Chapter Sixty-One ۞ Confrontation (pt. 2)

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Sunlight streamed through the hole where Valeriana remembered herself falling through. It was quite a fall, actually. As of the moment, she was groaning and grunting from the pain. She took a deep breath, as she found it hard to breathe all of a sudden after having the air knocked out of her lungs.

"I should've listened and stayed." She muttered in utter regret. "Why don't I ever listen? Because I'm an stupid, obstinate commoner. Right."

She closed her eyes for a moment and let the aching pass. There is loss in stupidity and death in a fool, she reminded herself. She could hear the guards coming over where she had been. As though electrocuted, Valeriana scampered to get away and hide in the shadows of the cave she ended up in, clutching her throbbing sides as she set her back against the cold and damp wall.

Her eyes were greeted by a luminescent cave. The ceiling and walls were ridden with glowing crystals of all varieties, glowing all sorts of colors in different shades—bright blue, purple, green, yellow, silver, and more.

For the second time that minute, she had her breath taken away—though in a better way than the last.

"You think she's in there?" Said a man.

Taking this as her cue, she forced herself to stand and head into the mysterious cavern, the adventurous side to her coming out and urging her to explore. Seemed as though the Ash Canyons was not entirely made of ash after all.

She trekked down the rocky floor, feeling the ground so slippery under her feet. She could hear it crumble as she accidentally fell on her rear end and slid down. A new wave of pain attacked her backside and she ended up howling, her voice echoing bouncing off the walls.

"Dammit! Why do I have to fall over every time? I should get my cerebellum checked!" She exclaimed, pulling herself to her feet once more. "Ugh. I don't get how one person can be so clumsy."

She dusted the back of her pants and noticed her clothes were damp. She grimaced in disgust and wiped her hands with her clothes and continued moving, pressing her palms against the wall to help balance herself just in case she fell over again.

With the dim light within the cave, everything seemed so magical. Even so, she did not know where she was headed.

"How can a cave in the middle of the desert be this damp?" She asked aloud, the echo of her voice bouncing back at her. "It's almost like there's a running river . . ."

And true to her guesses, as she took a step forward, her foot sank into a pool of running water. The current was gentle as it rounded her ankles. Valeriana gasped in shock as she looked down at it in wonder, her eyes following the flow of the water as it meandered down the path to her right.

Curious, she followed it. The water was cool at her feet and was really refreshing. The cave was a lot cooler than the air outside, so she bent down, cupped her hands, and splashed water on her face.

"That hit the spot." She said. "I wonder if this is potable—but I just stepped on it. Never mind."

Valeriana followed the trail, looking around with childlike curiosity and wariness. As she continued, her ears picked up the sound of a waterfall nearby. The cave was getting darker and darker—the glowing crystals embedded in the cave walls were becoming scarce. Valeriana looked around, tensed. Fingering a gem on the wall which was a beautiful translucent blue, she caressed the unpolished surface. She looked around her and saw a pointed stone from the floor. She picked it up and started digging through the rock by beating it repeatedly, hoping it would crumble.

Luckily, it worked. Crumbles and dust puffed and misted the air. When she finally managed to free the gem, she noticed it lighted up in her hands like a star. It was then that she recognized the familiar rippling it had inside. It was similar to the stone Gavin had shown her before.

If she wasn't mistaken, this was supposed to be called an . . .

"Ember crystal." She spoke aloud, realizing what that meant.

She looked around the cave, letting the gem light up her surroundings. It was bright enough, but not that bright.

Valeriana took a step forward only to slip and fall for the umpteenth time. This was quite another fall. She hit water and was submerged. Shocked, she rose to the surface and gasped, her feet touching the bottom. She then waded through and climbed out, soaking wet.

It did feel refreshing since it was so hot before. It helped remove the sticky feeling, but now, she had to bear with the uncomfortable heaviness of her clothes.

"God, what a day." She muttered. "Put me on the edge of the cliff and I'll probably fall to my death."

She slumped on the ground and rolled to her back, looking up to the sky.

Wait a moment. Sky? Her brows rose and knitted at the same time as she took in the sight. From what she remembered, it was still day and she hadn't gone in too long. However, before her was a sky ridden with stars.

No. Those weren't stars.

They were gems. Ember crystals to be more precise.

"Wow." She said.

'Valeriana.' Cifaro spoke beside her.

She looked down at her waist, where Cifaro, in his sword form, was sheathed. "Oh, great. You're still on? Didn't waste your energy?"

'I preserved it so that I can stay by thee.' He told her. 'Thou hast not listened to the boy once again. He will get furious once he knows.'

"Forget about that guy. At least I found this place." She panted. "You don't think Avaro's in here?"

"Like I said, thou must follow where the fire burns."

"What exactly did you mean by that?"

"I, myself, am unaware where exactly Avaro is. However, these crystals will give you a descent clue."

"What clue?"

'They glow brighter when there is a celestial beast with the element of fire nearby. This is because they absorb the essence of fire the beasts have. When they absorb too much of this essence, the beast dies. And, in turn, they are as bright until the fire inside themselves die and they turn into dull rocks.'

"But why would such parasitic crystals exist within the caves of the very home of the beasts?" She asked Cifaro. "Were these things here before?"

'I am unsure for this is not my home, Valeriana. If thou dost not recall, I came from Preluresia.'

"Yeah, sorry. So if they absorb energy, and these crystals are bright, that must mean somebody was here, at least." She stood and dusted her backside, grimacing from her clothes sticking against her skin. "I'd kill for something not wet."

'Looking at the brightness of these stones, Valeriana. They must've been many.'

"Wait. Hold up." She said. "Are these crystals the reason why Avaro's clan fled the area?"

'Perhaps. That is a palpable idea.'

"Alright. We need to find out. Let's go, Cifaro."

Valeriana stared at the glowing stone in her hand and tried to determine where Avaro must be. There was only one path open before her. It was an opening that led to a particularly bright part.

"If we take that way, will we reach the sun or something?" She asked.

'That does not seem the case, lheuim ansur.'

"Let's go see anyway." Val told him.

She then took the path and let the stone light her way. When she got in halfway, she noticed the crystal she was holding was brighter than it was before they came in. The darkness was better combated. Valeriana continued.

They reached a fork in the road. To her left, she could see the brightness coming from daylight, and to her right, was a radiant moonlit color. Valeriana decided to take the right path and rounded to a room filled with ember crystals.

The brightness was blinding, but what shocked her the most was the sight of a guardian beast laying weakened in the middle of the chamber.

"Avaro!" She exclaimed.

The twin-tailed lion was breathing heavily. His snow-white fur seemed to be decaying.

"God, what's going on?" She worriedly whispered, her heart rate speeding up with worry and anxiety.

'Thou must get him out of here, Valeriana! If his energy is absorbed, this beast will die!"

She stared at his shackled legs and ran her fingers through his mane. She then took out Cifaro and hit the chains with him, hoping they would give. She tried repeatedly, but then failed.

"Shucks, I forgot he can't cut through anything." She grunted. "A bummer you are, Cifaro."

'Tis not my fault, lheuim ansur.'

"But how do I get him out of here?"

'I may return to my dormant estate if I help thee.'

"It's alright. Do it. We have no choice."

'Thou permits this beast then.'

"Yeah. Do whatever you will! Just get him out of here!"

The wind picked up around them. The moment reminded her of the time she fought a battle with Courtney, when the currents started getting stronger. However, the winds seemed to be focused solely on the chains at Avaro's feet.

Though she could not see what was happening, Valeriana could sense a bout of tornado forming. And when it got too fast, it finally became visible. The winds coiled until they got so thin, and so sharp—like a knife. Without further ado, the shackles broke, and Cifaro simultaneously turned into his crystal self.

Valeriana pocketed him, pulled Avaro by the legs, and started dragging him to the direction of the exit. The girl apologized if he was being wounded by the floor, but she had not enough strength to carry him, so she had no choice. She was trying her best.

When she finally got him to the opening of the cave, Valeriana bent down and started running her fingers through Avaro's fur. She then realized she still had the ember crystal with Cifaro and threw it to her right, wanting that wretched thing away from the beast.

"Avaro?" She shook him. "Avaro, please wake up!"

The previously magnificent beast was nowhere near his prime self. She caressed his curled and limp wings. The decaying color of his fur did not look so good.

"Holy freaking fudge." She whispered, panicking. "Avaro! Shucks! I can't—god. I need help. Corvan. Ugh. If he only had a cellphone dammit! I can't even do those distress signal thingies they did back in—gosh, what am I gonna do?"

Avaro twitched.

This gave Valeriana some hope. "Avaro?"

He moved again. Her breath hitched.

'No . . .' The guardian beast tried to lift his wings only to fall flat once again.

"Avaro. You're awake. Thank gods."

'No. Thou must not come near!' He exclaimed.

His eyes suddenly shot open. The lines were exaggerated around his nose and eyes and he looked frantic, his teeth bared. Valeriana backed when he growled so loud, intimidated by the sudden rise of his temper.

"Avaro! It's me—it's Valeriana! Calm down!"

His pupils were dilated and his fur were practically stiff. The decaying color suddenly got worse, eating away at the white parts left of him. Valeriana trembled in fear, unsure what was happening.


He roared, the sound so loud that the current fifth had to cover her ears. She scrambled to get away, watching as Avaro's sclera and fur turned a pure black and his irises a daunting color of red.

"No . . . what is going . . ." Valeriana was breathing hard. "Turning into dem—that can't be . . . how did this—"

And now she noticed it. The aura. It was the aura once more. Something was eating away at his aura.

"The infection." She muttered.

Avaro roared once again. His eyes turned to the girl standing a few steps away from him and he growled low, as though all of his rationality left him. He advanced, slow, and terrifyingly predator-like.

"Avaro. Come back." Valeriana pleaded, her palms out to ensure him she meant no harm.

Still, he did not listen and continued to advance.

He pounced.

Valeriana dove for the ground and rolled away from him. Her back landed on a rock that she gasped in pain and reached for the item, only to realize it wasn't exactly a rock, but more of a crystal—the one she threw earlier.

She stood and, as stupid as the idea might've been, she waved the crystal in front of her, trying to test if it was still effective.

Avaro's shackles rose when he saw what she was doing and snarled. He backed off—which was a good thing that moment.

"I heard something over here!" Yelled a voice.

Soldiers rounded from the corner and caught sight of them. Shocked, the men stopped and pointed their weapons at the beast.


Avaro glanced warily their way as more approached. He backed away, as though intimidated, turned his eyes momentarily at Valeriana, and growled. He then spread his wings and, with a huge beat, flew off.

I never thought I'd be so glad to see these guys.

When Avaro flew off, she looked at the guards, pocketed the ember crystal alongside Cifaro, and gave them a nod.

"Take me to Gavin."

They looked at her, confused.

"I mean Falcon." She said. "Since you just saw that, you must know what that means."

They came forward, disbelieving.

She held up her hands in surrender to ensure them she wasn't planning anything. "You have families." Valeriana started, and they stopped. "I'm not sure what'll happen next, but it may put them all in danger. I need you to take me to Falcon and let me tell him what happened."

They exchanged glances, looked back at Valeriana, hesitance showing in their eyes.

"I won't do anything stupid, I promise. I just need to tell him what's going on. If I don't, I'm scared about what'll happen." She was feeling so helpless that moment. "Please.

Oh god here it goes . . .

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