Chapter Four ۞ The Blessing of the Skies

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The Twelve tried to cope with the cold weather by carving out a cave-like structure, courtesy of Keelan and Brindon, which left Valeriana feeling like the caveman. Inside, the fire was fed and the girl was given new clothes to change into after she finally regained a bit of her strength. The others fetched their remaining, usable resources—their things—that were still salvageable, seeing as some of it was burned, cracked, or sliced because of carelessness. As usual, the brains of the group were gathered, this time, with Valeriana sitting on one corner and the beast by her side resting on its paws. Genevieve was attending to her injuries, applying a bit of medical attention to the mild scratches and other things. All in all, they were evenly divided into groups to get more job done within a short while.

"You know, you're actually pretty good at this. Are you sure you're not aiming to be a healer?"

"Healers don't get to be knights, Valeriana." Genevieve chortled, grabbing a salve and applying it to tender skin that made the girl wince. "I promised Zevlin we'll always be together. I can't do that if I'm not in battle." She exhaled heavily. "Healers are considered too valuable and are protected, so they are not allowed to fight during chaotic times. That means we'll be separated."

"I see . . . so that's the reason." Valeriana nodded. "But, seriously, you should consider improving this. You don't know when it'll come in handy."

The younger twin was flustered by her gracious comments and blushed faintly. "Thank you. Maybe I'll consider that."

Both opted to listen in to whatever discussion the three were into again afterwards. Honestly speaking, whenever they were planning something, they enjoyed leaving everyone else I the dark. Cifaro was keeping silent in the spot he had chosen. His eyes were closed, not to mention he looked asleep, but the quirking of his ears made it clear he was listening carefully.

"So your plan was to lure in the beasts above the frozen lake, crack the ice open and have them all dunked into the water?"

"Perhaps." Corvan nodded, not letting anyone notice his feeling of embarrassment from his lacking idea.

"Don't worry." Rowe gave a small chuckle as he reassured the younger lord. "It's not that bad. It just needs a bit of . . . adjustments."

"Well, there are a few flaws." Charles started, pointing out the lacking areas. "We do not plan to drown the beasts. The ice is continuously mending itself so there's a tendency for them to be trapped underwater. We still are unsure how to permanently revoke this curse and, quite honestly, trying to lure them out will not be an easy task. Besides, how in the world would getting them in water accomplish anything? We will need Valeriana to help in the purification and if she needs to focus on one at a time, they'll all be dead by then. Not only that, seeing as the fifth has not fully recovered from the recent accident, I do not think our personal healer will recommend her submerging herself again."

Corvan now looked like a frustrated child. "I just thought we could work our way around it somehow . . ."

"We can." Charles stated simply as he looked down at his notes. "I say it's a good challenge. However, we need some information to get this going."

As if on cue, the three turned to look at the other three working quietly within their own side of the room. The two girls and the beast all gave them a glance in return, answering their gesture with their own. Charles disrupted this with a sudden statement once more.

"Question number one; is that plasma of yours . . . efficient underwater?"

"It acts like frost. Keeps the heat in, the cold out. I am not quite sure since I've never known of anyone who tried that yet, however, perhaps?"

Valeriana turned to Genevieve with a shake of her head. "Why is it that it's only those three who are doing the meeting all the time?"

"Because last time we tried planning like this altogether, no one was listening. Not only that, some of the others kept on interrupting and making distracting gestures that it doesn't go anywhere. Even if they have us participate, they'll just have to repeat everything from the beginning or someone's bound to make a mistake. Because of that, this sort of arrangement happened to make everything go smoothly. Those three became the brains of the group. Mainly Charles but . . ." She shrugged before sealing up the last wound with a proud smile. "There, now, if you'll excuse me, I'll have to find someone who's probably bleeding out there because of a wound he wouldn't let me touch a while ago. He might not be a part of the group, but everyone here is my responsibility until we get an official healer. Now, I'll be going."

With that declaration, the ninth-ranker marched out to search for the troublesome, blue-haired lad probably sulking by himself somewhere out there, leaving Valeriana to accompany the holy beast by herself. Charles was still busy interrogating the three regarding the 'information' he needed, so the current fifth felt no need to listen in.

'I sense thy confusion.' Said Cifaro. 'Was this the first time thou hast used that ability?'

"Well, a lot of things happened the past few weeks." She told the beast, squaring her shoulders as she adjusted herself to a more comfortable position. "Water seems to be my . . . element of discovery. Weird things happen to me when I'm in water a lot."

'And that includes the purification ability.' He was thoughtful while he said that. 'However, I shall need to say this. Purification has a dire consequence, am I right?'

A chill ran down her back when she heard him say that. Instinctively, she gazed to where the three were sitting and wondered if they heard any of it. The strange mole thing on her palm was still . . . there, and frankly, she did not know what to make of it until now. Somehow, this beast knew more than her in this matter.

'Do not worry. They cannot hear our conversation. This is only between thou and myself.'

"Will I turn . . ." Valeriana gulped. "Will I turn into a demon too, if this continues?" She inquired nervously.

'I sense nothing wrong with the purity of thy soul. It remains the same.' It started. 'However, thy physical body is the one in danger. Thou mayest die if thou continuest to house the impurities within thyself.'

Her heart jumped at the revelation that she instinctively clenched her fist where the 'cursed mole' was. Fear pooled inside her stomach and she felt her guts twisting nauseatingly as she bit down on her lower lip and thought back to the previous events.

'Thou art rare, lheuim ansur. Thy kind is the rarest of the direct users.' Cifaro's golden eyes remained unblinking as it gave her a steely gaze, one that held a foreboding threat. 'And I am very grateful to thy sacrifice to help return me to my original state. However, I must warn thee to think twice before using this ability in the near future. For every bit of purification thou performest, thy life shortens.'

"What about your pack? If I don't help turn them back, who will?"

'I am more than enough to bring them back, unknown to these children before you. Conserve thy precious life, Valeriana.' Cifaro then stood and shook his fur for a bit, gracefully licking his paws and flicking his tail. 'Thou art destined to help many more. I know that thou art filled with dread and fear, but do not let it get to thee. Each piece of thou shalt be given to one thing thou seest precious.'

This time the beast faced her fully before beckoning her to come with it, seeming to have something deep in mind. Cifaro sniffed her palm and nudged her to stand—an action she did with hesitance. Once she was standing in full height, he squeezed himself against her hips and started leading her out.

"We're going somewhere." Valeriana told the three. "I'll be fine, don't worry."

"Don't allow yourself to need more saving." Corvan commented without looking her way. "I doubt you will, being in the company of Cifaro."

Valeriana decided to let him say what he wanted instead of answering back, knowing all too well that things between them were still a bit rocky. Rowe, on the other hand, gave her the trademark soft smile of his while Charles remained uncaring.

"Do be careful out there now and return safe, alright?"

"We won't be long." Valeriana forced herself to give them the brightest smile she got despite the turmoil she was feeling inside.

Cifaro lead her through the snowy terrain, their footprints leaving behind deep marks that seemed somewhat amusing for the girl to see. In fact, the mere sight of watching their ankles sink into snow gave her an odd feeling of joy—or maybe she was going crazy.

Looking over her shoulder, the others were still a busy with the things they were assigned to do—at least, that was what she and the other three thought. Tamara and Keelan were having a snowball fight and the third-ranker was totally killing the latter. The eleventh-ranker was on the verge of crying as he got nothing but snow on his face.

It was a joyful moment between the Twelve. As always, they were carefree. Valeriana had always been jealous of their extraordinary abilities. However, now that she was discovering her own, she was starting to dread even wishing she had it. Why on Valemnia was she not given a much more normal ability? Like Tamara's ice powers or Corvan's fire?

'Thou dost not need to feel such dread.' Cifaro said.

They climbed a higher part of the mountain, overlooking the frozen lake and everything within the vicinity for miles and miles away. The girl was amazed when she looked at the scenery, the cold winter air flying in a swift breeze through her hair. The sun shone brightly like a white, hot, plasma ball, beaming with glory in the misty skies. The brush of harsh browns against pure white snow was a strangely beautiful complement.

'First, let me ask thee a simple question.'

"What is it?"

'Will thou beest willing to save someone if thou art capable? At any cost?'

Valeriana did not need to hesitate to answer that one. "If I can do something, why not."

Cifaro nodded once. 'Thou hast shown me thy selflessness and fairness. Thou dost not hesitate to help those in need—anyone, no matter old or young, poor or rich, noble or not, demon or Valemnian. It was made clear to this beast that thou art worthy.'

Moments later, Cifaro was starting to bend low. Valeriana looked down at him curiously.

'As a sign of thanks to thee, Valeriana.' He began, his snout against his paw. 'By the power vested in me as one of the northern messengers, guardians of the Preluresian continent, I have deemed thee worthy of receiving the Blessing of the Skies.'

He then regained his full height and asked Valeriana to kneel in return. 'Now, kneel before this one.'

The girl reluctantly did as told and knelt on one knee, facing the beast with the widest eyes. This situation seemed very familiar. Cifaro then placed his forehead against hers, channeling a unique source of energy. His eyes were starting to glow the entire while before a strange tingle went shot straight to Valeriana's core, cutting through flesh and straight into the soul.

Afterwards, the wind seemed more evident around her—every direction it blew into. The music of its whispers was subtle against her ear, not to mention the smoothness of its caress against her skin. Serenity flooded the girl and never had she felt that way her entire life. It resembled the opening of new doors—ones she had been trying so hard to unlock her entire life.

"I remember this feeling." She whispered. "I was in the water that time . . ."

'So thou hast met with the undines of the Larkovian continent.' Cifaro stepped away from her and gazed into her azure blue eyes. 'Thou possessest the first blessing—the one of the sea.'

"What are these blessings? What are they for? Why are you all giving them to me?"

'Thou deservest it.' He answered. 'And this is not the peak of thy potential, there is more.'

"These blessings . . . do they help me unlock a part of myself I never knew?" She was full of questions and perhaps this guy before her could answer at least some of it. "And if there is one of the sea and one of the skies, are there more?"

'There is one of the fire.' He blinked. The way he did such a normal gesture was so graceful. 'Then one of the mountains, and the last one is of the spirits. Thou needest to go to the other continents and seek out the other guardians. However, keep in mind that there are tests that you must pass for these creatures to deem you worthy of the blessings.'

"Who are the guardians? I know I have a lot of questions, but please . . ."

''Tis alright. This is my way of saying thanks. However, to answer thy question, listen. The Arlandian guardians are the twin-tailed lions, the leader being the familiar of a close friend of yours.'

She almost jumped. "Avaro!"

'That is right. It seems thou shalt not have much trouble with this one.' He chuckled. 'The guardians of Denovegasia are called the swamp spirits, they can be found in the holy swamp of the Dirinian forest at the heart of the kingdom. The Aetherian turtle is the toughest to find, it will require a bit of diving as it is only found near the waterfalls of Adelis.'

"Again with the water . . ." She sighed.

'Thou art right a while ago. Water is the element of discovery.' He answered, watching the Twelve below as they went on and about. Cifaro eyed Charles as he walked out of their makeshift cave and started yelling at the others. 'It is the element of secrecy as well.' This time, he looked at Tamara. 'Air is for reverence.' His golden eyes shifted to Courtney, who was earnestly trying to get the others to go back to their respective jobs. She was ignored, though, which made her feel infuriated.

Valeriana closely observed each member of the Twelve, somehow realizing that, they were, after all, the perfect team, each accounting for an element.

'Air symbolizes freedom too.' The girl had a feeling it was Elfre he was talking about. 'Fire is for passion.' The only ones who wielded fire within the Twelve were Corvan and Zevlin, who on Earth was he talking about? 'But it also accounts for authority and power, not to mention mischief and impulsiveness—even grace and vainness.'

"Let me guess? Corvan, Zevlin, and Raziel respectively?"

'Earth is for unity.'

This was probably Keelan he was talking about. That guy had a knack of keeping fights in place. At that realization, she smiled.

'It's firmness—fair, accommodating.'

Was it Brindon?

'Lastly, spirit is calmness—tranquility within the eye of the storm. It is support and protection—even healing and rebirth.'

Rowe and Aneeka conversed, close as always. The closeness of the two was undeniable, seeing as they were related to each other more than co-rankers. From what Valeriana knew, Aneeka was the family knight of the Nevans, personal protector of the second-ranker. The only one missing was Genevieve.

'Most importantly, spirit is the core, it's the one responsible for keeping everything together. Combine it all, it becomes one entity. That exactly is the factor that makes your team the perfect combination.'

Cifaro gazed at her kindly. 'Will I let thee in on a secret?'

"What is it?"

'The original Celestial Knights, do you know of them?'

"Yeah . . . what about them?"

'Perhaps thou art also aware that thy team is reenacting their positions as tradition to honor them?'

"I guess so."

'Well, contrary to what you know, the Celestial Knights were not twelve. They were thirteen.'


Her voice echoed throughout the entire mountain out of shock and the beast responded with a small laugh. And while she was busy trying to wrap her mind around the fact that what she knew had been a lie, voices called her down.


Well, you learn something new every day.

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