelly.

"I mean, good choice. Why halve your chances of getting with someone?"


Tarrow chuckled.

"You gays," he scoffed. "What are you like..."

"How does it feel to be out?" Triston lowered his voice to ask.

Kelly smiled, her thoughts on Sara.

"Pretty good."


"Issy! I have a problem!"

Isis and Kelly were sat on Isis' bed a couple of weeks later noodling on the guitar when Kelly suddenly burst out. 

"What's up?" Isis asked, alarmed.

"I... Uegh! I think I have a crush on Sara..." Kelly moaned, twisting her hands nervously.

"Oh? Which Sara? Sarah with a 'h' or-"

"No, no 'h'- Sara, Sara Brooke-" Kelly tugged her hair anxiously.

"Oh, Sara Brooke. Yes, I can see why that might be a problem." Isis looked down at her guitar worriedly.

"Yeah." Kelly fell back on the bed dramatically. "Typical. My first girl crush and she's a Muslim."

"Is it against Islam to be gay or bi or anything?" Isis asked thoughtfully, plucking a couple of strings.

"I don't know..." Kelly put her hands over her eyes. "I don't think it's allowed... But I don't know how strict of a Muslim she is; I don't know if she practices Islam very seriously or not."

"Do you know what she's into?" Isis asked, strumming a sad chord. "Guys, girls, both, neither..?"

"No idea," Kelly sighed again, sitting up. "I just sit next to her in maths and... Oh God, I really like her, Issy!"

Isis laughed.

"You're a helpless gay."

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