Chapter Fifty-Three ۞ Thieves

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Valeriana's back and rear end was starting to hurt. They've been riding for so long and the scenery around them has changed drastically many times than she could count.

From trees and plants to houses and finally to this extensive wilderness wherein nothing could be seen from miles out. The soil was replaced by dry sand and the temperature rocketed that the girl was sweating profusely. Her shirt got somewhat damped and sticky. It got to the point that it felt a bit claustrophobic with the two of them like this.

She never imagined they would be passing through a desert. The air lacked humidity and felt hot on the skin, not even a hint of water in the atmosphere.

"Ugh . . . I can't bear this heat." She told him. "And it's too hot to be like this, can I ride on my own? The horse is tied to yours so I'm sure I'll be okay . . ."

Corvan remained silent and just when it felt like he would never answer her, Gavin spoke in his place. "Bear with it, Valeriana." He told her. "We've been travelling in this direction for over two hours. I am confident we will be arriving soon."

The horses climbed a mountain of sand, leaving footprint marks along with the nature-induced wind wrought patterns. She wanted to faint so bad. It had grown so hot that they had to wrap cloths around their heads so as to ward off some of the heat and the particles of sand, leaving only the area around their eyes.

"This is worse than being in the oven." She commented, fanning herself and swallowing down what little water was inside her mouth. Her throat never felt so dry. "I need water."

"Alright." Corvan halted the horse. "We'll stop for a while." He slipped down his ride, landing on the sandy terrain.

Gavin dismounted his own horse and patted its head. Valeriana was helpless trying to get down as she somehow developed a trauma of falling over one more time. Instead, she remained so still over the horse, afraid of startling it again.

Corvan went to the horse that she was supposed to ride and opened the leather flaps of the bag hanging on its side. He fished out a wineskin and threw it over to Valeriana, who clumsily caught it with her fingers.

"Here. Drink." He told her. He squinted and looked around them, walking over to Gavin. "Where are we now?"

Valeriana opened the lid and drank, the cool water traveling down her throat. She then focused on Corvan and his expression.

For some reason, the garbs around his head seemed oddly fitting. It made him like some sort of Arabian prince.

"We're still in the Artlen Deserts." Answered his cousin. "It won't be until thirty minutes that we arrive. The nest of the twin-tailed lions is still far."

"In the name of Arland." Corvan muttered under his breath, using the cloth around his head to wipe off his face. "This blistering heat scorches. Isn't it hotter than the usual?"

Gavin smiled, as though it was nothing. "I've been through worse, dear cousin. But yes, it is hotter than I remember it."

Valeriana sighed in satisfaction and capped the wineskin while holding it close against her chest. "By the way . . . I think I have a bit of a problem."

They diverted their attention to her and she swore Corvan was starting to look irritated. "What now?" He asked.

"A while ago." She said, remembering the incident. "I was trying to use my connection to talk to animals. I can't seem to . . ."

"You mean you are unable to find your connection with these creatures?" Gavin seemed mildly surprised. "You really are different from when we first met. You are a Direct Controller, aren't you?"

"Did you block out this connection?" Corvan asked.

"Yes and yes." She nodded. "I figured how to do it sometime ago since it's somewhat hard having to hear talking voices around me all the time. Adding in the normal noise, the weight of it is sometimes unbearable, especially during the night."

"It is not advisable to block out an ability." Corvan told her. "Why didn't you consult anyone before you did this?"

"I didn't think I had to." She said, her anxiety sky-rocketing at his statement.

"Since when?"

"Since we returned from Preluresia. Did I do something wrong? I don't have any problems with my other . . . um, well . . . I don't have trouble seeing auras."

Corvan made his way to the horse and mounted it once again. Gavin did the same. As the cousin climbed up his own horse, he spoke.

"Well, somewhat. You do not do what you just did unless it's really important." Said Gavin. "Blocking out your ability is not different from shaking a whole bottle of champagne with the lid close. Once it is lifted open, it might pop and and burst."

"Ooh." Just imagining what could happen made her cringe. No wonder she had headaches most if the time when she tried to lift it.

"The connection has to be open since the energy you build up has to be spent, otherwise, it is unhealthy. It has to be free-flowing."

"What would happen if it wasn't?"

"You went as far as several days, didn't you? I am unsure of the consequences, but it might be painful."

She winced. "I did decide to close it during the night and open it during the day but I forget all the time."

"Fool." Commented Corvan. "Consult someone before you act. You cannot be careless now since you're still clueless. We'll work on this after we get back to the academy and consult Lady Agatha with regards to your situation."

"Alright . . ." She sighed.

Feeling like a child after being scolded, Valeriana wanted to sulk. She felt the pull as the horse continued walking and they slowly skidded down the hill of sand they've been standing on the top of.

They continued that way for a few minutes until Gavin pulled to a sudden halt and said, "Wait, Corvan! Something approaches!"

Valeriana did not know if what she was seeing over Corvan's shoulder was a mirage, even so, since Gavin had pointed it out, she finally figured it wasn't.

"What is it?"

In a distance, there seemed to be dark dots growing larger as seconds ticked by. Gavin had made a makeshift sunshield with his hand as he strained to make out what it was.

Before they could even ask what was wrong, he shouted, "Hurry! We must not meet them!"

He urged his horse to leap into action, turning for the opposite direction--right to where they came. Corvan did not hesitate to follow. Valeriana was shocked at the suddenness of how the things were going and could only tighten her grip around the first-ranker in panic.

"What is it, Gavin? Answer me at once!" Corvan demanded.

"Desert thieves." Said Gavin, his back angled forward. "They roam the Artlen Desert awaiting innocent travellers to pass by. They rob them off of everything and leave them to die under the sun if not the moon. I certainly did not expect to meet them! Of all my years travelling, this is the closest encounter I've had!"

Valeriana sighed, feeling chills run down her back as she looked over her shoulder to see if they were in pursuit. "Probably my bad luck, huh?"

"How are you certain they are who you think they are?" Corvan asked, his eyes narrowed as the curtain of cloth swished around his face.

"The flag." He stated plainly.

There was a whistling sound as an arrow zoomed past their heads and landed just a few steps away. Valeriana gasped, the noise around them growing louder. Corvan's horse stirred in slight panic but continued. Their new pursuers sounded a lot closer than before. The girl took a quick look over her shoulder and saw that they were indeed hot on their tails. Straining, she could make out a scorpion on a flag one rider was holding while he rode.

"These guys like to flaunt who they are." Valeriana commented. "If they are who they are."

Another arrow came, then another. Soon enough, they came in pairs, then groups. The zipping sound the arrows made as they landed instilled paranoia unto the girl. Valeriana was starting to panic if it weren't for the young lord before her who remained awfully calm in spite of the frown on his face. Well, his frown was never lost, anyway.

"I should've expected the odds! I've been too complacent!" Gavin exclaimed. "Corvan! What do we do!"

Corvan made no move to answer. They both awaited his reply with anxiety.

"Take Valeriana." He said.

"What?" They chorused together.

"Take Valeriana." He repeated once more. "I shall face them head on."

Now that she took notice of it, he had his hand on the sword around his waist. Valeriana tensed as their horses slowed down to a halt, her eyes widening in fear. Gavin had uncertainty written all over his face.

"Corvan! What the hell!" She exclaimed. "You can't do this!"

"Get down." He told her. "Ride with Gavin and go to the nest of the twin-tailed lions. I shall meet you there when the time is right."

"Shut up! You gotta be kidding me!"

"Now!" He yelled, untying Valeriana hands from around his waist. "We have not much time! You are the one who needs to see the guardians. I have made a deal with you and I do not intend for that to not be fulfilled. Get down the horse!"

"Hurry, Valeriana! Our enemy approaches!" Said Gavin with urgency.

Valeriana dismounted the horse, stumbling and losing her balance. She fell on the sandy terrain and watched in utter helplessness as Corvan wasted no moments and rode away, but not before cutting the horse tied to his. From her point of view, his tall figure sitting atop the animal was made hazy by the light of the sun on his back. Waves of heat came crashing down upon them and the girl could not help but sweat because of both her fear and the sweltering environment. She stood and watched as Corvan met the enemy head on, the rush of anger coursing through her veins.

"Hurry, Valeriana." Gavin had dismounted his horse, grabbed the end of the rope from Valeriana's supposed horse along with her hand, and started to pull her with him.

"I'm sorry, Gavin. I'm not going." She said. "I'm done being the damsel in distress all the time. I'm still a part of the Twelve and I'm sure as damn I know how to fight."

"But this is--"

She took the rope of her horse from his hands and steeled her nerves. Sure, she would probably fall off it since she wasn't very good with riding, not to mention that incident a while ago. But still, she could ride long enough . . .

Making up her mind, she mounted the horse she fell off from and momentarily felt her heart thudding at the thought of it over once more. Even so, she clenched her thighs around her ride, secured both of her feet in place, straightened her back, and urged her horse forward, this time feeling more stable.

She tried once more to tap into her connection as her horse trotted forward, since she was a bit scared to go too fast. The scene was a bit embarrassing after she did some serious big talk. The shame was spreading on her face and she was probably turning even redder up to her ears.

Gavin came around her horse, watching her with a face of concern. "Your horse is naturally sensitive, Valeriana. If it feels you're too scared to go forward, it won't run."

"I . . ." She blubbered, her hands clenching the reigns.

She still couldn't open her connection to be able to understand the horse so her frustration was building up. "Alright. Fine. I don't need to freaking hear horses talk to ride one! Alright, boy! Show me what you've got and take me forward! Hiyaa!"

The horse surprisingly ran forward at her coach and she instinctively tried to recall Corvan's instructions when it had been running off.

"Lift yourself!"

The movies she saw had their butts up in the air or something, so she moved to imitate it.

"Wow! I'm good at this!" She exclaimed, but saw that Corvan had already met the enemy. As of the moment, they were exchanging blows with their swords while atop their horses!

One by one, she saw men falling off their horses as Corvan passed by them. It was truly amazing how the first-ranker was so adept in combat.

Valeriana swallowed down the water that had gathered inside her mouth. Gavin had successfully caught up and was smiling at the sight of her.

"Good job. Your form is still a bit weak, but we can work on that." He told her. "Now, are you familiar with combat while riding?"

"Holy shucks. I haven't thought of that."

One problem was solved, now another one just surfaced.

"I hope you have something then because I am not skilled at all in the arts of weapons unlike you and my cousin."

Valeriana was nervous now, but drew her sword anyhow while maintaining a grip on the reigns. She kept on her sheath, afraid she would accidentally kill someone with its blade. She inwardly encouraged herself she could do this, but sent a prayer to the heavens to bless her with luck.

Before she knew it, she had entered the battlefield and saw a man coming her way with the biggest axe she had ever seen. Her heart jumped to her throat at the barbaric weapon but shifted herself so that she had better balance on her horse and swung her sword to meet the axe of the guy.

Her arm vibrated with the impact and she swore she almost fell over at the force behind it. Her horse had slowed down to a trot. As she passed by him, she struck her sheathed sword unto the back of his head, instantly knocking him out. He slid off the horse and landed with a soft thump.

"Shiznits! I've done it!" She exclaimed. "My luck is good."

As she looked ahead, she realized Corvan had taken out every single one of them in exception for one more person who he was exchanging blows with.

"My cousin is truly formidable." Gavin commented as he tugged on his reigns and stopped. "Seems he had no need of help."

"At least I didn't have to fight much." She muttered in relief.

Corvan knocked down the last of the thieves and turned around to see them standing. He looked regal like that, but he had spots of red along his clothes and face. Valeriana was not mistaken. That should be blood.

She clenched her jaws as Corvan approached them on foot as he had long since dismounted from his horse. He must've fallen over during the fight. "I told you to leave. You never listen."

As of the moment, they were surrounded by unconscious bodies. It was quite a terrifying sight to see. It felt as though thry would rise any moment. Valeriana wasn't even sure if they were alive or not.

"I couldn't have just let you fight them on your own . . ." She said.

Corvan breathed out loudly, seeming tired. Valeriana dismounted but very carefully as she felt as though the ground was so far away. She ran towards Corvan and stopped before him, her head tilting backwards as she glared into his eyes.

She could not help it.

She threw her arms forward and hugged him.


"You're such a jerk! Don't go riding off like that!"

"I wasn't going to die." He curiously stared at the worried girl who had him caged within her arms. He was midly shocked. "They are mere thieves. I can handle as much."

"Still!" Valeriana exclaimed, stepping back and shooting daggers at him. "That was really dangerous!"

"I was serious. I was going to come and find you after I take them down but it seems things did not go as planned. Your concern was unneeded."

"Unneeded? You tell me not to be reckless but look who's talking!" She yelled. "For once, for the sake of . . . ! You scared me to death with that 'go on without me' talk! You could've asked us to help you in the least!"

"And do what? Gavin is not skilled in battle and so are you."

"I can fight, alright!"

"I know. What I meant is that you do not know how to inflict injuries upon others outside a duel. I did not trust you to be able to."

She looked down on the ground and pondered about it.

"Why do you worry?" He asked. "Did you not believe I could--"

"That's not the issue here!" She stomped her feet. "We're all in this together, why do you always insist on going solo?"

"Why do you insist on such things?" He asked, his frown deepening.

"Because I care, okay. Unlike you insensitive bastard!"

His brows shot up. "You--"

"For once, at least, before going to such dangerous measures, think about how people around you would feel!"

"If I didn't face them, we would've continued to be in danger." He stated.

"I'm not dumb, I can see that! It's just that, you . . ." She gritted her teeth.

When she found no words, she went for her horse and mounted once more. She struggled to stir it and and held on tight when she couldn't. She glared at Gavin and yelled at him.

"Let's go!"

Corvan muttered, "I do not understand. After I went through the trouble of . . ."

Gavin sighed at the look on his cousin's face. He seemed dumbfounded. "Women are very hard people to understand, dear cousin."

Corvan clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Even so, did you kill these people?"

He gave Gavin the most determined glare. "I have no right to kill my own people. Punish them, I can. I still do not know the root of their actions but until I do . . ."

"I see. No need to explain yourself."

There was a brief rustle and they heard Valeriana's shriek. A thump followed after, giving them the idea that she finally fell off after everything.

Corvan sighed and prepared to scold the girl when he was cut off.

"I seriously think those are wise words coming from the Arlandian Heir." Someone said.

Their heads snapped towards the source. Valeriana was taken hostage by a masked person dressed like the thieves. A knife was held against her kneck with another arm caging her in place. His whole face was covered up in exception for his eyes, the cloth around him a color of dirty white with elaborate linings on the sides.

"Oh, great. Now I'm being held hostage. Couldn't you have went after Gavin?" She sighed heavily.

"Shut it." He said.

Valeriana gritted her teeth as Corvan's eyes met hers. "Valeriana, do not do anything stupid."

The girl tilted her head to the side with a strange glint in her eyes before biting the hand holding the knife, making her captor scream. The sharp blade grazed the area beneath her jaw but she felt none of it. She stepped on the foot of her captor, and elbowed him on the ribs before twisting his arm behind him.

"Arland!" He screamed, but retaliated surprisingly and broke free with brute strength. He threw a punch Valeriana's way but the girl was good enough to dodge.

Afterwards, the thief threw a roundhouse kick. This guy knew what he was doing obviously. Even so, the girl had been trained by Seraphina for countless hours to equip her with combat skills. Valeriana caught his ankle firmly, twisted it and pulled him down to the ground. She pulled on his foot while her elbow targeted the spot behind his knees, earning a tortured scream from him.

Corvan shot forward and held the guy in place before ripping off the veil covering his face.

They were all shocked to see who it had been all along.

Valeriana gaped. "Holy--he is a she?!"

Clearly, it was a woman. Long flowing ombre hair and features defining a girl.

"My." Gavin commented.

She glared up at all of them and seethed.

Corvan's interest was piqued. "You." He said. "Lead us to your hideout."

"I'd rather you kill me."

"Bind her." Corvan ordered.

Gavin had taken out a rope from one of his satchels and threw it to Corvan. The first-ranker skillfully tied her, securing both her hands in place.

"A mouth that does not speak will be forced open." He mercilessly told her. "Girls are not spared so be prepared."

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