Chapter Ten ۞ The Return

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Valeriana did not want to recall what happened between her and Corvan, however, it only seemed like he had completely forgotten about it. Either that or he was trying to forget about it.

It was awkward. It seemed that she dragged them down again. The whole ritual with the 'send off' took a while, and it was unexpected for everyone who were rushing because of the zap on their energy. It made the whole purpose of 'speeding things up' in vain, making her feel bad again.

Even so, they said that it gave them time to rest and recover their energy. She noticed that the time she 'rose', they were all camping. For the meantime, they called off their familiars until it was time to summon them again.

"Here you go, Valeriana." Aneeka gave her a rare, proud smile that she returned with her own. "I tried to find the best carrying belt for that weapon."

The tenth's gift was one that came with a similar color to Cifaro. It had ivory white leather and a silver clasp to help hold it in place. It was much simpler than the sword's intricate design, but it was enough to balance out the ostentatiousness of its appearance. In fact, it accentuated its beauty further.

"Thanks! But, I don't want to refer to this as just a 'weapon' or a 'sword'." She gave it a fond look. "I at least want him to be called my partner of some sort. If not, maybe Cifaro would be fine."

Aneeka shook her head but found the smile lingering. "Well, whatever you say." She briefly paused. "I tried to find the best carrying belt for Cifaro." She rephrased. "Is that better?"

Valeriana nodded. Soon after she received the belt, the sword sort of popped and reverted back to its crystal form.

"What? What happened?" She eyed it with confusion.

What made it weirder was that the crystal lost its shimmer and glossiness. The color turned gray and gloomy, in comparison to its former self.

"Hm." Tamara came forward after she saw the sudden turn of events and looked down at it scrutinizingly. "Does it lose 'charge'?" She sipped on the drinking cup she held as she wondered.

"It loses 'charge'?" Valeriana repeated.

"What happened?" Genevieve asked, approaching the bevy of her co-female rankers.

"It sort of just . . . popped and became like this."

They all stood there, pondering.

"That only means you have a time limit until you can use it again." The younger twin later concluded.

"Does the color have something to do with it?"

"Maybe it returns to its original color when you can use it again?"

"Aw." She sighed in disappointment. "And this belt looks awesome too."

"Keep it." Said Aneeka. "It's able to carry two swords at once. Keep the one vacant and carry another one just in case. If Cifaro transforms, he'll have somewhere to sit in."

"You'll have to find a safe place to put the crystal in, though. What if you lose it?" Genevieve worriedly quipped.

"I'll find something . . ." She trailed off. "Are you guys feeling fine already?" Valeriana guiltily asked them, specifically Tamara.


"Though I want to put a blame on somebody, I wouldn't dare do that to you, my dear." Raziel overdramatically responded, giving her his trademark smile as he slipped between the girls. "Energy is a renewable resource but you are irreplaceable."

Valeriana turned to him as soon as he spoke, only to turn around again and roll her eyes. Talk about pick-up lines.

"It isn't a big deal. We have spare energy formulas Charles brought in case." Tamara held up a warm cup of it in front of Valeriana and flashed the girl a wink. "I'm all up and ready to go!"

Rowe looked kind as ever as he joined the conversation. "You need not worry, Valeriana."

"The matters you attended wasn't exactly trivial." Charles reasoned out from behind them, causing all heads to automatically shift to him. He seemed problemaic as he continued to glare down at his note. "However, it seems we're truly late for the ship. We won't get there in time."

"That's okay! Keelan looves land!"

"Love." Brindon repeated.

"Keelan hates ship!"

It seemed weird to have the person referring to himself, but with Keelan doing it, it was strangely cute.


The eleventh and twelfth made quite a queer duo, but they both made the atmosphere a lot lighter. Their antics alone made everyone smile.

Ignoring the statement of the two, the discussion was further pursued.

Corvan's face was blunt and arrogant as he jumped in, never looking up from the work he was doing. The bunch swords he we examining was piled up on the spot beside him.

What was he doing that for anyway?

"Who said we won't?" The first-ranker stated.

"I beg your pardon, Corvan. But based on my caculations, we will not reach it even through the maximum speed of our familiars." Charles began.

"You own the shipping line. More than half of the boats parked on that port are yours." Elfre looked impatient as she commented over her shoulder. "Can't you do something about it?"

"Contrary to your statement, there is one other person here who owns half of that 'more than half' you said was mine." Their gazes turned to Tamara, who looked forward in boredom. "Besides, what did I say about me knowing the itinerary of each ship? I cannot just insert ourselves all of a sudden. Each of those ship carry important goods for valued customers. I should let you know that this shipping line is heavily responsible for spreading the food supply coming from both Arlandia and Denovegasia, especially in--"

"Yeah, alright! We get it. So we can't use your boat, what the hell do we do?" Zevlin cut him off, seeing as his rant was wasting valued time not to mention was useless, already known information.

"Hey, there's this strange thing I saw in a book before." Valeriana started, pocketing the jewel for the meantime in her innermost coat. "What's the Sonar? I heard it was done by familiars."

Those who knew of the term exchanged bewildered glances.

Courtney, who had been listening a few steps away, turned sharply at her suggestion. "Are you crazy?!"

The girl's hands shot up in surrender. "Hey! I wasn't asking you guys to do it!"

"The process requires the team work of three or more familiars without exceeding seven. Any of which in between." Zion quipped, his sudden elucidation acquiring their attention.

The man, who had been silent for quite a while now, was acting really strange for someone with his personality. Now that she noticed, he hadn't even spoken to her once ever since she 'came back'. He did not nag her, talk to her, or pester her in any way. Though it was strange, she was quite glad he respected the terms they came to.

"It can come in any combination so long as there are two water elements and at least one of fire." The non-ranker continued. "With this method, forget about the port. We can go straight to the Central Continent in just as short as five minutes."

"What about them?" The twins pointed to the injured survivors.

"We'll . . . drop them off?" Zion hesitated.

"Perfect! We have Marius, Iolani and Avaro for the job." Genevieve clapped her hands excitedly. "So how do we do it?"


It was a few moments later that everyone moved under Zion's instruction. Corvan did not seem to like this as the look of victory on his archenemy's face irked him to great extent. It was obvious, judging by the maniacal laugh of the non-ranker and the inexplicable frown on the first's face.

To the group's relief, Tamara was well-versed in the matter as well, so she helped in organizing everything.

The necessary preparations for the trip was done, so was the one for the long-awaited 'launch'. The familiars were summoned for the second time and everyone gathered around for it.

The three main elements were in the middle and the formation resembled a pyramid. With Avaro and Corvan spearheading, Iolani and Marius with Tamara and Charles by their side, Alva and Cheveyo stood still behind them with their corresponding contractors.

With the words they were told to chant at the same time reverberating within their minds, they opened their mouths simultaneously and recited.

'Vileamis Neimuer en doul vu wier, sath er ensi . . .'

Avaro's fire flared along with the other elements as the chanting started. The sky was dark and starry at the same time, with the crescent moon hanging above.

Valeriana was feeling giddy as heck. Apparently, the whole thing would resemble a rocket launching. The fluttering sensation pooling in her stomach resembled the one from before when she decided to ride that slingshot at the amusement park--the thrill before the ride.

All geared up and ready to go, she waited for the initial part to finish up and watched, along with the others, in anticipation. Keelan, however, was shaking like a leaf from where he was and clinging to Brindon as though doing so would exempt him from it.

"I choose the boat, I choose the boat, I choose the boat, I choose the boat . . ." He repeatedly chanted, his eyes shut close and his teeth gritted.

"The boat." Brindon added.

"Oh, please, you won't die." Elfre told him, rolling her eyes. "At least, if it went fine." She quickly added.

"Stooopp! I don't want to hear it!" The strawberry blonde covered his ears, removing his arms around Brindon.

"Keelan--" The twins started.

"Please--" Courtney began as well.

"Shut up!" Zion yelled.

Aneeka simply readied her gun.

"It's okay--" Valeriana tried to console him.


The childish response earned sighs and matching groans.



Aneeka cocked her gun, but still no results.

"I'll bake you a cake." Valeriana said simply.

The eleventh stopped and beamed at the fifth. "--LALA, okay."

The injured were watching them from the background, amused at their weird antics but did not say anything. They did not take much part in anything because of their condition, but repeatedly did their best to offer their services.

The chanting of the five continued.

'Este al gila doth . . .'

The familiars' physical form seemed to 'melt' somehow. They disappeared to some extent , instead, blending with the colors surrounding them. Majority of it was blue, for both Iolani and Marius, eventually Avaro. Cheveyo was white and Alva was in a purplish shade. Their flesh and form dissipated, only leaving behind faint lines and the general shape of their heads.

Valeriana decided to call this state their 'spirit' form as they looked like bodiless souls roaming around randomly. They then rose slowly up to the air. Despite this action, their contractors proceeded with their current action, never losing a beat. Within a moment, they were flying in circles, gradually gaining speed until they eventually disappeared as mere lines, forming a huge halo.

After a while, the light expanded, spread, and constructed lines that made up the shape of a sphere. The contractors were all swallowed up during the process.

"It's ready." Zion stated.

"It is?" They all chorused.

"What are you guys waiting for?" He waved and ran forward. "Hop on!"

The injured ones were escorted along, and they all entered the mystical sphere that was supposed to carry them off.

The inside was like a heaven of colors, fluttering and sparkling around them. The floor was firm like marble and provided a three hundred and sixty degrees view of all directions as though it was glass they were seeing. They expected it to be somewhat crowded, but it had more room than they thought.

The five were still in their pyramid formation, but seemed to have broken off from the ritual and were bewildered themselves.

'What art thy plans?' A chorus of voices echoed. 'The world before thee shall be traveled in this indestructable shield.'

Apparently, only the five and one extra could hear this.

Corvan remained focused. "At the commencement of this trip, first bring us to the nearest hospital as the first destination so these men can be dropped off." He said, referring to the survivors.

'The others must agree.'

"The others?" Tamara commented loudly.

"I suppose they mean us." Rowe said. "I agree."

"He's the captain, so sure!" Tamara enthusiastically exclaimed.

"I beautifully agree." Raziel smiled.

"I agree." Charles said simply.

The sphere rose from the ground, making each of them make sounds of excitement. They were floating and the floor was see-through, it wasn't exactly what you experience everyday.

"This feels like a spaceship!" Valeriana shouted.

Her statement caused confusion.

"Those floating . . . nevermind. Let's watch sci-fi movies sometimes."

Their ride moved and shot off, gaining speed slowly until everything around them turned into a blur. Smiles tugged on their lips and eyes glinted with rare excitement. Even Brindon, somewhat, was showing his elation in his own kind of way.

"This isn't actually bad." Elfre stated.

Everyone made noises that symbolized they felt the same.

"Yeah, you don't actually feel yourself moving." Zevlin voiced out.

Keelan doubled over and started with his motion sickness problems.

"I will challenge myself to make a painting that seems real." The twelfth stated, his sentences becoming longer.

Valeriana knew him long enough to know that when he spoke a complete sentences and not just clauses or simple phrases, he was excited.

"Ooh. Good one. 3D painting is quite a trend in Earth." The earth girl told him. "I took a picture in one during my trip to Disneyland."

They were about to ask questions so she instantly supported her statement. "3D stands for 3-dimensional and that means lifelike simulations of different graphic formats. That includes paintings, photographs, annnddd movies."

"A movie that seems real?!" They chorused.

Before they could further nag her with the notion, the sphere slowed down and landed in front of a wooden building.

The survivors were escorted out of the sphere, their thanks ringing softly within the room. A healer wearing white overalls came out to meet them and took a bunch of help them assist the injured. When it was ensured they were in good hands, those who assisted slipped back into the sphere and resumed the trip.

'Where does thou wishest to go next?'

"You guys." Tamara started. "It'll be boring if we just head back to the academy."

"What do you suggest?" Rowe asked, smiling at her incoming idea.

"I suggest we go on a WORLLLDDD TOUUURRR on this special, fast-travelling ball." She exclaimed, making everyone cheer.

"Stop." Charles and Corvan simultaneously opposed.

"We should head back to the academy." The young lord said. "Take us there right now."

'The others must agree.'

"I agree." Charles immediately supported.

"I say we don't." Tamara opposed. "I say we go toooo . . . CORVAN'S PLACE! In the heart of the Arlandian Continent, Farstead!"

The entire group instantly agreed.

"No." Corvan antagonistically countered.

"Tch. That place is nothing great!" Zion spat.

"No one asked for your opinion!" Aneeka bellowed at him, her gun ready for draw.

"I agree. It's a good idea." Raziel added. "I'm interested in seeing what the Ember Palace looks like. After all, the prestigious structure was said to be built with one of the most beautiful architectural design from all over the world."

"That leaves a tie. The final answer lies with Rowe."

The second-ranker quietly gazed at everyone, watching their widening and pleading eyes looking his way. Laughing winsomely, he shook his head at the childishness and opened his mouth to reveal his decision.

"Rowe." Aneeka warned.

"I was going to say yes."

The room burst in an ensemble of riotous cheers while Corvan sighed.

"I'm sorry, milord. I could not resist the look on their faces, everyone wanted it."

"Let's get this over with."

"Oh, and please take the scenic route." Tamara added.

They all laughed.

The ball moved in lightning speed. They floated to the night sky, past the fluffy clouds and towards the west. Like a timelapse, they observed the sky change from an elegant blue to an explosion of daylight.


"I want to paint." Brindon said.

They then moved down and sliced through the air. They first saw the rolling hills on the dessert, with wind-wrought patterns on the sands. It was scalding hot, not to mention very bright. Corvan and the other natives of the continent paid no heed to it, though.

Eventually, they flew over towering, green mountains and their misty tips. Below, tilled plains where vegetations were grown came to sight, snaking rivers and occasionally small bodies of water.

A volcano came to sight. The tip was overflowing with lava, red veins tracing down its body. At the foot of it came a colorful city where in the heart rested a series of walls and towering floors. Plated with gold but mostly in the color of red, the Ember Palace stood before them in a prepossessing preeminence and paramountcy. It had long, curving bridges connecting one section to another, with valiant, crimson flags dotting it all-around. The windows were wide. Walls were intentionally lacking on some parts and that gave them view of the floors plated with jade, partnered with skyscraping columns and intricate surface carvings. The tallest tower had a graceful, square dome and a bell peeking through the walls.

Corvan looked apathetic at the sight of his home, but pride showed itself in his eyes.

The city below looked busy, small figures moving about. Despite being high above ground, you could hear the common noises made from down below.

What made everything more beautiful? The fact that the Ember Palace stood on a pedestal above everything else, it overlooked the entire city from a steep elevation, where outside its gates was nothing but a teeming forest and further down was were the houses littered. The uniformity of color in the shades of yellow and red was rather cute to look at.

"I'm not disappointed." Raziel fondly gazed at the building. "The palace shines brighter under the rays of the radiating sun. The mosaic of mirrors on the domes, layered with red, polished asphalt makes it like a glittering jewel in my eyes. Absolutely heartrendering."

Valeriana was pressing her face against the window to take in everything.

"So this is Farstead. Nice home you got, Corvan! Why do you try to hide it from us, anyway?"

Sideline comments erupted from the group.

"You live in that massive thing?" Valeriana was gaping like a fish out of water. "Don't you ever get lost?"

"That place is a maze, admittedly. But it's size is not only for decoration." He told them. "Like the other six, great palaces, this one symbolizes the pride of the country and the people. It's beauty depends on the happiness in the hearts of its citizens. The spots on the walls turn black when someone's unhappy."

"What wall?"

"It's in the innermost hall, you won't see it."


Disappointed comments followed after.

"I know we have all the time in the world, but it's getting late, isn't it?" Rowe began. "And the five of us cannot maintain this sphere any longer."

"It's time to go back to the academy now, huh?" Genevieve grinned.

Courtney crossed her arms. "Let's go."

"Ugh . . ." Keelan tiredly blinked. "We're so high off the ground . . ."

"Not exactly a world tour, but it should suffice." Tamara disappointedly pointed out.

"Alright!" Elfre cheered. "It was enjoyable, though. We did go to Larkovia, then Prelurèsia. Now, Arlandia."

"It's half-the-world tour." The took a chuckle from each and everyone.

Corvan dragged his emerald eyes ahead, a delighted smirk toying with his lips. "Take us to Celeste Academy."

'Dost thou all agreest?'

"We agree!"



"Who said that?"

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