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Tarrow and his sister Isis walked into school together. Isis nattered away about the new book she was reading, and Tarrow let her, grateful not to be required to be anything but quiet that morning.

If Isis picked up on this, she didn't say anything.

But of course she noticed. Twins notice things like that.

"Jeez, man, you look like hell."

Tarrow looked up at a girl with shoulder length sandy hair, straightened as always, her 'statement' large gold hoop earrings, delicate features dotted with freckles and a crooked grin stretching her cheeks. She linked arms with Isis and fell into step with them as they reached the school gates.

"Ta, Kelly."

"What happened?"

"Nothing. Doesn't matter. Didn't sleep so well."

"He's not having nightmares again, is he?" Kelly whispered to Isis. Isis shushed her and made the eyes that clearly said,

"I'll tell you later."

Tarrow rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone, quickly tapping out a message to Triston:

'U here yet? Just comin into main block w/ Kel and Issy'

He didn't really expect a reply. This was the fifth text message he'd sent since Monday evening without a response.
By the time he had sent it Isis was telling Kelly all about her book. Tarrow broke away from them and slipped into the boy's loo.

When he was done he peered into the mirror and scowled at what he saw.

Even though his skin was a very dark shade of brown, he still looked pale, and the dark circles under his wide, russet eyes were worse than unusual. His thick, jet, tightly curled hair was a birds nest, and his mouth felt dry, making him swallow and turning his stomach- almost to the point of nausea.

Tarrow rubbed his face with his hands and took a deep breath, steadying himself- then the morning bell rang shrilly and he sagged. He didn't have the energy for Wednesday today. His brain felt sluggish- like every time he had to think about something it was as though he was wading through thick black treacle. He felt inexplicably empty and powerless. And for some reason he was annoyed by and resentful towards everyone today, even Isis. He knew she would pick up on his purposeful withdrawal from socialising with the others, but right then he couldn't muster up the effort to care.

All he wanted was to see Triston and down a mug of black coffee.

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