Chapter Sixty ۞ Captive

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Valeriana ran up to Gavin with the boy tailing her but stopped short when she was halfway. He had confronted Alovia while she was bound and laying on the floor. People were staring at her in ridicule, as though disgusted by her thrashing and screaming.

"Countess Alovia Sidar." He announced, his voice deep and unrecognizable.

"I will have you all executed, you worthless commoners!" She exclaimed. "You barbarians, good-for-nothings! Let me go this instant! Once this hideout is found, I will have this place burned down to the ground!"

"Your power and position matters not in here." He then waved to the guys holding her down and said, "Take her away."

"Gavin!" She exclaimed. It only occurred to her after a few moments that she said the wrong name and tried to recover instead. "Where is Gavin? Where have you taken him?!" She exclaimed, swallowing heavily as she walked forward.

Ooh. Almost slipped.

Gavin almost froze in place when he heard his name being called, but smoothly turned to meet her eyes. "Omar, why have you allowed this girl out of the tent? Did I not tell you to keep her in place?" He approached.

Alovia eyed Valeriana as she was dragged away. Valeriana watched Falcon make his way towards her and stop when he was but a step away.

"You've got to listen to me." She whispered in a low voice, her eyes widened with urgency. "Something is wrong. If you say the Guardian Beasts have been acting strangely, then that means they may have been affected by the infection."

"What nonsense are you talking about? If this is your way of tricking me—"

"No, I'm not." She firmly insisted. "I'm not tricking you. It's true. There is a riddle about this. From front to back will point a star. To the left and right its sweeping starts. When the head turns black like coal, the moon will bleed to our goal. Obtain the cross, face a loss. Break the shield, start the wield. Rubies will open by the morning light."

"And you are saying?"

"We thought the directions said north, south, east, and west, but if my hunches are correct, we are wrong." She breathed out nervously as she played with the ropes that bound her wrists. The chaffing hurt a lot, but she was in no position to complain. "Preluresia went first. Arlandia might've been next."

"This is none of my—"

"It is your business!" She practically stomped her feet. "You care so much about the people of this continent—the less fortunate ones. If you don't do something, I don't know what'll happen. You aren't stupid but you probably don't know what Guardian Beasts can do—much less demon Guardian Beasts!"

"So what are you saying?"

"Do something!" She exclaimed. "Get these people out of here!"

"I can't do that." He said, walking off.

"Why not?!" Valeriana followed him and Omar strictly tailed her. "I'm telling the truth!"

"With no basis. I have no time to listen to the words of someone I do not trust."

"Well then, Corvan will tell you." She said. "But, hey, newsflash! He isn't here."

"Omar." Gavin impatiently turned to the boy. "Silence this girl. If she does not quit badgering me, I will have her punished severely. You would not want to end up harmed, Valeriana. Stop testing my patience."

"Jerk!" She exclaimed. "You people are jerks! You and Corvan! No wonder you're cou—"

Gavin gave her a glare.

Instantly, she shut her mouth. Omar grabbed her bound wrists and towed her away. "Come." The boy said.

"Lock her up, make sure she doesn't escape."

Valeriana did not know what happened, but she found herself being put behind bars. Omar shook his head at her as she sulked in the corner and gave him the meanest glare she could muster. The boy shook his head and walked off.

"You earned that."

"I did not earn anything!" She told him with spite. "This is misjudgment! Injustice!"

Omar rolled his eyes. "Emir, watch over them."

"Will do." Emir nodded. His body was riddled with scars, his skin dark from too much exposure to the sun. He had a sturdy built that made him look like he came out of a wrestling match.

She hugged her knees close to her chest and complained loudly, "Really. They are cousins alright!" She exclaimed. "It runs in the blood. They're jerks. All jerks. Jerks. Jerks. Jerks. Jack-asses. Meanies. Stuck-up pricks. Ugggghhhh! Why don't they listen? Prideful dudes. I don't get their egos!"

"You! You are called Valeriana, right? Where is Corvan?" A person next to her whispered. "You should know where he is! You were with him and Gavin when he left."

Valeriana jumped when she heard the question and saw Alovia staring at her from across the bars next to hers. "Oh, Jesus!" She exclaimed. "Don't scare me like that. I've had enough of people scaring me to death."

"He needs to get me out of here. These people will kill me!" Alovia looked genuinely struck with fear as she eyed the guy outside. He had that constant glare as though it would make her shut her mouth and stop her from complaining—which worked, actually.

Valeriana rolled her eyes. "As you can see, you aren't the only one they're holding hostage. If it isn't already clear to you, I don't exactly have an idea where they are right now." She told her.

"I don't know what he saw in you."

"Oh. I don't know too." She shrugged. "Probably because I'm not chasing him, insisting I be his fiancée and all those stuff. It really is unsightly for girls to . . . push themselves into guys."

"Then what did you do to garner his attention?" Alovia fumed. "We've known each other since childhood. While you . . ."

"Word of advice." Valeriana points up a finger. "Love gurus say guys don't like desperate girls and are into girls who give a chase. I guess it's because it keeps them excited." She then paused and realized how she sounded. "Ew, that sounded weird. I'm not implying I'm like that with Corvan, though. We aren't even—wait, that sounded wrong. I'm not trying to say that I—"

"Are you telling me you did what?"

"Look. Can we stop talking about this because, clearly, it doesn't make any sense. And don't get me started on Corvan. He's . . . we . . . ugh, never mind. Now I'm ranting because I'm upset. Don't talk to me."

"I'm not done—"

"I said don't talk to me. I'm trying to think." She told her. "I need to know where they're hiding Avaro."

"I am—"

The man outside the bars the two of them were locked in glared at Alovia, forcing her to shut her mouth. The countess could not do anything in exception for cowering in the corner. Traumatized, obviously, she pulled her knees close to her chest and started sobbing.

"I didn't know things would be like this. Please let me go home." Alovia muttered. "I just want to be home."

Distracted by her sobs, Valeriana rolled her eyes. "What are you crying about?" She muttered.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" She exclaimed. "I am kidnapped! In the middle of the desert where the sun is directly above me and it's searing hot! It's normal to cry! Why are you not crying? There is this hoodlum next to me who wields an axe and you expect me not to cry! For all I know, he's going to cut of my fingers one-by-one the next few moments!"

She did have a point. Of all the places they were locked up in, it had to be this tight, little, cage-like things that were directly above the sun. If Valeriana stayed here any longer, she might get sunburn.

"You can expect he'll do that if you don't shut up." Valeriana told her, sighing loudly. "Did you really just ask me why I'm not crying?" She asked. "This isn't the first time I've been in this kind of situation. Trust me, I've been through worse. Stop making this just about you. That's the reason why you're here. Why don't you wipe that snot off your face and think about why you're there screaming your throats out? Goodness gracious. These noble people are making my head ache! Why are you guys so self-centered? Their hubris really gets them in trouble. Ugh. Why is this world so complicated? If only I have something in here with me . . ."

She felt her pockets for something when she suddenly felt Cifaro in his crystal form in one of her pockets. Her eyes widened as an idea came and popped inside her brain.

"Seriously. I don't remember putting this here but somehow, he's always where I need him." She smirked.

In exception for a few cells around them holding men captive and these guards standing rigidly, there weren't too many people in the immediate vicinity. The guard to her right was dozing off and the other was fanning himself, looking as though he would faint from the heat.

She had to do something to get them to leave.

"I don't have great acting skills to deceive them." She muttered softly with slight disappointment. "If only I could be like Tamara. But . . . there is one thing I'm good at." She smirked. "Hehe."

Valeriana cleared her throat, trying to erase the smile from her face. Somehow, she was getting a déjà vu out of this. "Hey, hey, Mr. Guard."

The hoodlum, as Alovia crudely described him, looked over his shoulder and gave her a brow raise.

"Knock knock."


"Ugh. You people are hopeless. When I say knock knock, you say who's there! Like, knock knock! Who's there? Mickey! Mickey who? God, I'm so tired repeating that."

The man grunted.

"If you don't, I'll annoy you." She said. "I may be no good at a lot of things, but I'm pretty good at that. You wanna see me try?"

He grunted again and looked away, ignoring her.

She huffed. "I'm also not good at singing. Wanna try me?"

He ignored her.

"You're trying my patience. Well, then . . ." She started clearing her throat, taking a deep breath before—"Sometimes I-aaah wake up by the doo—OOOH! That heart you caaaaaught must be waiting for yo—OOOWHOOOAH! Even no-aaawww when we're already ooovVER! I can't help myself from looking for yo-OOOWHOOOAH! I SET FIREEEEE! TO THE RAIIIN!"

Alovia stopped crying and started staring at Valeriana in horror. "Oh my god, you sound like a whale!" She covered her ears. "My ears are bleeding! MAKE HER STOP!"

Nevertheless, being all too familiar with the insults, she continued. "BABY BU—UUUUUHHHHHHHHWHOOOAAAAAAAARRRRRNNNNNN!"

As of the moment, Valeriana belted at the top of her lungs. Her cries resembled that of a banshee's so much everyone around her were startled to death and horrified to the bones.

She could hear everyone around her scampering to leave. The prisoners became rowdy in their cells and started yelling to be taken out.

The guard she was trying to annoy was in a near-death state. She didn't know how to describe the expression he had on his face, but that seemed like the best description. Without any warning, his fists flew and smashed against the rusting bars, causing a loud clang. Valeriana jumped at the sound and stopped—to everyone's relief.


"Alright! Stop it for the sake of Arland!" He exclaimed.

The guards have already left the vicinity and the prisoners were grumbling complains under their breaths.

Valeriana smiled evilly. "Knock knock."

"Who's there?" He grumbled unhappily.

"Sierra vu eldon sith."

"Sierra vu eldon sith wh—"

Without warning, Cifaro transformed in her hands and she leaped forward, pulling him against the cage with both her hands and the blade pressed against the skin of his neck. Valeriana could hear his breath lodging in his throat as she mustered every threatening and malicious sound to coat her voice.

"Sierra vu eldon sith you'll get me out of here or I'll slice your neck."

Easy, Valeriana. She told herself. Maintain the poker-face. You can't really kill him because it doesn't harm anyone physically. But, hey, maybe it can kill him because it'll slice his soul.

Without any warning, the man slid down. The struggle left his body and he became a lifeless heap against her cell. Valeriana was shocked at the suddenness that she squeaked, losing all the bravery she had seconds ago. Her eyes strained to detect any changes in his aura and saw that it was flaring much more weakly.

"Oh gods no. I didn't really do it, did I?"

She reached for the ring of keys on his belt anyhow and unlocked the door to her prison with a little bit of struggle. Valeriana sheathed Cifaro on the ivory sheath Aneeka had given to her as a present, glad to have finally put it to use. She crept out to her freedom and examined the man. To her eyes, his aura had a . . . lesion. A wound. So he fainted because of . . . this was exactly why Seraphina did not want her to use this on people. Just pressing it against his neck caused him to faint!

"I don't know what to do but I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." She told him guiltily. "I didn't mean to take it too far!"

The prisoners, seeing her escape, yelled at her.

"Take me out!"

"I'll pay you however much you want!"

One in particular was dressed finely like a rich man. He was probably a victim of one of Gavin's raids. Or Falcon. Whatever.

"Valeriana!" Alovia yelled. "You aren't going to leave me—"

"Sorry. I've got other business to attend to. I'll come back later, though."

"Hey! You cannot just leave!"

Valeriana felt like crap and probably looked more like crap. She took the stained, white cloth she used as a scarf and wrapped it around her face. Since she wasn't dressed too differently from the other people, she should be able to blend in a bit. She had to find out where they could be keeping Avaro.

She snuck out of where they imprisoned her and started looking around cautiously for any clues. Anyhow, she did not know where to start. She did not know what to do from that point on since she did not plan anything in advance.

"Damn. What I'd do for Charles to be here." She muttered, pressing her back against a wall. She found a small hideout on a corner of what seemed like a street—between two insanely large rocks and a couple of what seemed like crates. There weren't much passers-by.

'Hast thou foundst thy way yet, Valeriana?'

She jumped at the sudden voice that seemed to be coming from her sword. "Cifaro, is that you?"

'Yes. 'Tis I, lheuim ansur.'

"Oh my god, I'm so glad. I'm looking for Avaro. You don't need filling in, right?"

'I'm quite aware of the situation. I've been listening.'

"Um . . . okay." She hesitantly answered. "Anyhow, do you have any idea where Avaro is?"

'Thy must follow where the fire burns.'

"What do you mean?"

'The Guardian Beast thou art seeking—his body is the quintessence of fire. Thou art a Direct Controller. Therefore, thou shouldst see and feel his presence.'

"Yeah, well . . . I don't exactly have the hang of the Direct Controller thing yet."

'Nonsense. Thou must try.'

"How exactly am I going to do it, anyhow?"

There were numerous yells of distress and she heard a thudding chorus of footsteps that sounded like a stampede. At first, she could not discern what they were yelling about until she heard one, clear exclamation.

"A prisoner has escaped! Scour the place! She can't be far!"

"Oh, damn, I'm screwed."

She did not know what to do and she wasn't confident in her escaping skills. This situation pinned her to the spot she had chosen as her hiding place and strained her brain to think of possible ways she could evade being captured once more.

'Valeriana, someone approaches.'

The fifth-ranker crawled farther down the alleyway, not knowing what to do. Fortunately, she had chosen a building situated against rocky walls and found a small gap she could hide in. She squeezed herself in the narrow space and decided she wasn't comfortable staying there at all.

'Hurry, Valeriana. That person is getting nearer.'

Footsteps invaded her hearing and she attempted to scale the walls, panicking she might be found. She shoved her foot on small crevices and used the wall behind her as support for climbing. The narrow space was an advantage.

"Crap. Crap." She muttered under her voice.

"Valeriana." A voice called out her name, ringing low. "Come out. It's me."

Her eyes widened at the realization of who it belonged to and got a little excited she lost her footing and tumbled back down. A loud thump caused her to fall down to her rear end and grunt. She scratched her arm as she slid down and hissed at the sharp pain it sent up to her brain.

"Corvan?" Her voice came out louder than she wanted it to as the first-ranker rushed to her field of vision. He whipped around and when he set his eyes on her, he gave her a frown—like always. "Corvan. Gods, I'm so—"

"You stupid girl. Not too loud." He said. "What are you doing?"

"I thought you were a—so I . . ."

"Never mind. Gavin and Avaro. Where are they?" He took her by the arms and pulled her up to her feet.

"Avaro is being held captive and Gavin . . . he . . . um . . ." She averted her gaze and chuckled nervously. "I don't know what they did to him."

"It can't be helped, then. Were you given any idea where they've kept Avaro?"

"Gav—" She cleared her throat. "I mean, Falcon. The leader. He told me that he's keeping Avaro with an ember crystal if I heard him right." She looked up at the first-ranker's serious face and thought for a moment. "How did you know where to find me?"

"I heard someone singing and I could not be mistaken who it was." He gave her a questioning glance to which she responded with a crooked smile. "So I followed you."

"Well, what took you so long?"

"I could not exactly act rashly when there are eyes." He sighed. "Anyhow, let's go."

"Oh. They're keeping Alovia—"

"Let her be. She can be saved later."

"Wow." She whistled as he strutted forward, leaving her standing there shaking her head. Under her breath, she murmured, "You're a jerk alright. You and your cousin."

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