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His tiny paws making a very small tapping noise on the shiny metal floor, Norman once again found himself lost in the air vents of the apartment building. Though all the dark tunnels looked the same, the young guinea pig felt like he had never actually gone down this one before. It smelled different than the others he had been in, a sign he was most likely more lost than ever before in his life. However, he marched on, determined to find his apartment and to be reunited with his beloved owner.

Just then, Norman's ears perked up. A small sound had just caught his attention. It sounded like animals talking, some in which he believed were his friends. Intrigued, he went to investigate. Following his ears, the guinea pig could now clearly hear his compadres speaking, saying something about saving Max as they cheered. Wanting to join in on the fun, Norman surged upwards, bursting through an air vent as he called out, "Yeah! Let's go save Max!" The cheering stopped as everyone quietly turned and looked down at the young guinea pig who had arrived. Suddenly becoming very confused as he struggled to recall who Max was, Norman asked the others, "Uh, which one is Max again?"

All of the sudden, something sharp grabbed Norman from behind. The other pets scattered while screaming in fear. In the meantime, the young guinea pig found himself on the back of the living room couch looking up into the eyes of a giant bird. Returning the gaze hungrily, the bird opened its beak wide. It seemed to Norman that he was getting closer and closer. Thinking he was about to embark on a grand adventure, the guinea pig giggled happily as he stretched his tiny little paws towards the bird. Any second now and he would be inside the bird's mouth-

"Tiberius... NO!" Gidget's voice barked angrily from across the room as she continued, "BAD BAD BIRD!" Norman found himself struggling to breathe as the bird tightened his grip on him out of fear and shock towards the sudden shout from the Pomeranian. The bird's terror subsided though as he, out of nowhere, began petting Norman on the head with his right wing. At the same time, he chuckled softly and remarked, "Nice little guy. Nice little guy..." His light brown eyes widened a bit while the pupils narrowed and his pats were becoming increasingly harder, lingering longer on the guinea pig's head and pulling it back with a bit of force.

Actually enjoying the petting session though, Norman smiled and laughed before stating, "I like this bird! Crazy bird!" After a moment's pause, he asked, "Do you want my phone number?" Startled by the bizarre question, the giant bird released his hold on the young guinea pig and letting him fall safely onto the couch cushions. He could visibly be seen shuddering. Glaring at Gidget, Chloe muttered, "Not gonna eat anyone, right?" In the meantime, Norman was gazing up at the bird with a wide smile on his face, an attempt to be friendly with the stranger he had just met not even two minutes ago. The bird shyly and nervously smiled back.

The two would have no idea what exactly awaited for each of them in the distant future.

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